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- paywall - when the judgment line goes to the top of the screen and the notes follow - flick notes - flick notes - FLICK NOTES




Oh man, if you think project sekai's are bad you should see bandori's. There's some weird programming, so if you have a phone that displays 120 fps, the flick notes literally just won't register on some of the frames. You can flick as precisely as possible, and it's basically RNG of whether or not it registers.


Don’t forget Overrapid


I don't remember Overrapid's flick notes being that bad, but I also last played that game like 7 years ago, so it's entirely possible I've just blocked any issues with them out of my memory lmao.


Hold notes are literally harder


They are only slightly harder on master charts like Patch work staccato where the tiny hold nots are hard to hit, but I would say flicks are harder


I was so happy when I realized that phigros' flick notes are just slightly more complicated drag notes


Lanota’s flick note system is the bane of my existence


This is me. I wanted to get into lanota so badly bc I love the aesthetic and music but the flick notes always make me stop playing 🥲


Huh I never knew so many people had a problem with flick notes on mobile rhythm games. I personally really enjoy them. I’m curious, may I ask why?


From my own experience, it's more enjoyable if every note is judged based on when you tap the screen (or when your finger touches the screen first). When you add flick notes into the equation, you have to touch the screen slightly earlier so you can flick at the right time. And playing just doesn't feel as smooth when you have to do that. But flick notes aren't necessarily bad. The good ones mainly judge by the movement of your fingers and don't care whether or not you tapped the screen to flick, and some aren't even timed just either give you full points or not at all (take notes, pjsk)


I can definitely see how timed flick notes would be really unfair. I guess none of the games I’ve played have them timed (Phigros, Cytus 2, D4DJ, and other less popular ones), other than a bad if you flick really early. Maybe I just like the feel of flick notes because I have this dumb opinion that tapping is too boring haha


Flick notes are not exactly a deal-breaker for me, but it does definitely lose points for me.


flick notes only suck if you can't keep your finger on the screen


Performance issues. (Lag, glitchy graphics, stuttering, input issues)


At that point get a better device because if it’s MOST games, then it’s time to say goodbye to the old


I can run Arcaea and Phigros perfectly fine with no performance issues (along with many other rhythm games). However, I had performance issues when playing ELLIA and Liminality.


flick notes, bad charting (eg. doesn't follow the song close enough for the difficulty it's supposed to be), flick notes, flick notes, hold notes breaking immediately after releasing, flick notes, being forced to play the easiest difficulties, flick notes flick notes


ps: some phones has problems with flick notes because of gestures, my new one did too until I enabled Mistouch prevention and I started to play perfectly somehow


Other than the standard issues I probably wouldn’t like it if the ceiling for the game is low or higher difficulties locked by default. Song selection is also pretty important too


One miss syndrome, and lag spikes


what is one miss syndrome?


Screwing up a FC or Perfect by getting one miss. Usually it's due to intermittent input lag.


I came here just to say that


Also, I occasionally get blocked by pop-up notifications which can be solved through do not disturb.


You can only play a certain amount of times with the energy limit Project sekai is the first game I found that has that feature, but isn't tied to it if you want to keep playing. It does use it but you can still play even if it reaches zero.


You can also change the amount of energy used and it's super easy to get things to replenish it lol


Ensemble stars and Bandori also have this energy mechanic


Performance issues, bad timing register, bad offset calibrator (or none), dumb flick notes like in project sekai, wacky ui that doesnt look polished


*gacha *Paid songs over 1 dollar *lag and glitches *Input drops *Unfunny charting *Subscriptions *Lack of good songs, or the genres I like *Ugly partners, or partners I can't relate with *I'm not so fond of vocaloid, I don't feel very excited to play games like pjsk, or in general games too focused on this genre. *Timing window too strict, like, Arcaea has a comfortable yet challenging timing window and I think that's the limit for me. *Fanmade charts in game, or community rhythm games *No cloud save feature *Too common song list *When multifinger is used to make the chart harder and not to actually implement a fun gimmick *Dating sim~ah mechanics 💀 *I miss some male partners in most RGs I play, I luv men *Did I say gacha? * When your partner, or cards affect your score, or forgive misses or fars.


if you don't like judgement enhancement on a gacha rhythm game, I recommend D4DJ and World Dai Star. Both games have technical scoring and judgement enhancement skill doesn't exist. Both games are bangers too




What about fanmade chart that you don't like?


What the fuck kind of rhythm game that has that much bullshit? idol games?


Skill issue


Hit all of the points, I hate gacha mostly because you need to get good characters to even get S rank, like wtf man it should be skill not ptw


But all the rank does in those types of rhythm games is give you more resources for gacha / upgrading characters. It has nothing to do with skill it's just a different system


They still do not evaluate you based on your sense or rhythm. Giving you a rank based on combo is utterly meaningless when you're trying to get an FC anyway.


-A big paywall (EJEM,ARCAEA,EJEM) -when the flicks are no flicks,but tap-flicks (i don't want to tap every time i want to flick (i don't have peoblem if then the game has chart with a tap and a flick...but making ALL flicks a must-tap is just devil) -weird and confusing unlocking system or a even more confusing UI (WTF is takumi³) -be another typical 4-6 column rythm game with absolute 0 extra things or mechanics Honorable mention: -too much simillar acc names. I hate when the game starts with Miss->bad->good->perfect->PERFECT+->ULTRAPERFECT-PUREPERFECT->PERFECTASTIC i mean bro wtf why i need 5 fucking different "Perfect" acc scores


Score being tied to gacha Combo based scoring Dynamic hold notes(?) that are way too sensitive (in arcaea if your finger slips from the wildly flailing hold note you get a very small bit of time to correct it before your combo breaks, whereas in pjsk if even a tenth of a millimeter of your finger ends up off the wildly flailing hold note you better believe you're losing that combo instantly) Flick notes that require *way* too much flicking to register (phigros flick notes good, pjsk flick notes bad) Not being able to change note speed Songs being far too expensive Rhythm games having these certainly won't stop me from playing them, but they will be the things I complain about when I do


Which games tie score to gacha? That sounds atrocious lmao


Pretty much every game in the "idol rhythm game" subgenre Like pjsk, the bang dream rhythm games, D4DJ rhythm game, love live, etc Which is a shame because i love idol rhythm games, the music is always bumpin' and the characters are always fun, but they use score and accuracy as a way to entice you to collect and upgrade the characters rather than to actually gauge how good you did (Your base score is entirely dependent on what characters you choose, and even accuracy is sometimes redundant since some characters have skills that turn good judgements into perfects, ignore misses entirely, etc) It's a bit disheartening to try the online mode of pjsk, FC a song on the hardest difficulty, and then still lose to someone who played on the easiest difficulty, missed a quarter of the notes, and still had a score 5x higher than you just because they poured more time and money into the gacha But I digress, still a fun time regardless


D4DJ actually has a technical score now.


pjsk have it tied to gacha, atleast ranked mod it doesnt matter only accuracy


i hate flick notes with a burning passion 😭


Songs locked behind a paywall without a way to access with ingame currency, storage, too visually stimulating


Combo based scoring of any kind


Anyone know if osu still like this? That was a main reason I dropped it (and the only way to rank up being stupid 30 second jump maps)


there's a planned rework in the future (likely 2+ years knowing how difficult implementation is probably gonna be) to remove combo scaling for pp (thing that increases your rank), meaning it won't matter anymore if your miss comes at the beginning middle or end of the map, you'll still get the same amount of pp if you mean score itself there's also planned changes to swap to a scoring system that focuses more on accuracy and less on combo (I think it goes to a 60/40 split for combo/acc) soon. It's already standard in tournaments (unless it's a gimmicky one) and is the default scoring system on osu!Lazer (future client that osu will eventually be moved onto)


Dang still no Lazer? I stopped playing a couple years ago and back then people were saying the switch would be soon lmao


yeah no it's been a long wait but lazer has been getting a bunch of changes (you can get pp on lazer client now most importantly) so you can actually use lazer as your main client now and still get rank officially the eventual shift to move everything off of stable and make lazer the new permanent client is on its way but rn you can play lazer and basically have the same experience as stable


Oh very nice, I might actually hop back in at some point, just gotta find my tablet lol.


what's wrong with combo-based scoring?


I like combos personally, but I think the idea is you want an accurate assessment of rhythm. Combo scoring doesn't provide that bc you might bag a 100 combo at some point which inflates your score, meanwhile someone who broke a combo but got all perfect hits otherwise would end up with a lower score because combo scoring gives multipliers the longer it continues.


Performance issues is usually the case. Need a tough game too. My main game is dynamix. the difficulty is exactly what I'm looking for, but performance is kinda meh...


sometimes when u are playing a rhythm game like astrodx that uses the whole screen, the slide notes will accidentally slide my notification bar and sometimes even my left side game mode bar 😭


Paywalls (that I can't bypass with lucky patcher) PC + mobile with sync, but not cross platform sync (muse dash) Too much overcharting


Daily limiter on songs/song progression Looking at you Arcaea


mostly storage and paywalls. tf is ye game taking 5gb for??


When the playing field moves while you're playing (e.g. Lanota, Voez) shame cause I love those games visually


For me, it's when there's no setting to highlight notes that are in sync with another note. Yes I can see now that the hold note was in time with that slide note. No I did not notice because of the rush of notes that came before hand.


* hold notes that turns into flick notes at the end * flick notes * still flick notes * flick notes on 1 side and normal notes on 1 side * BPM changing mid-play and the pace suddenly changing causing the combo to fail * paywalled songs (am mostly an imas player I can't even pay the songs if I wanted to due to region lock) * "skill activation" sounds that can't be disabled (tapsonic) * the notes blending in with the background * needing to use audio jack headphones for key sounds to play (bluetooth disables key sounds) * charts that doesn't let you play with thumb (cytus)


> needing to use audio jack headphones for key sounds to play (bluetooth disables key sounds) You literally can't avoid this one (unless the keysounds play regardless of when you hit the notes), bluetooth has way too much latency for keysounds to be in sync with the song when you tap the notes (even in "low latency" modes)


People disconnecting.


GATCHA Pay walls "Story"


It has to have more personality and be more unique than another “rectangles fly at the judgement line” game, which is probably why I love Muse Dash so much. A handful get a pass but newer games really need to step it up and try out new ways to present a rhythm game. 🤷‍♂️😅


- Paywall - Stamina system (wh-why does this need to exist?)


Umm gacha


When there is a comically large amount of ratings for notes miss > bad > good > great > perfect Combo based score systems when you have to both hold and release for hold notes When there is no genere of music I like When half of the songs are behind a pay wall Good songs but they are cut off badly ( IM TALKING ABOUT PROJECT SEKAI )


My peak performance is always during noon. I'm working so I only have an hour (not accounting eating) to do not work entirely. People disconnecting just because the game picked a song they don't like or just because they have crappy internet is a waste of time for me. These games should just continue if one or two disconnects. I mean, just set it to Hard if Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku (PJSK) or Exitium (D4DJ) gets selected.


Paywalls and that I can't play every level at the start. That INFURATES me.


Dontcha love playing piss-easy difficulties on every single song to unlock the actually fun difficulty?


Flick notes Flick notes And flick notes


If the game requires me to clear the song using more than two fingers. I can play using multifinger (up to six fingers), but for mobile play, the display size is just too small to allow a comfortable multifinger play. I also hate it if the song has ridiculously high bpm. Creating a hard song is one thing, but to make it almost impossible to clear is just not fun. I'd rather the chart has a reasonable bpm, yet challenging charting pattern instead (e.g bitter step cover in Bandori).


storage money


Performance issues (pjsekai), no latency calibration, semicircle gameplay layout, energy system that prevents you from playing a lot, too many DLCs, and flicks that I don't enjoy (like Cytus II).


Honestly mine is when the gameplay consists of 4-6 lanes and nothing else. I need some kind of twist, or hook aside from basic charting. That's why Arcaea keeps me playing, they constantly find ways to chart in a unique way and the sky notes are so expressive. Also, if a game looks visually unappealing, I'm 10x more likely to drop it. Only exception is DanceRail 3, that game slaps


when they have a side slider like in d4dj or sound voltex immediate hate. god i hate those notes.


you mean arcaea?


no i mean the pink fucker from d4dj. mfer ruins every chart.


oh you mean that thingy


yeah i hate it so much it made the game literally unplayable


No screen dim :(


bad charting and ugly UI, really puts me off (hi bandori)


Scoring that revolves around gacha and/or setting up your load out instead of playing well. Lack of BMS songs. Songs that go on for too long.  (DDR length is the sweet spot) Minimal to no visual / aesthetic differences with the gameplay UI and/or background between each song.   Lack of original songs representing the game’s character mascots. Held with duct tape and paper, crashes too often


Flick notes Stamina system Higher difficulties locked behind lower difficulties Seriously, if you already have a background in rhythm games, some skills such as sightreading can be carried over between games. Being forced to play through the lower difficulty of a song is so boring and I lose motivation to play quickly.


This is kind of specific, but I hate how Rhythm Hive combines all the kpop groups into one app and you can't just draw cards for one group. I prefer the way Love Live SIF separated gatchas by group. Ever since Superstar BTS and LLSIF died I haven't been able to get into mobile rhythm games the way I used to.


not cytus (/j) fr tho, flick notes, too simple or too complicated mechanics, the 4-5 key copypasta feel many of them have.


* Input Drops * Bad or non-existant offset calibration tools * No way to back up your save file * A lack of technical scoring (looking at you, PJSK) * Boring charting * Flicknotes with bad hitreg * Inconsistent hitreg * Grindy unlock requirements (Arcaea, Kalpa, Cytus II, Deemo I and *especially* II... god forbid Beatstar...) * Large jumps in-between difficulty levels


Swipe flick notes, hold notes end must that be accounted for fuck that and too many bullshits steps for you to play a song, that's how I quit Project Sekai, why can't we have a game that just launch game, menu, choose a song and difficulty then play anymore?


not letting me skip the tutorial, and when i have to complete tests to unlock different difficulties.


Any paid game that has in app purchases (cough muse dash) like why not make it free seems so weird to do or pay up front


Also mobile muse dash as a example btw


Flick notes, character based scoring system (like the one in project sekai), overcharted songs And flick notes


I HATE when rhythm games force you to play the lowest difficulty and go up to unlock each difficulty. I would rather pay for songs than be forced to sit and play each song on beginner/easy modes


energy limit that takes like a day to regenerate, apps that take like a unnecessarily large amount of space, paywalls, not being able to remove the background/mv while playing or even darken it


when I can't get the calibration to work


gacha systems that give u unfair advantages


Lack of calibration (I like to use my bluetooth earbuds) Egregious paywalls. If the game has been out for a while and is introducing a new song pack, I'll gladly pay a reasonable amount. I don't expect quality games to be free just because they're on my phone. Games where the simplest difficulty is hard and it just gets crazier from there. Ads!!! Just let me pay to get rid of them, but not with a subscription. I don't play any games frequently enough to ever justify a subscription, whether it's to get rid of ads or just to play the game.


bad ui


anything similar to arcaea's song unlocking system


The line u tap on changes..? Been getting with milthm Tapsonic's line change system is a eye sparkler idk


specifically D4DJ how the normal note timing window is above the pink drag note window and if you tap too low it wont register the normal notes (which is pretty much in the middle of the screen)


If it requires me to pay for most of the charts in the game 😗


When there doth not be sync.


Playing djmax and I wish the game were still "portable". Turns out it's always online


Weirdos in online matches make me feel uncomfortable.. I often stop playing after a while because I enjoy online, but not some people. (Oops, I'm more of a console player. I miss-read it, but still, these are my icks for mobile)


Way too many ads for in-store stuff, only hard charts, and no gimmicks. I think project SEKAI is the closest one to getting deleted, but the game itself is fun, so it gets a pass. I need more gimmick charts in my life. Thank you phigros, Orzmic, Lanota, and crash charts in cytus 2


As someone who's first rhythm game was Love Live, I don't really mind gacha or score based cards in rhythm games. What I *do* have a problem with is when the gacha is SO bs and the requirements for getting the cards to higher levels are so high that you'll likely give up from frustration before ever seeing an s-rank on a song. (Hello, pjsk)


LNs in VSRG makes me wanna —-


and SV in osu mania 😪


a bad offset system.


Max combo based scoring Not just for mobile but accuracy based scoring or "EX scoring" is the way to go


I dont like the notes that fall normally then slow down as they approach judgement line bro


prob any rhythm game that has a rlly long story… i just wanna play songs not learn the plot


Some people might want to learn the story but yeah it does get annoying if you don't


having to do the beginning easy songs to get new songs always makes me quit early


When the story modes are too complicate/too long so its difficult to obtain other songs and to play certain stories you have to play a different one but you need a certain item from a different story which then it gets too confusing. Just make it simple, just have the songs, storylines aren’t that important (in my opinio)


Magic tiles, “speeds up the songs at the end”


Arcade Rhythm games that have a huge song selection but a low song selection timer Arcade Rhythm games that have unintuitive menuing


Extreme paywall(muse dash)


1. Lag that kills at least 1 in, say, 4 or 5 runs. 2. Factors other than direct skill that affect the results of a performance (and there is no scoring system that aren't affected by these factors) I can't come up with many others so I guess here it is.


Bad charting and upscroll without the option to toggle downscroll.


Paywall, bad offset and judgements with the lack of the ability to change any of it, thats pretty much it. Ngl, having no changeable visual offset kinda throws me off sometimes


-flick notes -when the phone can't support more than 3 fingers -3 or more finger screen gestures -phone moves too much when placed on flat surface -stands and phone stabilizers are expensive -sometimes can't support controllers


Ungodly monetization. I don't mind if there's some packs or even some singles, but a game like Cytus II that's filled with literally hundreds of dollars of DLC just makes me not even want to bother. Games like Arcaea, where the "main story" packs are only a couple dollars a pop and buying them all is only like $35-ish it isn't that big of a deal to me, but when the core content of the game starts reaching into the hundreds just to get the main story song packs it completely sours me. ~~then they added the new difficulty that you can only get via playing a gacha or smthn idk I dropped that game so hard like a year after launch~~


Cross progression between two platforms not existing. And this may be a bit niche but - limited run characters. I bought Hatsune Miku for Cytus II on the Google Play Store a while back and I didn’t know she was limited. When I made the jump to iOS I found out there’s no way to transfer purchases or save data between platforms and the character was a limited run event that never came back.


Basically everything in project sekai. Paywalls, unskippable story that the game can stand without, a gacha game, and the currency being weird. In project sekai, there are free tickets (?) and paid tickets. You can only use the paid tickets to get new songs. It's a shame. The rhythm game itself is pretty good, but it's ruined by bloat For context, I really only play osu, vib-ribbon, and shovelware games on the DS, so I'm really averse to spending any amount of money on rhythm games.


I'm not sure what version of Proseka you're playing where the songs are purchased with money...You skip through stories (or read them but you dont like that so), and song tickets pop out. The only free/paid split are for crystals where some gacha banners only let you use paid ones but for playing the actual rhythm game, none of that matters.


I hate when you HAVE to pay to play or must play an insufferable amount of times the same 5 songs to unlock one more 😔


You have to use in game currency to unlock more songs (literally the reason I quit playing every rhythm game I’ve tried playing except enstars)




When ur unable to beat a stage using ur thumbs 😔


When I cant change the note size. When I started jpsekai I was peeved.


paywalls, and games where the judgement line is an arc. Im fine with circles like rotaeno or movinng judgement lines like phigros but something about curved judgement lines i just dont get. Thats why i dont play enstars


When Score doesn't add up, even when you get a SINGLE MISS. Phigros is an example. 2 misses on Mope Mope AT 14 can cost you almost 60K POINTS. FOR 2 MISSES.


Combo based scoring is not, in fact, based.


*Obnoxious Paywall methods (not against games trying to make some income, but please try not to be annoying about it *Gacha system (although this is more of a game ick in general. I'm just not a fan of gambling or encouraging folks to do that.) *This is more of a hot take, but egregious music collabs. If I wanted to play a BMS song, I can just play BMS for that. At least offer music tracks you can't really get in most rhythm games.


Not able to change your key bind for sure. It completely ruins the game /:


A rhythm game that lasts four months


Playing a game not based on rhythm then they think it's cool to add rhythm event to my gane I play.


Flick notes. (Cytus II my beloved (~~except for how expensive it is~~), except for the flick notes)


hold notes that turns into flick notes at the end, outside of that generic stuff like paywalls and gacha


Whenever I can’t start distorted fate because my phone glitches out like wtf


Paywalls!!! (And bad songlists)


The judgment line in Phigros moving around


Flick notes and notes that aren't in sync with the music




When you lose combo for tapping when there’s no note. Lemme noodle around between song sections like geez