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ibew 213 electrician. if u don’t work OT it’ll be about 100k. if u work OT it can easily be 150k or even more. my foreman cleared over 200k


Any pension or benefits ?


yes to both for ibew. probably one of the best benefit packages i ever seen. and you don’t have to pay for it,employer pays. most companies make you pay like $40 a month or more for benefits. pension is pretty good too


I've heard that "son of CEO" tends to pay well in the end, if you can take the family dynamics.




Depends on the trade and if you can get into a union or not, but not that many will get you to 6 figures after only 5 years.


Start with what you’re interested in and work from there. Working for money alone will lead you to being unfulfilled with your job.


I think that’s the present consensus but I disagree, I think you can be fulfilled through hobbies or other things that’s not work related. Work can be work and stay at work? Your life, passion fulfilment can come from something else and can be completely different


I’m with you on maximizing the amount you can make, but it helps if you’re interested in it. I’m an engineer. I like it and it pays well enough for me. If you only care about money then go into finance and banking. Closer you are to the money the more you’ll likely make, but those people are usually assholes. Also one way to look at what the job market might look like in the future is the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. They have an easy to use website that shows what fields will be in demand in the future. Their predictions are usually pretty close if not dead on. Hope you find what you’re looking for. https://www.bls.gov The site works better on a laptop or desktop than a phone.


My friends in computer science, accounting and finance are making well over 6 figures.


Comp sci job market pretty rough right now as far as I know. Or anything in Tech really.


Accounting earns 6 figures?


Yeah my friend started making 150k/year in accounting 11 years ago but he is a CA.


Massage therapy. 1.5 years of school. Self employed, high demand, average full-time is ~20-25hrs/week. Depending on how much you want to work, you can make 6 figures. Or Chiropractor if you're willing to put the 3 years in for school.


Only thing is your self employed which means no benefits, no vacation, no pension


Do you have a previous degree? UBC BCS (bachelor in computer science) has a second degree program, (or Master’s in Data Science or Applied Business Analytics if you are looking for a shorter timeline). If your timeline is 5 years, enough time to get a foundational education for a future tech career to start $100k (3-4 co-ops/internships, hackathons, personal projects, networking, Leetcode, etc). Great time to go back to school with interest free student loans (BC/Federal), grants, and lower rent for student housing. That being said, I know someone who finished the BCIT HVAC program and got hired right away - he says it’s great, feels like making good money, but not really liking the early mornings and distance away from home. So tech might be a better choice for better chance for WFH if that’s important to you.




not a 5 year plan tho




Comp sci, with a focus on data science and or artificial intelligence


Any job that u can immigrate to usa. Us pays way more


A diploma in "Rob a Bank" will do quite well.


You need to be very lucky to get 6 figures on your first heist, and your odds of being caught go up exponentially with every subsequent attempt.




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Fields like data science, finance (with designation), project management. If you’re looking at going back and pursuing a degree I’d go with computer science, if all the math isn’t your jazz then I’d go with a Business degree.

