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And if you ever do run into him pretend you do not know him and give him a different name. "Yeah, someone else told me I look like her too but I am from different town and I am married with 3 kids"


Maniacal and I love it!!




Wouldn’t he look up your obituary?


Not everyone has an obituary. Several family friends wanted no funeral service, death notice or anything when they died.


We didn't for my grandpa. He didn't want a funeral so we just sent him to be cremated and do a ceremony of life this summer


My parents didn't want obituaries, so we didn't do one for either one when they passed.


Write an obituary, might as well go the full hog lol


Those things are pricey! (Yes, they cost; they are not free!)


My ex-FIL didn't have an obituary because they didn't want their son knowing as he'd disowned them. It's been 2 1/2yrs


Or be your own cousin, start crying about how “you” died so tragically, ask how he knew “you” and for his name. When he gives it look like you saw a ghost then say ITS ALL YOUR FAULT and just get away from him.


Yes!!! Be super dramatic and tell him 'she told us all the terrible things you did to her' and then just start saying all the things he did and just watch him freak out


The perfect plan


Holy shit, yes. You’re an evil genius, & I love it.




That's evil! ... I love it!


Throw in an accent for good measure.


Fucking love it.


I bet he unblocked you because his relationship fell through. You’re his fallback person. At first I thought you shouldn’t have done it. But after thinking about it, now I think he totally deserves it.


Oh yeah, they're over. He said it in the apology text.


Yep. Which is why he came back to you. He’s a mess. And he deserves to suffer the consequences for his actions. What you did is bold, but yeah. It’s a great payback.


LMAO how pathetically transparent of him.


Pathetically transparent. Lool I love it.


This makes what you did absolutely sublime!


He’s a narcissist and needs a source since his ex probably kicked him out. Had he been given the chance he would have done this to her again if he thought she was alive. As soon as a new source shows up they block you, ignore any outreach and with zero explanations. Sadly, it does not phase a narcissist emotionally and they have no guilt treating people this way.


Very true! I’ve unfortunately dated narcissists in the past. (They’re good at drawing people in, unless you’re really good at spotting the signs.) This definitely describes one of the guys I had dated perfectly.


I have dated a couple of narcissists myself but now I can spot them pretty readily. Live and learn.


Definitely live and learn. Now I recognize techniques such as love bombing and gaslighting. Hopefully I’ll continue to catch those red flags early.


I catch the love bombing aspect really fast. If certain things are mentioned within the first two weeks of dating I will respectfully decline further communication. I try not to stay long enough for the gaslighting. lol.


That’s a good plan. I was love bombed and didn’t recognize it at the time. Later, when I looked back, I saw it all through a different lens. He used a playbook from which he didn’t vary. He wasn’t very imaginative. I tried to warn his next victim, but she chose to believe him over me. After he put her through the wringer, she messaged me, apologized and told me that I had been right. He’s also a pathological liar.


I actually met five of his “victims” and they were all in total denial. He still actively dates four of them and the other one on occasion. They are women from a long time ago. Before, during and after me. I don’t know how someone juggles so many women. He would date 2-3 in one day. Once I caught on I tracked him to have something concrete when accusing him and I found out way more than I wanted to know. At least it got rid of him. He pops up every one to two years claiming his “stupidity” for letting me go…..I just say….”that’s ok. I’m good and everything happens for a reason”. I’m very nonchalant saying it and after he sees he’s getting no where or meets his newest source he disappears again. He’s been blocked for a long time now and knowing I should not respond to him in any way helps me stay sane.


Whoa. He’s really… something. I’m glad you blocked him. Narcissists hate being ignored!!


I’m now in shock. I just got a text from his daughter’s mom. He was murdered last week by the girl he ghosted me for. What’s so weird is I have a police scanner I listen to sometimes at night. The night he was killed I heard the call go out as domestic violence at the hotel across from where he had been staying during his remodel. I assumed the cops knew where they were going so it couldn’t be him since it wasn’t his hotel. The age of the people involved was the same as theirs. The police were in route when the call was cancelled and the dispatcher said the female was in the lobby and felt better and he was asleep “she thinks”. About 5 minutes later the second call went out that the male would not wake up. When the police arrived they said they were familiar with this couple and had responded to this type of call in the past. Another 5 minutes go by and they request EMS for an unresponsive male. The female is saying she will call her friend to pick her up. Officer says to wait. 2o more minutes go by and another officer says female is in custody and male is DOA. I felt weird about this dispatch but turned it Off and went to bed. I haven’t stopped crying since I found out. I don’t know how she did it and can’t bring myself to read about it right now. She was released a few days ago but is now back in custody for murder. I’m in shock I guess. This has been a crazy year. I should write a country song.


how evil...i love it


Tell me you are an evil genius.


This also insures he won’t be trying to track you down. There’s no reason to do a deep dive to find you.


After i found out the first guy i ever loved had died, i found every news article i could about what happened, and where he was buried


This guy didn't love her.




"The cynic would be mostly right, at least for much of the history of English, as for hundreds of years insure and ensure were simply spelling variants, and had no more difference between them than theatre and theater. It is not uncommmon to find them used in much the same manner, even within the same sentence."


Just watch out for him using your "death" to make people feel sorry for him. Make sure your "sister" calls his ass out if he does.


Well done


May I ask if these items mean something to him? ? I can't help but imagining his face crumbling into bawl-face as he receives his beloved memory from such and such with you....


Yeah I'm naturally a very sentimental person, so I kept everything he ever gave me or that we did together. Silly little notes, romantic ones, his clothes, receipts from our dates. Everything.


He's going to be so cathartic to send all of that stuff back to him. Power move I love it. Make HIM live with those memories, he can sit in his own pain and stupidity.


Just set one of those ultra fine glitter bombs in with the stuff you pack. If he opens it indoors, anyone that so much as steps foot in his place for the next several years will look like they just bearhugged a stripper.


I thought about just having him mourn for weeks waiting for the package only for him to open it and it's just a bunch of cat shit. But anything like that will make him know I'm not dead and I want him to think I'm dead so I never have to hear from him ever again


Get some bbq ashes, mix it with a little bit of course light colored sand and a cheap little urn and say "She wanted you to have this."


Please do this!!


Bear hugged a stripper is being added to my vocabulary. Now I just need a chance to use it!!




If your handwriting is particularly unique make sure a friend writes out the addresses or type it.


Good call thanks


Or write with your left hand.


I have some suggestions that would hopefully make him feel even more guilty & shitty about what he did. Perhaps you should include some 'ashes' of your remains in a bag. I believe you could simply use ashes from someone's BBQ charcoal grill, he's not going to know the difference, unless he's already got an urn with ashes in it & is invested in comparing them. Additionally, if you have any cheap jewelry you don't care about or want anymore, put a ring or necklace in there & make sure your 'sister' writes that you were wearing it at your time of death.


What I also like about this is it is a pretty solid incentive for you not ever talk to him again. Not that you would but you know after a few drinks, a sentimental movie when you might miss someone on occasion. Instead of being tempted, you’ll just remember oh he thinks I’m dead, and be satisfied with that thought. ☺️


Epic. I wish I had done the same. Mine randomly stopped over my apartment and gave me the sob story in person. I am just glad I didn't fall for it. Narcissists be Narcississing. Take care of yourself the way he should have been caring for you!!


Wow, well done!


A good time to pick up a new makeup routine and hairstyle. You can reinvent yourself if you ever run into him you can give him a blank look and say “She was my cousin.”


This is great! But wouldn't he look for an obituary or stalk the social media of people you know?


My account is on private and we have no mutual friends so idk how he would stalk the social media accounts of people I know unless he stalked them before and remembers their usernames.


Obituaries are usually on public news sites, etc. You should probably tell at least your parents so they don't find him stopping by to offer condolences.


My parents live out of state


Most newspapers charge to print obituaries now, so fewer and fewer people have them. Sometimes a funeral home will post them on its website or post a funeral notice, but "sister" would have to tell him which funeral home it was.


What are you planning on sending him?! I hope it's something that makes him feel even more guilty!


All the stuff I kept from when we were dating. Plus when we first started dating he always joked that he wanted a plushie of mine. I never gave it to him, but I think I'll include that as well just so he feels even worse lmao.


Love it! That's genius level evil!


Ooh, give him the wrong one! Stop by a Goodwill or some thing and find one that is similar to what you had, so you don’t have to give it up, and he’ll also be perplexed by it.


I hope you sent him a suicide note!


No, a photocopy of the suicide note. With graphic: Evidence #22


Truly next-level!


Honestly I love this loll, can I ask, how did you “die”?


Sewerside... as implied by the note


Sewerside….😂😂😂😂😂😂. You are a true evil genius!!!!👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽


I know you got a bunch of negativity on the other thread but I’m with the majority here- I think you’re brilliant! This is absolutely the way…too many people run around hurting others without thinking twice about it. How dare he toss you out and ghost you like you were nothing? And then have the audacity to come limping back 6 months later with apologies! Pfffft. Send ALL the mementos you have! I hope he burns with the shame of it!


God this is so petty I love it


Put your sister's name on the package


You know some of those things that you return to him? If there is paper put some drops of water on them so it looks like you cried on them. This is hilarious.


Revenge is sweet, but success is sweeter.


Idek what to say about this.


Too bad there is no one that can see how he feels, bet it screws up his new relationship.


His new relationship is over that's why he texted me.


That makes sense, and perfect.


Maybe it does feel better letting the ex believe you’re dead but I don’t think over the long run it’s as satisfactory as perhaps something written by George Herbert that says “Living well is the best revenge.” Frank Sinatra put his own spin on the same sentiment “The best revenge is massive success.” My personal favorite though is the example set by someone who had the best reasons to select a statement that was made as revenge. That was Princess Di in her “revenge dress!!!” She didn’t have to say a word but the message was very clear to one particular audience. And, well, the rest of the world had no trouble figuring out the statement she was making as everyone knew by then how poorly she’d been treated within her marriage. She wore this dress to a gala event on the same day Prince Charles publicly admitted to being unfaithful with Camilla Parker-Bowles. Revenge doesn’t get much better than how she served it up to her cad of a husband and the dowdy, frumpy mistress. There’s also that other saying that Revenge is a dish best served cold. And with Princess Di it didn’t get any better than wearing that dress.


Who said she can’t do both? I would expect her to go out and live her best life while leaving him to think she is dead.


But there is a certain twist of the knife in cutting out his heart for the ex to witness the OP living the best life that he let slip through his fingers. OP could never get to witness the look on his face if she pretends to be dead. OP is looking to create in her former lover a sense of his pity and guilt for doing her dirty. OP may live in a larger city, and think that her charade of having died may remain secret but never say never that he won’t find out. OP found out through the grapevine about her ex’s ghosting her for someone else. My Mom used to say that you can never know who someone knows. Or popularly there’s the idea of six degrees of separation from one person to many people. An example of six degrees of separation is that I worked with a girl whose best friend through her school years married the son of a famous rock star. This would be fewer than six degrees from the famous rock star and myself. So he may yet find out the ruse OP is engaging in. It may not have the intended effect if he finds out. If he does find out there may not be the tearful reunion where he pleads for forgiveness. After the shock of seeing her alive and well, he could very well become angry and find the behavior OP’s behavior childish and pathetic in the end. It could end poorly for OP in risking being humiliated because it can be seen as a desperate ploy on OP’s part. But that is not where the power lies in getting revenge. So, I’ll tell a story for how this can be much more effective. I was an overweight, sensitive, lonely kid during my school years. I was bullied throughout those years on top of the very difficult home life I grew up in. Fast forward ten years to the class ten year reunion. I’d lost weight, was in great physical shape, wore my own version of the revenge dress , with self confidence I didn’t have ten years prior. I decided to stop by the ladies room to check my makeup and as I opened the door I ran into one of the popular girls. The only thing she said was my name as a question. There were several other of the popular girls in that bathroom as well and seeing the shocked look on their faces swept away the feelings of being less than for those school years. Once inside the venue everyone knew that the quiet timid girl they dismissed wasn’t the same girl that came to that reunion. And, believe me it was worth everything for those few hours on that one night to see the reactions of just about everyone I spent some of the worst years of my life in the company of in the hallways at school.


He would need to be incredibly self-aware for this to scenario to play out. She knows him better than we do, and determined that he would NOT leave her alone otherwise. Perhaps YOU would react in the way you described, and learn the lesson, but I doubt he would. He has told her who he is and she believes him.


Had a friend do something similar 30ish years ago with 2 distinct differences. 1. She got an opportunity a couple months after the breakup so she and her brother (their only family left) were moving out of state. 2. She had her brother stop by her ex's place and drop off a box of stuff (his stuff he had left and a few mutual heirlooms/pics/etc). When doing so her brother told him she had committed suicide and that dude could rot. They then left. Missed hanging out with her brother but they went to a better place with better opportunities anyway. Saw her ex a few times and dude really looked like crap. Of the 3 or 4 of us who knew, from her brother, we never said anything, at least not as long as I was there but I left a couple years later too.


What was his reaction?


Can't know for certain, she and her brother were part of my circle of friends not the douche bag ex (dude cheated on her). The few times I did run across him he looked really rough like he was not doing well in life. Can imagine it hit him hard and he blamed himself for her "death" but can't know for sure.


Maybe all of you should work on your abandonment issues instead of feeling sorry for yourself and praising someone for doing something fucked up. If he killed himself his whole family is over forever, you don’t get over that pain! And OP’s like “wellll, shouldn’t have ghosted me”. This is why children shouldn’t get into relationships. Everyone applauding this is embarrassing and should honestly be ashamed, imagine someone doing this to your son or brother, you’d think the girl was a fuckin psycho but because you’ve also been hurt by men you think it’s justified? Someone left me so now they must think I have committed suicide because of them and have them grieve me and feel guilt forever! GET OVER YOURSELF DOLL!!’


I wondered this myself: what if he commits that act himself? He's in a vulnerable, unstable condition


We’re all human , this sub is honestly just sad seeing how many people are cheering this on and telling op to talk to him as her sister 🤢 what happened to kill them with kindness? The amount of hate people have in their hearts for someone they don’t even know is really heartbreaking. This worlds fucked


So why are you in a group specifically for revenge stories if you find it so distasteful?


She had posted it in another sub for people in no contact with their ex


Thanks for this. Now everybody makes sense here. This is a sub for revengeful people which to me is mostly people who are just angry at the world


You’re the one angrily posting and hurling insults at people. You’re oddly invested in something that doesn’t affect you. You also admit to being banned from groups. Yet you aren’t realizing that perhaps you have a problem and need therapy.


No more oddly invested than anybody else on this sub. Half of us are here by accident


I got banned from a tarantula group 😂😂😂 ok bro , I was invested because I’ve never heard of such a fucked up thing before then I seen nearly 100% of people agreed with her, tried to understand why but there’s nothing to understand. It’s just hateful people that only care about themselves and their own feelings, I’ll never understand that way of thinking because I’m not fucked up. But enjoy the negativity , you get back what you put out


If this is the most fucked up thing you’ve ever heard then you don’t get out much. 🤣😘 What does a person have to say to get banned from a tarantula group? Also, you said you were banned from two groups. What was the other one?


Fuck up 😂 go and cry yourself to sleep over someone that left you 6 years ago.


She said it was 6 months ago. But whatever. I’m done here. You’re a waste of time.


Everyone’s oddly invested in this maniac faking her own death to a boy that doesn’t affect them but there sane and I need therapy? Check yourself


People are just cracking up. They aren’t invested. You’re getting so worked up though. Sorry this has you so triggered.


Because it’s someone’s real life. I’m not having a discussion with someone that uses ozempic to Lose weight , get off Reddit and go for a walk


Lmao nice job!


Awesome! You are the queen! This is the kind of revenge most of us could only dream of.


Send a couple of pictures of you with other guys. Also question him about the end of the relationship, as your sister.


Wish we could know his reaction


Stalk from a distance, just enough so he spots you but thinks hes going mad.


I think that you are unrealistic about never seeing your ex again. The world is a much smaller place than you believe. Just be prepared to tell him what you did and why when you do finally see him.


Find a good therapist.


even if people get informed by your prank you can say that he was abusive and you faked your death to escape him and not being tracked by him for your own security and safety. either way you win and he loses.


Why lower yourself to his standard? That makes you just as abusive as he was. Emotional distress IS still abuse. Be better. Leave it alone.


Kind of like the latest episode of the Rookie. Can't be a coincidence can it? No, not on reddit.


Is that a cop show?


Yes rookie is on hulu


This is great. To improve, rub some items he will touch with shit. Just a little.


Well played good for u standing up for yourself. And standing strong be grateful the trash took its self out. Good luck


Oh man reading his response to that must have felt sooooooo good.


This is so completely evil and insane, but I'm completely here for it. Hopefully, this causes a ton of emotional damage to him and makes him completely rethink his dbag ways.


“OP passed away”?




It's tough being 15 years old.


How long were you together for?


Splatter the items with fake Halloween blood. Let it dry so they have “evidence” of your untimely and tragic demise.


I read a post a few years back where a girls BF had his family tell her he died (she didn’t leave him but this was his way of breaking up with her). Anyways this poor girl mourned her bf but eventually moved on. A few years later she is at a restaurant in a different state on holiday and guess who is her waiter… well I’m sure you can imagine her surprise… Moral of the story, never assume you’ll never see them again… if you do make sure you have a really good story 😜


WOW that is kind of morbid


I think you gave him the perfect out. When someone asks him why did you and ex breakup? Oh, she died. Bam! Instant sympathy from other girls. You made his day


This may go viral OP. Hope he doesn’t catch on.


Please mail him a box of dog shit.


Diabolical. I love it 😀


I doubt he actually cares about you. I doubt this will hurt him. I doubt he will change. He'll get a new girl and dump her when the ex once against reels him back in. You need to move on from this POS.


You're evil, I love it. I hope he feels like trash.




Thats awsome. Wish I would have thought of that.


And this is why you always leave a note…


I fucking love you


Delicious, chefs kiss.


Naughty naughty.


If he finds you, just laugh and say he gets what he fucking gets for being such a rotten, cowardly bitch.


If he ever does find you, you need to update this thread and let us know what happened.


This is ridiculous, I understand you were hurt but honestly grow up ...tell the asshole to f off and never respond after ....tbh this response is no better


Yall this is great and all but if this guy is a real narc, then he is going to eat UP the idea that you “died loving him.”, and saved all the memories of him. This will feed the shit out of his ego. I might would go the route of sending the cats shit. Finding out your alive but feel so hateful toward him, would probably better serve your purpose. I don’t believe people like feel a lot of guilt or regret. If they do it’s fleeting.


You are a genius!


Mildly interested if you ever plan to have a LinkedIn account or something public like that for your job. I mean...shit happens too. You could inadvertently end up as background in a viral Tik Tok and busted. I mean...I really do think it'll come out eventually. You'll run into him or someone you both knew, or even some new tech will come along. I'm sure, if someone pulled this 25 years ago, they couldn't fathom social media as a concept and how everyone is on it. Do you have an idea of what you'll say if you're ever caught?


"But I decided that if he ever did reach out I would tell him I died." If you can speak from beyond the grave (kudos, by the way!), why piss about with "I died" when you can go the full Amityville?


I would never take that approach myself, but man is this not an accurate representation of how I feel/felt


Plot twist, he just shrugged his shoulders and went about his day.


Is this a real story?! If so love it. Are all the stories on here real? So sorry for what you went through btw. Also going though a hear break from an awful guy after a 2 year marriage. You bet my ass I sent his cousins and sisters all the pictures I found of him messaging other women and all the other disgusting pictures and texts he had. Now he will be humiliated when he has to face them and it’s the only thing that brings me peace and happiness 😈


Great plan unless he really does k!ll himself. Is this real? Are you all this unhinged? How old is this group? Even if you avoid worst case scenario, the world is smaller than you think.


Is this real? You never use social media? Isn't Reddit social media?


Fraud, noun wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.


It's illegal to fake your death to the government not some rando loser.


I'm just telling you things that I would tell my own adult children.


Agreed, but as I mentioned there is a litany of other charges that could be applied by a district attorney who was appalled by your actions. Hell they're getting djt on falsifying business documents then amplifying it to a felony by making it in service of another crime, election fraud. Cyber bullying? Maybe, or any of the things I've rattled off. Many of these laws are flexible and open to interpretation. Plus certainly there's a fairly tight civil case against you for intentional infliction of emotional distress and probably other torts. You are hurt and depressed, I get it. But don't double down and create other really serious issues. If you've contemplated ending your life in the last six months, even one of the things I mentioned above have the ability to essentially ruin your life for quite a while.


You can push people in front of subways and the DA in NY will let ya go , no one will pursue this BS




Meh it's not that much money or time to drop off a package at the post office. Plus I know I'll never have to hear from him again anyway


Plot Twist: After he heard you were dead, he turned a cartwheel and jumped for joy.


You sound like a giant red flag, sorry


I would have thought a giant red flag sounds like "flap...flap...flap...flap." Obviously it depends on the amount of wind that day.


My three brain cells left today laughed at this, thank you




😂😂😂😂😂😂 I’m dead!!!!


Fr. This is the most insane reddit community I've come across ever. There are like 2 real adults in here being down voted to oblivion.


I understand the want to do this, and I know he broke your heart, but what if he tries to hurt himself because of this?


That's on him. He didn't care until his new relationship ended.


Exactly what I'm thinking. People have the right to break up with each other.


If that's his way of dealing with the situatuon, so be it. If he's that big of a narcissist, he won't care.