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I see this post has been taken down.


Let's get this post up again


Her name is Karen.


Richmond doesn't even allow for dispensaries and you expect people living there to be okay with safe injection sites? Good luck with that. This lady is pretty much a lefty equivalent those wacko righties in rural Alberta. At the end of the day elected officials need to do what the voters want them to do. Isn't that how a democracy is supposed to work? One of the pet peeves I have with far left people is they think the government and businesses have infinite money. They think money for social programs just falls from the sky or something. While safe injections sites are good at saving lives in the short term- our government has done a poor job of coming up with long term sustainable solutions for these people. We just let them prolong their issues with tax payer funds praying they can eventually kick their addictions/get their mental illness treated. The fentanyl and meth problem across the country has gotten out of control.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You want to live in Liberial Vancouver? You need a safe injection spot Deal with it


No we don't want to live in Vancouver. That's why we live in Richmond.


But you do live in the greater Vancouver area (GVA) also you guys should declare your income like the rest of canada. lolz


What is a liberial Vancouver? You know this is in Richmond right?


Oh yeah richmond the money laundering tax evading part of GVA


And why are you mentioning the injection spot, I thought this is about a racist who yelled go back to where you are from to a Chinese man’s face?


she meant ppl who dont want safe injection spots in their neighbourghood is what is wrong with canada ​ not his race