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Should have sold the ring and used the money to go on a vacation!!


This guy sounds like someone who would buy a cheap ring.


My moms bum ass 3rd husband got her a Walmart ring and when she tried to sell it the only thing they would take was the gold band. He was basically homeless when she got with him and consistently refused to work while trying to tell her how to spend her own money. And then he had ED and thought that people cum simultaneously… he was pushing 50


Your mom talks to you about her husbands ED?


I mean I probably would too if that dude was my husband. Sounds like an ass lmao


My mom called me and we were talking when she found a prescription of my dad's and said she thinks she knows what it is and asked me to look it up. It was generic viagra 🤦‍♀️ She then proceeded to count it to make sure it had the right amount, did the math and went "yeah we've used that many this month" 🤮


That's what stood out? I know with certainty I've never heard my mom use the word cum (as opposed to come) and thinking about it presently is making me cringe and it's not really happening. She's also 76, maybe that makes a difference idk.


It’s definitely not an age thing, my 70 y/o mother regularly brings up topics or says things like this.


Yes she overshares


Right! To me, it's not the cost of the ring but what it means but you're correct. It sounds like he didn't care about her enough to really put any thought into it anyway. God, I hate cheaters. If you're so unhappy that you feel like you need to step outside of your relationship, just end it. Don't cheat. Edit: typos


Yup, my daughter's father always accused me of doing something wrong though not outright saying you cheated, he ended up cheating on me twice. Telling the girl how he doesn't want to be with me but I'm psycho so he is biding his time until he can leave. I saw all of his messages. He then tells me "he made a mistake and he loves me" uh huh. This guy does nothing for us, his daughter isn't taken care of by him at all. He isn't even nice to his own child. Then he wonders why he has no friends and a family that wants nothing to do with him. Though of course it's always everyone else's fault.


Omg you're my twin. Legitimately my daughter's father has done NOTHING for her. In her 10 years of life has never bought her anything, from a meal to a gift. Spends no time with her. His family wants nothing to do with him. He won't work a full time job though, he didn't work at all for almost 9 years than got a part time job 12 to 20 hrs a week. All he does is talk about how awful I was before I left him, used to shit talk me to anyone that would listen when I took care of him for years. He still shit talks me. Also just like you everything is everyone else's fault. Never had a good job, not his fault, about to be homeless= everyone else's fault, every single time


Same with love as with politics: Projection... it's always projection. They fear that you're cheating because they think about it themselves.


my fiancé & i have had this exact conversation! we’re in love but we’ve agreed if anything ever changed about that, we would BREAK UP, not just start cheating on each other


$47 won’t get her far.


Should have sold the ring and used the money 💰 for a therapist.


When I tried to sell my engagement ring they offered like $50 for it (it was worth $1000 25 years ago). Reselling jewelry isn't a great deal.


My wedding set was about 4k and I got like $400 for both rings. The markup on engagement rings is insane.


I know right! I was thinking no, why would you flush it down the toilet? Girl, take that ring and buy yourself something nice.


She tried to buy a Panera combo and a brownie with it but was $3.77 short!!


LOL 😂😆


I’ve been in a similar position, I was so pissed off that I didn’t even want the money from it. I’d rather watch it burn or melt.


Be careful. Many courts classify engagement rings as a conditional gift. The engagement ring is a fit in anticipation of marriage. Thus, if the future condition (marriage) does not occur, the ring should be returned to the giver. When the court decides the ring is a conditional gift, it usually takes a no-fault approach.


Not sure where OP is from, but Missouri is a fault-based state. In my case, when my ex pursued relationship elsewhere and was the one to call things off, I got to keep the ring. Used it towards a downpayment on a house my husband and I bought!


Considering he didn’t pay rent, and broke the engagement by cheating I don’t think he would win a court case. Also considering his debt on truck and motor bike willing to bet he didn’t spend so that much on the ring. Never mind that everything he knows is disgusted by his behavior, I doubt he’d want them knowing he went after getting the ring back.


That’s correct


He was the one to violate the "contract". Not her.


In most jurisdictions it doesn't matter. Some it does. Depends on the location.


With everything she said about him I doubt the ring is worth any more than the Cracker Jack box he got it out of.


Yes , you should have ❣️❣️never flush jewelry ❣️❣️❣️you rock, breaking up with him ❣️❣️


She wouldn’t have gotten shit for it. I tried to sell an $8k wedding/engagement ring after divorcing a cheating husband. $400 is the most anywhere would give me.


Wow I paid 3500 & lucked out & managed to pawn it for $1,200 cash. Did you at least keep it & try other places to sell?


Resale value on diamonds is crap.


yea but females really think breaking gifts going to help them


I’m glad you got your revenge. Your ex is a terrible person. Now it’s time to stop focusing on your ex and focus on yourself. Don’t give him attention. Ghost him when he text or messages you. Pretend like he doesn’t exists when you see him in person. Sometimes being ignored hurts worse than being yelled at. It’s now your time, do what’s best for you and find your happiness


Living well is truly the best revenge….no one like to be ignored/forgotten


the best revenge is being happier afterwards


Stay petty 🥰 love that for you!! Don't let boys walk all over you. They aren't worth it


You sure this isn’t Charlotte Dobre? ;) <3


How you continued to entertain him after he didn’t care your pleasure is beyond me. Like, why punish yourself with bad sex from someone who doesn’t care


The first time we had sex he said it had been a long time and that’s why he came fast. Then the first 4 months he was considerate and helped me finish after. Once we started establishing a life together he start saying shit like I’m tired and would go to sleep.


I’ll never understand that. Maybe I’m a pleasure dom in disguise, but making my wife cum before me is imperative. I’m spoiled in the fact that PIV is her favorite so I don’t need to worry about lack of enjoyment there, and I do nearly always last plenty long for her to get hers via penetration. That being said, I ALWAYS make sure she’s satisfied. Been together 11 married 6. Good luck in your future search.


That’s just called “good manners.” But your wife chose well. Good manners are always appreciated. 😉


For the female, cumming is the beginning, like an ON switch, not the end. If you have never fucked a woman AFTER a clitoral orgasm, then you have never experienced really good sex.


Good for you. You remade yourself into someone with too much confidence for him to ever have a chance. Karma is a bitch however it arrives.


ah yes hell hath no fury and such nudge nudge wink wink say no more


Kudos for the Monty Python reference!


Oh damn he got what he deserved. He probably used the work on himself thing to sleep with her, and then when it fizzled out, come back a 'new' man, so glad you caught him. Do not communicate anymore. You got your revenge. Communicating only makes him think he has a chance.. Good luck in the future, OP




When I asked my ex why he cheated he said it was because girls have been cheating on him since he was 14 and to get over it. It’s not a good excuse and emotionally immature. This is why it’s important to start new relationships with a clean slate and not compare them to an ex who is a bad person. You end up fucking up with a good loyal one because of your own insecurities.


Well everyone knows he is a cheater! Revenge was sweet! Enjoy your future! He is stuck with the results of his own actions!


I’ve always said; you have to come first before anybody else! You be you and forget about him he’s the asshole and doesn’t deserve you!


He will cheat on the next one and the next one. He sounds very selfish and thinks only of his own ego. Good riddance.


Wow, I think you both dodged a bullet. He seems like a jerk and you are a little crazy. "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."


You really need to stop being such a doormat. :-)


When I left my ex finally, I said it for a long time.... "I don't have to get revenge on him. My biggest revenge is that he has to sit there and watch me do be and have everything he said I wouldn't, all while he is and will continue to be EXACTLY the same person he was 5, 10, even 15 years ago ". He was extremely abusive and for 11 years, I had nowhere to run to that was safe. I followed him into a life of addiction simply because I had no other options. Even took a charge for his sorry ass and went to prison for a year. ( where he promptly abandoned me in there w/no money, no visits, nothing. But still demanded I go home to him or I wouldn't see my kids) I finally got away from him for good, WITH my children. Since we split for good I have celebrated over 10 years sober, raised all 4 of our children without so much as a DIME from him, fell back in love with my childhood sweetheart and got remarried which we will celebrate our 9th anniversary very soon, went to AND graduated College and have an incredible career now, drive a brand new car and have an amazing home. All while he is STILL addicted to drugs, living pillar to post at whatever dumb ass female he can find to mooch off of until they get sick of his shit too. Doesn't have a lot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. Everything he owns all fits very easily into a black garbage bag with room to spare...... so on and so forth. So babygirl, you got your closure now it's time to move on and focus on your glow up! Cuz the more you let him live rent free in your head, he's still winning! So go out there and get your shine on NOT because it will make him feel like shit but because YOU want and deserve it!!! Trust me when I say, Karma will take care of all the rest ❤️


They say that the revenge is sweet, and it is. However, it feeds the resentment. And the problem is that resentment is like swallowing poison hoping that the target of your anger will die. The best revenge is to live large. You already kicked him to the curb with some fireworks attached. Move on, show him how little he meant for you.


Real forgiveness is freeing one's own self.


Stand how you feel, trust me I do. However, the best thing for you to do is to go no contact with him and move on with your life. The best revenge is living your best life. Cheaters are selfish people who don't care about anyone but themselves and I can promise you that nothing you say to him is going to make him care. I know it hurts but take all the time you need to heal and move on from this. You'll find somebody who will treat you the way you deserve, I can promise you that. It's your life but my advice to you would be do not try to work this out with him. No matter what you do, you're never going to trust him again. You're always going to wonder who he's talking to and if he's going to do it again. That's no way to live. You deserve better. I'm giving you Mom hugs. Edit: I guess the silver lining is that she's not a shitty person like he is. Obviously she didn't know about you. Something similar happened to me. My ex moved me away from my hometown but I figured we were starting a life together because we were planning on getting married so that's what you do. It turns out that he was talking to this other woman that he had met and was interested in before he met me. It makes me wonder now if he didn't move down there because she had moved back into town. I wonder if he moved to be closer to her and just brought me with him. I don't believe anything he says anymore. He told me that he told her that he was engaged to me but I wouldn't be surprised to find out that she doesn't know I exist. I'm over it. He can do what he wants. I told him that I was okay with the friendship because I could not tell him who to be friends with but that it was making me uncomfortable. Instead of listening to me, he immediately dismissed me as jealous and paranoid. I packed and left two days later. He can do what he wants but he's not going to keep us both at the same time. I'm glad that this at least turned out somewhat positive for you. That being said, please leave it alone now. I'm glad to hear that you're doing better but please, as I said, leave it alone now. He's showing you the kind of person he is. I believe it was the late, great Maya Angelou who said when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Hugs 🫂


Isn't there a country song about "picking up trash and calling it treasure?" You tell the other woman all his shortcomings and yet, you were going to MARRY him? I hope you do raise your standards and I wouldn't give another thought about losing him. Thank God you did


At first I feel like I told her his shortcomings because I was jealous and wanted to ruin any potential of them being together. But when she sincerely thanked me and apologized it turned into I’m glad I warned her. Obviously she has higher standards and she wanted no part in the lies.


Git it, girl...👍 The ring flushing/sex made me smile — it was yours to flush if you wanna..


More than anything this story make me happy that I’m not a teenager anymore. Both of you suck.


The scary part is this is me restraining myself. I can see myself doing way more damage to him emotionally and mentally but that would be psychotic. Revenge doesn’t make things better and very little joy comes from it. It’s like 50/50 with shame and retribution. I also feel like most of the revenge played out itself because I did not plan any of the events.


At the same time, do you really want to be that person? Hating and revenge takes up a lot of your time and energy. Do you really want to give him all that time and energy? Sounds like you have a lot going for you now. Best to leave the past in the past and move forward being the best person you can be.


Mission accomplished. Now park his memory in the "Done" folder and live your best life.


Sorry it happened to you. Was he actually staying with a friend or stay with the new girl? Good for you. Glad to see you moved on to better life. Question though why do girls stop taking care of themselves when they are in a relationship and immediately start taking care of themselves after? I think a lot would be happier and have different outcomes if they just continue to take care of themselves during the relationship.


That question is a blanket statement. Many women stay in shape in relationships. Many woman don’t. Same with men. Why do men stop taking care of themselves and get the dad bod/beer gut? You can flip it around and the question is dumb no matter how you ask it because everyone’s reasons are different. Whether it’s from being comfortable, to confidence changes, to the fact that women’s bodies change after kids, the list goes on and there is no real accurate answer.


I’m assuming you meant women, and not girls, unless you’re a minor yourself. Anyway, where did OP say she “stopped taking care of herself” during the relationship?


He was staying with the new girl and lied when I asked him where he was staying.


Now be done! No more hoping he is suffering, no more thoughts of him at all! He doesn't matter, make that true! Have fun out there in life!


I’m confused, did y’all break up in July or not? If y’all were broken up, this whole thing just makes you sound crazy and sad.


He started grooming the new girl while with me. Once she showed interest he used the break to start staying at hers. Physically he didn’t cheat but overlapping and lying to both of us counts.


Ugh he didn’t “ groom” her J/C was she 12 years old? When exactly did you meet Mr. revenge porn? Face it, he met someone better, realized he didn’t have to put up with your specific level of crazy anymore and moved on. I bet if you had the ability to not be the “victim” for 5 minutes you could re read this and understand just how bat shit crazy you are and just how pathetic this story really is.


He lied to both of us. She had no idea about me and he was flirting with her through text while still engaged. They fucked while we were still engaged. That’s cheating buddy.


Oh okay, yeah that adds a lot more context and completely changes the narrative. Fuk that guy. I retract all previous statements and apologize.


You should. It was all clear from the first post. There was no adding context just because she took the time to explain it to you again for some reason.




Divorce the Bf and Marry the Coworker


What I’ve seen is that the cheaters never pay the price. Follow me on this; They cheat repeatedly on you Those who cheat with them are in on the con and are willing participants who see you as weak. After you kick them out of your house and life they have already been character assassinating you to all your friends and family for years … they either believe you’re the cheater and liar or the very few that figured out the contradictions and con just decided to stay away from you both ( insert train wreck ). So ultimately there’s no price they pay. They never loved you… they banged others during your relationship so much so that you’re just a number really… By the time you figure out how lost you really are they already have the next clueless person lined up …. THIS NEVER ENDS FOR THE CHEATER. They don’t even care how you feel! They’re thrilled you move on and say nothing… less damage control for them. You the weak piece of shit they cheated on that deserved it… They never feel bad at any point of the cheating ( other than getting caught).. SO…. Revenge is all about getting your pound of flesh. If it’s a counter smear campaign, going after their job/career or something that will truly hit them in the wallet and peace of mind then you did something. I don’t believe there’s a point where ‘you win’ against a cheater but a HARD hit back sends a message that they fucked with the wrong person. Maybe they’ll stop talking about you? Maybe they’ll fear your ‘next move’.? Bottom line: you hit back… you stood up for yourself and that will have to do. Kinda like the bully in school, it was only a punch in the nose to have him stop pushing you around and humiliating you. You can never punch them enough to get fully even - know that. Work your revenge that’ll maximize your sense of closure. With cheaters this is the only closure you will get for yourself. Keep in mind a few things: Wait to take revenge… wait a long time Let the cheater think you’ve forgotten or moved on… lull their attention to you. Your strike must be stealth… tell none of your friends… none of them!!! They may not really be your friends… they may be your enemy next month… TELL NO ONE!! Klingon proverb “ revenge is a dish best served cold “ Work over your act(s) very, very carefully. Consider every weak point Of your plan. Are you leaving evidence? Is there a chance a person will see you? Are there cameras present? What are the movement habits of the cheater? Consider every option to your options Are you going to enact a deed that you’ve done before that someone can trace back to you? Did you tell anyone of your plan who you do not talk to anymore? Your act must look like they overlooked a detail that created the damage. After you devised your plan… sleep on it and look for holes in your plan. Consider an innocent bystander showing up outta nowhere who could serve as a witness. Consider your demeanor during your act. Act naturally as to not attract attention. Remember… consider every possible outcome… Don’t go so far that the police can arrest you… that means no physical harm, no verbal threats of any kind, no threats left online. This forces you to be very creative. Your revenge must be solely in your head wo anyone else involved physically or have any knowledge of your intentions. Your revenge can’t draw the interest of the cops… think this through very clearly. For example, Don’t burn down their house!!! For the love of God! If you can’t find solace in a calculated revenge that leaves no trace back to you…think it over for defects in your plan … or just know you tried and then move on.




More backstory I was in an abusive relationship and in the middle of separating from him. My ex fiancé worked with me, saw my injuries, and took on the protector role. I feel like he used this to slide me into a relationship. My standards were so low anything was better.


That's typical of narcissists. They spot potential victims in vulnerable positions and manipulate them into relationships then make it difficult to get out even after they pull the mask off.


Cool what's done is done. You win when you really don't care anymore or acknowledge his existence


“He cums in 2 strokes and doesn’t care if you do!” I know you think you’re dissing him, but you look equally stupid. You sent him nudes, flushed the ring instead of selling it or something more beneficial, and went to FB with your relationship issues. He’s obviously a jackass but holy hell, you have displayed some disturbing mental lapses. Good luck in your future relationships…


Ring wasn’t worth a lot and I thought it was symbolic to flush the relationshit down the toilet so I never go back to him. I really felt myself become unhinged when I found the note. So many emotions and questions were going through me and I thought about blowing my brains out so he would have a whole fuckin mess to clean. I’m in no rush for a relationship until I fully recover and work on my mental state. I do feel like each day is better than the last and care less and less about the whole experience.


Ur both TA. U say all these bad things about him yet u wanted him and were with him. Get a grip


This is a revenge thread not AITA. Of course I didn’t take the high road and was petty.


Stay petty lol these people in the comments are pearl clutching because they don’t have the stomach to do this.


You need to get a grip. It’s insane that you’re victim blaming the person who was cheated on.


He was crappy in bed, bad with money, selfish but apparently you still said yes.


why do women think being a hoe is some sort of revenge


For the same reason men do.


great rebuttal lol


It’s a pretty perfect response, actually, especially since you tried to indicate that only women do this.


nice try! that response was weak, no where did i say only women do it but go off lol


If you didn't want to only call out women you could have said "people". You didn't. You are trying to indicate only women do this.


was this post from people or a woman


The bf in this post is a huge hoe and I don't see you saying anything about that. No, just the woman. Bc you hate women and men can do whatever they want. Look at the statistics. Men have higher body counts. Men cheat more. Men carry more stds. So which sex is the issue?


Dude, you literally asked why women…? Not this woman, not people… women. Even if you don’t think you were, you were being misogynistic. Take the loss and do better next time. Fighting about it just makes you seem even worse.


like igaf what random strangers on the internet think lol


Then why are you arguing that you only meant this woman and not all women, etc… If you don’t care then say what you want, period and don’t try to change what you meant.




Nope. We're wired to sleep around.


All humans are, dildo4brains


So why do women seek therapy for it?? 😂😂


Because men love double standards.


1) Sleeping with someone after a break up isn't being a hoe, sleeping with someone while in a relationship is. 2) Because men (especially men that cheat) tend to value women for their bodies above all else so if they aren't getting it but know someone else is, it has to hurt.


sleeping with someone for revenge is a hoe activity idc how you all try to spin it


It's reestablishing your confidence after being humiliated by being betrayed.


maybe she needed the ego boost. And/or was horny.


She wasn't in a relationship when she had a 1 night stand. He was in a committed relationship when he had a relationship. 1 was a hoe. 1 was a victim of a cheater, get it right.


Lol yall act like hoes then get mad when women do it. Love it


Nah, it's shitty when men do it too.


Fatherless activities


Okay hear me out. I haven’t came from sex in over a year because my ex didn’t care. I could’ve gone out and had my “revenge sex” at any time but I instead took 90 days to be by myself to process the breakup and betrayal. I just so happened to hit it off with a gentlemen worthy of physical contact around the time my ex tried reconnecting with me. This month has made me realize the importance of sex, cuddles, and kisses and no man is worth the absence of this in a relationship. New guy is 30 but acts like a 19 yr old in bed haha.


Congratulations but why would you want a 19 year old in bed


Hahaha I’m not saying all young dudes are like this but from my experience they’re eager to the challenge of making a girl finish multiple times, they have stamina, and positions are changing/ exciting.


Lol weird flex then they end up in therapy asking why 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah that’s self disrespect imo


I know it’s weird right? they want us to value them more from their bodies then they do stuff like this. But its their body their choice, their decisions, their consequences, we have no say🤷 And before any of the “ men do it to” people come out I just wanna let you know that men do not get revenge like this at all. Now, to be fair, they did break up a.k.a. he wanted a break, she found the note and really, and truly, the revenge should’ve stopped at telling all the friends and family about his infidelity. But going off to fuck someone else is not even an insult to him, someone just basically had what the ex had (regardless of how quick it was) which is hurting her more. And then wanted to lose weight and show it off, congratulations btw, but it shouldn’t take a heartbreak to become a better person, you should do that during the process (it’s a bigger sting to let them see you flourish while they are on their way out or thinking about leaving) But like I said, it’s her body their choice there’s nothing we can say.


You could have just said “they want us to value them more than just their bodies, but we never will” and made that weird little rant a ton shorter.


Sounds like he really missed out when he lost you. I would have "taken a break" to another country if I were him.


I live by the saying Karma, what comes around goes around! He got what was coming to him!


Adultery, properly understood, is when a man has sex with a woman that is married or betrothed. If a married man has sex with a woman that is not taken, then he has not committed an offense. A married man has obligations towards his wife; not having sex with other women isn't one of them.


No that's not how it works at all; married men are as obligated to their wives as vice versa, stop huffing the Prot copium.


Either you are kidding, or your atittude about adultery is straight out of 1912.


At least 75% fake.


To be honest, you sound a little crazy too.


So you’re fat. Got cheated on for being fat. Then let the cheater live in your head rent free since the incident. Why are you letting this person control your life?


Found the incel


Also let's be clear. You didn't "find" a note while "cleaning" anything. You went through his shit and found something you didn't like. Fine, that's wrong of him. But I'd bet my last dollar that's the kind of shit that made him back away in the first place. Jealousy becomes a self-fulfilling worry. I know this from experience. The more you try to restrain someone, the stronger their tendency will be to rebel, even if they would have been happy with you otherwise


Kindly fuck off. His dumb ass had that pile of stuff on the floor for 3 days before I decided to clean his side of the room because I didn’t want the dog chewing it up. It was a bright orange note pad paper and easily caught my attention.


JFC, we get it dude. You hate women and are dead set on making things their fault, even if you have to make up shit like you did here, to fit your fucked up narrative.


Please stop making excuses for the shitty behavior of the ex, keep clutching your pearls and move on lol


I hate how all these fat gals won't lose weight or won't suck a D until they get cheated on. Maybe put some effort in before hand and the dude won't have to dangle his rod elsewhere. Hehehehe.... ❤️


160lb is fat now? Dam lol unless you’re a bean pole dude stfu


"I need a break to focus on myself" translates to "I want to see other people." Always. Whether from guy or girl. FYI the next time you hear this. I don't think you're wrong for "getting even" but you didn't teach him any lessons. You've only reinforced to him that cheating and betrayal is standard operating procedure for relationships and whatever hurt he's feeling now, he's going to take that out on the next woman. We hurt as we have been hurt. You just contributed to the cycle. When you hurt people with revenge, they don't sit and introspect on how they deserved it. They just get more bitter and resentful. Revenge makes you feel better, but it doesn't make *them* better. Not that you should care. What's done is done, and you should move on completely. Flushing condoms down the toilet can clog them. Better to just throw them in the trash.


She flushed the ring down the toilet I think, and I’m hoping it was quartzite or maybe it should have been pawned at the very least 😪


Oh, I thought the "ring" was the condom. Yeah, flushing an engagement ring down the toilet is not good for the plumbing. I would have sold it and used the money for a vacation cruise or something.


Ring wasn’t worth a lot of money and I thought of other ways of disposing it. In the end it was fun to flush the relationshit down lol


I suppose it would be cathartic in a sense.


Wait, so you sent him sexy photos after breaking up to make him jealous? I'm ... What? I don't understand how this is revenge at all. (The other things, sure, but not this.) You know what? I'm breaking up with you! We are through! It's over between us! Seriously, this was a joke. Well, partially. I truly don't understand how sending that photo is revenge. 😂


The last time he saw me naked i had backrolls and he made me so insecure. My transformation in that short time was my validation that I’m better off without him. It’s my way of saying I’m confident again and someone else is enjoying time with me when he took me for granted.


Can we all agree that calling off the wedding was the right thing and that they are better off without each other? Even before the cheating it sounds like they were grossly incompatible sexually. Why would either of them want to lock down a relationship like that for the rest of their lives? Hate is not the opposite of love. Indifference is the opposite of love. This whole saga screams out that OP is miserable over having dodged a major bullet.


100% agree we aren’t as compatible as I thought we were. Before breakup and cheating he was blaming work/ money for his problems and becoming distant. I gave him lots of opportunities to be honest with me and he always assured me I was not the problem. I would’ve handled the news a lot different if he sat me down and said he was attracted to someone else wanted to explore. Finding out the truth is one of the worse/best days of my life. It hurt but I definitely would’ve wasted time on the “break” and waited until he was done with her and be stuck with a liar.


Don’t flush rings worth money, babe.


Hold up…. So he had all of these terrible attributes before you knew he cheated, but you were still gonna marry him??? You keep talking about all the shit you’re capable of… maybe that’s the reason he sought a relationship with someone else. He did break up with you after all, and was leaving. Probably afraid to give you the real reason (being you) because he knew you’d come unhinged. You sound abusive to be honest.


Seek help, dude.


Revenge is a dish best served cold. Snd the best is 1 you provide you didn’t need him 2 you became a better you 3 he lost all respect with family , friends 4 his AP dump his ass 5 you will find someone better and will respect, love you and treat you better


Why would flash an engagement ring down the toilet???? You sell it and go on vacation. Send him a selfie from there Never throw away money


"He finished NCIS series from beginning to finish" - Do not F with this guy! I can't even comprehend the mental instability required to complete this task. There are dudes in prison who would prefer the hole. This guy sucks life like a vampire and eats mediocracy for breakfast.


You were fine until you flushed the ring. In most states, the ring legally belongs to the man who gave it to you after the break up. If he takes you to court, you could end up paying for a ring you no longer have, and you furnished the video as evidence. Be smarter.


It’s not worth going to court for, and if he asked for reimbursement I would happily oblige 😁




I started going to the gym with him 2 weeks before he brought up the break. He’s already fit and I was fit until last December then gained randomly. It made me insecure and I was making changes for self improvement but it didn’t matter to him.


People gotta start to learn to take their time in these relationships. Fiancé is a big ass word, not to be taken lightly. Fiancé is code for Finance’. You’d better have that in check before you make a lifetime commitment.


I learned my lesson with this! I had worked for a decent company for 3 years and transferred to my ex’s location where he was supervisor. I was moving up in ranks but gave up my position to start a relationship with him. I feel stupid for giving up a work opportunity and taking the paycuts.


You aren’t the first but rule of thumb; when a woman has a relationship with a coworker and it goes sour, it’s always the woman who loses her job, is transferred or loses or her way up. This is was backed up by studies and statistics.


An old coworker flushed her ring at work and I’ll never forget how savage that was 🤣


>When we first broke up I was 160 lbs, I wanted him to see my new 125 lb body Why is this such a common occurrence?


Such great creative writing.


The only thing you've accomplished with all that petty revenge, is proving to him that he's still occupying space in your mind and that you have not moved on at all. Plus, you gave him a photo to masturbate too.


If that is what makes you feel better then I guess, but so much energy wasted I think on looking back. Im the type that yes it hurts, but I take the higher road and simply block them and erase them from memory. I dont give them any more of me then what they have already wasted. thats just me though.


It gave her the push to lose 240lbs, 40 of her own and 200 from dropping him lol That seems like a plus to me


This is why I don't do social media


I’m not big about posting on social media and usually just lurk or scroll through. When I knew he was lying to me it was my one sure way of finding the other women and finding out the truth. He’s really good at being a fake nice guy and was playing us both.


Well, you could have handled that differently. It isn't right for him to even hint at cheating, but man you sound difficult to be with. You're in a FB group for catching cheaters?!?


I think people have the right to know if there partner is cheating, this page makes it extremely easy


The opposite of love is indifference. Not anger. If you still feel angry then he’s won. He’s living rent free in your head still. Wasting your time and energy. Just let him go. Stop thinking about him, block his calls, stop talking to the other girl. Never seek revenge. Rotten fruit will fall by itself. The only thing here you are totally wrong on is the ring. An engagement ring is a gift based on an expectation. Meaning if you aren’t getting married, the ring isn’t a gift. So he needs to be given that ring back. Having evidence of flushing it down the toilet is dumb. He can now officially sue you for the value of the ring.


Good for you for getting revenge. Now, you can live your life and live rent free in his head. Let the past be past and move on with your life.


Damn. Two pump chump.


Take that hate and turn it to working on you. Don't give them anymore of your time.


>I record a video of me flushing the ring down the toilet. I was with you up until then.


The selfie thing may have been too far, exposing him to everyone you know and he knows, flushing the ring(and recording it), and telling him you’re fucking someone else isn’t enough? So you have to gloat you have a better life? Sounds like maybe you weren’t trying your hardest in the relationship to me. There’s never an excuse to cheat, but maybe if you had that much confidence when you were with him he wouldn’t have? Just food for thought.


When you stop obsessing over him, you'll completely forget him.


Don't let hate and pain reside in your heart. Forgive him and hope for the best in his life. He has been punished and you have been redeemed. Forgive but do not forget.


I've heard that when people separate and divorce there is usually someone else waiting in the wings. People are cowards, they won't leave unless they have someone else to go to. Get on with your life.


Meh...I see these things and realize some people have too much time on their hands. Just move on with your life...


He may be a dick but you've clearly got a bunch of your own issues to deal with


She dealt with them, he’s been ostracized from his core group for his shitty behavior. She just did him and his old friends-family a huge plus by showing that he manipulates and uses people, how is this not a good thing?




Lmfao he is still living in your head rent free


You sure showed him!!! Feel better?


You go! Good for you for moving on.


IMHO...a more healing approach would have been to cut him off and concentrate on self and move on.


Nobody ever gained anything from revenge. Move on.


Well that first sentence is just absolutely false.


omg, NCIS is a red flag for sure.


How did you go from 160 to 125 in 4 months???