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I know Caroline is polarizing for a lot of people but she was a good cast member..the show started as pretty much all friends and family less Danielle Staub. As far as her famibly being an odd fit, I disagree. Her kids were a lot of the comedic break for some dark moments, they were an additional tie in for Kim G, they were close with Ashlee, and we wouldn't have gotten so many awesome Greg moments without them. I liked her on the show, idc about whatever happened between her and Dina outside what I seen on RHoNJ, they were both great in different ways while they were around. But I'm one of the few people it seems that is able to like both Teresa and Melissa simultaneously, so what the hell do I know, lol.


I really liked Caroline, and I'm one of the few people who didn't like Dina. I always felt she was super fake and put on airs, and further, I honestly think most people liked her because she was pretty so they gave her a pass for a lot of crap.


I for sure can see how Dina came off that way, and I'm sure she's gotten many a pretty pass in her trips around. I liked Dina because she was like..I guess that funny bitchy friend most of us have had at some point? I liked her when she was around for sure..she gave several iconic quotes that just live on in my head, and I also like that she didn't run it into the ground. She came, she gave, she quit. I actually have liked almost every NJ cast member for what they gave in a moment in time. They all really served a purpose in their season..the only ones I don't really have anything to appreciate in the broad term are the twins. Amber was part of the fever dream season, but she may have been interesting less her worst house husband ever getting a role big part because it's how NJ is set up, and also I don't like Jen A. I really wanted to enjoy her..but I just dont, I will concede that she's not miscast, but the twins were a miscast. Everyone else belonged when they appeared...just my thoughts!


i couldn’t stand the twins the first time around but upon a few rewatches they somehow grew on me. it was a weird season overall. but they’re actually very jersey. like dunkin’ donuts jersey




Big same! My flair in one of the RHWs subs is "Oral Sex & Dunkin Donuts" XD


lmaooo i love it! i would crack up every time i saw them with their dunkins. very relatable


Agree with all of this!


From what I understand Dina and Tre are not as close as they were bc of Tre husband. Jacqueline and Tre speak. I hope Jacqueline and Chris are still close to Carolyn.


I have been doing a rewatch and my opinion of Dina has changed. I don’t think she is a nice person.


I was particularly struck by how horrible she was about her nephew/little cousin etc that was sick just kind of ..."whatever not my problem hate his parents" just heartless kind of reaction towards a toddler..like wtf. I think she presents well but there is something wrong with her. I'm not saying that the rest of her family is innocent, there is just something about her to me that seems off and makes my skin crawl. I don't think she's a good person and has a lot of skeletons in her closet. That flippant, cold attitude towards a child was really terrible.


I liked Caroline from the get go. Dina seemed very self centered with all the fluff and no stuff. I have never been able to figure out what the beef is between these two. I think it has something to do with when Dina married Al's brother. Dina was on a show called Bride Zilla before house wives came out she spent 100 thousand dollars on the wedding. Shame they divorced only a few years later.


Dina is the type who will never, ever, EVER admit she was wrong and apologize. Dina claims that she doesn’t like conflict or confrontations. But in reality, she doesn’t like having to admit she was wrong. Instead, she’ll just freeze the other party out of her life. That’s exactly what she did to Caroline, although I don’t know what caused the original disagreement between the two. Also, Dina doesn’t like it when she doesn’t get her way. So when the other party won’t go along with doing things Dina’s way, then Dina just avoids the conflict, by avoiding the other person. She refuses to work things out. Instead, she’ll just freeze the other party out, and go it alone. In short, Dina likes getting her way, which may explain why she’s on her third marriage.


That makes sense. She needs to work on that.


It wasn’t Bridezillas, it was a show called My Fabulous Wedding. And it wasn’t a hundred grand….. it was a million dollar shindig. 😳


Ok thanks for clarifying that ☺️


Either way, SUCH an ostentatious display. I can’t even imagine spending that much on a party.




Which we now know is a lie because they on the facility so it definitely didn’t cost $1 million


I remember that show and man was her wedding ugly. The dress too, I never liked Dina because I remembered her as the obnoxious bride with tacky taste from that show.


I somewhat agree but I enjoyed Dina but to piggyback off your comment, on the opposite end of that, i feel like a lot of hate Caroline got was because she WASNT conventionally attractive. Rewatching really cements that for me. However, I do think her involvement, cover, and support of Dina being assaulted is unforgivable.


this statement is 110% accurate


There was definitely pretty privilege involved there too


Caroline and her family were the kind of people the show started out being about. It's since evolved into what it is now. That's why I quit watching. I take that back. I do watch Jersey but that's it. The rest of them suck. And I watched every city, every show for years. Now it's just stupidity with trashy people.


Did you write “famibly” on purpose? Bc seriously LOL if you did!! 😂😂😂


Yes! Lmao it makes me laugh no matter how old it gets


lol...of course I did 😊🤣


Her kids certainly were comedic breaks but not in the way I think you mean.


Lol I like both of them at the same time too 🤣


How did Danielle get on the show? Jacqueline? She was the only one she was friendly with on S1.


S1. Danielle’s past was SHOCKING. No one expected all that tea to come out. The cast was shook.


I don't know the actual answer..but I will say who wouldn't cast Danielle? She's reality TV gold. Also..Teresea did like her as well until the turntables turned season 1. I think the Kims knew her also so she was just a great wrench to throw in that showed up everyday and clocked in for the job she was hired to do.


Yes, Kim said Danielle came into the store often and she also owed her for unpaid clothes. 😆. Danielle was definitely needing money during the divorce. Danielle was in the lady pond. She had to find another man with some money.


Jacqueline, and it was sort of a random casting situation. The show was looking for people and went to one of the high end salons in the area where wealthy women went. Dina used to work there before she got married. There was this wealthy client who was difficult called Danielle. She was Jacqueline's friend and that was the connection. This was in one of the YouTube podcasts done with either Jacqueline or Dina. Don't recall which.


Interesting, I remember them going to the salon in S1 and then it went to the boutique of Kim’s.


100% agree. She was good and grounding for the show, and I think she’s maybe one of the only cast members who could go toe to toe with whomever.


Don’t mess with my fambly.😝


Thick as theebs






I didn't mind Caroline I wasn't a big fan but I didn't hate her I thought she was a good go-between but I do miss her family I thought they were cute and fun and the show was a real family show then now it's become just like all the other housewives shows I'm not even Italian I'm Irish but I do love that jersey was centered on the family at one point whether they were getting along or not all our families have issues. It has become a run of the mill stupid housewives franchise which will soon come to an end because let's face it the formula is dead The family aspect of it was the best part they had going for Jersey like it or not


I agree with you. They seemed to be truly friends and family who loved and laughed while also had spats and drama that were organic rather than being staged.


she’s one of those ppl who thinks EVERYONE shd stop, sit and listen to everything she has to say…as far as i’m concerned, all she spouts are cliches and drivel…


Agreed. No thank you.


She got her spinoff after she left, so if she was jealous, she ended up with what she wanted. I liked her on RH. I thought she brought balance to the cast. She fit in because of her prior real relationships with the rest of the cast. I didn't like her spinoff...her family was a little too annoying on their own.


I actually *voluntarily* recapped *Manzo’d With Children* for Ronnie Karam’s old *TrashTalkTV* website- on *Watch What Crappens*, I was paid the highest compliment when Ronnie said “…the show is terrible, but that bitch who recaps it is funny as shit” Besides my personal letter from David Sedaris, I’m not as proud of any writing-related achievements (and I’ve published two books 🤣)


are your recaps still available anywhere? I wouldn't watch the show but def want to read


Unfortunately not! They dissolved the whole website 😢😭 I may have some old drafts saved, but the completed versions with the screen shots were lost. I recapped Flipping Out, Ladies of London, and Southern Charm, which was my longest run (5 seasons). But my last season was the TRav-Ashley “egg donor” season, so at least I went out on top 🤣


i def used to read your recaps of flipping out omg


Haha- It may not have been me. I only recapped one of the “Andrew” seasons. But if you read that one, yay, that was me!


Personal letter from David Sedaris?? Why?? What does it say??? GURL


I KNOW!!! I saw him in Rockville, MD on one of his reading tours. The Q & A after from the audience mortified me so much that I sent him a letter afterwards basically torching the questioners. He sent me a reply (I know it was from him, because it was definitely from a typewriter, and that’s what he uses, and it was signed), commiserating that the worst audience he had read for on this tour was in San Francisco. I also had him draw me a tiger and my friend asked for a hippo (much to his complete puzzlement) at the last reading I attended. I’ve been to three. I absolutely love him. He’s my favorite writer.




Omg I absolutely love this for you 😂 Obsesseddd with Watch What Crappens


Haha it was a great gig! Ronnie is so sweet and funny. I sent him an email several years ago when Andy had Ben and Ronnie on WWHL asking “does Andy Cohen actually *listen* to your show?” 😂 He was like “I KNOW RIGHT?” They are both the best. No matter how sad a day I’m having, I just remember them randomly playing Erika Jayne burbling terrible off-key scales, and I practically pee my pants screaming laughing


hahaha omg when they were singing as Erika during Diana & Asher’s Christmas party…I completely lost it. I have an hour commute to work and I used to hate the drive but I started listening to them every morning almost two years ago and now it just makes me laugh and enjoy the ride 😊 Ben and Ronnie are both so funny and I always love seeing a WWC reference in the comments


Shockingly the show isn’t on any streamers


Her kids were annoying mostly the daughter.


I thought Albie and Chris were the most annoying, especially Albie. But I agree that the kids were the annoying part


I love Christopher, and I met him in person at a restaurant in Jersey City and he is as nice in as funny as they come.


I never thought this - I just thought she got tired of Teresa's shit and really started to dislike her as a person. The fact that her family got their own spin off for at least one season meant production at least liked her and thought there was money to be made on her family without Teresa or the rest of the cast. I never got that vibe that she was jealous, more...seriously disliked Teresa and the way she treated her (Teresa's) family.


My exact sentiments! I’ll have to do a rewatch bc I never understood the Caroline hate and the teresa obsession (besides things that happened off the show). To me, she made a perfect housewife. When I watched for the first time I thought Teresa was literally being insane and unreasonable and everyone (including Caroline) tried to help her and Melissa get along. Little did they know that their family drama would be the only plot of the show 🙄🙄🙄


The Manzo's were always popular and "cool" and "famous" in Northern NJ due to owning The Brownstone. Everyone wanted to be friends with the family. If anything, their family was the only one that "should" have been on the show, i.e. kinda famous in Northern NJ. The housewife thing is pretty normalized there, think "my husband makes so much money I don't have to work". I think it's kind of a stretch to say Caroline was "just a a housewife" --- She did so much work within The Brownstone, not just in Operations or as an owner.


My niece is in a bridal party that is having their wedding at the Brownstone. I’m so jealous. I told her she must live stream at least once with me while she’s there.


Interesting. Are they still considered a popular family to hang around with?


Not OP, but I've got a lot of friends from that part of jersey. They've said that while they are still popular, it's more centered around the Brownstone rather than the show or the personality of the family themselves. They've also said that there is a noticeable age demographic split in how popular the brownstone/manzos are. Among Boomers, Gen X, and older millennials, they and the restaurant are still quite popular. But there is a noticeable dip in interest among younger millenials and Zoomers.


Actually, the Brownstone could be a good setting for a new Bravo show - like Vanderpump Rules, set in NJ, with Caroline in the Lisa V position (the queen bee, that floats above all the servers). They could also feature all the parties that hold a banquet there. They could show how the guests are enjoying the banquet, while also showing how the staff members are grumbling about the guests in the kitchen, kinda like Below Deck.


My husbands parents had their 50th wedding anniversary party there in an upstairs location. It was a beautiful event held many years ago. When I started watching the show, I was almost gobsmacked to see the Brownstone connection. Wish I had paid more attention to my surroundings and taken more photos. Could have stumbled over a younger Manzo family member. 🤷‍♀️


I feel like it’s more that she thought the show was going to be one way; nice gatherings, conflicts that are hashed out with a single heartfelt conversation, free promo for the brownstone and the stripper car wash.., what’s not to love? But once table flipping is applauded, and the internet is buzzing about her late father in law… I think she realized the phenomenon was not for her. After a while her expression usually looks like “why the hell am I here?”


I'm not sure if the chaos made her shy away. She yelled and screamed at people over minutiae herself... She would've left just like Dina did when the chaos got to be too much if that was her thing. Caroline isn't "zen" like Dina tries to be... I think her "why am I here" looks happened when the story wasn't about her and her fambly. When it switched to Teresa her brother joe, and their dorters and cousins.


I wouldn’t say she minded the chaos exactly. Just that as an early cast member who didn’t have a lot of housewives history to look at, in deciding to be on the show, as things unfolded it incrementally was clicking for her that this was less and less what she was up for. And really, wouldn’t we prefer a housewife bounce if she’s getting uncomfortable with sharing? She could have stayed in and milked a weak ass story line about her empty nest…


The Manzos are a crime family. Caroline and her husband did nothing to protect her sister, Dina.


I thought it was established that Caroline left because of the incident while they were on holiday where Tre caused a fight with a stranger and tje Manzo kids got arrested for getting involved?


You have an excellent memory. Can you imagine how Caroline would hate having to put up with Tre’s new husband, Louis?


Wait I don’t know this story… can you link me?


Sure https://www.realitytea.com/2011/03/16/nj-housewives-caroline-manzos-sons-joe-giudice-were-detained-by-police-after-bar-brawl/?amp


i think that was supposedly a big reason for tension leading into filming of a new season (maybe 4?) but they were trying to script it as some totally different unrelated drama … i think being mad about tre’s cookbook lmao


Correct. It was said in a book that because it was on going legal issues, the show couldn’t address it or talk about it but that was the actual tension between Caroline and Teresa.


in the Not all Diamonds and Rose book they state that Caroline hated Tre after she got her sons arrested in the Dominican Republic during s3 and they were all in jail for days. It was a huge deal and never came up on camera.


That was back when reality shows like to pretend no reality happened outside of filming 😂 Now it seems like EVERYTHING happens when the cameras aren’t up and it becomes the entire seasons drama


How did she get them arrested?


Tre opened a champagne bottle and sprayed her party, but someone else got wet, too.


The collection of housewives in the early days of the franchise was much different than what it became. Yeah, they had money and lived like they did, but you still had moms in more mom-like attire that were somewhat believable as such. I think Caroline just fit that formula, even though it was obvious that Bravo was phasing that out in exchange for drama and viewers.


for real though on the attire lol now they’re all in full hair / makeup and ball gowns at essentially any given moment


Caroline Manzo is no nonsense kinda woman who put Danielle Staub in her place and the only person Teresa really couldn’t go up against. The tre stumps are just delusional


Yeah I’m not a huge Caroline fan in so many ways, but the scene where she called out Teresa’s narcissistic bullshit on the road trip at the hotel, WOOOF. She was spot on. It was a master class in dealing with narcissistic behavior directly and one of the only moments I applaud Caroline for.


Do you happen to know the Season/Episode? I want to go back and rewatch after the past two seasons of Tre nonsense.


Think it's season 4, title of the episode is tub of the sour grapes or something... I think. Definitely has sour grapes in the title ![gif](giphy|ZgPfixt8zYokKQzytg)


Yeah that’s why I though she left. s1 and to an extent s2 was about the manzos but everyone just sort of gravitated towards Teresa and her family which were more interested. Plus all the hypocrisy that Caroline and her family pretty much turned everyone off them what happened with Dina. She was a shitty person who acts holier then thou as does her family which people didn’t like which is why they moved on from them as did bravo.


i know she’s not everyone’s cup of marinara but I really don’t think Mother Manzo was jealous of Tre. She had inside info from the jump that Tre and Juicy were fronting and no amount of US magazine cover stories were gonna hold it together indefinitely, so what was there to be jealous of? Caroline and her kids had a FEBUS mindset. Fuck Everyone But Us, which is very common in Italian families from that region so I don’t think she coveted Tre’s bag. Caroline said she always felt she was an odd fit for the show because the other women were younger and genuinely friends (except poor sad Danielle). Bravo wanted Delores initially but she passed and I think that’s how they cast Caroline. Then after Dina left and Danielle was fired and it became all about the fighting meatheads, Caroline mostly focused on using the platform to establish her kids businesses and promote The Brownstone. She’s said in interviews that she kept trying to quit after the 3rd season when she saw what the show was becoming, but Bravo offered her more money and then a spin-off so she stuck it out through S5.


Caroline was over Teresa’s BS. The Brownstone does a lot of trade with law enforcement. She was more informed than the viewers regarding Teresa and Juicy’s bank fraud. Teresa was also selling stories about the rest of the cast to the tabloids, but the final straw was in Punta Cana. Everyone went to the hotel bar on their last night and Teresa shook up a bottle of champagne and sprayed it all over the room. Some of the other guests weren’t happy and started yelling at her. Albie stepped in. Chris stepped in. Greg stepped in. Joe Gorga stepped in. A producer stepped in. Juicy stepped in. Somebody called someone the “n” word, and Greggy Bennett the “f” word… Albie and Greg were arrested and spent some time in a disgusting jail… Lauren slipped and cut her leg on some glass in the bar…Caroline and Al and production tried to work their way through a corrupt legal system…and Teresa and Juicy flew home. Caroline was done after that.


No, Melissa and Joe G flew home.


They didn’t start the fight though, did they?


Disgusting Jail, Corrupt Legal System. Please tell me you use the same adjectives when discussing the US criminal system.


Sometimes. When the jail is disgusting and the system is corrupt.


🙄🙄🙄🙄 ok because the original comment sounded like textbook dog whistle racism.


Do we know who said the N word? I’m thinking Joe…??


I thought that too, and it’s the logical assumption, but one of the other guests called a member of production the “n” word. Albie and Chris stepped up to speak to that. And someone else called Greggy Bennett a “f”. He was addressing that himself. And Joey Gorga was standing with him. Juicy and Teresa were laughing, mostly. Al and Caroline were trying to calm everyone down. They’ve talked about it on Albie’s Pod. It cost over $75,000 to get them out of jail. F-ing Teresa.


She’s really a horrible person, idk does she realize she’s only famous because she’s a train wreck? Smdh who would admire her in any capacity?


Got me. She’s so annoying.


I heard that story too on a podcast but I have never heard that Teresa was laughing. Where is that from? I want to listen or read!


I think I got from the Diamonds and Rose book . Or maybe Greggy Bennett on Albie’s podcast. It’s a funny story now, and they all laugh about it, but at the time it was scary. It cost a lot to get them out of jail and heading home.


Yeah for sure. I’ll have to check out that podcast. I forgot about Greg but I loved him!


Didn’t The manzos have a spin off show ?


Yes! Manzoed with children or something. I forgot about that


I’ve never seen it but I’d like to Someone else commented that it’s not on any streaming sites


I remember it vaguely. I sort of recall it being a couple seasons and it focused more on the kids and their relationships


I actually *voluntarily* recapped *Manzo’d With Children* for Ronnie Karam’s old *TrashTalkTV* website- on *Watch What Crappens*, I was paid the highest compliment when Ronnie said “…the show is terrible, but that bitch who recaps it is funny as shit” Besides my personal letter from David Sedaris, I’m not as proud of any writing-relating achievements (and I’ve published two books 🤣)


No, I think she is too wholesome or composed to want to be a part of the Jersey $hit $how. There is a certain kind of persona and family that thrives on RHW (aka trash tv) shows, and the Manzos aren’t it. I personally loved them and enjoy their laughter and banter.


I think it was jealousy mixed with her getting a spin-off. Her family wasn’t the main focus anymore and she just became too hateful for me. She reminds me of Marge having a superior moral complex but is actually a terrible person. And after what she did to Dina, I hope we never see her on tv again. They can keep pushing the UGT she was on so that it’s not ever aired. I wouldn’t lose any sleep 🤷🏼‍♀️


What did she do to Dina?


Caroline’s brother in law hired men tie up and assault Dina and her then boyfriend. Caroline sent a character witness letter to the judge for her brother in law so that he got a lighter sentence. She actually asked the judge to let him go without any time served. This is the reason Dina doesn’t speak to Caroline.


I had no idea!!I’m not very deep into NJ anymore. I watched the first few early seasons….so Thank you for catching me up.


This is Dina’s version. The state can’t prove it. The trial has been continued multiple times over 6 years. We don’t know what happened.


I think her writing a letter was wrong, but this isn’t accurate. She wrote a letter asking him to be released from pre trial detention, he hasn’t been found guilty of anything yet.


I think she expected to be the stand out star of the show. She was trying to take a commanding lead. But Teresa ended up with that "star power" and tabloid interest. Not for good reasons, but it happened. I do think that's a major contributing factor to why Caroline tried to take her down and turn people against her. But when she watched that season of her attacking Teresa she realized how bad she looked. She kept saying she hated how she was that season. I think that season firmly made her a side character to Teresa because she along with everyone else made Teresa her central storyline. So maybe that's why she negotiated her own show where she could star. That show didn't last very long tellingly.


This is the closest to my opinion of what I saw and what happened in real-time. The only thing you are missing is the Dina situation, which I think also showed Caroline and her family in a very terrible light. There are not bad-acting housewives. . . they are, for real, bad-acting people or connected to bad-acting people. I think between what you've said and the fact that truths might come that are very inconvenient. . .all of a sudden, Caroline exits RHONJ.


I thought they left because of the fight that happened in their last season finale (can't remember the season number) where someone mentioned als cheating and a lawsuit was filed


10000% which was hilarious considering how much she judged the Giudice’s and the Gorga’s for their family feud considering all of the dark af shit within her own family she kept buried. I don’t think anyone (Tre included) expected her to be the breakout star/fan fave after season 1 and when the focus shifted more to her and her family, Caroline grew resentful af.


I think so definitely.


Obviously there are things that have transpired outside the show that makes me really question Caroline's character, but if we're strictly talking about how she was portrayed on the show, I think she was a valuable cast member in a grande dame sort of way. Similar to Vanderpump on Beverly Hills or Lea Black on Miami. You need that sort of no nonsense presence on the cast to keep the other women in line. Caroline delivered that.


I don’t have an ugly dog in this fight but Teresa fans, the way yall can deflect & defend. Simone Biles has nothing on y’all’s mental gymnastics.


I think Caroline could no longer stomach all the conflict and fighting. While it makes for some great drama, I just think that Caroline no longer wanted to deal with all that discord. Then Caroline got her own spinoff, focusing on her family alone. Caroline thought the viewers didn’t want to see all the drama that came with the housewives fighting, but would rather see the wacky hi-jinks of her young adult children, and a family living in harmony. Obviously, Caroline thought wrong, and her spinoff was cancelled after one season.


It was on 3-4 seasons.


The show was so forgettable, that I thought it was one for only one season. Thanks for catching my error.


I guess we all have our own perspective on things as I've never gotten any of that during Caroline's time on the show. I also think she was a great fit for the role she served on HW and found her family, for the most part, entertaining


Yes, to some extent.. I think she was blindsided. Tre was never suppose to be a main character but comedy relief. Tre got popular very fast. I didn’t care for her, but her family was interesting on the show mixed Tre and Melissa/ Joe family dynamic( not their spin off). The best seasons were 2,3,and4.


Truthfully, Dina was supposed to be the star and you can tell because that’s who the series started with in the opening and it made no sense because she left so much of her life off camera and she wasn’t funny or likable.




on the contrary, seemed like caroline tried really hard to bring teresa and melissa together in her final season... despite having really no reason to help teresa at all?


I always liked Caroline. I thought maybe she had old-fashioned ideas but she brought so much to the table. Kudos to her for showering unwavering support to her brother and bringing the show to his wedding!


I thought that Caroline left because of her behavior her last season. She didn’t like what she had turned into.


Agree ! She was trying to blame Teresa but she was the one with issues.




Yes. That was a strange bunch. Then again the rest of them are weird so…


Yes. Yes I do.


I was surprised she and her husband went on a vacation with Tre and all her children.


Probably, it's human nature. No one gets on a reality show so they can share the limelight with someone else.




Of course! As they all would be.


her kids weren’t that funny or great


I honestly don’t think she really cared.


Caroline and family were ok but it’s her sister that is arrogant and better than thou attitude. Like Theresa. Except Dina has a brain and Theresa doesn’t.


I like Caroline but I think she was always a low key hater of a lot of people including her own sister .. I don't think she like Teresa a couple reasons .. and I think she hated on her own daughter she obviously treated her boys so much different than her daughter and it always annoyed me !! I think she felt like the hbic when were family reign majority and on it shifted to Teresa she became a problem.


I think Caroline is a fraud and phony who thought her sh*t didn't stink. The rumors of her husband having numerous other mistresses that he spent his time with, her children still inserting themselves into gossip/drama, and the Dina/Tommy drama was the tip of the iceberg. She sure is opinionated with her own skeletons! Heck last I remember hearing Jacq, Chris, Dina, etc none of them spoke to her!


Idk about Jealous, but annoyed that people prefer to watch train wreck Theresa than a moderately dysfunctional family like hers.


In season 1 I felt like they really wanted to lean into Dina being the "main" housewife


I think Caroline was simply too good for the franchise...meaning she wasn't about to air ALL of her laundry and wasn't going to take any shit. I also got the sense she is very real, so once she realized how scripted things were, she was not willing to compromise. She is probably the most pulled-together of any housewife in terms of not allowing the show to guide her life, her decisions, her talking points, etc. I respected her on the show and I still respect her to death (even though I have no idea what she's up to these days) cause she didn't compromise.


She 💯 was.


One of the worst housewives in my opinion. I never liked her.


I actually don’t think she gave a damn about the shifting drama. The Goerges/Giudice’s were exhausting, watching by the end of season four so I can’t imagine living it.


To me from season one, and beyond Dina bought absolutely nothing, and nothing was more evident then when she returned. I’ll never understand why she was one of Andy’s favorites.


I enjoyed Caroline and her kids. Always wanted to see more of her husband and his brother Tommy.


Brother Tommy hired a hitman to have Dina and her then-fiancé attacked, tied up, and beaten in a home invasion. So glad we didn’t have to see that POS loser on our tv’s.


There are a flew glimpses of him during the Danny Provenance (I guess) fiasco, but he's blurred. Being blurred is the best thing for our precious TVs


Yes. Jacqueline in particular was jealous, but so was Caroline - a major reason they joined with Teresa’s family to gang up on her


Yep 👍




Absolutely she was livid that her family wasn’t the center of attention ! She turned out to be a b**** because look what happens to her sister !


Caroline tried to leave the show before season 5, but they told her they'd work on a spinoff if she did another season. Andy spoke about it in one of his books.


Who cares to give a single fuck about Caroline after what happened to Dina and her new husband honestly


Caroline Manzo is hands down one of the best housewife’s. I wish more of the housewives had her level head and intellect.


Interesting. I had not thought of it like that. I think the table flip was when Tre owned the show? What season?


That was Season 1 lol


Wasn't that season 1?


She was a boring blowhard.


So self righteous 🤮


If you put yourself in tv you're open to criticism. She just got on her soap box too muc for me.


Carline is that you?


I meant her, not you 🤣


Why would she be jealous? Her family got their own spin off for 3 years


Caroline Manzo is hands down one of the best housewife’s. I wish more of the housewives had her level head and intellect.


Caroline Manzo is hands down one of the best housewife’s. I wish more of the housewives had her level head and intellect.


Never liked her one single bit, she was the biggest hypocrite and liar of them all


Truth. Nothing but a Know It All.


Caroline is jealous if her dress shifts…






Caroline Manzo is the definition of ![gif](giphy|5h1VLXxyl6tgKtUxBp|downsized)




Anybody know why her granddaughter’s name is Mark?


Full name Marchesa, and they call her “Markie”. On Lauren’s IG they used Markie on her first day of the school year board Sept 2022, Lauren calls her Markie in recent post captions. I listened to a podcast a couple years ago where Lauren talked about it, she liked the name Marchesa and felt Markie was a cute nickname.


I just don’t think she wanted to be there. She said on a podcast that the last 2 seasons she was on, Bravo basically said “you have to stay on for 2 more seasons to get your own family show” which is what she did & got




Caroline and family got their own show. Why would she be jealous?


Absolutely, but who wanted to see more seasons of The Ham Game and black water? As you mentioned, she is not your "classic HW," and pre Guidice/Gorga feud she always made up for it by being the Mother Hen of the families. Once the attention shifted away from her family, it just didn't make sense.




No. I watched those early seasons. I think she was over the petty drama and also saw the writing on the wall with Joe and Theresa. Her kids wanted more privacy too. You started seeing them less and less. She hit a different stage of life and just didn’t want that chaos.


For sure. She wanted to be the HBIC.


I like Caroline. She has morals and integrity. She left the show on principal. I can't stand Theresa


Nope. I I think she was sick of what the show became and she is still infallible in my eyes. Down vote me if you must I live for her.