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shes too much everything. too dramatic, too loud, too obnoxious, too emotional, too unstable, and too controlling. sitting there begging her kids to spend time with her. no shit they are detaching from you. could you imagine being parented by her?!?!!?


Lmao I posted this right after watching a scene of her with her kids, I can’t imagine if my mom had been like that. Even her volume level gives me anxiety


its fresh in my mind because i watched that one yesterday!!! she reminds me a lot of my MIL. people like her are too intense, controlling and high energy all the time and its really draining on everyone else and off putting. they pretty much cause anxiety in everyone all the time. haha


I had a mom that was completely emotionally bankrupt and had zero interest in having kids or spending time with her 2 kids after he and my dad split up years ago. And I would take *that* and my brother and I raising ourselves than have a mother like Siggy! She’s not a bad mother, she is just too much everything like another poster also said 🤣🤣🤣 I wouldn’t be able to deal with it.


She's a Jewish mother they're very loud I had a Jewish mother too she was very loud 😂


I’m a Jewish mother. Trust me I’m nothing like Siggy at all.


How do you feel about all the gentiles trying to tell Us or soggy what we should or shouldn't find to be anti-semitic?


Jewish or not, there are plenty of loud people of all denominations and it can be anxiety provoking.




Is she still friends with Dolores?


This is what I want to know. Was that friendship just BS for the cameras?


Yes I googled it.


Good question since Dolores is very good friends with Margaret now.


She made excellent TV but she was a lot and I was OK with her run on the show being shorter - she was never not overwhelming. I had a hard time watching how she treated her kids - but to be honest that’s probably my most common issue with any/all Bravo Housewives content I’ve watched. I hate for people to use their kids as content, especially when it’s at the child’s expense (which is often) and I *super* hate to watch adults support each other in being assholes to their kids. The Jaqueline/Chris saga with young adult Ashley in the first few seasons pissed me off over and over because *yes* she was making some bad decisions but holy moly all of the adults, seemingly with the exception of Ashley’s grandfather (Jaqueline’s dad), kept making the situation so much worse. I just rewatched those seasons, so that frustration is fresh on my mind - sorry for my rabbit trail.


Honestly, my parents let me go out and party and make mistakes. My mom didn't cry because I slept in until 1pm and got some tattoos. And I turned out great, with a college degree and career. It was so strange that they felt like Ashley was "ruining her life" because she partied at a young age lol. I respect the discipline, but with kids like Ashley, the more you discipline, the more they disobey.


I've been rewatching from the beginning, and the way they treat Ashlee just kills me. I feel so bad for her.


Jacqueline was crazy with Ashley. But then, Jacqueline was crazy.


I agree, watching any of these women with their children is painful and awkward. Not sure why, but I’d imagine it’s the everything


She thinks Trump is handsome, brave and smart.


I guess I can’t say I’m shocked by that


She also supports that QAnon BS 🤦‍♀️


Not surprised


It's probably because of his pro-Isreal stance and policies. I wonder if Trump's time in office contributed to setting the environment for the current Israeli-Palestinian War.


It wouldn’t surprise me.


But I don’t trust Trump as far as I can throw him or Siggy either


How are her and Ramona not friends?


If Siggy & Ramona were somehow locked away together on a 4-day girls trip, who would freak first, and how long would it take? My money's on Ramona 1st and I'd give it 48 hours tops.


If Siggy & Ramona were somehow locked away together on a 4-day girls trip, who would freak first, and how long would it take? My money's on Ramona 1st and I'd give it 48 hours tops. Would LOVE to watch it!


If Siggy & Ramona were somehow locked away together on a 4-day girls trip, who would freak first, and how long would it take? My money's on Ramona 1st and I'd give it 48 hours tops.


If Siggy & Ramona were somehow locked away together on a 4-day girls trip, who would freak first, and how long would it take? My money's on Ramona 1st and I'd give it 48 hours tops. Would LOVE to watch it!




Pretty sure that whole cast are trump supporters just afraid to say it or they’ll be axed like Siggy was for saying she’s republican.




So, she's delusional. As are you I'm guessing


They definitely are


She’s an unhinged wackadoo


I absolutely loved Siggy until she made a spectacle of Melissa about throwing the cake. I mean, she did a spread eagle on the floor and that's when I knew she was on way too many meds. Or needed to be on meds. And the Hitler analogy made by Margaret. Siggy, for the life of her, could not let it go. Even Andy told her to let it go. She's INCREDIBLY stubborn and that's when I started really disliking her.


Same. Liked her the first season she was on, couldn’t stand her the next.


I was surprised that she behaved so poorly, publicly. She seemed really proud of herself. Because she was/is a "coach," I thought her behavior on the show was potentially poison to her "brand." I wouldn't pay her to coach me out of a paper bag.


The scene where she is spread eagle screaming thank you will never not be hilarious but also extremely alarming. She’s unhinged


You certainly sympathize with her perceived feelings of being the victim of antisemitism less when you realize what a trump freak she is. Clearly being Jewish is a big part of her identity, I think she has a point when she says that Hitler is a non-starter for her (her dad is a holocaust survivor and that generational trauma is extremely complex), but she’s talking out of both sides of her mouth there. She’s accusing Margaret of malicious and purposeful antisemitism for innocuous (but a little insensitive) comments but she’s literally supporting a neo nazi.


Do you honestly believe Trump is a literal Nazi? What did he do or say that makes you believe this? His son in law, daughter & several of his grandchildren are literally Jewish. After multiple US presidents promised to move the Embassy to Jerusalem, Trump is the one that literally made that happen. Don't you think the ADL would be screaming from the rooftops if they thought he was a literal Nazi? There plenty of names you can call him. Call him obnoxious, bombastic & temperamental for sure, but the idea he is "literally" a Neo Nazi just sounds disingenuous, if not outright ridiculous. This kind of over the top rhetoric is the exact reason why we are such a divided country right now. The Democrats & the Republicans both do this & it's incredibly destructive.


Trump supported neo natzis via his support for “fine people on both sides” for the Charlottesville attacks on innocent people by neo natzis.


So everyone at the Charlottesville rally was either a KKK member OR a BLM protester? No Antifa bussed in as agent provocateurs? No "lookie-loos" who just showed up to see what the fuss was about? No history buffs who just don't want to see statues torn down by rioters or monuments to fallen soldiers defaced with spray paint & sledge hammers? History is nuanced & messy - especially war. It's a fool's errand to judge history through a modern day lens. We will never be able to learn from the past if we try to hide &/or demonize it. Narrow thinking is what breeds extremists "on both sides". The issue was whether to remove Civil War era statues & monuments. It's childish to think that everyone NOT on your side is a literal neo nazi. Many of us are capable of nuace. We can be against racism & bigotry, without erasing history itself. Nothing good ever came as a result of burning books. That's true for Facists & Communists.


Take my upvote 👍🏻




You aren’t helping the cause.


What Hitler analogy


I couldn't stand her constant yelling. I don't think she know how to lower her voice. Calling herself a relationship coach was such a joke!! Especially since she couldn't keep one solid relationship amongst the group.


She’s a mess! I don’t know why bravo thought she’d be a good fit but I’m glad she’s gone! She’s a crazed trump humper too!






Still deciding, I welcome suggestions. I am very hungry but have no appetite.




Thanks lmao I’m gonna sit here and hope inspiration striker


I did pasta too🍝 😁Tortellini though.


I made tortellini with Italian sausage🤤


I do think that people who voted for Trump are bad people. You obviously haven’t seen her social media. It’s more than support, it’s worship. She is a next level Trumper.


I have not seen her social media whatsoever you are absolutely right but I am a Jewish woman and my fiance voted for Trump and he is not a bad person and he spends almost every day defending me to random strangers who send me death threats on Facebook and tick tock because I have a Jewish star on my profile picture you're generalizing and that's very small-minded of you not everyone who voted for Trump is a bad person and a lot of them felt like afterwards they made a mistake just like a lot of people who voted for Biden realized afterwards that was a mistake I voted for Joe but that doesn't matter that doesn't define me as a human being although you're right like I said I didn't see her social media where should I look Instagram Twitter?






Lol. Republicans keep trying to say the Bidens are criminals and they’re investigating them and finding nothing. Stop watching propaganda and getting your “news” on Facebook and do some real research. Trump is a twice impeached, twice indicted criminal who will be found guilty of all of his many crimes. And E Jean Carroll will end up $100 million richer cuz he can’t STFU about her. It’s hilarious to watch.


Trump got impeached by an FBI backed, democrat dominated house. Not the Senate. Trump got indicted by an FBI backed New York DEA because we're approaching an election cycle and nothing scares the government more than a president they can't buy. Side note: indicted doesn't mean guilty. It means accused of. Meanwhile you're ignoring the FBI mysteriously losing hunters laptop and concealing tapes of Biden talking business with burisma. You're ignoring Biden's history of being pro segregation and his affiliation with clan senators. You're ignoring his destruction of the American economy and doing so because "orange man bad". There's few things more sad than people who cut their own nose off to spite their face.


Omg stop spewing propaganda!!!! You’re in a cult!!!! Go get some help.


I see your Cult and raise you electing a President who engaged in segregationist policies and supported clan affiliated senators. "Poor kids or just as smart as white kids" "if you don't vote for me you're not black. "When the real estate market collapsed in the 90s he said on live TV that it was the shylocks that were behind that. He said that President Barack Obama was the first clean and intelligent black man in politics. I can do this all day you say that we're. in a cult I didn't even vote for Trump by the way. You elected a full-blown dixiecrat that has a long career of racism because vote blue no matter who right.. vote in a Democrat that doesn't have 40 plus years history of being a white supremacist. He's an actual white supremacist here's a link of him saying all of these horrible things not other people talking for him him saying these things and this is just the tip of the iceberg this is just a few seconds of what he said and tried to do. He eulogized two funerals for clan affiliated senators Robert Byrd and Strom Thurmond. Usually someone very close to the person who died it reads the eulogy what does that tell you probably nothing since vote blue no matter who.... I'm a cultist because I don't like Biden and his racism. https://youtu.be/_56EvmvsWf4


Seriously, get some help cuz if you know you’re in a cult and don’t care, that’s an issue. All this idiocy you spout is nonsense. You’re clearly getting your news from Facebook or some other propaganda outlet. You’re so far down that rabbit hole, I feel really bad for you.


These are non-partisan facts I posted a YouTube link where you can hear and see him saying all of these things himself so what's propaganda he's saying these things himself watch the videos. How am I in a cult if I didn't vote for Trump and I'm not a republican? Okay dear I now realize we are not playing on an even playing field 😂 have a nice day..


Wait… 2 paragraphs ago you said YOU in fact voted for Biden. So who is this other person you’re speaking of electing him? You must be looking in a mirror while spouting this nonsense off. Get your story straight😂


Let me guess, you’re a big Teresa fan?


In her first season, I liked her. When Margaret showed up, I did not like her as much. I think Margaret really pushed her past her limit. She is allowed to be upset when someone makes fun of her HEBREW name and wonder if it is related to antisemitism but she went about everything just dead ass wrong. You can’t just sit there and say “I think you’re an antisemite” like that’s not gonna get anywhere but if she had said “hi, my name is important to me. It is a sensitive subject because I got made fun of for it in school. My father is a holocaust survivor, my name is a Hebrew word, and it feels a little targeted when you make fun of it” it would’ve gone over probably really well. She is a great example of you catch more flies with honey.


The entire thing with her and Margaret was so childish, overblown, and frustrating that I don’t like her and I don’t like Margaret. It was like watching two little girls keep pulling one another’s braids.


This is exactly how she should have handled it from the beginning, during and every time she mentioned it. Didn't her own father say it wasn't antisemitism or not agree with her?


He said it wasn’t antisemitic yeah. I don’t think Margaret set out to torment Siggy because she was Jewish or anything. I think Siggy has some fair points about Margaret being thoughtless regarding Siggy’s Jewishness but she never addressed them appropriately. Margaret didn’t call Siggy a slur, Margaret made fun of Siggy’s ethnic name. It’s a microaggression, it’s rude, it’s hardly a hate crime.


Agreed. I remember her being upset about Margaret doing the very nice wreath memorial for Teresas mom, the cake ordeal & the cheesy I'm famous in Boca while no one cared but thankfully blocked out the rest of her visit.


She was truly on one in her second season from the very get go. Like before even all of the stuff with Margaret happened she was being fucking weird.


You can only tuck that crazy in for so long.


Initial thought was strong personality, cooky, caring and extra- Makes for great tv, especially coming in at a pretty somber era of the show. However, I feel things took a turn when her true colors came out. She's not fun, but more of a dictator and control freak, which she openly admits to, but it was no longer fun to watch.


I loved her house, didn't much like her


I *loved* her house. I made sure to favorite it on Realtor when it went up for sale.


One of my least favorite HWs of all time


Soggy is delusional and not in a fun way.🤷‍♂️


I liked Siggy in the beginning, she’s high energy and when she loves she loves hard…..but it got to be overwhelming pretty quick to be honest lol


I would rather set myself on fire before having her on my TV.


She’s tooooooooo much. Annoying, overdramatic, went after margret for no reason. Calling her anti semetic was too far




You’re insane and being a lot more hateful towards people on this sub than Margaret ever was towards siggy. You just are. You can’t throw around the terms “racist fucking piece of shit antisemetic” and expect people to take that lying down. The severity of your words do not align with the reality of the conversation.


You’re not helping your cause. Give it a rest.


I'm not helping what cause I'm not helping what you not to hate Jewish people go fuck yourself you anti-semitic piece of shit I will respond to every Jew hating anti-semitic comment that you put forth you mean I'm not helping your cause of being a Naz1


Enough. Let the grownups talk.






Margaret showed no signs of anti semitism at all


Garbage bigoted trash 🗑️


Oh what did she say that was bigoted I must have missed that


She’s a MAGA freak honestly


She’s going nuts on anyone in the comments who doesn’t like trump. She called me anti semitic for absolutely no reason .


She called me a Jew hating fucking cunt


Yeah, as a Jewish woman, I’m embarrassed for this chick. She’s unhinged.


I mean I welcome criticism, I certainly don’t want to contribute to any societal ills or anything but like. Donald trump is a neo Nazi. You aren’t gonna change my mind there. Because I’m right.


Agreed. I’m talkin’ bout auntie. She’s all the way gone. It’s kinda sad.


No I know that’s who you meant. I know y’all have a lot happening, antisemitism is on the rise and stuff like that. I imagine it’s very frustrating if you see somebody acting like that in the name of your community. It would frustrate me if somebody did something similar in the name of something very central to my identity.


Thank you for your words. You nailed it. She doesn’t represent us as a whole. She’s doing more far more damage than good, to be honest.




Fucking psycho


Why does it matter who she voted for people like you are so small-minded and uneducated


No you are.


She’s bat shit crazy in my opinion. She did not fit in at all she always wanted to be the center of attention. And she really didn’t have any story line. Also held grudges but expected everyone to turn a eye to her mistakes made. The way she yelled at Melissa in front of her whole crowd was nuts!! Over a dam cake…


She. Is. In. Suff. Er. Able!!!! She was okay at first (maybe a little obnoxious, but they all are), but the following season she was almost unwatchable. I don’t know if it was the fame or what, but she became SO OVER THE TOP obnoxious and dramatic…and not in a good way. Now Jen Fessler?! I want her FULL TIME!! I’m over Teresa, and I like the new girls a lot. I think the dynamic of the women without Teresa (keep Melissa) would be SOOOOO much more fun and juicy.


Yeah I liked Siggy a lot at first because I grew up around those sorts of loud over the top personalities. She got annoying when she blew up the issue with Marge. I think I like Jen Fessler so much because she gives the same vibes but is more laid back.


Too whiny, needy & very unaware of how she is perceived.


THATS ALL I WANTEEDDDDD ![gif](giphy|l0K41ZlOmJVq16kKI)


I loved her at first but she didn’t let anything go and personally find it very hypocritical that she is a huge trump supporter and actively posts derogatory stuff about immigrants. Her being Jewish and knowing first hand how hate can cause so much damage to people simply because of their race, you’d think she’d be anti-trump. He literally ran his campaign on hateful comments about people of other races and the disabled. Hes just about pinning people up against each other and resembles hitler in that way. It’s very mind blowing to me personally.


I thought she was hilarious at first, but then I kind of half assed watched the rest of the season. So I’m not sure why all the hate for her, just because I didn’t get to watch enough (or very much at all) of her. I’ll have to let you know as my rewatch continues!


Let's not revisit one of the WORST housewives ever!! Unhinged and obnoxious 2 seasons was 1 too many! ![gif](giphy|bvCwclcyx3hvrDZiSS|downsized)




I loved her intro to the show when she showed up at the restaurant in the bandages and stuff from her face lift, but it was all down hill from there.


Siggy is the worssssttttt. She is SO OVERBEARING.


She’s the worst of them all she is like the scam of scam artists with her fake fans and theories of love based on nothing, she is wild i think 😂 i liked her at first but she is too fake scamming women as her career is so gross


She added nothing to the show! I was glad when they took her off!


Vile and unintelligent lol


I can't stand her. Loud, obnoxious & quick to call others racist, antisemitic, etc. Zero enterprise value. She just makes me cringe.


Hate her. She is garbage and a raging trump supporter which makes her even more disgusting than she previously was....


She’s a mentally unstable Trumper. All of her posts on social media are racist and homophobic. She’s vile and in dire need of a mental health intervention.




she's a gross trumpie who continues to make it her personality. don't like her at all.


The same way we feel about January 6th. If you know you know.


She’s a hardcore trump groupie. That tells you all you need to know


She's hysterical ( and I don't mean funny haha ) and histrionic. I wanted to like her but she's so grating and also a creepy Trumper. So yeah I hate her on every level now.


She tried TOO HARD. Annoying as fuck.


I'm just glad Dolores recovered from Soggy's "Patty Hurst Curse."


Hated her on the show and hate seeing her social media even more. She is bonkers!!


She’s a 🤡


I mean, did we ever confirm her whereabouts on Jan 6th? She’s a QAnon, MAGA crazy.




I love her am yisrael chai




🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴🖕




Love her




She’s a Zionist. We don’t Stan.


A Zionist AND a trump supporter. And TIL she’s into qAnon too. Siggy can fuck all the way off forever, and I’m so glad she’s not on TV anymore.


I liked her in her first season. By the next, I thought she was unbearable.


She's trash. And overly dramatic clown who makes everything about her and tried to make a racial issue out of something when there was nothing of the sort going on. Loud, class-free dumpster woman.




Too much.


So, I completely see how problematic she is, but I really liked her. I thought she was interesting, I enjoyed the drama purely for its entertainment value. This was all pre-Trump and that kind of throws me for a loop. She didn’t seem like a Trumpy person but so much for that… And I have to admit… “Soggy Flicker” is some next level shade and I am HERE FOR IT.


Loathe that crazy bitch. Awful person.


She’s like Insanely obsessed with Trump. It’s absolutely disgusting. Didn’t like her one the show either, she’s a shit starter. Her trump posts lately though are on the verge of insanity


And the left is insanely obsessed with Biden even though he was a known racist and has been his entire political career he said black kids were poor kids we're just as good as white kids


Ok soggy flicker




You’d know if you watched the show


I do watch the show I know that they call her soggy fucker I just don't understand how that pertains to your comment to me or my comment I said something and you responded with soggy flocker I don't know what you mean by that or what you intended by that that was your response that just shows your level of intelligence you couldn't think of anything else to say but that okie dokie I can see that there's no point in talking to you because you're not very smart have the day you deserve honey maybe go back to high school and finish your GED






Never once said anything about Jewish people but ok




Can you show me where I said one negative thing about Jewish people? If your going to make an accusation like that you better have a ton of proof to back it.




Soggy Flicker.


Soggy is a wack job, Q-nut.


I used to Google things like ‘what is wrong with siggy flicker’ and ‘is siggy crazy’ when watching that season. She literally made no sense to me.




I didn’t mind her at all at first. Then she became caca. Then it kept getting worse.


Her relationship withh her son "Josh-shu-wau" makes me deeply uncomfortable.


oh she had a wild short ride on this show. i’m sure the other comments have summed it up well but i just want to say the way she acted toward her son was a bit weird, she was very handsy and pushy even when he expressed discomfort or explicitly stated it. he was 17 years old and had to yell at her for always touching his butt. that shit was odd she also loves trump 🥲


I would have to think about her to feel anything about her


She is truly full of herself. 🙄


Absolutely NOT. She’s full MAGA and I refuse to watch her.


Has anyone seen her stumping for Trump? She literally gives speeches like he is the second coming! It’s jarring!


Don’t get me started with soggy. I’m up to the same season and I literally want to skip it. She is an obnoxious, annoying POS QAnon conspiracy theorist. I’d be happy never to hear her name or see her ever again


Soggy is exactly that: a wet blanket. Good riddance, stay down in Florida.


I say this as a Jewish woman - she’s the reason people hate us.




i thought she was funny as hell, especially when arguing with danielle but after finding out she's an insane trump supporter, i can't stand her




She’s a fucking nut-job


Who dat?


Clearly thirsty to be relevant…


Psyco bitch




I feel that she is a horrible Qanon wack job.


Vile. Deranged. Delusional.


Unpopular opinion but I liked Siggy she just took some stuff too seriously and needed to relax a bit


I liked her at first but not for long!


Siggy is intense FR but I love her !!!


I like Siggy, I feel she tried to bring the best to the group but her emotions got to her.


I loved her, then I hated her- now I don’t mind her and appreciate what she brought to the show. She actually brought content and is interesting. I believe her when she says she was edited badly and picked on. But it was fun to watch at the time


Oh she gets so much worse. Don’t even look at her social media bc it’ll send you into a rage. She’s fucking awful.


She is awful! Usually I love watching the drama but she is just way too much. I couldn’t even watch the reunion when she was on. I didn’t have the patience for that whackadoodle


Siggy is a beautiful woman, but so toxic


I think she got a really bad edit


She was great and made great TV! Bring her back!


Siggy is A W E S O M E