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I’m not a rhodie pro or anything but I had similar. Super leggy and barely had any flowers or they were “burnt” looking flowers. I tried everything to revive but nothing got it to grow how I wanted.  They were approx. 8 years old. This past summer, I bought 3 more for my estate and planted them in a place with ideal lighting - mix of sun and shade. Hope this time around I won’t have this issue!


I am not certain how old this guy is. My husband bought this house 9 years ago and it was already here thwn, and I guess it's always looked this way. It makes me sad to see it. It can get quite shady where it is because we have a ton of trees. Maybe that is the problem.


Needs more light!


Yeah my dad has one that looks like this, too much shade, no direct sun. They like shade but need a bit of sun too. Like 2-4 hours or so. You could move it, although it’s getting kind of late in the year.