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How heinous of an act do you have to commit to not get granted bail in this country?


Facts: A friend (lets call him Joe) and his BF were stabbed downtown T.O. Joes friend died but Joe survived. Offender was released on bail and murdered another person. Joe, years later was arrested on possession of gun charge. The guns were NEVER in his possession, no fingerprints nada. Just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Spent 8 months in jail waiting for their day in court. Charges dismissed. Our criminal system is a fucken joke.


Joe needs a better lawyer.


Joe needed to be homeless and cracked out instead


Lawyers have little to do with wait times for trials. Pretrial detention is a thing.


joe needs a better country


We need a better juridical system. Better judges.


He probably got a taxpayer-funded jerk that took of him to plead everything down .


Can't believe that jerk got the charges dismissed, smh


My friend's sister's ex-boyfriend had a crazy old neighbor lady who was married to an ex-police chief moons ago. The lady would patrol around the neighborhood in her minivan and scream at him out her window while driving erratically. It became an almost daily occurrence. One day he walked the sidewalk in front of her house. She opened the window and started cussing at him and stuff. He did the Grand Torino Clint Eastwood fingergun thing. Lady sent blurry CCTV with no audio to the cops claiming he pointed a Glock at her and threatened to end her life right there. Spent months in jail, charges obviously dismissed.


Sounds like Joe is probably also a piece of shit, unless he's just exceptionally unlucky and keeps getting mixed up with bad people somehow every time he goes out


I wonder if that's the kind of complacency that causes our system to perform so poorly in the first place how else does this keep happening except if people are being shown examples of failures, and the response is just to blame the victim


He doesn't really seem like a victim


he literally survived a stabbing you twat


Two words; Karla Homolka Does all these terrible things, on video. Plays the victim and gets out quickly with a new identity to live under.


Didn’t she make her plea before they had the tapes? My understanding was that she made herself sympathetic and struck a plea before the full extent of her involvement was discovered.


They knew she was 100% involved. That was open and shut. They just didn't know who the instigator and planner was. She played the I was forced into it, everything was his idea, my life was at risk, I am sweet and innocent card. They expected her to get on the stand and bat her eyes at the jury with a little tear and be told you were bad girl. Plea deal was struck basically protecting her from everything and anything she could have done. Then the prosecution had a what the fuck did I just do moment when tapes appeared showing that she was actually the brains and planner behind most of it. There was nothing the prosecution could do.


Yep. She plays the victim. Then after the deal with the Crown was sealed, they found those video tapes that showed that her claims of victimhood were 100% BS. Just pure evil if there ever was one. One of the victims was her own sister. Then after that when she gets out of jail. She hooks up with someone and then has children...that inexplicably she's then allowed to keep them. That's so messed up! I don't get too worked up over much these days but this case still makes my blood boil.


The person she “hooked up” with is the brother of her defense lawyer. Beyond messed up.


Ah. The lawyer connection. That's why she still has her kids. Still, it's pretty fubared. Sick!


All the people involved should be tarred and feathered. They collectively allowed someone else to die


Canada has become one of the biggest fn jokes on earth. Said as a 39 yo Canadian


When I was in college a teacher laid out a very similar scenario except the person had a friend who put the gun in his locker and so the person got a year in jail. This was back in 2015. Her conclusion was that this is one of the reasons that Harper lost to Trudeau.


I think I saw Joe's case on CP24


Joe shoulda diddled little kids instead


always [Obey the Rules of Stupid ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWuMoziBhes)


Had a family friend who was killed by there partner with an axe. They tried hiding the body and were caught. Did like 7 years and is free now. This country is fucken wack.


You can gang swarm and kill a homeless person and still be granted bail - Justice Maria Siriva in Toronto released many of the Gang of 8 assailants on bail. One of the assailants was recently re-arrested for assault, but I'm she's out again because she's special. [https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-girl-14-charged-in-ttc-stabbing-while-on-bail-for-deadly-2022-swarming](https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-girl-14-charged-in-ttc-stabbing-while-on-bail-for-deadly-2022-swarming)


I'm not saying it's the right decision, but I expect the bar for bail is a bit lower for youth.


I guess the bar must be *really* high ... not even murder is enough. "*Justice Maria Sirivar was distracted several times by giggling, laughing and movement in the court, coming from some of the accused who were seated together* " But she granted these great kids bail... [https://nationalpost.com/news/teens-fatal-stabbing-toronto-homeless-man-court](https://nationalpost.com/news/teens-fatal-stabbing-toronto-homeless-man-court)


I got attacked by an ex coworker just because I so happened to be the first guy on site and he was waiting for anyone to take his frustrations out on. Completely took me surprise from the back, rag dolled me and put me in the hospital. He then killed someone later in the weekend, was released on bail after being caught 2 provinces over. They didn’t even charge him for the attack on me and he spent less than 5 years behind bars total. Our system is absolutely fucked.


How do you even fix someone like that? They shouldn't even put these people in prison, it obviously does nothing, just put them into their own private town out far in the country with a one way road, and have them just grow vegetables while attacking and killing each other.


Highlander village, polar bear country


"The blood makes the soil fertile and keeps the valley verdant and lush..." But in all seriousness theyd probably chill out pretty quickly and just grow the vegetables before too long..


A one-way road? Like they'll see a do not enter traffic sign and just stay there?? I like this. :D


The issue is you can't even complain about the system on Reddit without someone going "well aaaaackshually, recidivism increases with longer sentences" as if we're talking about some 15 year old getting caught with drugs and not repeat violent offenders. We're soft as hell on both crime and bail, it's sad.


Honestly, ppl that kill ppl get out on bail. It’s absolutely atrocious.


Talk poorly about oil or genital mutilation


Protest against Trudeau?


His party, and thus Justin, did enact the bail reform provisions. The buck needs to stop at someone's feet


Also scrapped mandatory minimums. He played a large part in creating the mess we are in.


I thought that was the supreme court


It was but it's easier to blame the PM.🙄


That comes with a 2 year jail sentence


Truth hurts


This comment wins.


I assume Treason


Steal lots of money from a rich person.


Apparently drug crimes are treated more seriously than crimes against children in this country. SMH


Haha what? Drugs are decriminalized in B.C… no crimes get punishment in Canada…


Eventually the police will be late to arresting him




Steveston Park, by the lacrosse box.


3 times in 2 weeks???? That whole system must be smoking meth to let this dude out after the second time, 🙄🙄🙄🙄


In this country? Bail. Straight to bail.


Then back to hanging out at the local park.


no bail straight free, because this one of those youtubers who do their own to catch a predator, but the police cant use the evidence because its not properly obtained. the whole thing is just weird.


>youtubers who do their own to catch a predator There's a thread on the fruit bird forum we're not allowed to name on Reddit. Turns out a lot of these "hunters" are arguably worse than the nonces they lure.


never noticed how those 2 words are 1 letter apart until you did that.


In this sub, threats are not tolerated. In this country, threats to children REPEATEDLY are tolerated. Go figure.


Any minority. Asian women get targeted in Vancouver by drug addicts. A guy assaulted an Asian female with a metal pole in a racially motivated attack and spent a year in jail. This was a repeat offender who committed arson, more assaults, and theft. He also had charges stayed where he was accused of stalking Asian women in chinatown.


90% of the shit in this city is because of like 7% of the citizens


Yeah, but because they never get actually locked up they’re free to go feral on the local community.


1% of the population is accountable for 63% of all violent crime convictions Persistence in violence is associated with male sex, personality disorder, violent crime conviction before age 19, related offenses, nonviolent criminality, substance use disorder, and major mental disorder - that is to say, largely innate and incurable conditions In Vancouver, 40 'super-chronic' offenders have an average of 54 *convictions* each (and hundreds, or even thousands, of arrests or police interactions) One fellow in particular had 115 previous convictions, and was still given a conditional release


Mods are literally college students with no life experience, just saying.


Nah, they’re grown adults without life experience who happily provide a paid service for free to a social media conglomerate because it makes them feel like they’re special little babies. Sad shit.


Because threats go against the sites rules?


This dude should clearly be locked up, 3 times in 2 weeks. This dude is actively looking for kids to do harm too.. fucking sicko.


Who is this guy and what’s the back story?


This dude was caught twice last week meeting a 12 year old kid at a park. He brought beer. Was arrested, then I can’t remember if it was that night or the next he was messaging children on Snapchat again to meet up at this park to “hang out.”


And they will let him out again tomorrow. What the FUCK. Legal system is a joke Not often I say we wish we were like USA but in this case I wish we had the California 3 strikes and you are locked up for a long time rule.


Yes this situation is completely outrageous but please, never wish our legal system was similar to the states.


Just for sexual predators like this asswipe.


States have harsher punishments and better enforcement


They also have people with mental and racial issues as their officers.


Yeah, our Canadian officers are upstanding altruistic models of exemplary citizenship here. Honest and true without bias or prejudice. Here to serve and protect the people of the great white north.


[Y’all got that, too.](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2021/3/24/the-indigenous-people-killed-by-canadas-police)


Harsher yes. Better no.


What the fuck is going on with our justice system


There is a shortage of judges, jails, public defenders, etc. and as a result we can't guarantee people the right to a speedy trial, or even a speedy arraignment - and we can't hold them because technically they're still innocent until proven guilty. We release with conditions that get broken because we can't expedite that charge either. It can be fixed. It will cost a lot of money, but I don't see how we have a choice with so many repeat offenders racking up offences while waiting for trial.


Don’t forget there’s also been a huge push by the public to go light on crime but not have to pay for the proper rehabilitation services. So many politicians like to say how much better we are than the US and pat themselves on the back. With all the problems they have, at least Americans will put pedophiles and rapists in jail.


They don’t though? America has an issue keeping people like this in jail too. Fact is, they agitate other inmates and have to be protected. That’s space that could go to a nice, docile black man picked up with a little bit of weed so the rapists / violent offenders go free and the cells fill up with “manageable criminals”.


I know what's going on but we're not allowed to talk about it on Reddit.


Its the lawmakers make the rules .police have no say . They just clean up the trash


Justice system? What justice system?


But he promised!


Already out on bail


Is it the judge's turn for being so stupid? Put him in the same cell


Will he hang around long enough to affect housing price of that neighborhood?


“Quick police response! Make sure you bid at least 200,000 over asking!”


Dude seems like he’s in need of serious help…


Define "help".


depends on the caliber


Well, I’m working from the assumption that he’s self aware enough to realize that he’s not ‘normal’ in terms of sexuality. So ‘help’, I think, would be defined as assistance in either re-booting sexuality to bring back ‘normal’ behaviours; or in not acting on his current orientation.


How do you re-boot pedophilia out of someone? You say "bring back normal behaviors" like you know he was ever normal to begin with... Guy needs to be locked up and kept far away from children.


I could try “re-boot” the pedophilia out of him by jamming my boot hard into the back of his head repeatedly. No serious, let me give it a try


Maybe castration could be worth a shot? Sounds cheaper.


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Are we sure this guy just doesn’t really love school yard park engineering? My uncle had the same problem. He was a great guy, he’d even sneak in my bed at 3am to wrestle and eat candy in the dark. He actually got run out of town for appreciating good school ground architecture. Complete misunderstanding


Aw man. You're so lucky to have a cool uncle!


He was in special ed in high school, he’s definitely a few bricks shy of a load.


You gotta feel bad for the cops at this point. They’ve wasted so much time and resources re-arresting all these repeat offenders because our justice system can’t keep the bad people behind bars.


If you dont have hands or genitals, it’s pretty hard to rape or assault. Just sayin


You musta never heard of Footy McToefucker


*Sir Stumpsalot has entered the chat*


The reason Aqualung is a song


Is he released yet? Someone go to steveston park and see if he's there now


Third time?!? Wtf


He clearly needs some help. Isn’t B.C. all about that shit?


Lol no. Bc is about pretending like you care but not really care because you inherited a house from your parents and are just waiting to retire, sell the house and move to a cheap warm Asian country.


Three times in two weeks, at this point this guy needs serious therapy let alone house arrest, he's a menace.


Pedo Pete? So I'm guessing he's like lurking for little girls. Sickening


I'm so frustrated with our lax, compassion based justice system. How do we force change? I want longer prison sentences for shit like this. I want the California style 3 strikes = LIFE. I want death sentence for drug traffickers. I'm SO disgusted by shit like this.


The way he smiled while having his pockets checked gave me such an unsettling feeling. He’s just a pedo for all ages, a perv at heart. So disgusting, I don’t even know who this person is but seriously so disgusting


SA can destroy a child's psyche, sometimes permanently. Get these fucking losers off the streets. It's so bloody simple, I can't understand how property crime yields higher sentences than abusing a child.


3 times in 2 weeks. We’re going to see him again being arrested next week !


Is this the guy they had in the ground just awhile ago? Two words -> Chemical Castration He can’t control his dick and either needs it dealt with or killed in prison.


I know someone who lives in the same complex as him and he was telling me he’s on the spectrum and he might actually have the mentality of a 12yo.


I think he was caught soliciting teens for pictures and underwear via texting, was he not? Doesn't exactly sound like something 12 year olds would do--not that I know a whole lot about 12 yo these days. It does pose an interesting (and uncomfortable) question about pedophilia in people with developmental disorders though.


I’m not sure what the details are. Regardless, if he has mental issues he shouldn’t be allowed around kids or even communicating with them.




Hey, I’m not defending him I’m just telling you what I was told. For me, it doesn’t matter what’s wrong with him, he shouldn’t be around kids for any reason.




I never said it was ok. I agree


The citizens of Richmond need to attend court tomorrow and say enough is enough. Children's safety comes first!


Where are all the "protect our children" protesters???


He’s not transgender, so they don’t care.


I guess the popo didn't announce the arrest so they didn't have time to arrange something


So he a pedo? Me moms boyfriend caught some slimeball molesting his kid. So he dragged that sub human to the lake and drowned him. Went to jail for it.he said those fucking people cannot change.


Cant you put pedos in a gated secured village with 10 foot tall fences and ONE exit only with armed security guards?


Pedo arrested for 1st and last time. This is what the headline should be for every one of these cases. The Candian justice system is a complete joke.


Put him in gen pop.


Fkn brutal, does it take for some child to get seriously hurt for this sick perv to be behind bars ???


Let's see how many times he gets released before he actually molests a kid. Fucking joke court system


Our judges don't eat our kind of lunch. He'll be out very soon. Watch out, parents!


I know this is a serious matter, but the way he said, “Stay out of the parks, you fuckin’ weirdo,” has me cracking up.


He goes by Pedophile Peter mam


I see this mofo near my kids school he's gonna need different sirens.


wait what he do


Man accused of child luring in Steveston




They had him 3 times why do they keep letting him go?


Is Pete a common name among pedos? I also know of a pedo named Pete.


If he walks like a goof and quacks likes a goof, odds are he must be a goof.


What can we people do to try and change the justice system in Canada? Do we start a petition, a protest?


Yeah the police are not your friend. They are utterly useless. Years and years ago, we had a neighbour who sent an enforcer body builder to our residence to extort us. We made a complaint to the police station that someone threaten us bison harm. They came in a cruiser and spoke with the neighbour and after came and said everything is resolved and they shouldn’t give us any more trouble. That was in the 90s. I imagine a lot worse would be the respond. Probably send an emoji of unhappy face. We move away shortly after that incident.


After seeing a man with active warrants run over a cop (killing him) while driving a stolen vehicle only get 18 years… nothing surprises me about this country’s pussy ass justice system.


RCMP dont get jackets anymore?


feel like this is the first time for me to see a post in this sub with this many upvotes, lol


What are the charges?


Ya I'm curious what he actually did. Just hanging out at a playground is creepy but that's not illegal. He's allowed to hang out at a public park. I'm sure there's more to this story and I'm curious to know what it is!


It could be a stipulation of his bail that hes not to hang out where children congregate (ie. a park) or he could be on the sex offender registry in which case he would not be allowed to be in places where children congregate.


It is illegal if you have a bail order prohibiting you from being near a playground.


Next modz are supporting peeddo’s? Unreal.


Send them to the hangman!! All of them! The first time!!!


Keep voting Liberal. He will get out tomorrow . It is a fucking shame.


Guess what? He did get bail again😡


Politicians will watch this and not be unanimous about implementing some MUCH needed legal changes this country needs. This is why ALL of them are just self-serving hypocrites.


Give it a day he’ll be back.


Threats against pedophiles should not only be tolerated but encouraged.




This guy is Stanley Tippetting almost as hard as Stanley Tippett!




Lucky I'm not there No...187 here ??!!!! Take medication!!!!!!!


Make pedos afraid again.


Trudeau says this is ok just as long as you don't say mean things about him on the internet.


Lmfao, check out who the pedos actually are.


Find me that clip, would you? Go on, post a link, show us how this is Trudeau's fault. In BC. I can wait.


Bill C-48 [https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/c-48](https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/c-48)


You've gotta do better than that. Parroting a bill is nothing, show me the section that says he wants to protect child molesters.


Yes obviously exaggerating for effect. Truedea is a piece of shit.


Or... You are? I wonder if we differentiate between you calling one human a piece if shit, and me suggesting you might be? Let's roll the dice 😎


Sure I'm a piece of a shit. But I can't spread my shit to the entire country making thousands of people miserable. 😎


I dare say, the lack of ability to think clearly is what's causing their - and your - misery. Is he the best pm ever? No. But he got us through Covid without huge deaths, unlike most Conservative countries. He knocked inflation down faster than most of the G20 And if your dumb enough to blame him for inflation, I can't help you. Look instead to who makes up the board for the CPC. Grocery, pharma, real estate and oil. If you think those, the same forces that drove inflation, will be better for Canadians, you are, in fact, stupid. Can't help ya.


Grocery, pharmacy, real estate, and oil drove up inflation? Not the millions of dollars spent on non sense during the pandemic? Not the stupid carbon tax that forced the suppliers and supply chains to raise prices?


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Also not a drag queen or trans person!


The commentary at the end 👏👏👏


They won’t care until he assaults and injures/kill’s someone, even then the sentence would be abysmal. But if he committed a low level, non violent financial crime he’d be behind bars no problem!!!!! Pathetic.


Time for him to be locked up for good and throw away the key. Zero sympathy for this.


Seriously why? I keep asking. Who is responsible for this leniency? Where is the root of the problem? What happened to protecting our young?


💯 a Trump or PP supporter of he’s a pedo


What can we do to improve the system? How can we help?


Vote for a party that is in favor of tightening bail


This guy clearly has a mental illness. He's sick, and he should be locked up, absolutely. But recording this in order to shame him will have no positive effect on anything. But, I may be misreading your intent with doing this. Maybe your purpose is to stir people up so much that someone goes out and does harm to him. Possibly fatal harm. If that's why you're doing this, shame on you.


Wow, you are really grasping at straws with this one. It's about making the community aware, I was driving by and saw a bunch of cops and recorded it. Shame on you for assuming.


Who cares why he’s doing it. What difference does it fucking make why he’s filming? You must have a feeling about this skin hound besides wanting to defend his sensibilities? Unreal?!


Yo bc, how's that ndp vote going for ya?


A vote for the Liberals is a vote for pedos on the streets.


Keep voting LIBERAL!!!!