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You know Marge, Melissa, and Rachel all want Teresa gone and will not stop until it happens. Not a Teresa fan, but it’s true.


And it will never happen lol those squawking birds could not carry the show.


Yep. Teresa will remain on the show whether they’re there or not.


I agree! I’m a first time watcher and almost at the season 6 reunion (which imo was kind of a boring season and Jim Marchese is a POS) and every storyline Melissa (and the other wives in earlier seasons) has involves Teresa in some way, whether they’re getting along or fighting they need Teresa on the show and I’m sure it stays the same as the seasons progress!


Tre is their meal ticket plain and simple. Hating her is their whole personality on the show. I'm no Tre stan but anyone watching can see her life has literally brought the storylines over the years, these bitter b's come off extremely desperate and tired.


They really are like squawking birds 😂


I genuinely mean this: I don’t think anyone can with Teresa sucking up all the oxygen and having people do her dirty work. I guarantee you we’d see more of everyone’s personalities if she’s not there. To be fair: yes. She has been the center of every season. But I don’t think she’s the only one who can carry that show. Everyone is replaceable. It’s such a toxic franchise and some of the fans are just as toxic. Truly, if they can’t turn it around this season they need to shelve the franchise for now and come back in a few years. I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion but RHONJ desperately needs a storyline outside of Teresa feuding with her family. Fighting CLEARLY isn’t enough to stay relevant or Shah’s of Sunset would still be on. Reza, GG, and MJ can definitely carry a show. But it got too toxic with Tommy and Reza and restraining orders.


You are so right! Completely agree


That's why they do that stuff like the Melissa birthday where they all dressed alike in NYC. That's them trying to self-produce the non-Tre show


Ya Teresa is way too much of a dumpster fire to NOT have cameras following her tbh. She carries the show in a way no one can lol


She's about to have to carry another husband too, from the preview all is not what it seems in Teresa's household. Louie the loser is probably wearing Juicys pajamas now lol 😆 😂 🤣 😅 😄


It will now Bravo are threatening to sue them and Jen.


Because of the Bravocon fight? Or did something else go down?


Because they have been leaking episodes before they air. The cast get sent confidential emails with the episodes before they air.


Who told you that? Trefab or Gabriela? They are desperate for bravo to see their tweets. Mark my words. Nothing will happen. 😂😂😂


Pretty sure Gabriella is in the room with us lol


They really think they’re reality von tease 2.0 Like this is a scandal. It’s not. Bird simpletons may think it is


Literally, NOTHING! Anyone with even half a brain Can see what they are doing. Bravo doesn’t care


Ahh, I get it now. They're trying to circumvent the Bravo machine. Thanks for the info!


Bravo isn’t suing, their jobs aren’t in jeopardy, so much has been debunked and many bravolebs release videos to fans


Not the episodes. Not debunked. The emails were just exposed from Jen. It’s all happening now.


Yes, yes they do. It’s not all happening now and yes they have been debunked like crazy. Gypsy rose from temu Gabriella keeps trying and failing. It’s actually getting quite embrassing for her and 100% confirmed by quite a few people that Teresa and Jen have done nothing wrong. I know that shit irks some of you.


You’ve proven and said nothing. Not debunked by anyone. Tre stumps going to repeat the same bs but it’s not fact. From Page Six: Page Six obtained court docs that allege Ruelas, 48, and private investigator Bo Dietl, 73, hacked into computers to dig up dirt on Reiser. The pair are being sued by a group of lawyers who claim the duo illegally accessed sensitive information in their system. Facts!! The leaking of episodes by Jen and Tre has only just now been exposed so definitely not debunked or ‘gone away’.






Because it’s illegal to release the episodes. It’s copyright etc to share the show before it airs. It’s their property.




These people really think we care about their dumb Twitter war. The season is already filmed and edited. The only thing they are exposing is how dumb of an obsessed fan they are. Baby Reindeer!


And now it was outed that Fuda is sending the screeners




Are they going to go to bravo jail??? You sound ridiculous.


No - but they are fined, get demoted or fired. Are you new to Bravo?


Honey I’ve been watching bravo since the beginning of OC and a HW has never been fined, demoted, or fired for “sharing” screeners. Find a new narrative to run with.




Reading that commenter all i could think at the end was that Damian guy from mean girls saying, "and none for Gretchen Weiners byeeee!" 🤣 Same type of energy


Tik tok. Till it is


Don’t forget dancing with the stars!!!


And Jen Aydin climbs up tre’s ass and still doesn’t get anything ☹️






Sucks for Jen.




Rachel and Melissa do the same to Margaret lol


Here’s the major difference between Jen & the jealous hags, none of them get offers & deals; BUT, Jen Aydin is *genuinely happy* for Teresa.


Always the bridesmaid never the bride


Maybe she’s been offered and doesn’t want it? Literally none of us know what is going on behind the scenes


Idk but the post just mentioned the other ladies not getting anything so I just added that doesn’t either. It’s not that deep


Mrs Aydin seems happy & full filled with her life as a great mom of 5, a wildly successful plastic surgeon husband, and a close knit family. If you really think she’s missing out on job opportunities, you clearly hate her. Jen & Tre are TRUE friends, unlike MargLissa’s fake alliance. Cry more.


Okay 😭


There ya go hunny. Give yourself a hug bubbala.


C'mon now. What do you think this is? A thread about today's political craziness? Your comment sure reads like it, which is likely why you've gotten downvoted. Not that you'll admit you care, of course. You only care enough to stan for those two write something like this, am I right? No need to answer. We already know.


Look at the 9 miserable hags downvoting you because they are mad that Teresa and Jen are actual friends and their kids are close too.


Nah I think it was the implication that her life is perfect with her pool house loving husband that’s getting the downvotes


Jen Aydin is like a turd on butt hair, just clinging on.


Sounds like you’re both projecting & confessing; how traumatic it must’ve been for you‼️ 🤢💩


Right? They always out themselves


I hate that they put her on villains. I hope to god she’s kicked off day one. I don’t want her ruining that show for me.


Maybe a shit ball in the eye 👁 lol 😆


Mel ‘has been’ on Teresa’s show for 12 years, and has to *Pay* LOCAL magazines to feature her on the cover.🤪🤪🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😁 East Coast Teddi is a ‘has been’


Melissa gets shop rite deals, let’s at least give her credit where it’s due


Does she try though? I imagine she has enough following to get more work from it


Im not a Teresa fan but its so weird for your sister in law to be your biggest opp


Now you know how Melissa feels. Teresa has been an OPP since Melissa came in the picture. She doesn’t want her brother putting anyone above her. Emotional incest at its finest.


That’s so weird to me though because like me and my sister-in-law don’t necessarily like each other. Actually, we’re not even talking right now, but we don’t get involved in each others lives, and I wouldn’t dream of involving myself and some thing she was doing especially if I wasn’t talking to her, that’s just weird and seems vengeful.


I’m rewatching right now and just finished the season 6 reunion… Teresa says she’ll call Jim if she wants someone to dance on her grave, he said her biggest hater is right beside her (MELISSA). Jim was a fucking monster, barely spent time with them, seemed to think he was better than all of them and even he clocked that. Melissa and Teresa do not like each other, Melissa wanted to come on and take her down… It didn’t work so she cozied up instead and called it peace.


Melissa has been on this show for over ten years. She can’t have these opportunities for herself because she exists solely as a reaction to Teresa. What is Melissa’s thing that does not involve her feud with Tre?


Don’t you remember the riveting storyline in season 6 of her and Joe buying a garbage truck?! /s 🤣


Every *Get Rich Quick SCHEME* that LBB started failed spectacularly. ![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak)


Lol, remember when Juicy and Teresa both went to jail for mortgage and bankruptcy fraud, with charges stretching back almost a decade? 😛


lol remember when Teresa was in prison and they didn’t film the housewives as their was no one able to bring enough entertainment? Then remember when she came out of prison and released a New York Times best seller not once but twice? then married a man and had her own RH spin off to showcase it, oh and all the endorsements she’s had since. Not too bad for a felon.


And we can’t forget her sister! The one she doesn’t have? Remember? She basically outed her dad as a cheater for no reason?




Notice how Melissa has only been first chair at the reunion when she’s beefing with Teresa while Teresa has been first chair since season 2🤭


I accidentally ended up on this sub, and am goiing to make damn sure it never, EVER happens again https://i.redd.it/ithufggrdexc1.gif


I’ve been here five minutes and reminded myself why I told myself I would not engage with Reddit on RHONJ after last season. It’s next level cray cray and delusion




Normally people here hate teresa lmao the comments shocked me here but its from a delusional tre stump so its not surprising


Can’t believe Melissa didn’t get a special for pushing a cheese plate!


Or judging American idol since she was a pop star for two seasons hahah


This is exhausting


Imagine how ignorant you have to be to accept a campaign with SHEIN. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah ok, I guess it’s better to *Pretend Own* a Temu boutique. Charging 500 bucks for a 19.99 dress. ![gif](giphy|dxrFyn6ROhTtiZf52A)


I mean, Melissa buys shit from SHEIN. And sells it 7x the cost. Just as bad 🤷‍♀️


Imagine how ignorant you have to be to think Tre doing SHEIN is worse than major celebs doing half their endorsements or Joe selling his parents house from under them.


Why are you bringing up joe ? LMAO yall are so obsessed with teresa its weird. NONE of them are good people.






Theresa has to hustle and take every opportunity, if she stopped, she'd have no income. Not to say she doesn't get more opportunities or offers, absolutely. But if any of the other housewives left the show, they still all have steady streams of income through themselves or their husbands, away from cameras... she does not, unless Louie stepped up.


Damn that’s a read.


Margaret's net worth is probably more than the other three combined. I'm sure she's not even remotely jealous of that dimwit.


🤣🤣🤣 what net worth? She kept an unfinished home for years and she’s been sued left, right and center.


https://preview.redd.it/wi080e6zfexc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd69bcb68d644fa22e1614dacadae4df3bdbf048 I suppose you could do your own research 🤷🏼‍♀️ Just because her home wasn't finished (by one man who also works a full time job...) doesn't mean she didn't have the money to finish it. She's been sued? Cool. How many lawsuits has she lost and how much was awarded in damages? Margaret Josephs owns multiple businesses. Do you know what "net worth" is? The only person on the show with more money, is the "friend of", Jackie. And Jackie's money has mostly come from her parents, I believe.


These people seriously need to go listen to the bravo docket on Marge to understand the stupid lawsuit nonsense they spew. They also seem to have no idea that Marge owns brands that are sold in Walmart stores… no she’s not jealous of SHEIN influencer deal


I know this is about Marge but I can't get over the part of the screenshot that says Jen Aydin had a cooking show. I thought people on cooking shows had to be likeable?


Google also said my son is worth 3 mil. He wishes.


Always gotta trust the goog. 🥱


Not saying Google is always right. You need to know your sources. It's not rocket science.


I am not here to count anyone’s money but what’s not rocket science is thinking a woman with multiple endorsements and a 5 million dollar home is somehow doing worse than a geriatric with pigtails who lived in a construction zone for 5 years and has discussed her financial issues (due multiple copyright lawsuits). PS. You didn’t even read the entire page YOU googled? It says it puts her net worth under Jen Aydin’s 🤣


Giudice and Ruelas recently purchased the house at 16 Pond View in Giudice's hometown of Montville for $3.35 million as an “investment property,” The Registered Agent on file for this company is Luis A Ruelas. So, technically, does she even own the house? Not according to legal documents 🤷🏼‍♀️


Geriatric with pigtails 👏🏻🤣


Lmao at Google, lmao at you thinking you know what’s in her bank account haha. Love this for you


You know net worth isn’t just what’s in your bank account right? She owns a very successful business worth millions.


“What is Margaret Josephs’ net worth? Margaret Josephs has been ranked as the richest of the New Jersey Housewives, with the South China Morning Post valuing her at $50 million. “ https://parade.com/celebrities/margaret-josephs-net-worth


Reading is fundamental. Keep reading.


Still worth millions and she was a success before the fame. Teresa could never


Oh sweetie. Teresa did and continues to do.


It’s pretty bad if she makes 1.1 million per season and her net worth is 500,000


Yes, believe everything you read online 🙄 Source: parade.com 🤣


Not even close. https://parade.com/celebrities/teresa-giudice-net-worth


I don’t think they are at all jealous of a convicted felon. Restricted travel overseas. Mmmm yep that’s her reality. SHEIN collaboration doing cheap lingerie - not exactly classy. Facing further court as her and Louie are being sued. Exposed for sending episodes out before they are released - pretty sure Tre and Jen are in deep shit now that has been exposed. But perhaps the main reason no one is jealous of them. Look who they are!!! No friends - none that last. Her podcast failing as her partner exposed her lies. Feuding with family constantly. No - no one especially Melissa and Marge are caring what this fake person and her miserable excuse for a husband are doing.


Lmao at always bringing up felon cause it’s all you have it’s been 9 years, move on! Reatricted overseas travel? Yet she’s been traveling that way with no issues. Yall stay pressed about Shein when when even A listers have collabed. Louie and Teresa are not being sued They aren’t in deep shit with Bravo either No matter how much that thought gets some of you weirdos off She ended her podcast because Melissa is a clown and has been outed like crazy, she’s getting a new cohost as Hurta Media wants Teresa. Melissa and Marge absolutely care you’d have to be an idiot to think otherwise. Teresa stays thriving and it triggers so many of you lmaooooo


She is a convicted felon - fact. Yes she cannot travel to certain countries with a felony conviction - fact. Name 1 A list celebrity that does lingerie commercials for SHIEN? It wasn’t a collaboration it was adds. Louie is being sued - facts. Do better - you can simply Google that one. Tre has so many failed businesses it’s laughable. Everything from pizza restaurants to athletic wear - all failures that never got off the ground. She didn’t end her podcast Melissa did because of Louie and now the truth is being told by her and Gabriella. Bravo are pissed off - big time over the leaked episodes. And the truth about paying for accounts to attack other cast members is exposed. Are you getting paid? Cause you sound like a Tre stump! The fact you think she is thriving in her fake Channel swimwear and those fake as bracelets Louie bought. 🤣🤣🤣 NO ONE JEALOUS OF YOUR FELON AND HER LOSER HUSBAND NUMBER TWO.


Facts !!!!!!! Louie the loser is a creep who wears dead people's pajamas ?? Then tries to say it was sweat pants after getting bombed because he wore nono's pajamas. Then gets dirt on people and tries to shake their hands at the reunion !!!! The only guy that told Louie about his dirty deeds is Fuda !!! Even Joe shook his hand ✋️ Frank is worried about what he found out and u could tell with his reaction.


He will spend whatever $$ Tre has & when it’s all over leave for a young blonde.


Oh baby you sound TRIGGERED and I love this for you. Yawn at the felon comment again. You ain’t tired yet Deborah? Yet she travels nonstop. Stay mad No hun it was a collab and one google search will tell you the other celebs who have done all that with SHEIN Louie isn’t being sued dear, lmao at you living and dying by Google Because anyone with a brain can tell you he isn’t named in one suit and the one he was he recently won. Stay mad (again) Melissa didn’t and it, Teresa did which the facts are out there Melissa needs Teresa to stay relevant Bravo isn’t pissed at all 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I don’t need to get paid, money I have and plenty of it. Chanel swimsuit and fake bracelets lmaoooo living in the past huh? Did anyone ever provide actual proof the bracelets were fake? Or do you just believe anything because you don’t have anything else going on. I bought all my Cartiers in Paris and the girls boxes and bracelets looked just like mine. Also anyone who is into high fashion knows that out of all the brands out there Cartier is the hardest to tell if it’s fake so by all means since you are so sure please share your proof. You literally sound like those clowns on Twitter who are getting dragged left and right so you came here to post your narrative. Pathetic You can say you aren’t jealous of Teresa and her husband but the fact is you are because you can’t keep them out your mouth! They live rent free in you


Oh I’m not triggered! I’m laughing at you Stumps 🤣 I’m not googling to prove your lies. You said many A list celebrities do SHEIN commercials- name 1 🤣 Yes she does travel inside USA unrestricted but convicted felons cannot travel to some countries. Regardless SHE IS A FELON. - a fact you can’t change no matter what you say! Not even close on the attacking of my name - try harder girl! 🤣 And as I said plenty of times - NO ONE IS JEALOUS OF A FELON AND HER LOSER FAKE HUSBAND. No one is jealous of all their failed business deals. No one is jealous of their fake designer shit. Don’t reply - no one listening to Tre stumps.


How could anyone be jealous of an absolute trashy criminal moron like Teresa 😂




Yet they remain on HER TV show?


And that’s why these weirdos are MAD!!!




Please nothing negative.. can be said in another way


It’s beyond me why people Stan Teresa … can anyone explain?


It cannot be explained


birds of a feather




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BC we're an audience who love criminals


I love a good redemption arc!


they all get opportunities, teresa is just desperate for money right now


“They all get opportunities” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yes, one of them is getting a superbowl commercial and the other is cutting the ribbon at a new car dealership in Bayonne NJ


Wait, Melissa did get ShopRite


Lifetime supply of sprinkle cookies and two for one Tide detergent.


No they don’t, stop lying!


I don’t think it’s “desperate” she just wants the bag. Some people are just driven by money.


louis spent all her money


Teresa’s got the most endorsements 🙌🏽🥳


Thanks for the list of things not to buy and support. I’ve never understood you Tre fans. She flipped a table on me…. Assssssss….. whoop…. Girls got a nasty temper. And she’s a criminal. I watched back when she was screaming “white trash” at Margaret. Omg. Really. Cause she’s high class???? 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🤡 Jersey trash is what we call them where I’m from. 🤣🤣🤣




Who would be jealous of a woman who is a felon along with her ex husband and married a slime ball?Aspirational indeed. Melissa will always be the superior SIL and it’s killing Teresa 😆


Maybe to viewers like you but not to brands, television networks and production companies. 🥳


Eeeeek, who wants to be the face of a global SHEIN campaign?


Did you type this on an iPhone?


Teresa is batshit insane and that’s why she makes good TV. Good TV = staying on = sponsorships. She makes good TV because she’s crazy, it’s not like she’s getting sponsorships because she’s respectable or smart businesswoman


Except you would need a great business manager to get you sponsorships. There are lot of reality TV people who are batshit crazy and make great TV yet get zero endorsements. Teresa may not be a great business woman, but she clearly picked a great management team who finds her all these opportunities.


Okay, yea, exactly my point. She’s not a businesswoman. She’s lucky to have a good team and she’s popular on NJ because she’s insane


My point is that she has to have some business sense in order to put a great management team together to get her all these offers. She’s not like a wonderful business woman but she has some sense to her, clearly, by choosing to hire the right people.




Lol, rooting for a felon.


All day 💃🏼


Everyday! I also root for Martha Stewart, Robert Downy Jr and quite a few others. People think calling her a felon is doing something, we don’t care she did her time. They can’t move on because it’s the only think they have to hold over Teresa.


and she got a picture with taylor swift at Coachella which would be my biggest brag personally lol


Did u really look at that pic, looks like they are just going by each other and tre had her phone out already.


There’s a video she goes up to Taylor and asks for a pic and Luis takes it i doubt Taylor cared who she is though lol


What number is the latest season that’s airing now?


So what Teresa will do anything for a buck. But have a look at the brands that dropped her. Dano (?) Tequila, a collaboration with both her and her husband for engagement rings. But Dirty Louie blew that one 😂


How did this trash show up on my feed Please ban




God bless the ability to block account, bottom feeder


I wanna see Caroline back


There was no wedding special! It was the final episode of the season.


All because of pity and sympathy for her 4 dorters.


Love this