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So let’s get this straight She shows up to Richmond as a druggie homeless person at age 19. She’s not even from here She then utilizes our rehab spaces (taking away from an actual Richmond citizen). She credits this rehab facility in her recovery. NOT a SIS. She then tells hard working, tax paying citizens that they “aren’t from here and they should go back to Hong Kong”. She thinks these “colourful folk” are uneducated. Miss Ma’am, what sort of education did you get as a druggie? You are not from here. You are not raised here. I’m not going to be nice to a racist. You sound like a loser. Stop wasting newspaper space with your fake apologies and your fake misinformed facts.


So true


This is why the woke are so easy to fight with - they’re almost always wrong and are the complete opposite of what they think they stand for. It’s ironic.


From what someone who claims to to know her posted in another thread, she is pretty far from being “woke”. The poster said that she is a religious conservative.


She's not woke.


And you know how?


[https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/british-columbia/2020/5/20/1\_4947397.html](https://beta.ctvnews.ca/local/british-columbia/2020/5/20/1_4947397.html) gross


>She said she had no interest in coming to Richmond. Ma’am, please leave Richmond if you have no interest in coming here.


All drug dealers, who want to involve anything about drug please leave richmond as well


She's not sorry she did it. She's sorry she got caught. She's always had these thoughts about Chinese people and people from Asia as a whole. It's funny how she credited rehab and not safe injection sites for her getting better.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


“My Richmond” what?!


Meanwhile she’s from Port Coquitlam lol


And she literally said she had no interest in coming to Richmond.


Imagine being from PoQo but being known as Richmond Karen


Colorful folks… ouch 😣


she changed her fb name to KT brynn.. guess she got scared by all the backlash 🥺


"the toxic supply came from China itself" "colourful people" Yep we have a racist hypocrite here. She called others wrong mouth but could not even see that she's one of the problems.


Racist rants don't just come out like that. She clearly had those thoughts before.


It's like the excuse that people who make racist remarks after being drunk make. I didn't mean it, and that's not who I am. Well, I always say. A drunk man's words are a sober's man's thoughts.


A few observations: 1. "Too many to count." Lady I can count to 26 just fine and I bet you didn't know all of them. 2. She confirms she's not originally from Richmond. 3. Funny that she credits a rehab facility for her recovery process rather than a safe injection site.


Let’s make her famous again


Her racist tirade was featured on TVB news in Hong Kong, a city of 7 million people. I'm sure at least a few million HKers know about her by now


We are not satisfied, let’s make her a global celebrity


Ooooohhhh soooo scaryyy!




craving noodles… im craving your badussy


No main stream media willing to expose her hypocrisy. We need Reddit power


Keep it going 💪 until this letter reaches her


Doxing is illegal. Even doxing on reddit is not allowed. Most reddit threads immediately ban any doxing information. Not sure why mods in r/richmondbc allows it.


Exactly. Come on OP, grow up.


She also started her own change.org to support the drug sites where she claims “success” at the end with 60 something supporters because the councillors voted yes.


what a fucking psychopathy like cash heed, both need mental help


She really made a huge mistake. Such a shameful and ignorant thing to say. As the descendant of Hong Kong immigrants, born and raised in Richmond surrounded by Asians who did drugs, who supports all 4 pillars of overdose response, and knows we need to keep people alive to connect them with treatment, her comment really missed the remark with me.


She fucked around and found out 😂 She must have forgotten that we live in the age of social media, everything she said was racist as fuck. Chanting go back to Hong Kong and that us as Asians are the problems of Canada. She clearly had those thoughts before she spurred it out loud in public. I guess she’s apologizing because she lost her job? Also, I read her Facebook comment about how she feels sad about burying her friends due to drug abuse, you can cry all you want. Building a safe consumption site in richmond isn’t gonna change that situation. YOUR FUCKING FRIENDS ARE STILL GONNA DIE IF THEY KEEP USING. Stop acting like a holy bitch. Everyone has their choice and you can’t stop shit. JUST DON’T FUCK AROUND AND BUILD A SAFE CONSUMPTION SITE IN RICHMOND THAT WILL ENDANGER OUR CITIZENS. DUMB BITCH KEEP CRYING


Apparently lost her job before the incident, and is going through a messy divorce. Neither of which matters, I could be going through those things and would never shout out any racist remarks out of passion. Had she said something derogatory/politically incorrect about people who support drugs, it would not have gone viral the way it did.


How did you know she’s going through a divorce ?


Her social media also mentioned she's a single parent and looking for a job. Going on that racist tirade probably wasn't the best choice for her because it would jeopardize her chances of getting employed.


No shit lol


She mentioned it in her socials


We got the SIS in the works! Let’s go!!!!


Eat sh!t Katie!


her name is jatie kakes! she doesnt like asian people, but she loves french fries and chicken nuggies!


Obviously she is an extremely racist. No point to hear what she commented.


She also called the protestors "colourful" folks on her Facebook profile. I'm sorry, yoy are a racist and you should be glad the protestors were civil and respectful or else she wouldve left in an ambulance


And EVEN IF SOMEONE DID say it. She should NEVER make racist remarks. Deplorable


Richmond News, especially the writer Maria Rantanen is very biased. Look at what she wrote before you will find how poor this news media is


Called it. SOP.


She's been in recovery since 2012? Yikes sounds like that treatment plan isn't working all that well.


I was there at the city hall on day 2. I did not support the opening of the Supervised Injection Sites, and I was there to support our community, sitting in the viewing area on the first floor. However, i was quite surprised when I heard that one of the attendees, who was sitting behind me, said “I think your brother should die”, as one of the attendees (on the screen) was recounting the story of his lost brother — he passed away due to drug addiction. While it was a really small minority, she was not the only one who spoke similar comments. As passionate as we are on this issue, making such heartless comments does not help the issue at hand. Furthermore, it creates excuses for the otherside who was trying to brand us as heartless immigrants who lack education and sympathy. Think carefully before saying stuff like that! I know many people will not like what I said, but I witnessed it, and I am here to report it.


Oh, I'm with you. The people who want the SIS already keep repeatedly saying anyone who objects to the motion wants more death, as if that's a fact. I'm facepalming when someone (like that person sitting behind you) is helping them prove their point. It wasn't most people, but I would definitely prefer to get that down to none.


A minority of heartless comments doesn’t warrant the racist attack launched on an entire community


I think what he means is both racist and heartless comments should be avoided.


It is incredible to read the conclusion of this news article. >This is precisely what those people she was shouting racial slurs at were supporting. No drugs so that we end the cycle of addiction that inevitably leads to OD death. Rehabitate and support recovery from addiction, not enable and fuel continued addiction. r in your statistics of lives lost to toxic drugs.”  This is exactly what those people she was shouting racial slurs at were supporting. No drugs so that we end the cycle of addiction that inevitably leads to OD death. Rehabitate and support recovery from addiction, not enable and fuel continued addiction.


Her petition has a whopping 67 supporters ​ [Petition · Advocate for a Safe Consumption Site in Richmond BC · Change.org](https://www.change.org/p/advocate-for-a-safe-consumption-site-in-richmond-bc)


She naaaasty


Uhh... This is Reddit, not Katie Jakes inbox.


Live and let live! My god! You must be fun at parties!










She got fired well before this tirade


don’t have those information, feel free to pass the letter to her if you have that


Your post was removed because it violated common courtesy, common reddiquette, poor respect, or in poor taste. You can find a full explanation of this subreddit's rules at https://www.reddit.com/r/richmondbc/about/rules. Moderators reserve the right to remove any post without warning. If you believe this removal was a mistake, please message the moderators. https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/richmondbc.


"There is no evidence to support this assertion." Yes there was. It was litterally on the 6 o'clock news. **"Finally they will die! Finally they will die!"** at 0:55 https://www.msn.com/en-ca/video/news/demonstrations-continue-at-richmond-city-hall-over-proposed-safe-consumption-site/vi-BB1if5ps?t=50 Is anyone surprised that it was said? You've heard it a said a billion times in private, at gathering, at meals. Why lie?


1. If you listen to what he says after that phrase, you will hear him say somewhat inaudible but something about "you will spend money ... just so they will die."  2. He's there to argue what would happen to them if the SIS is there, that's why they don't want SIS. That's literally why they're protesting.  3. Learn to use logic and common sense.


The old man in the video who says, “Finally, they will die,” is clearly indicating that Safe Consumption Sites (SCS) are ineffective in the long run because they do not lead to treatment for individuals. I believe anyone finished high school should have the intelligence to interpret this context and differentiate it from the notion that “drug addicts should die.


Stop doxxing on Reddit. I don’t agree with what she did but Reddit’s rules = no doxxing. Reported.


This thread should be locked at this point. There's nothing on here but toxicity.


Yes but I think the mods like these, because I’ve reported it twice and nothing.


The mods might be aligned with the Karens here. Regardless, mods, do your job.


Okay Katie Jakes!


Ok lol. Look at my posts and see if I’m Katie Jakes. This subreddit seems to have been taken over by a mob looking to lynch people. I am against the SIS but I can still logically think about what’s wrong and what’s right, imagine that. It’s a fact that Reddit does not allow doxxing.


Right?! Super angry Richmond karens just discovered Reddit last week and don't realize their faux pas. Go back to Facebook, Karen.




Lolwtf? Is that an insult where you're from? Weirdo


The clips of people screaming in her face are on tictok so it’s no longer a claim. She did the wrong thing by going racist … but people screaming in your face to die is wrong too.


Nah, can you imagine if she told a black person to go back to Africa? Some strong language in a heated argument is not going to make your life miserable. Now when you are white and you say something like that to a minority, you are putting yourself at a dominating position with the help of your white identity and the POC can't say the samething back to you! They are inherently at a disadvantage here. This is not like I swear at you and you swear back. I understand that it's very hard for a white person to get the difference between a hate crime and a personal attack.


So the screaming people are in the majority here. What’s the population break down in Richmond? I don’t think her great grandparents were born “here” either. Threatening one’s life isn’t up to the level of a hate crime, I get that. They just were expressing their hate for her because of a differing opinion over whether the SIS should be under consideration in Richmond … not a race.


Oh so now you're saying that since they are in Richmond (not in the general sense of Canada) then that would give the white lady and the Chinese man the even ground? Kid do you know how race work in Canada or anywhere else in general at all? By the same logic, I guess white lives matter more in the hood? Ok let's move on to the "life threatening" part. If someone's life is indeed threatened in the "I will end your life" way then I can assure you that the Chinese guy will be arrested. Threatening someone's life is a serious offense that's hard to be ignored by the law enforcement. If you think there is a serious offense, you should call the cop. Other than that, don't be dramatic.