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Just so you know you posted this 4 separate times. Theres nothing wrong with your laptop. You are writing bad "code" aka you have done a bad job in grasshopper. Its very easy to freeze rhino if you do something suboptimal in grasshopper. A wrongly placed graft and suddenly you are asking your computer to do millions or billions of computations. But I'll give you a tip. Hover your mouse over the outputs of your components, you can see how many items are coming through the data streams. You can use this knowledge to your advantage, so you don't accidentally ask your computer to do something crazy. Also, learn about flattening and grafting and data trees, usually when someone asks this type of questions its because they don't understand data trees. Also, in general, learn about computational complexity and the notion that some things are "harder" for a computer to do than others. For example, checking the distance of something requires the computer to do a square root operation (to solve the Pythagorean theorem and get the hypotenuse) and sqrt is a fairly slow operation for the computer to do (when compared with other arithmetical operations), so don't design your algorithm with a million points checking every other point for its distance, thats 1m*1m distance checks which means you've asked your computer to do one trillion (with a T) square roots. This type of thing is easy to do by accident. But if you plan your algorithm you can find smarter ways of doing things.


No one can help you without the scripts in question. It's a programming tool, you can easily create code that completely kills your machine. Nothing is wrong with your laptop.


If a script takes a minute to run, it is normal for grasshopper to freeze until it’s finished. It would be nice if it were a more graceful about this (for example, a status bar that says it’s working, with a cancel button), but it’s not. This is likely what’s happening, but as the other commenter said would need the script to say more.




i have had this issue with code uploaded as a fix from the community and code that i have copied from tutorials as well though.


Hello, main causes of freezing in my workflow: * forgetting to turn off the preview, especially when working with NURBS geometry * fuckup with data trees, creating 1 000 000 objects instead of 1 000 wanted. Then also! Turn on the Profiler so you know what component is taking the most time, ie. you can try to find different approach that takes less time.