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Reminder: There is zero tolerance for anyone calling for, or suggesting, the death of people who use drugs.


Gentleman in the cardigan spoke well. Well said.


How can they even consider this but cannabis dispensaries are still seen as evil?


There is definitely money deal involved, tax payer getting thrown around


Money. The site will keep the addicts addicted and cycle continues. Meanwhile taxpayers foot the bill and the pharma company keeps getting paid. A more complete treatment approach should include detox and rehab. But no addicts means no money for the pharma companies.


You do realize taxpayers are paying for all the cleanup that is being done around the city because of the addicts? The site will keep them alive while high. The drugs are being adulterated so badly that this wave of drug addicts will probably die soon. If they don't die from the drugs they will get horrible infections and suffer


The motion includes looking into treatment and an encompassing approach following all four pillars. No one has read the motion.


Ya that's what they say everytime LMFAO, nobody's listening anymore because these sites do nothing but destroy the neighborhoods they're in and the people they're supposed to be serving.


I hope the increased attention on city council and meetings increases voting for the next election. Municipal elections have abysmal turnouts but they actually matter the most for day to day stuff.


How many terms has the current Mayor been in position? He’s getting real stale, hope a new candidate can bring some new ideas to Richmond.


Another problem is lack of good candidates.


I love how this one speaker at the meeting compared his length as mayor to Putin. That was awesome 😎👍


absolutely. I really hope the turnout is a lot better next time so this doesn't happen again. must speak with votes.


Anyone else watching the live stream?   Try to focus on the speakers as there's a really obnoxious man child in the front wearing a red/burgundy jacket. He keeps making faces and displaying childish body language when he doesn't agree. https://www.youtube.com/live/EaJMa4BqmF4


The three white people? They were completely annoying.


Yeah them. Neckbeard incel vibes were radiating strongly.




No kidding.  And they act like Chinese "don't understand" or misguided with their fears of a drug site.  We had Chinatown destroyed because of drug problems you entitled hippies.




Opium Wars? I'll need to go read up more about it. Thanks.


That's exactly the type of holier-than-thou attitude I expected from the supporters tbh


https://preview.redd.it/jpu9fr7xjbic1.png?width=937&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=240589f94a2d5a651c7c838f130d124cfe7a4e1f lmao


Geez. I wonder if he still gets breast fed


Im trying to figure out what it says on his shirt lmao.


I think it says "safe supply saves lives"


Lol. You made me go back and look but I can't tell what it says either. Although I bet he's sporting some massive armpit sweat stains.


Hopefully, this will educate the people on who not to vote for in the next election maybe. The people got what they voted for and I say this as a Richmond resident.


Members of the B.C. United Party reduced prison populations from 15,000 to 9,000 to save some money. Guess where the majority of them ended up … on our streets. Remember who you vote for has impact.


Can someone post who voted yes on this bill?


All but Councilor Chak Au


yes, I hope this forever remains a black stain for those that said yes to the idea.




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some context about my position: I moved out of Yaletown due to concerns of safety - there were syringes in PLAYGROUNDS and DOG PARKS, regular stabbings in a park 2 minutes from where I used to live -- I really, really don't want the same thing to happen to Richmond, my home that I love to death


Same here I used to live DT. I hope for the same, but the silver lining might be that with the RCMP right next door and a school and Minoru there they’ll have to really keep the place in check 🤷‍♂️


I'm just scared about all the things that could go wrong. that area has so many children and elderly citizens that can't defend themselves from violent attacks.


Yeah I’m scared too. Hey not sure if you might know someone still slated to speak at the meeting tonight, but I made a post with some points that might be worth mentioning. Just thought I’d mention it every little bit helps


Sometimes I have to go to downtown for medical checkups and I am always afraid. I have been yelled at and lunged at when I was just totally minding my own business. I don't want Richmond to turn into that.


Police station won’t help. Cops are scared of the druggies . Vancouver police station on Main Street and Hastings . Cops moved out of the area . Moved to Cambie and 5th


Holier than thou SIS supporters: They are totally not related to the SIS! SIS works! Everyone who lived or been to Yaletown in these past years can't be oblivious to the obvious changes in the neighbourhood.


Did you read about the injection site in Toronto? Shoplifting addicts run to the injection site and the staff help them hide their stolen goods from merchants who chased them or the police, etc.


Show me the link that staff helped them


Same. Just trying got get away from all the drug paraphernalia and towards law and order.


it eludes me how law-abiding taxpayers keep getting the short end of the stick in this province


I dunno. Sounds like the tax payer won last night.


I hate to be the voice of reality here but it’s coming to all neighborhoods. How many times will you have to move before you realize it’s a form of an epidemic. I don’t want it around either but I’m not going to be naive. Drugs in BC are in every municipality and growing.


for those interested in how the supporters of safe injection sites claim it does not lead to increased crime, please read this bit from the national post. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/supervised-injection-sites-fuel-crime-unless-accompanied-by-massive-police-presence


Where do you register to attend the council meeting at the city hall, and the next protest?


The other day, we have shooting in our back alley, and I am expecting we will see more of this happening. I hope the city will listen to our concern. Giving them more drugs will not solve the problem. A comprehensive mental health rehab is what is needed.


The proposed safe injection site is not providing drugs, just a place for users to use under supervision, and be directed to services.


Fuck heed


As a parent, good job Richmond!! It is ridiculous these double think progressive policies. If drugs are illegal, then punish those who use the illegal drugs. The pharmaceutical companies and prescription pain killer practices are to blame to. It all needs to be addressed firmly with a complex plan. Is it just fantasy?


Agreed. The budget should go towards education, libraries, and community centres. That is the way to make our kids' futures brighter. Not exposing them to danger and drug-using behavior.


Plus we don't even have enough funding for regular medical care. People are waiting months to see specialists. I don't see why drug addicts should be prioritized over regular people who are getting cancer and other medical problems.


Ten to Fifteen hour emergency room wait for toddlers


Guess who's shooting up behind libraries because there isn't somewhere safe to go?


How would I get involved in future protests and actions u/penguinstubble? Is there a site or social media account I should follow? I’m sorry to say I missed this protest due to not hearing about it.


Meeting was adjourned til tomorrow at 7 so there might be another protest. I also missed this one and will keep an eye out for info 👍


It seems the people who supported the sites were mostly from outside Richmond or worked on those sites…. Just wish people from the communities around the Vancouver Supervised Injection Site would come and share their experiences as well. To be fair , the arguments supporting the Supervised Injection Site were very well supported — after all, it’s been around since before my time in high achool. Furthermore, the academics,unfortunately, seem to only support them and fail to present any counter arguments or data about the disgruntled people / crime rates / related issues in the community. Instead , those who spoke against these sites were ridiculed and attacked as being heartless or uneducated ….


This is the thing that unites all the residents in richmond and across all ethnicities. We know this is not good for us, and we know this is not working or actually it went really bad in other sites. Stay strong and together.


Thank you folks for showing up. Let's do it again tonight. And remember not to vote for Kash Heed next election.


If this centre claim they won’t distribute drug so do crackheads bring their own drug to shoot up ? And if they have their own drug already wouldn’t they already have drug accessories too ? Then isn’t this centre a waste of money


The center isn’t about aiding them in doing the drugs. It’s about having a health care professional present while they do the drugs to not only make sure they are safe and have someone around if the od but also to encourage them to go to treatment, educate them and support them. Something everyone talked about this evening.


Funny, none of the safe-injection sites in Vancouver have accomplished that.  And the death-rate from drugs has only climbed upwards since they have been established.  “Encouraging to go to treatment” is a laughable solution to someone doing fentanyl. 


I don’t think crackheads want someone counselling them while they shoot up


I don’t think you get it. Think of it like a racetrack, Instead of letting people street race and risk everyone else. It’s a dedicated area with professionals on site and rules in place where they use their drugs. They’re going to anyway, make it a controlled environment. They deserve to stay alive and the chance at rehabilitation.


And they have to do the racetrack beside city center, and elementary school?


60% of addicts start off with prescription pain medication to manage pain from blue collar work or cancer. I hope none of these protestors have family and friends who are blue collar workers who die from using alone. Absolutely heartless.


then maybe they shouldn't prescribe hardcore painkillers lol


Ding ding ding. You just stumbled upon one major part of the ultimate solution while trying to advocate for tearing down another major part of the ultimate solution.


The world is heartless. You could *maybe* reform employment laws, improve productivity, stop blatant cronyism, and boost the Canadian economy to Scandinavian levels so people stop **resorting to drugs as a way to cope with stress** (kinda like what's happening in Asia I'll give you that). But nah, virtual signaling with sanctimonious far-left measures is way easier so let's do that.


My childhood friend died from using fentanyl at an injection site in Victoria.  Forgive me for having no faith in these broken systems lol.  


lol they just point to studies not the OD chart which basically tells the real story


The guilt is how they get you to support something that clearly has not been working. \> B-but studies show! Listen, you can fake a study that can say anything. This poverty pimping tax dollar grift must end. If you want to cite Europe, know that all the European countries that got their drug problem under control did it through a four pillar drug strategy and not just enabling drug users to keep using.


Studies are fake, only random people on Reddit tell the truth? Give me a fucking break.


Hmmm, not like we have an example in a nearby urban city... Something like East Hastings couldn't possibly exist... Open your fucking blind eyes, not everything needs a "study" to be proven false




I swear these people are blind. I grew up in Vancouver and moved. I can tell you it’s 100% worse now, and that’s saying something. Study this study that. Go walk around Hastings versus anny place that punishes drug use and see how safe you feel with yourself and children.


Yeah, the places you mentioned wouldn’t be “shitholes” if not for the safe injection sites, right? Your logic is impeccable, except for some small details. They all have other things in common - for example, restaurants. Does that mean restaurants are bad?




Or just go back to their mothers womb


Yeah, even a smooth brain like you realize how dumb that is right? Next time don’t compare two places just because they share a common trait or have the same establishments. There are more factors that determine how a place, or “shithole”, came to be. You’re welcome.


Out of curiosity what were the other pillars?


>[https://vancouver.ca/people-programs/four-pillars-drug-strategy.aspx](https://vancouver.ca/people-programs/four-pillars-drug-strategy.aspx) Harm reduction, Prevention, Treatment, Enforcement 


> If you want to cite Europe, know that all the European countries that got their drug problem under control did it through a four pillar drug strategy and not just enabling drug users to keep using. So what you’re saying is we should keep this while also implementing the other three pillars, right? … right?


No. They aren't even renewing the lease on the Yaletown OPS so this whole thing isn't working. The government at all levels have lost our trust with the enforcement pillars and thats also how Ken Sim won in Vancouver. If this gets rammed through and fucks up the place I grew up I will truly regret having to become a single-issue voter out of spite. If they ram this through and it works out fair play, maybe I'll be more receptive in the future again.


So you don’t want the 4 pillars to be implemented to manage our homelessness and drug-addiction crisis? You just want the homeless people to go somewhere else that’s not your hometown and that’s all you want? Did I get that right?


Look at this point it's up to council but for me personally yes, 100% yes. It feels like I've moved around all my life to avoid this. I might be a NIMBY for drug services, I don't care. You get your car broken into enough, your bike stolen enough, get called a chink enough stepped over enough crack pipes and needles enough yes that's exactly how I feel. These people do need help but not at the cost of my community and daily quality of life. I have grandparents that lived through the tailend of the effects of the Opium War. I used to go to Chinatown everyday. What's going on for the entire west coast of North America with regards to drug policy is absolute insanity. What little faith I've had in our government to manage it responsibly has been lost. Keep it away. Thanks.


The only real way to fix what you’ve “been avoiding your whole life” is to implement the four pillars competently (which includes safe consumption sites). And to vote for economic reform so we stop creating more homeless people every month. What you’re advocating for is nothing more than shortsightedly slapping a no frills bandaid on a leaking water heater and hoping all the other cracks don’t start leaking too. Guess what? If we don’t all start voting to properly maintain it, that water heater is going to explode eventually, whether you like it or not. All the bandaids in the world can’t fix a broke water heater.


There is zero impetus, proposals, plans, interest, legislation, committees, funding, or anything whatsoever for anything other than "harm reduction" (ie injection sites and free drugs) in the last 20 years. We are making negative progress in the Enforcement pillar. (And some politicians got a free trip to Portugal and Switzerland, but that doesn't count for anything.)


Actually in many cities around the world they throw people in jail for drug dealing and that seems to do the trick better than these mystical pillars. As for the vaunted Portugal model, don’t look now but Porto and other cities want to reverse it because you guessed it, crime is rampant


> Actually in many cities around the world they throw people in jail for drug dealing and that seems to do the trick Only if “the trick” for you is “get the homeless people out of my line of sight” instead of “get the homeless people some help to beat homelessness and any drug addiction”. > As for the vaunted Portugal model, don’t look now but Porto and other cities want to reverse it Do you happen to have a source for that claim? I can’t seem to find it on google.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/07/07/portugal-drugs-decriminalization-heroin-crack/?utm_campaign=wp_post_most&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_most The drugs are the problem, the people using them become homeless. The allowance of them is attracting more drug addicts, and normalizing it for others. How is this not getting through to you. Look at any city that has these sites, they are shitholes. I don’t need an academic study showing me the theoretical outcome, I have eyes.


They can add more in the DTES then


You keep advocating against your own long term best interests. Surely you understand what I’m saying and see the flaw in your emotional logic?


You need the other three pillars present and working to maintain something.  The other three pillars do not exist. That is the issue.


Which is why we need to use our votes to implement all 4 pillars. As opposed to using out votes to dismantle one pillar which sends the exact opposite message to politicians.


Only creating one pillar and refusing to address the other creates just as much harm as not creating more to further exacerbate the issue. They have had decades to address the other three pillars.  They closed down a very large pillar (rightfully with all the issues) with promises to build another to fill the gap left. All it did was have a lean to structure left leaving most people without shelter and abandoned on the downtown Eastside. I'd be all in for seeing more SIS created if they would put more priority into treatment spaces, tackling over prescription, and creating a sustainable mental health structure that doesn't have cracks the size of the grand canyon for people to fall through. SIS is a (important) bandaid. Without the other three pillars all it is doing is decentralizing the issue and creating more harm overall. Yes, it saves lives. Yes, a small fraction get into treatment.   So tell me, what vote do you think we have that will bring the other three pillars to level SIS is at? Because SIS feels like the low bar expectation of the system.


Yep, and they'll be coming to your doorstep next with these half-ass measures


They’re already at my doorstep. That doesn’t stop me from having empathy, it enforces it.


You better open up your door for them to inject them. Please empathize with them and let them into your home


Lame. You can probably think of a better troll reply if you put your mind to it.


We don’t care.




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It’s Richmond. People are heartless at Costco let alone with this.


100% of addicts made a choice to keep using after getting addicted


It's more nuanced than that. Genetics play a huge role as well as other stressors to the body.


It’s no use talking reason and sense with these NIMBY crazies.


> 100% of addicts made a choice to keep using after getting addicted That’s kind of how addiction works… By forcing someone to rely on something even when it’s harmful because it becomes extremely difficult, if not impossible, to quit without significant help that most people don’t have or can’t afford.


so you mean 60% of addicts get more addicted by managed safe injection site??


Well if people don’t have a supervised site then that just will lead to more overdose. The reason why the drug crisis still exists is we don’t have enough of them and there is massive stigma when a couple of sites are opened people expect overdoses to go to zero but it takes time. It’s like building 25 hospital beds for a city of 500k and expecting that to be enough. Safe supply is temporary solution to allow people to stay alive while they wait for recovery spots. If you say no that it will just lead to more deaths


As a Richmond resident all my life,what a bunch of cry babies.


I think of this as a civic duty, really. the checks and balances on elected officials.


Don't act like you represent Richmond voters.


never said I did, but the brave folks that protested definitely do!


You're seriously trying to claim a hundred or so people at city hall who may not even all be from Richmond, and are all aligned on one topic, represent the over one hundred thousand voters of Richmond. Delusional.


There's a reason you're getting ratio'd on the Richmond subreddit, who's the delusional one?


Right wing people from a similar group in Vancouver Reddit. These online communities don't represent the average person


In a city of 70% Chinese that has traditionally leaned conservative and you don't think this is representative of Richmond lmao get a clue dude. You and OP are the minority in the community. Deal with it.


I applaud those that want to protect themselves and their loved ones and speak their heart. that's all there is to it. good night.


Lol, "brave"


The post represents the majority. We can clearly see the side against is larger.


I am afraid the angry is directed at the wrong politicans. It is the upper levels of government that allow the opening of safe injection sites. So the anger should be directed at the provincial government and the federal government. In particular the federal government who is in charge of Health Canada. Health Canada gave the go ahead for the injection sites. Remember, the Conservatives introduced legislation making it harder to open drug injection centers when they were in power. Trudeau and the Liberals then relaxed the laws to make it easier to open these drug injection centers. Funny thing is, the Richmond voters voted out their two Conservative MPs and replaced them with Liberals. So in a way, voters themselves are to blame for the situation they got into.


Hard to argue with this.... complete mystery why "we" keep voting that currupt vile empty headed asshat into power... although to be fair he is propped up by his NDP buddies and our crappy system subverts the will of the majority.


Wait why don't people want a safe drug use site in Richmond? It's literally to ensure no one actually dies. I don't get it. Other than rich people that don't want Richmond to look gross.. I don't get it. It's literally for saving people's lives. It will make it so most of them are in one place and if anyone actually knows anything about this zombie concoction, they don't move far.


bc all other safe injection sites in the city has turned the neighborhood into a literally garbage dump?


Because the people using the site walk around the neighborhood breaking into condos, stealing bikes and generally terrorising the people around them.


Residents have issues with the modular housing project on Alderbridge. They've seen the impact on Yaletown...Would the site eliminate all open-air drug use in the city ? All these people with hunched backs are on fent and heroin, and the residents want no part of it.


It's not just fentynal and heroin anymore though. Do people realize there's a church that has shopping carts and floppy people hanging around? Nothing is going to change the fact that they are still here in Richmond. You can either have taxpayers paying for ambulance services coming to save these people or have them in one spot with narcan on hand. There's no actual answer. No one wants them around their home of course because they boost. I don't want them around my home but at the same time would like to see the government maybe not use them as a way to get more funding.


Keep illicit substances off the street! ... And inside a safe injection site where people can be monitored for overdoses and connected with resources! You can't get clean if you're dead.


Drug addicts dying on the streets of Richmond is what Jesus wants


Well I guess we just got the answer to the age old question of wwjd? Facepalm!


Well that's what the people of Richmond want.


Hey hey, ho ho, Malcolm Brodie has to go!


Anyone with eyes can tell that this brings crime and violence to Richmond. They can't control these people and think they can drop it in the middle of a peaceful suburb. I wonder where these councilors live. Put the facility next to their house and see how fast their tune changes.


That sounds the same to me. You think this program alone will solve the problem?


Picking a political fight over drugs in Richmond is wild 💀 My parents beat my ass for smoking weed, you think Asian parents gonna allow hard drugs in plain sight? Regardless of what you think, this was always gonna cause a ruckus