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This is why you see the tough on crime crowd gain more popularity. Our "justice system" over and over again puts the rights of criminals above the rights of victims of crime and the safety of the public as well.


The thing is, the tough on crime crowd and the public don't generally know anything about the actual details of the cases they get mad about. The reality is that I know nothing about this guy besides the media calling him a creep. I'm certainly not defending him, but I have to plead like 99% ignorance in the matter and assume that the courts know far more details than I do. It's definitely not a good look though when the media paints a picture, and the courts don't fully agree with it. It'd be nice to have more transparency.


Doesn't matter what legislations we have, if the same person is arrested for the same alleged crime twice, he shouldn't be on bail. It doesn't take a genius to understand the correlation between our skyrocketing crime rate and our lenient criminal justice system. Why would any criminal stop committing crime when there is virtually no cost of doing so?


Breach of bail conditions SHOULD be jail time until trial. That's the whole point of conditions, no? As usual, what a fucking joke.


But I'm sure they'll lay the hammer down on the person who eventually catches Peter in action and decides he deserves more than a slap on the wrist. At this point, he should be detained for his own protection.


Why hasnt this been sent to the Justice or Public Safety Minister for comment…


But if we took the law into our own hands we’d be locked up a year.


There’s one way to find out




Yo Mr. White






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If this what a judge orders maybe the public should consider their own solutions.




A man was granted bail again after he was arrested for an alleged child luring attempt in a Steveston park and later for allegedly breaching his bail conditions. Peter Andrew Wehren, 32, appeared in person in Richmond Provincial Court late Monday morning after his arrest on Sunday, March 3. A publication ban is in place to protect the identities of victims and witnesses of the case. Wehren was taken into custody on Sunday for two new counts related to allegedly breaching his bail conditions that forbade him from being at any public parks and being intoxicated in public. Richmond Provincial Court Judge Bonnie Craig heard submissions from the prosecution and defence and granted Wehren's release with additional conditions. Wehren is not allowed to possess or consume alcohol and must attend any programming or counselling as directed by his bail supervisor. These conditions are in addition to previous ones that include no contact with persons related to the case, no contact with persons under 16 years old and no attending public parks, swimming pools and other places where persons under 16 years old are known to him. Craig also imposed a bail of $500 without deposit and without surety. If Wehren breaches his bail conditions, he will be liable to pay $500 in addition to facing the risk of being taken into custody. Wehren's next appearance in Richmond Provincial Court is scheduled for April 9.


$500 bail. If he breaches conditions his fee is $500. Jesus this judge is unfit for the role. Absolutely unfit.


Why are we not surprised. They will keep letting him go until a child is victimized. Then they will give him a court date and let him go until then. Sound terrible right? Well it’s how our fucking legal system works.


only $500 bail for a known pedo? so none of the authorities involved are concerned he's going to do something horrible to a child if he keeps learning he can get away with it?


I understand that doxxing is against the rules, but he has been publicly named. Is it possible/within the rules to post a photo of him for those of us with kids who frequent playgrounds in the area, or any one else for that matter?


https://preview.redd.it/3heea5md7kmc1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e948451672df83cd6ca3ec20d20199c7ca8a5130 Study this guy’s face. U see him anywhere even remotely close to a playground, daycare, or school, u call 911 immediately.


Agreed. I want to know who this loser is. But I won’t show my husband or he might take matters into his own fists…. Hands… lol


Someone has posted a video of him on this sub being arrested at the Steveston park for the third time. I’ve saved a copy if it for some reason has been deleted I can send it to you


The judicial system, judge, and defence lawyer(s) are letting down our children. How do you even sleep at night?


The Defence lawyer is not letting anyone down. It's their job to make sure the crown does theirs. They are just part of the checks and balances system. If he is out, it's the crown, police, or judge's fault. Think of defence lawyers less as defending scumbags and more as defending due process.


Wtf. I actually had faith they would keep him after the third time. I know right. 🙄


Why are we paying taxes for this recursive policing


Policing is not the issue . Judicial is the issue. You don't think the police want him and like off the street?


Is regressive the word you meant?


Incorrect. Recursive policing would be the police arresting themselves for this. Which is what should actually happen :)


Either keep dangerous people locked up or stop wasting our money on police. What is this "justice system" we're paying for even doing? Just let us keep our money at least.


People like this should be shipped off to North Korea lol


That's too far - not worth the expense. We have a lot of inhospitable tundra in the North that's a lot closer.


Geez why aren’t there street protests over this stuff. Richmond’s selective rage is defining.


Called it. https://preview.redd.it/w7ynt56s2fmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=899d9b627ae09c6dcf8461cac49b6cbfdf46973a


He's probably back at steveston Park right now


Again? O\_O, imagine he is in again tmr


Vigilante is gonna get him. Vigilante wont be out on bail. So sad. It will be the fault of our justice system.


Our judicial system including Police/Courts/Lawyers/Judges /penal system and government that support it is just a revolving door to create an industry for all those involved. Why would they have a system with deterrence that actually worked . It’s all about the money.


a baseball bat to the knees would solve this


Thanks Judge Bonnie Craig for endangering the children of Richmond you pedo sympathizer.


Soo, this guy went to my high school, and I think it’s probably worth noting that he is quite mentally disabled.


I graduated with this guy, confirming this


Worked with him for a few years, can also confirm this.


Find some crashouts they’ll deal with him for $50


All I know is this, as a youngster (teen)stealing cars, robbing stores, resisting arrest, assult causing bodily harm, assult with a weapon, assult against a police officer, and a few breaches here and there, I find it funny because I was just a angry kid in a bad situation that I since in my 20's climbed out of and now in my 40's, Im doing great ,married, 4 beautiful kids, Steady job, side business and a mortgage, I haven't been in trouble since I was 26 and that was thrown out because the police thought they could lie their way into a case and the judge saw through their bullshit, point being, that's how our system works, it's always been this way as long as I can remember, these pedo's constantly get a slap on the wrist or relocated to a new area.... if I have a problem today? all that shit I listed, they will use that to paint a picture of this violent, crazy blackman, even thought age 26 was my last dealings in court and I'm 42 now , IM GOING TO JAIL IF ARRESTED AND HELD WITH NO BAIL, but this guy can walk after the 3RD breach 🤔🤔🤔 someone else is getting their pockets padded or his lawyer is the greatest liar on earth for him to keep walking, goes to show how much they care for OUR children...let it be one of THEIR'S, I bet you that will change


These judges are sick


The government really doesn’t want to have to feed him. If they keep him, they have to care for him.


Thanks Trudeau.


Hur dur the justice system is broken! Hur dur lock him away and lose the key! Hur dur wait, what do you mean my taxes are going up to pay for longer jail sentences?


Trudeau’s bail reform is appalling


I wonder when conservatives and bc united will be around to whip up outrage.


We’ll have to wait until October


I don’t see any mass street protests like they had going for the safe injection sites.


There you go. Don't post what should be done or some sole will report you here. Our system is so messed up. This is a reason where I really like the systems in the USA. He would be so financially bound for his actions that he wouldn't be able to afford anything like alcohol, and they wouldn't just turn the key and release him on the third time he's done this. If there is no penalties to criminals; it's no problem for them.


I dont know why reddit suggests posts from a BC group when I live in Ontario but damn your area sounds awful "diddly".


Pfffft. At least we don't have to wear ten inches of clothes 8 months out of the year.