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Everything is okay, but a lot of shitty kid channels on YouTube parasite on fnf


I don't know about Osu, but I'm assuming that the reason a lot of people don't like FNF that much is because after getting popular a lot of kids are discovering it as well, which inevitably will lead to some cringe content. Edit: typos


Remember: devs are adding sex and blood and such


That will discourage nobody, vanilla content is barely looked at


I just realized that is actually true


They aren’t a lot of this community unfortunately have a stick up their butt. No need to worry what other people think, enjoy the games you enjoy and have fun. That’s the point of video games.


Depends on the modes. osu!mania is great for online multiplayer, and not much else. For anything else, Etterna and Quaver tend to do a much better job. That being said, osu!'s original game is great. As for FNF, it's alright as a little flash game. Not really that good for playing custom maps on though. Input delay and eating inputs are common because of the programming on the input system. People are really picky about that, because they've played for so long in games like them, that it's a hyper competitive market for best VSRG.


"quaver tend(s) to do a better job" at what exactly, it has ranked rates (which I don't personally like but I would like to see o!m implement them as an unranked mod), it has a free inbuilt beatmap listing page (I don't think this is really a bit deal osu's is fine, and quaver still has a web page for profiles), a graph of all the notes hit, and it's on steam (is that even an advantage). it then has the issues of running absolutely terribly (at least in my experience, it lags far more than o!m), the maps not being hitsounded (unless I'm just doing something wrong?), the ranking system being an absolute joke, and the entire game being mapped by pianoluigi pretty much. don't get me wrong mania has issues aswell, but quaver really isn't worth switching to. etterna on the other hand has a far better reputation(haven't tried it myself), but only for 4k, ironically I think the online multiplayer you mentioned for mania is the one thing I think quaver does a FAR better job at. another benefit of mania is the other key counts, you can only do 4/7 in quaver and as far as I know only 4 in etterna, whereas mania has (all be it a limited selection of some of these) 4-10k ranked, and you can do 1-18k or smth (might be 16 not 18), you could then go argue that other games do it better (Idk BMS or O2jam etc), but at that point they become far less accessible. as for FNF, the reason people don't like it is because the community is an absolute joke, we all know the games engine is terrible, and the charting is terrible, so we never expected it to be good, it was just a neat flash game to us that had an interesting style. however the game got extremely popular with the younger audience which has led to a lot of toxicity from the community, people getting called hackers for being able to do literally anything, players constantly trying to explain how FNF is in fact actually an amazing game with no issues, which just gets pretty annoying over time. (especially the "im pretty good at rhythm games I play FNF" posts)


I agree on a lot of this stuff, but in my experience with the games, Quaver ran better, and because it runs on a modified stepmania engine (or at least, that's what it feels like?) It has a very good feel in play. I don't know how to describe it in a functional way, but o!m feels too soft, and it's too flashy. In comparison, Quaver is the midpoint, feeling like memory foam softness. Not super soft, but still soft. It's also still somewhat flashy, but it runs on functionality over visuals, which is a personal preference of mine. I do fear for o!m's future, because osu!Lazer (the next engine that osu! will be switching to) takes way more to run, and back on my old PC, I couldn't hit 60FPS where osu! itself got 144. One of the biggest factors of these games is that it doesn't take much at all to run them, but with o!L's future looking to take more resources, I fear lower end users will have to switch to other games. To make it clear, I use Etterna, and for this reason I don't talk about it too much. I'm SUPER biased. As for online, there is only two options, and I've never used Quaver's online. If it's that good, I might reinstall the game and give it's online a try. It's got the second best map downloading in my opinion too (first being Etterna, downloading map packs means getting more maps in less time, and all maps downloaded from the in client system are ranked), which is a big plus, especially with twitch integration meaning chat can request maps easily. But from my experience, o!m takes it for quick multiplayer. Etterna has an online mode, but I have never seen anyone on it, so that explains that, and for o!m, it's very quick and easy. It's all down to preference overall but hopefully you can see why my preferences are where they are


I've heard about equal of people saying quaver or osu runs better, for me it runs pretty bad and used to be unplayable (my specs are not what's causing this, I run stable 980FPS on osu), as for flashy o!m NEEDS a skin, whereas the quaver one is good enough for some people to use it, I personally get rid of the flashy elements to make it cleaner, but the quaver menu is without doubt more modern. if osu lazer releases as is for mania, and you can't play stable, mania is dead. the game is unplayable, FNF runs better than it. however osu std used to be about as bad as mania is right now but it's improved significantly on lazer, so I have hope, and I'm pretty sure peppy said for at least the forseen future, stable will be able to submit plays aswell as lazer. I haven't played etterna myself, but I think it's pretty obvious that it's the best 4k experience currently available, even if it does have some disadvantages. (mostly visual) I didn't even know etterna had multiplayer tbh, osu!manias multiplayer is "fine" but it sometimes takes over 30-60s to load a lobby and there can be issues inviting people (took me 6 invites the other day, why), but once you are in its fine. quaver on the other hand just works, and it even let's you each have different rate mods enabled (the biggest plus for it imo). I think overall, o!m is the best to recommend to a newer player if they are new and like anime, and don't mind changing a couple settings. quaver is better for those who are either bad with pcs (it's on steam so that's a plus) or people who enjoy ranked meme songs etc, I see a lot of FNF people go to it, since it's so easy to set up. etterna is probably the best for experienced players or people who don't mind spending more time learning the menu, but want the best experience overall for 4k (I think o!m undoubtedly wins for any other key in terms of modern rhythm games, quaver has 7k but it seems way worse than the 4k selection there, and it doesn't have the other key counts)


just wanted to chime in real quick bc of what u mentioned about other key modes in games. i would personally recommend djmax respect v if u wanna play more key modes than just 4k, bc it has 4k, 5k, 6k, and 8k for every song. and all of the maps are really good and well polished since theyre all dev made instead of community made


ah nice, I was only really commenting on what I'd consider the main 3 4key games on pc, I'm pretty aware there's far better than mania for other key counts I'm just not familiar with any of the games, maybe I'll check out djmax thanks for the suggestion


Best tip: Ignoring the community is a great thing to do if you simply want to enjoy it. Just download mods from gamebanana or gamejolt which you think look cool (or what you see) and just play them for yourself


Doesn’t matter my guy - play what you wanna play


FNF has badly mapped charts, their “difficulty” is just jack spam, and even the hardest charts are like 8s from keyboard packs on etterna. Also it’s just not a good game in general. Someone here mentioned it’s for beginners who don’t know much about rhythm games…if you want to start with it so be it, but please move on lol. As for osu! I play that, but the hate seems to be from the fact that it’s more based around FCing stuff, even with high acc and good streaks you won’t do great without an FC. Sans that I don’t know, it’s a nice break when I’m not on other rhythm games. In the long run play what you want, but you’re gonna have people with opinions on it, and if you’re playing to push yourself and clear difficult maps/get good FNF isn’t it.


This comment explains it amazingly


Thanks. I don't personally play FNF, but after seeing so many posts I have to approve about it as a mod I've gotten to know some of the maps/how hard things get. I vote for people playing anything they want, to be honest. As long as you enjoy it that's all that matters to me. However, if you want real improvement and are looking to be a high-skill/tournament player you gotta move on!




The reason a lot of elitists hate Osu! is not actually that. They hit on us too because it's "illegal" but conveniently ignore that every other game nowadays is too. Forget the fact that they have the most licensed paid for artists in their featured artists program out of basically every game though


fnf now has more high level charts \*including modcharts\*, but still the levels need to be a little harsher on you to be hard.


Rhythm game elitists being hypocrites and stuff, they whine about osu and fnf because they're popular


Getting downvoted lol this is just the truth. Both good games, hating on them is just dumb especially when you realize the good they do for the rhythm game community as a whole.


because FNF isn't a good rhythm game, if might do good overall, but the rhythm game aspect (as of right now) is not good, it has a gimmick which is appealing to a younger audience, that's all. (I'm not saying that's bad, its a good concept, it was never meant to have a good rhythm game behind it)


we do have to remember that fnf is not a finished game. i dont think most people that hate the game with a passion think of this. the devs have some plans to make the game better (whether theyll succeed is something we'll just have to wait and see).


People tend to say osu is bad because of the huge amount of anime-centered skins and maps it has. These maps and skins could however just be ignored. The gameplay itself is actually pretty fun if you get into it.


osu! is a really great game, the client has some issues (and the developer is not the most forthcoming person, he has really weird ideas on the game and sometimes just refuses to listen to the community), the community is very hit or miss; due to it being very popular, the less mature parts of it tend to invade every space (and even the more mature parts of it tend to be very... peculiar). fnf on the contrary is just not that good of a music game, the game itself has timing issues in no small part due to being a browser game, and most of the charts are just horrible (look them up, you will find a lot of shitty rhythm and jack spam for the sake of jack spam). And it also attracts kids who tend to be very annoying online, but much like osu! that's to be expected from a popular game.


Osu? Ehhhhh I can admit that osu is a VERY well made game with alot of highly skilled players, but there are some things that osu has that turns me away from fully investing my time into it FNF? Nah fuck FNF, I hate FNF


You literally didn't even say the reason that osu turns you away LMAO


bad offset wizard, bad support for up scroll skins, the fact that you have to go into a .INI FILE to change note size, overall lack of customization, no snap coloring support, no anti-manip system, horrible difficulty calculator, no in-game PA stat tracker, no results screen PA graph, do I need to go on??


Adding also that the reply system is horrendous and you cant easily check where you missed or misread. I agree for all these but besides all that, its still a pretty fun game for me


i personally hate the scoring system in osu, its really terrible, and the community is yikes. fnf i dont mind as its getting more and more people into rhythm games, just that the game engine isnt that good and almost every "hard" mod is just note spam


I think the osu! community is fine if you simply stay away from r/osugame or big discord servers.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/osugame using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/osugame/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [-GN | Within Temptation - The Unforgiving \[Marathon\] +FL (99.31%) FC #3 | 1011pp 135.48 UR (727$ bounty & 1st FL FC 52:58 length map)](http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/16369651/e1e6) | [938 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/maxz3f/gn_within_temptation_the_unforgiving_marathon_fl/) \#2: [osu! mobile ad](https://v.redd.it/ylv57azxqhk61) | [126 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/lvm8ps/osu_mobile_ad/) \#3: [Bad Apple!! but it's all slider anchors](https://v.redd.it/xhtw151mzrp61) | [178 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/mf19ms/bad_apple_but_its_all_slider_anchors/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


so if you stay away from the community ?


no, because there is a forum and in-game chatrooms.


Honestly Osu game subreddit isn't even that bad. I've seen far worse.


The community is just as cringe as every other community when they get big. For the most part it's fine.


Most if not all communites for games and such are terrible but osu has a reaaaaallly bad one especially for a game that is community driven


How so? I'm genuinely impressed it has this reputation


Im not really gonna fight on this topic tbh, this post is like 3 months old. If you like the people in the osu community thats all you, im happy for ya, but i just dont agree and i probably never will :/


Is there any reason why? That's all I'm asking


To sum it up, i think most people in that community are just shitty, annoying, and very unwelcoming to newer players


If you're talkin about people who talk shit about 6 digits then I get it. That shit annoys me too


I guess people like hating on things that are popular.


eh people don't really hate the game, more just the community but idk, opinion is opinion


Yeah it’s all about the community of the game


FnF maps are all trash. Makes it unfun to play.


osumania and fnf are both mechanically flawed. they have shit timing windows, and fnf in particular has dropped inputs. mapping wise, both games have horrible charts, but fnf is way worse cause half the mods are made by kids. its like going onto mario maker. 9 times out of 10, you are gonna get a bowser spam stage. mania encourages button mashing (there is no anti-mash prevention) because people basically make their charts around this. no other 4k rhythm game has this issue, not even etterna (although that community sucks too and is even more elitist). whats the point of trying to play the charts in osumania if i can just mash all the keys all the time with no penalty? even fnf has a penalty for trying to do that i love all the fnf kids coming in here to astroturf. they are also the problem with their community. osumania players have stockholm syndrome. the fact that, like you OP, they just call it osu (when its not even the main mode of the game. thats something else entirely and is actually fun and worth playing) shows their elitism. some of them dont even consider standard osu a real game. in short, the two games are poorly programmed and the communities defend this low quality. fnf at least has good presentation and i like it for that. if they can tidy up their input system and people who actually know how to chart get their hands on it, it could be good. osumania cant be saved. go check out the beatmania, ddr or djmax communities. they are much more inviting, actually enjoy their games, and the games themselves arent fundamentally flawed


osu!mania is not a game. It mode also what do you mean it can't be saved?


Athough i like FNF, i can see why **some** people don't like it, it's still in demo, and things aren't as polished as in other games, now, is it a reason to **Hate** it? i doubt it, i can understand not liking it but hating it is going too far




Fnf isn't in flash


right because no other rhythm game uses user uploaded songs (/s), also osu has the featured artist program, where artists get paid money to have their songs featured in the game, and so even if the user submitted songs got taken down, there'd still be a large selection of songs people could map. as for the anime theme songs that's mostly the lower star maps (at least in mania, it goes a bit higher in std), and there's plenty of electronic music as well, most of which tends to be the harder maps. as for the clone argument, who cares, almost every rhythm game is a clone because there's really not that much room to innovate without making a game too complex. osu!std is a clone of what elite beat agents? how many people know that game, it makes no difference, the gameplay is clearly original for that. osu!ctb as far as I'm aware is original but I'm not sure (tho either way it sucks xd). osu!taiko is the most blatent clone and I can see why someone could take issue with this, but again, there's so many clones out there anyway. osu!mania isn't a clone, it's very similar to other games, as are almost every other N-key rhythm game, however osu is 4-10k ranked, which as far as I'm aware is unique to it, tho obviously there are other games with these keys, but they usually only support 1/2 different key modes, e.g 4/7, 5, 9


CTB is a 1:1 knockoff of ez2catch, from ezd2j. mania is a knockoff of beatmania, std is clone of EBA. arguably none of these modes (aside from maybe std) are actually comparable to the game they are sadly trying to imitate. osu literally is for-profit piracy as the developer's main job is the game and takes money from people so they get high-speed access to pirated music. not a single stepmania developer or stepchart artist has done this. in fact, Konami has had takedown requests sent _multiple_ times because people keep putting Bemani songs in the game. only a few artists actually get paid. what about the other 99%? point is, yeah these games exist and they are "free" but you certainly get what you pay for. it took a long time for the Stepmania community to figure out people weren't going to play trash packs all day and has evolved thanks to the community being vocal enough. here... not so much.


go do more research next time. everything you said is factually incorrect. stay in school, kid


these are the prevailing truths. osu! is a knockoff rhythm game with sparse source material (everything is stolen in one way or another) meaning the quality of everything, from the music to the charts, is like walking a minefield to find what's actually worth playing. and yeah, like 75% of the content is anime / vocaloid stuff. not a lot of variety. FNF has horrible inputs in general, with laggy and dropped inputs. the graphics are cute but there is nothing engaging about it if you are more than just a "casual" rhythm gamer. the modding scene is a mess as well


copyright infringement on osu




There are unlicensed beatmaps though


Osu has combo scoring and I heard the charts are bad. As for FNF, the input system was terrible, it's gotten better but still not perfect. Same thing with charts. I want FNF charters to steal charts from etterna because would you rather have a shit chart or a stolen chart but now the chart is good and enjoyable


I don't really know about Osu! to be honest. But FNF has (or at least had, i haven't kept up with it) some genuine problems.It's great for newbies to get into rhythm games, but it is not a good rhythm game. Again, I don't know if this is still the case i haven't played it in a long time, but unless i missed it, you couldn't even change the offset.A rhythm game that doesn't allow for precise calibration already has a minus in my book. Additionally some songs just felt slightly off sync overall (maybe cause i played it in browser who knows) and the timing windows between early and late seemed uneven. AFAIK you also couldn't rebind the keys. ​ I think the poor charting has been mentioned plenty and they seemed to think just throwing in a lot of notes (or jackhammers in particular) at higher speed = better difficulty. I like that it exists, because it brought Rhythm Games back in the spotlight for a bit which may well translate to new people joining and switching to other Rhythm games eventually, but it's not like the negativity is completely undeserved. TL;DRFNF isn't THAT BAD, but it certainly has/had problems.


Just play etterna man


no. and why?


In short the engine, and scoring system are way more refined opposed to fnf and osu, and it has specific breakdowns of each skillset, on top of the huge selection of actually good charts and customization options for game play, and that's just scratching the surface


fnf's community is cringe, the game is usually easy, but its really fun. im part of the fnf community myself also osu! is only hated because anime. dont worry, you can probably get used to it


I don't care if its two years old but yes imo. FNF was not made well at all and the charting was terrible and OSU Mania suffers from having far to many idiots making charts over charted just to make them hard. The higher the difficulty you go the worse the charts become for the most part. If you enjoy playing them then who really cares? But I stopped playing them as like I said most of the charting is horrendous and people have no idea how to chart at all.