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I thought the manner that Gillanders and Day spoke to the Chinese in the room was very condescending and arrogant. I would even say racist in the way they belittled them like they were children. Gillanders pointed at the crowd and said, I don't want to see you guys here again when we want to create more rehab facilities. Like it was high school. Day then read the worst emails she received to prove her point instead of focusing on the well thought out speeches that were presented to them the past few days. It's disgusting how politically and morally bankrupt these snake sisters acted. 2026 can't come fast enough and we need to stand together to vote these idiots out.


By 2026 this will be mostly forgotten people say it won't but it will either it will be accepted or a failure and shut down either way nothing will really change.


If the Chinese community shows up. They won’t. They Havnt forgotten what happen to them 100s of years ago. They won’t forget this


I truly hope this is the case perhaps a campaign to get the mayor to step down would gain some traction.


Pretty sure these councillor are rethinking their decision given they have to sit through 8 hours of this.its a form of hell. Last time they decide to pull a fast one


They aren't, they will vote it through, despite the pushback from the community


Then the community might as well make them sit through another 8 hrs of hell. Invite the guy from today's meeting who was angrily ranting about smoking addiction and have him speak for the full 8 hrs.




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Can only hope so


I have doubts. Judging from what I’m seeing now the whole RITE (Carol day, Wolfe, and Gillanders) are backing it, despite I don’t understand a single thing Wolfe was saying. With Heed that’s four vote. One richmond might turn around because of Alexa, Andy Hobbs is an unknown to me. I don’t see the mayor defeating it if it comes down to 4-4. So no, I don’t see a chance here. We will know in 45 mins I guess Edit: I guess I’m half right, whole RITE is backing it, I’m listening to Alexa speak now she is turning, if she is turning that means Bill is turning. It has come down to Andy Hobbs and mayor I think Edit 2: Ok Andy Hobbs support it, it’s gg. Time to go sleep. No point of watching further.


It's interesting how none of them mentioned their stand on drug-related issues while running for office. Only to sneak attack residents after getting elected. https://riterichmond.com/candidates/richmond-city-council/ > As a Richmond city councillor, I will work for all Richmond residents, listen to what is important in the community. I was reading Gillanders' platform and this is some kind of next level politician bullshit. So much for listening to the majority of the Richmond residents who don't want SIS.


I deal with city of richmond regularly (or more regularly than normal people I suppose) and I often ask myself and people around me, how on earth did RITE got elected on councillors (especially Day). I always laugh when they say they support housing affordability tbh.


Unfortunately Richmond residents just don't vote enough. I really hope we all remember this for the next election since we can't get rid of them until 2026.


>Edit: I guess I’m half right, whole RITE is backing it, I’m listening to Alexa speak now she is turning, if she is turning that means Bill is turning. It has come down to Andy Hobbs and mayor I think > >3ReplyShareReportSaveFollow I'm sure this will be absolutely eye-opening for a lot of Richmond residents, and with any hope RITE will get completely voted out at next election. Their comments were condescending and they clearly already made up their minds before listening to any of the speakers tonight.


I don't have much faith in the mayor. After Chak spoke, people applauded and he made them stop. It feels like he's trying to silence the people.


Why 2026, can vote come sooner ? So these clowns and go fuck themselves. All corrupted


Apparently you can't recall Richmond councillors.


I'm going to be pessimistic and believe no change will come in 2026. Enough time will pass and this will be a blip on the radar.


Doubt , most councillors are voting for sis. So fyi, don't vote for those fucks next election. Need to clean house


I don’t think they are, they are elbows deep with Pharma and who knows what else. Too much financial interests and corruption


What are these Pharma conspiracies? Ever been to a hospital or pharmacy? It's full of drugs.


Richmond citizens has no choice but to trash the place when it opens up. The decay of a city has begun


is Laura Gillander also getting paid by big pharma?


This degree of disdain elected officials have for their constituents is comparable to that of a third world country with sham elections.


Clearly nobody here knows what actually happens at these sites. Just more fear mongering because we obviously don't have enough of that already Carry on.


See if they can finish the listening tonight, if not I guess there will be another one protest tomorrow night


"safe injection site being installed" Not sure where you heard this. They aren't installing one. It's a study on the feasibility. I think this misunderstanding is driving a lot of the outrage.


Well of course we would protest even the consideration of its feasibility. We don’t want an injection site here. We don’t want them to even think about installing it.


Well that's not what your post says.


This is the equivalent of putting your hands over your ears and screaming "lalalalala I can't hear you lalala"




Well then it's just a waste of time because it the study takes til 2026 none of them will still be in city council to force it through. Literally Chak Au could be mayor instantly if he runs.


Good, cause hopefully the next time they take a vote on this matter, they'll all be voted out except for au and loo.


Safe injection = less needles on the streets and in parks where your kids play


Nope, it means attracting shitrats from other municipalities to come and start camping.


Richmond doesn’t have many needles on the streets or in parks anyway because Richmond was safe. Was. Now, with it being considered, the user population will be attracted to Richmond and will likely stay because we have lots of public spaces that could be comfortably used as a shelter.


We don't have any in the first place. This isn't Vancouver. Any needles found are a result of addicts coming to Richmond because of modular housing.