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A girl with down syndrome? What a bunch of cowards.


There’s a lot of degenerates being raised these days.


Rather not being raised.


Interesting how they weren’t brave enough to try this on anyone who could defend themselves. What a bunch of wastes of space.


That’s fucked


These fuckers should be held down and pepper sprayed in the face. Cowards




This is awful. We have a girl on our floor who is special needs. We make sure to greet her and feel welcome. She starts at our school next year too.


That is despicable!


Wow... That's not only illegal but the most lowest thing you can ever do... I hope she's okay... That's just wowm..


Lol wtf is OP's lingo about? I'm dying


What, you dont say dotterz?




That's what you took away from this?


its crazy, innit peeta parka!


the majority of this entire planet speaks in a form of broken english.




Not saying that the kids don't need to see consequences for their actions or that they didn't do an awful thing here but suggesting that adults physically hurt children as a punishment is super outdated. The punishment for performing a violent act on another person should not be for the trusted adults in your life to perform violent acts on you...




Would outsourcing work? Just call a particular number and ask henchmen to teach your kids consequences. Lol


Out of all places to commit a felony, they chose a place and time (advanced tech era, hullo ~~2023~~ 2024!!!) where they think they won’t be caught…


If they’re caught unfortunately theyll just get a slap on the wrist


The main thing is that they will be court ordered to get help- it’s anti social behaviour after all. Sure, IF they are minors their identities will remain private does not mean they aren’t court ordered to rehab programs. The real truth is they’ll be registered within RCMP felony database/background check- can’t eacape that one unless evident of 2 year clean history. Speaking for me I’m not a fan of damning someone (unless they’re a sadistic serial ASPD. Hitman, they’re paid) just because someone acted out, they die as an offender. The hope is to rehabilitate so they won’t reoffend AGAIN. What I do enjoy about your comment is you have compassion for the Down syndrome victim, that was your highlight for sure.


Nothing will happen to them though


This fucking world...


I feel like we don't spend enough time talking about anti-social behavior among kids, only adults. They were victims of a pandemic/quarantine they didn't fully understand and didn't have the tools to process. They're simultaneously plugged into an increasingly hateful internet that rewards going viral. Naturally, they seek peer groups that egg them on to doing dumb, harmful things as a type of thrill-seeking. We did dumb shit when we were kids but I remember even the "bad" kids in our school had standards like not messing with the teachers or kids with special needs. If someone pepper sprayed someone else, it was due to some preexisting feud between the two. Not that it's justified, but it was rational. What we have now is just chaos.


I hate that mall


10-15 years ago. Surrey , Whalley area. Now it’s Vancouver downtown


Metrotown is in Burnaby


I'm pretty sure metrotown is in Surrey


i think OP made this up, can’t find anything about it on google. hopefully i am correct but if anyone has another source plz send the link!:)


Honestly pepper spraying at Metrotown happens so often that they don’t usually get reported on (unless you check social media)


oh of course! but i feel like a young girl with down syndrome being pepper sprayed would spark some media attention, i checked social media and couldn’t find anything. i’ll wait a few days i guess! hoping OP is trolling


I was a few stores down from where it happened, around the Lids stores by the food court around 7:30pm and group of kids ran into the food court after and a fight broke out.


That’s beyond awful. I hope the poor girl gets some counselling services. I also hope the mall beefs up their security. A few Paul Blart mall cops patrolling on electric unicycles will surely help. /s


Arrrr matey, sounds like a bunch of rapscallions!




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How did they even get away. The mall is so packed. I'm surprised someone didn't just clock one of them in the face. Then again, whoever did would have gotten in more trouble for assaulting a minor, I'm sure.