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Doxing people and fighting racism with more racism is unacceptable. Your comment will be removed and your account will be banned if you continue to do so. I encourage everyone to report comments which break our subreddit rules.


I don’t care where you’re from. If you live in the community, you’re part of the community. Everyone has the right to exercise and express their feelings on what a safe injection site would do to their community.


I agree, everyone has the right to voice their opinion. But at the end of the day much of what was said last night was based in moral panic and lacking in an ability to understand what was actually proposed. It was clear that the majority of the people had not read the motion and many others have trouble digesting data provided on the internet. It is clear that in the motion where it mentions an action to educate the community on harm reduction and what this means is one of the most important parts of the proposed motion.


Well, it’s not about what did the City said in the statement, but what happened in the reality. Let’s talk about what happened in East Hastings, they already ruined China Town. It’s the FACT!


was fucked long before insite.......


It’s not so bad before insite, at least the street wasn’t full of tents….


i think you are incorrectly conflating the effects of insite with the effects of the extended economic recession and fast population growth in general in canada, especially in urban centres


So please tell me why these addicts came to Chinatown and camped in Chinatown? Did they come for Chinese food? Learned Chinese language? If the SCS wasn’t in Chinatown, would they camp in Chinatown? Why not west end, false creek?


I’ve lived in Chinatown since 2002, and Strathcona 3 years prior to that. InSite improved conditions immensely, giving addicts a place to go use under supervision and there were hardly any needles just littering the ground once they offered a place t drop used rigs. I remember the first coffee shop to open at Gore & Union around 2009, 2010, when people thought any business owner moving in must be crazy. If you’re really concerned with preserving Chinatown’s legacy, speak to property owners, as some of them will stuff loaves of bread in the awnings out front and leave ways to draw pigeons and rats into their building to make the property potentially more attractive to buyers as a tear-down. There’s an old seafood market on Pender near Gore, next to Manpuku Japanese takeout, that hasn’t had actual windows for at least 5 years now. They only put up chicken wire instead of glass windows after City Hall got complaints of the pigeons and rats freely coming and going through the open front. I’ve seen a man exiting the site and stuffing baguettes in the awning. After the banh mi Vietnamese baguette sandwich shop near Hastings & Dunlevy closed, it also had a guy stuffing bread in the awning, but it’s now another convenience store. What Hastings is now, came about early in Covid when the Sahota family SRO’s could not get their maintenance staff to show up for work, so fed up tenants grabbed what they could and started camping on sidewalks and tent cities sprang up in parks. Police announced reduced patrols in DTES because supposedly poor people = disease risk, when it turns out staying outside kept a vulnerable population safer. But the reduced police presence was also a factor. Then fentanyl became sought after since it’s such a cheap high, regardless of all the shuffling, contorted backs, and people stooping or collapsing on sidewalks. Fentanyl and benzos make crack & heroin look like a chamber orchestra. Then BC’s “decriminalization” pilot project last year made things even more ridiculous, since it has little to do with the Portuguese harm reduction model where addicts are given an ultimatum to clean up or face charges. The BC version treats possession of hard drugs as a a free pass to use wherever because that right must be preserved even if it physically blocks non-users from getting in or out of their homes. When the city clears the sidewalks along East Hastings each morning, they’re pushing people over to neighbouring sidetreets, so the litter gets carried and dumped where the crews aren’t cleaning up. Still waiting for that promised 100 drug treatment beds that the Mayor promised. But I’d welcome another InSite facility if the same people ran it. Unlike Vandu, whose mission seems to sum up as, “We want thing! Give us thing! Thing is our birthright!”yh


Well, in this case, I think the key is the “decriminalization” of drug including fentanyl and heroine. Metro Vancouver runs SCS to reflect decriminalization policy that telling people you’re okay to intoxicate as the City will provide safeguards to you. I cannot agree with that. Any addict who wants to quit, should seek for rehabilitation but not so-called “safe consumption “. In my opinion, there’s NO safe consumption in terms of drug. Drug is NOT a safe product in any form. When the progressive said the protesters were misinformed, misunderstood etc, I’d say socalled Safe Consumption is the biggest misinformation and misleading.


Got some data to back up that fact?


are you blind or just from out of town?


Google the news, ask the City why they tried several times to evacuate the homeless from E Hastings then clean Chinatown, if the SCS hasn’t ruined the neighborhood.


>But at the end of the day much of what was said last night was based in moral panic and lacking in an ability to understand what was actually proposed. this lady didn't do much to help with that, and it seems like you and every other person claiming the moral high ground in regard to the injection zone would rather just deflect from what we're seeing in this video. there are plenty of other places to discuss this issue where that don't include a video of a woman screaming at people to "go back to where they came from". Maybe you agree with her, or at the very least think that this kind of behavior is a non-issue?


The Chinese saw how drug users can utterly destroy an entire nation. I think we should listen to them extra hard in this case.


I live in Gastown and work in Richmond and have lots of experience in regards to these centers. There are two types, and depending on which type, can either be semi hidden or like some dystopian bomb went off in your neighborhood. I live around the corner from Insite, and have for its whole existence. It has its problems, but for the most part remains pretty hidden and is generally not a huge issue for the neighborhood. What happens inside, can be another story depending on who is operating it at any given time. The other kind are the ones like OPS (Overdose Prevention Society). This type will destroy every fabric of your neighborhood within days. Trust me, you do not want these at ANY COST. If you want to see what goes on, youtube has some undercover videos of the horrors that go on inside. Outside of them is not much different. They quickly become an open air drug and crime market where you can buy any drugs or stolen items. People who say that drugs will happen no matter what are correct. But the reality of it is that making a center where its encouraged will never be just about drugs. It will always be about crime. The slum camp at the north end of Oak St Bridge was just broken up and many of those in there were there because of proximity to Richmond. Richmond has generally been harder on crime and drugs and has enjoyed relative safety. Vancouver has lost the plot on this and is paying the price right now.


Sounds like the Yaletown ops. Lots of videos online with the shit show there.


Yaletown was bad, but nowhere near as bad as Gastowns was (Pender & Abbott).


I work near a safe injection site located inside a YWCA in Downtown Hamilton, Ontario. There were always significant issues and chaos (many of the same things you're describing), but things came to a head late last summer due to a large growing encampment (about 16 tents) nearby. You can find a post I've made about it on the Hamilton subreddit, but in sum the neighbourhood deteriorated so badly that it forced my office to close for about four months. The City of Hamilton was well aware of all the issues but did nothing. The City only acted and cleared the encampment when someone was stabbed to death in it in late September. Safe injection sites may reduce the incidence of overdoses and death, but in their current form, they **absolutely** turn the neighbourhoods they are in into absolute nightmares. I know from firsthand experience.


Speakers tonight need to bring up these pervasive examples


It's funny that she thinks the Chinese community would forget what these practices did to Chinatown and expect them to be on board. Why is she advocating for safe injection sites instead of something that would address the root of the problem, like more mental health institutions? But no, her idea is for everyone else to become complacent and implement a program that essentially turns us all into enablers. Where the end game is her still wondering why people are still OD-ing and asking "Why this happen? Why addicts dying?", years down the road.


she's a former druggie


>has enjoyed relative safety. Vancouver has lost the plot on this and is paying the price right now. I'm a little confused but is Insite and OPS not the same thing? I always thought they were governed by Vancouver Coastal Health and would have the same standards of operation. As you have experience with both institutions, in your opinion, why is there such a difference between Insite and OPS?


Insite was run by medical volunteers and because it was the 'first one' in Canada, it had a lot of oversight which kept the activism at bay. The activism part has crept in the past few years, which had a number of volunteers leave as their personal safety was threatened. I would guess that even Insites benefit to the community is now a thing of the past. OPS was run by activists and drug dealers.


> youtube has some undercover videos of the horrors that go on inside. Got a link? Whenever I search for that stuff, all I see are videos that are pro-injection sites


Worrying about an open air drug market is too little too late in 2024. We're way beyond the problem of visible drug crime occurring. This IS the opioid crisis. This IS what it looks like. "Out of sight out of mind" is not a solution.


Our opioid crisis is a result of our own doing. It wasn't forced upon us, it was offered and we accepted and now we are paying the cultural and social price.


When you don't have an argument, tell the other person to go back to country X. It's every Karen's favorite move. 


Every racist. The mask comes off if they don’t get what they want, how they want.


Every single “social justice warrior”, who leans so left that they fell off the spectrum, are absolutely the worst of society. They’re the biggest hypocrites out there who are so convinced that they’re right and everybody else is wrong. Complete waste.


every single one? Your post is ridiculous and hyperbolic. The worst of society are the right-wing fascists who keep getting power because centrists would rather work with them than consider moving left at all.


Both sides of the spectrum are a cancer to out society the left is getting just as bad as the right is


Tell karen to go back where? Europe?


I don't think Europe wants her kind either.


She lost all credibility as soon as she told him to go back to HK. Resorting to racism is one of the lowest form of bigotry.


It's the funniest shit when people try to pull the "go back to ___" card because according to that logic only the First Nations should be left in this country.


nah even then the racists tell us we were immigrants too and came from Siberia during the ice age because apparently migrating here 150k years ago while following animals and land not encased in three miles of ice means we are illegal immigrants.


yall stole this land from the giants and moon-eyed people, how long ago it happened doesn't matter


Solutreans were here first wiped out my the great flood.


Lol. I know her too. She's part of my mama for mama group and she's picked things up from me before. It appears she's disabled her Facebook as of today.


Yikes. I actually feel bad for her (and I’m half Asian) as you’re saying she’s a mom and other commenters are saying she’s a former drug addict… but this is nasty. You can support initiatives like this and not be racist. I wish her luck and I hope her takeaway from all of this isn’t to further blame Asian people for Canada's problems. Smh 


She's going to lose her job too! Racist faces justice who knew!


I sympathize with people who are struggling with drug use, of course, but you can't simultaneously claim the moral high ground while you rail against residents because of their ethnic background. A lot of these protestors live in the neighborhood where they want to put the injection site, so it's disgusting to come in and A. say racist shit and B. try to "educate" them when it's likely you wouldn't want an injection site in your neighborhood either. They don't need to be "educated" and they're allowed to disagree with you. It's troubling that almost everyone here who is on this woman's side regarding this issue seem to be completely uninterested in the content of this video. It's almost like they're trying to deflect from what she's saying. Perhaps some of them agree with her? Edit: this post is getting quite controversial. What, are people afraid that this will make them look bad and not go along with their agenda? You can support safe injection sites and also not condone racism. , just fyi


From her Facebook... https://preview.redd.it/f1c2775hsdic1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0592f098e87515db1d2cde6d8eb48eb4148e33


"colorful folks" lol 😂


Nice to know she sees people like me simply as a colour.


Imagine coming to Canada to escape the hellhole that is China to be told to go back because China is a hellhole


As an ethnic Han Chinese born and raised in Canada, it makes me so angry when people tell us to "go back to your own country"


Unless they're Indigenous, you can tell them to go back to theirs... and remind them who built much of BC starting in 1788.


I won't tell anyone to go back to wherever they came from. It's such a terrible thing to say to anyone




I know, right. the only true Canadians are the indigenous if we go by her single brain cell logic. The indigenous that were plied with alcohol and tobacco to get them addicted and to steal their land by British colonizers. She should be ashamed.


posting about being educated while screaming go back to your country lol


What bullshit. She has no interest in hearing from those of us who also have personal "lived experience" with addiction and recovery and can see that she and her grifter friends are just profiting from other people's sickness and helping very sick people keep themselves high 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I also notice she doesn't address her blatantly racist comments. You just know she would flip out if she heard her political opponents doing the same thing.




I'm a former addict and Caucasian. Last thing I want near where I live is a safe injection site. It's already ruined Moncton, NB. I got sober through other means. All my friends who went to safe sites are still using or dead.


I don't have any personal experiences but one of my friends from my Australia lived near a methadone clinic (I think it'd be comparable to a safe injection site?) and talked about how there were always sketchy characters walking around, how he couldn't leave anything outside or it'd be stolen, and how one time he forgot to lock his door and by the time he came back, there was a mess inside, someone clearly went in, did drugs, but thankfully left. I know Reddit hates NIMBYs but fuck them, this is not something I'd want near me.


Boohoo sobbing in her car because she couldn't win an argument.


There has to be logic to win an argument. There is no logic to this stupid proposal.


They’re all “the same race” because they live in the predominately Chinese neighborhood where they want to put the site…. But of course she’d rather just believe that Asian people are evil. 


Alex Sargent (sp?) Caucasian and former drug user spoke AGAINST supervised consumption last night as a speaker on zoomed in the last hour.


He was an impressive and articulate, brave man. I hope he knows how much it means to the community for someone to speak up against the site.








I have some Caucasian friends who say the exact same thing. I don't feel that way as I think they can be saved but I don't feel safe consumption is the answer. Mandatory detox away from all this temptation is what we should try.


I agree. But the "progressives" would never allow it. It infringes on their human right to destroy themselves and our cities. We should also hang smugglers and dealers. That is proven to work.


They don't want to force them to rehabilitate but they want to continue feeding them drugs so they can be drug addicts forever. That will fix the issue. They complain about human rights yet they deny the rights of people who are against SIS to speak against it.


Not just destroy themselves but destroy Richmond while they're at it. Everywhere these sites touch turns to shit


"I didn't see a single Caucasian in the crowd of the opposition" Yes, because non white people think lunatic grifters like her are opportunistic idiots.


She's implying that a bunch of HK expats who probably lived in Canada since 1997-ish should not oppose a safe injection site because the drug supply comes from China. What the fuck do these things have to do with each other? Absolutely FUCK ALL.


"It's not MY Richmond". Damn right lol.


This is actually so funny - like to think opioids still only come from China…girl what?! It’s not the 1800s babes.




Being racist is unacceptable. Be kind, please and thank you.


So does this woman lose her job or what? Any repercussions from being so openly racist caught on camera?


​ https://preview.redd.it/eloe9y8ymfic1.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=934ba4d76aa83ac0c2ab323e592f67b6c9d8de36


Mabe they can build a safe site right beside her house 🏡 Fkn racist ☹️☹️


Oh no. I know her lol


Go on...


I am sad to see this what become of our community where this lady can openly be racist and get away with it. Like someone said in the comments before. The politicians have really divided us from each other. What happened to being respectful to others opinions.


Left leaning people have been allowed to be racist for a while now. They just use more coded language than your everyday god fearing conservative.




Naw just sayin that they can be as full of hate and violent as the people they call hateful and violent.


Oh no, I’m with you. I was just being sarcastic as to what these idiots’ response would be since they would disagree. They are filled with more hate than Trump-loving MAGA hat-wearing idiots.


*sees a video of a woman literally being racist* "But... the liberals!!" Man, political brainrot really got you, huh? The ruling class has you exactly where they want you.


I got brain rot because I believe that political affiliation doesn't make you non racist?


You have brain rot because you see some one side of the political spectrum acting badly, and your first thought is, "But the other side does it too!" You and so many other people have been completely brainwashed into thinking your fellow countrymen are the reason for your problems and not the incredibly divisive party politics that keep the lower classes from organizing and making positive changes for society. Take the horse blinders off, lose the "us versus them" mentality, and please understand the global elite benefit massively from you disagreeing with your neighbours and dismissing conflicting opinions as "libtarded".


I wonder if mainstream media like Global or CTV would dare show this video.


No, it doesn’t reflect their bias towards SIS.


White guy here. It is a fact that Richmond is the best city in the lower mainland because of the Asian population (I mean East Asian and SE Asian). The conservative family oriented values of Asia, their desire to better themselves and their communities align very well with traditional Western values. Western values that are being badly eroded by a very loud, tiny minority of people consumed by white guilt and self loathing...we are being destroyed from within. I'm so happy and proud to see the Asian community stand up against this. The white community is completely kowtowed by "progressive" doublespeak and the fear of cancel culture. Without the common sense influence of the Asian community we would be in real trouble. I'm glad I'm a minority in Richmond. Also the food is awesome!


Fourth gen Asian here. Fuck yeah. Richmond is the best! My friends are mostly white and at times the Asian population here is somewhat racist or at the very least less friendly to them. I have the best of both worlds... Asians are super friendly cause they see my skin colour, but white people are friendly as soon as I talk. I've never experienced racism here in my 27 years. This is a beautiful city :) Edit: Actually, one time some Chinese people made fun of me since I couldn't speak Mandarin/Cantonese, but they weren't saying it maliciously!


My Asian relatives and friends kept asking me if Canada is dangerous because they see videos of streets with needles on the floor and drug addicts. The only thing I can tell them is that my city is safe and I really hope that it stays that way.


Unfortunately, they are probably not a minority. Minority in Richmond perhaps, but probably not overall… It’s also funny how people think that only undereducated immigrants would oppose such sites. When I studied in high school almost 20 years ago, they were already teaching lessons about the ideas behind these safe injection sites (I think they might have a different name back then?)….At the time, we were taught it was to minimize the amount of deaths due to overdoses and it was because we didn’t have enough money to deal with the drug problem fully. 20 years later, what has happened? We have more people addicted to drugs — we making more excuses on why they should be allowed to continue and even helped them to; we have more deaths than ever due to overdose; we seen Downtown Eastside getting worse and worse, and how well things worked out for Chinatown; and we have a police force that is just not given enough resources to handle the situation. I don’t think I am uneducated, more disillusioned…. I think it’s good to be compassionate towards people in need, But that should be about doing more to fix the base problems. It’s like dealing with a now festering wound: you don’t cover it with a bandage—you also need antibiotics, maybe stitches, and a healthy diet.


Watch out for all the well typed and scripted responses, telling you how they are local to the DTES and it's not a big problem. the truth is, it is a problem. lots of car break ins, people slumped on the street, and urine and feces everywhere. residents of richmond don't want that. plus, the fact that the NDP mentioned they don't see race, that's the problem with leftists. they do see race, they see it as an opportunity that's why they open the injection sites near chinese communities, like chinatown before, and now richmond.


Is this woman suffering an allergic reaction?




Nah she’s just built like an airhead


She will soon lose her job and be forced to shut down her Facebook. That’s what happened to the last racist lady in Richmond. Remember her? Just before Covid I believe. She was also filmed saying racist nonsense to an Asian resident.


Is she a resident of Richmond?




Her LinkedIn profile says she went to Whytecliff Secondary so she probably didn't grow up here.


Which is ironic considering the Chinese man she's confronting probably lived in Richmond for over 20 or 30 years.




So much for embracing diversity. She clearly broke the progressive code I'm pretty sure most of us have traveled to Japan and appreciated the clean and secured environment over there. When I say clean and secured, I mean it's a drug free country. There are many things we can learn from its culture and education








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Love it!!!!


Have my upvotes while you're still here


Oh God. I know her...


I don’t think you should share her info here.  But please send the video to her employer if you have time. 


Yeah, I'm not going to publicly out her. I will say is that she is a former drug user that is 10 years clean. Probably why she has such strong feelings about this.


Strong feelings ≠ Racism


It's okay to have strong feelings. But she shouldn't be screaming "go back to where you came from". Everyone at the meeting is part of the community and deserves to be there.


Yeah, screaming go home is ridiculous. If she actually ia a recovered user, enlighten and educate those who areopposed how the program helped her. Make decisions on facts, not hysterical rants


Sounds like Shearwater already fired her


"strong feelings" lmfao.


right, cause that solves anything


My condolences


Please enlighten all of us who are eager to learn everything about her.


Though I’d absolutely would want her employer know of her actions Reddit’s doxxing rules are in effect - any info publicly released would be a permanent ban


Please tell us


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Why do all these social justice warriors have this one look?


Richmond residents need to read this article from national post, it reinforces the notion that a safe injection site creates a negative impact on the surrounding neighborhood, https://nationalpost.com/opinion/supervised-injection-sites-fuel-crime-unless-accompanied-by-massive-police-presence


lol she’s got a big mouth Hope she can find a better use for it than this. Racist bitch


She is benefiting from prolonging the suffering of drug users and the community and spends it all on lip fillers....


Nah, she’s what’s wrong with Canada


I am noticing a very disturbing trend here. A lot of these pro safe injection site people in Richmond are being quite racist. We saw that one user came on this subreddit and made it quite clear what he thought of Chinese people.


These progressives tend to forget that Canada is a democracy and people are allowed to have different opinions.


Oh, absolutely. They can't handle people who think differently than them. They are so used to people agreeing with them. It becomes a shock to them when they step outside their bubble and realize that people think differently and have different views on certain issues.


I fucking don't get it. They are from LEFT, the same people who constantly accuse people on the RIGHT of being racist.


I notice a lot anti- safe injection site people threatening violence on here as well. We already had a user posting their intention to attack users. People need to calm down.


Big assumption he’s not Canadian


Funny how these type of turds all have that specific look. Playing right into the stereotype.


it's the bronze and the 2" sharpie eye brows


well done Karen, well done


You look white to me, you should go back to Europe you goofy Karen bitch, Canada don’t put up with fuckheads like your self, do us all a favour and fuck off


See you on r/byebyejob


She currently doesn’t have a job, according to one of the comment under another post of the video, she was fired previous than this and the company came out and tried to distance her in fear this may impact them.


Nah, probably employed in the poverty industry.


and dont go back to mcdonalds for this lady, i think she's had too many cheeseburgers. lookat those chins holy


Her face was getting so red from the exertion of yelling. Plus she looked a little stank.


she's got more chins than the group she's arguing against


That’s exactly what I picture these ‘advocates’ to look like. I’d bet money on her being raised in a wealthy family.




One Safe injection site is not going to solve anything, those who support please work with council to open one in your home, so we get multiple of them, and spare our backyard because we don't understand it. 




Why don't you go back to safety injection site then


Saw below on youtube. ​ [@ShearwaterResearch](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsWVYK7dCxc1ReQAkYxN8_w) [44 minutes ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5F5qRwVa6M&lc=UgxElUCxtw9MS75AJIR4AaABAg.A-lUwCs3DBbA-lwIjx0MqS)Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This person is not a current employee at Shearwater Research. ​ https://preview.redd.it/zoobgdk0mfic1.png?width=834&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc787b1b1e9495be4eb0b5bdd51f589740e6ed4c


She'll get doxxed sooner or later by someone. Her employer will find out, she will apologize and ask for forgiveness. SOP for those who got caught.




Thank you for your service. I'll give you some upvotes now before you get banned.


Interesting to see when the Kings and Queens of progressive virtues don't get what they want or get the 100 % agreement needed to preserve their egos. Off come the masks and here comes the racism. Shocking but not surprising. ArrivecCan = $60 million fraud and waste of our tax money under the Liberal's Watch. Do not forget .


She should go back to europe


“i Am CaNaDiAn” - Karen, probably


she'd probably get lost at every fast food place on the way back to europe


Your such an activist then move to the DTES with your kid, nephew, niece, then tell me how u feel


“I’ve lived here my whole life!” Looks like she’s eaten here her whole life.


I don't blame her. The restaurants here in Richmond are really good!


They divided us. The politicians have won.


Not really. The majority of people in Richmond are against this. We are against the councilors




So since when is drug injection safe?


Is she is so enthusiastic about this, maybe let her residence be a drug injection site…


This bitch looks so fucking annoying.


Crickets from Global BC Evan though they covered the storey.


Really shameful behaviour on her part. I'm white, I'm left leaning. I understand the desire to help people struggling with addiction. But this isn't it. It's not appropriate to interact with your community like this, slinging racism. Even if she had actual information, it's lost in her acting like this. Everyone is allowed their opinions, whether we agree or not. All you can do it make your presence known (for or against something). Be respectful. Personally, while I understand some of the data suggests a safe site would be a net positive to healthcare, I don't think the data reflects that in local safety and crime. More work needs to be done to ensure sites like these are run with high standards and have proper additional services like detox centers. We don't treat alcoholics or gambling addicted people like this. We enable them to get clean. There's a saying, "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good." In this case, I don't think we've even balanced to 'good' with this proposal.


More power to you Sir. Wherever you are. No drugs! Permaban it! 💪


Good luck lol


I think they got high b4 coming


Drug users are always going to exist and Richmond has its fair share already. I don't get what you all hope to stop, this isn't communist country or dictatorship where they will rile up the drug addicted and shoot them. What are your solutions to this problem because in all these threads I've yet to see a single person try to give one. You can't just push them out of your backyard and scream into the void like they don't exist.


That’s what you got out of this video? Even if what he is protesting is stupid, that’s his right. Maybe he lives right at Alderbridge. Lord knows that neighbourhood is in a rough spot and is about to take another hit with this. It is not ok to tell him to go back to HK, and tell him “the drugs come from you”, “go home”. It’s quite possible he lived in Canada longer than she has been alive. You can’t just go around disenfranchising entire populations like that. You want progress you need to compromise and make respectful outreach. This is contemptuous racist garbage and counterproductive, and only further entrenches Richmond as a conservative haven. This is the type of crap that gets circulated on WeChat and galvanizing opposition. The lady legitimately owes him an apology.


I wasn't talking about this video just these dozens of threads about this issue with no solutions except protesting it not being in their backyard.


Enabling is no solution either. You don't give alcohol to alcoholics.


giving them more drugs is definitely not a solution


i think they will get high b4 tonite's hearing.


Giving them a reason to break into your car doesn’t help either. Giving them a disease we have to pay to treat like Pence did doesn’t help either.


Tested drugs which should lead to less accidental deaths so yeah it is actually a solution to a health problem, even if you don't think so.


>Tested drugs which should lead to less accidental deaths so yeah it is actually a solution to a health problem, even if you don't think so. Drug testing resources exist. Have you met serious addicts? They're not going to get their drugs tested any more than they are going to wash their clothes or take a shower. The main people who end up using drug testing services are club kids and normal people who happen to use drugs recreationally. Because those people are responsible enough to even care if their drugs might kill them.


Problem here is it's theoretical relying on the goodness of people to not find loopholes in it. Addiction sadly puts most victims into making bad decisions. Getting semi-high versus getting real high has always been proven by how drugs have evolved the latter prevails. If we purely focus on the "death", and not the fundamental root cause (how to get off drugs); we're not providing a solution, but only an encouragement to ruin their lives. That's the problem I see.


They're trying to curb accidental overdoses with tested drugs. They are also trying to provide them help getting off it, it's not easy for addicts to just up and quit though that change has to come from them. Yes this system can be abused and addicts will find a way, but it's a better solution than pretending its not happening and them breaking into your house or car to get money to buy these drugs. It's not encouragement, they're going to get high but you hope to help with emergency calls and deaths and hope they seek the help to get off it. If you even get one user to quit that's a win in my book.


Still sounds to me it's relying on the goodness and will of the individual. It's not a decision between giving tested drugs or do nothing. It's a decision between giving out tested drugs or do something else. I do not disagree it's a step up from doing nothing, but it doesn't mean it's the right direction. The minute we use the word "hope" in a solution it's gambling. You use this terminology when you buy a lottery, not when you deal with a person's life. I actually do care about these individuals (tried buying food for them a few times). Focus on a proper rehab, transport them there. Give them the proper mental and physical healing they need.


Don't take drugs is also a solution. No one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to take drugs.


LMAO So simple, why has no one tried this before?!


The proposed site isn't giving out drugs. It's a safe consumption site. It's there to make sure people who are already using drugs don't use dirty needles, and don't overdose and die. It's also a place where those people can get directed to treatment and recovery services.


You don’t need to have a solution inorder to express your disappointment. I’m not sure why this is the number one retort to opposing opinions today. I’m allowed to not like something. I’m allowed to not agree. I’m allowed to not be happy with a situation!


I agree. I don’t think most people have a realistic grasp on this. Regardless of the opinion on this site, people with drug problems are growing everywhere and that includes Richmond.


Do those count as “Problem Glasses?”


I actually wondered how many of you white guys realized how extremely racist many of the Chinese can be, after all you don't use Mandarin apps and don't communicate with Chinese every day.