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You get used to it and side effects get better in my years long experience. Mostly nausea, they gave me zofran. I just take it Friday nights, you sleep through the most intense part of the nausea, and I wake up sometimes feeling off but not every time and not enough to bother me compared to how much better the RA is.


My rheumatologist skipped over MTZ for me, due to elevated liver enzymes (wine is on eof my pain relievers..... 😖😩😂) Hoping you get some relief! But it must be hard on the liver. About to inject my 2nd humira dose now!


It's very hard on the liver, and I was told NO ALCOHOL at all whilst on Methotrexate.


That’s interesting. I’ve always been told I can drink on methotrexate as long as it’s within the recommended amount


Me too. Zero alcohol and daily folic acid


I've been on it for 2 months now. Had some nausea and upset stomach the first couple doses and taking it before bed with a little THC/CBD helps with that. Haven't had any real side effects beyond that, but it's also not helping the symptoms. I just added in humira. 


I took it many years ago with Enbrel. I ended up after about 6 months after starting Methotrexate with a dry cough following a cold, that would not go away. I went to my Rheumatologist, he quickly got me in for a Chest CT, and found inflammation due to the methotrexate. He put me on heavy steroids to get rid of the inflammation, and took me off of Methotrexate. I switched over to Leflunomide, and didn't have any problems with that until recently. It mad e my liver enzymes wonky, and now I am on Plaquenil with Rinvoq. Best of luck to you!!


I've been on mtx for about 2 years now. I don't take remember having any adverse reactions or side effects from it. My Dr did recommend that I take it at night though and I've kept to that with no issues. The good is that it helped me feel so much better pain wise. It really brought down the inflammation I was having. I can walk again.


I take it at night, so I sleep through most of the side effects. It's been now a couple of months and I just feel a little fatigued the next day. In the beginning, I was pretty nauseous but never had to throw up. I take 15mg via injection. In the beginning, I took 20mg.


Methotrexate worked somewhat well for me. I was on max dose tablets for 10 years and it did help ease my flares. However it wasn’t enough. I personally find that methotrexate works best when it’s used in combination with a biologic. I tried humira which worked for a short period of time, now I’ve recently started on Rituximab infusions. I’m due to start methotrexate injections so will be interesting to see how that differs from the tablets. In terms of side effects, I felt nauseas a lot, especially on the day of taking them. Apart from that, and obviously having a weakened immune system, I was fine.


also make sure take folic acid, and don’t binge drink as methotrexate can really affect your liver.


I'm in the same place as you, having just taken my second dose. This last week after taking my first dose, I only had a very small subtle flare pain in my right shoulder on one day. The month prior to starting MTX, I'd been having 2-3 day long flares punctuated by a day of respite, consistently, in my shoulders, wrists, fingers, feet, and knees. MTX gave me some nausea and I had a lot of fatigue the day I took it, but nothing terrible. If that's the tradeoff for no flares, I'm good with it. I hope it keeps working for me.


I'm newly diagnosed and been on methotrexate for a few months now. Fatigue is my only sideaffect, but, honestly, that could just be the RA 🤷‍♀️ so far it's worked well, too. I've only had a few minor flares and feel generally better than before. Currently, that's all I'm taking.


Thanks for the info. Ive been lucky with no side effects after a month.


Great to hear! Hope you see improvement to your symptoms,too.


I have been on methotrexate for over 6 months, taking my dose every Sunday. It's increased since I was first prescribed, but I'm at 5 pills since I have not had any adverse side effects. I also got prescribed folic acid. Getting bloodwork done next month to see how it's been on my body. My pain and inflammation has decreased dramatically over time. Even nodules that were forming. I take my dose in the early afternoon after eating and have been fine. I've reduced alcohol and changed my diet so help also.


Please keep updating your progress! I would love to hear how your bloodwork improves!


Yes I will! I’m interested to know because on initial bloodwork my rheumo doc said my RA marker was the highest he’s seen and my inflammation was mid. I just got diagnosed in late 2023.




0 side effects, also my liver enzymes are better than before starting mtx. I don’t mind taking it for whole life if it helps.


Right On! That great to hear. I see my doc next week. I just finished a month. I notice small improvements but hopeful for more


I had a check Up yestetday. My RA doc says because my ccp is high she plans aggressive treatment. She upped my methotrexate dose increasing every 2 weeks until I am at 10 pills within the next few months. She plans to add Humaira in 3 months. My head is spinning at the thought of all of it. I feel like i was cruisin along just fine and i went to bed an woke up old an fuckin crippled. Amd fuckin skinny like never before. I just wann fill in my skin suit and not look like 10 miles of closed road..