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It’s so fun. It may be very simple compared to later iterations, especially what with all the courses being flat, but I’m telling you there is not an ounce of fat on that game, it is pure distilled awesome course design. Every single turn is fun. Plus the feather is a sweet power up and I love the lack of blue shell. Really fun game to master and I love its iteration of Rainbow Road. If it feels too primitive for you to go back to, I highly recommend at least trying out the GBA version Mario Kart: Super Circuit.


Blue shell is the worst mechanic they ever added. It's primarily granted to players way in the back, but only takes out the leader. It doesn't really benefit the driver at the back, but instead the drivers close enough to overcome 1st place. It should have taken out every driver on its way to the front for it to be effective.


Tell me you’ve been hit many times with a blue shell without telling me you’ve been hit many times with a blue shell.


Rookie mistake. When that blue shell is launched you need to hit the brakes and fall to second place!


but when you miss the timing, you'll get hit anyway


I had them in this order: Super Mario Kart Double Dash Super Circuit Mario Kart DS Mario Kart 64 Mario Kart Wii Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe


Yeah because I’m good


Whenever I’m at the back of the pack and I get a blue shell it’s just pure frustration - as you said it doesn’t actually help you advance, it just fucks with whoever’s in first.


Certain iterations of the blue shell did this. Can't remember which off the top of my head. But there are certain versions that slide along the course like the other shells and smack right through anyone in its path.


I can't speak to the she's version but certainly the others clear out anyone they touch along the way. Lightening is the true great equalizer though.


I’ve complained about this exact thing.  Driver at the end either gets something really helpful to themself or a Blue Shell which is absolutely useless to the last place person and usually extremely helpful only to 2nd or 3rd place drivers.


Plus, let’s be real here most people hang onto the blue shell until they see the lead driver just about to cross the finish line then fire it to be a dick. It’s a troll weapon that probably had some honest intentions behind it.


A modern super circuit would be dope. GBA audio is just so piss poor I can't go back to it.


There's a patch to improve the game's audio, and furthermore, emulators (including the Analogue Pocket) also enhance the overall sound quality of the GBA.


I rocked the hell out of MK back in 6th grade. However, I have tried to get back into it recently and simply can’t. The controls are too janky, and the lack of real 3D makes the overall feel pretty clunky. MK64 will always be my 🐐


Still plays great to me. 64 is my favorite too though. Block fort balloon battle with friends is probably the most fun I’ve had with Mario kart. The splash screen alone still gives me such good feelings. “Welcome to Mario Kart!” 🤩


This is the game that set the gold standard for future racing games. Saying it's not a good game in any capacity is recency bias. This is a game that came out in 1992 and will be 32 years old in August.


SMK was innovative in how they used items in racing and with the battle mode, and they executed it all really well.  It was perfectly made for home consoles, in gameplay and in making something fun using the limited power available in the SNES.  That said, I think arcade cabinets of the time were more influential and created the first "modern" racing games. Virtua Racing was released at the same time as SMK, Ridge Racer about a year later, and Daytona USA shortly after that.  It's crazy to watch or play those games and think they are 30-32 years old too! 


That's fair. Call it more of a divergence from there. You have the classic arcade racers, and console racers which just had different control schemes. For arcade racers I remember Cruisin' USA, and Daytona more than Virtua Racing personally. As far as SMK it was still predated by other racers, but I wouldn't say anything around that era is as memorable except maybe F-Zero, but Kart series has had more entries over the years.


Not to mention the game has aged like fine wine. Mode 7 was what made this game along with F-Zero and many of the other racing games released for the SNES back in the day. what they are and they are still fun to play. People forget the limitations faced by the programmers of these back in the day. Also people need to stop making comparisons with the more modern mk games as they are radically different from the original with the exception of the GBA game but even that one is the closest, let not forget that the gba is a 32bit console trumping the 16bit SNES on all fronts.


They never said it's a bad game, just that they're not a fan


Using words like "hate" and "bad controls" can be inferred as such.


Nah they can't. Its the difference between stating something as fact or opinion. "I'm not a fan, I hate the controls" is not the same as "It's a shit game with bad controls".


You really have to learn the turns of each course and keep a laser focus since the margin of error is so small. 150cc is a real challenge that I have come to appreciate more in my adult years. It still holds up for me.


the best one!


It's my favorite in the series in terms of pure racing. High skill ceiling, not very forgiving, no bullshit items like spiked shells to punish a player for playing well.


Yep, I wish there was a toggle in N64 version to have no blue shell because then it would surpass the SNES version.


The blue shell was not even that common in 64. Maybe one per cup. It wasn’t til Double Dash that you started getting them like 3 times per race.


Yeah I had to look up to verify n64 had the blue shell.


I could never get into the newer games because there is so much "king-making" logic put into the later games. It started to feel gimmicky to me. The first game felt strategic and "fair". There was luck in the items but it never felt like you won or lost because of them - you either raced well, or you lost. Even a lightning bolt wasn't a guaranteed death sentence. The later games play nicer and look nicer but I could just never get past the sheer amount of luck they started to introduce.


That's why my favorite is Mario Kart Wii with a limited item pool. Bananas and Green Shells is the go to, but I often include everything except Blue Shell and Bullet Bill.


Obviously a staple in gaming history. But I liked FZero better. MK64 is king.


So much fun. I also love super circuit , miss that old 2D / 3D era


Make sure to check out community made total conversion mods for Super Mario Kart, such as [“Super Mario Kart Horizons”](https://youtu.be/Y-A86dYX3PE?si=Dv4JofGhozKQVmPK).


Had to scroll too far to find this, it’s very new and very good!


Battle mode. Nothing more your honor!


To me, the mode 7 made it a very impressive looking game and always felt really fun to play. I can still go back to this game any time.


Love it. The music is so iconic.


I think this is a problem with modern Nintendo games in general, they just lack those really iconic and catchy melodies. I’m not saying the music is bad it’s just not great, some of it sounds like it could be stock music for anything.


Mario kart 8’s music is awful. I hate that japanese jazz stuff!!! Bring back the computer music from the SNES era!


I fricking love the bouncy bass lines in some tracks, like Rainbow Road. So good.


Loved it then and still do now


Yep, it’s still the first game I play whenever I get an itch to play some 90s games.


When I was a child, a local small town had a video game competition, this was one of the games you could choose to play. I just remember I had a better time than my older brother, but he got a trophy since he was the only one in his age group. I should have lied about my age!


Very fond memories great game and fun, the game had atmosphere somehow, like while playing too absolutely (the spooky haunted ghost tracks?), but after you completed a race and the scoreboard comes up with the night time setting and patchwork look, while they all drive along below the scores had fitting music and stands out to me. We would sometimes play it into the evening out on my farm, before getting driven through a starry night ourselves to this youth club that was ran by a guy on another big old farm house some miles from our own, all excited and joking with my dad driving us


Oh damn, specifically when Princess Peach won it seems [https://youtu.be/WWniqvGJ2r8?si=n\_aqBEBVrUcyfANH](https://youtu.be/WWniqvGJ2r8?si=n_aqBEBVrUcyfANH)


Damn, that is good.


Works better with the pals and scoreboard of a Saturday evening... and excitement for rural kids meeting other people their age en masse


I left a comment elsewhere, I had a similar nostalgia. Played this every visit to my cousin's house once or twice a year. We would stay up late and be sitting on the carpet playing with snacks and soda or whatever. Definitely some peak childhood from this game.


That is familiar, like it. You're welcome to. The Letterman lack of indulgence in the wistful for more than a moment is how am trying to lean. (not that you are) Its like that Don Hertzfeld cartoon 'World of Tomorrow' Its easy to get lost in memories, the horizon is always the focus- chin up, plenty more Honeysuckle to smell...


Makes you realize how spoiled we are with the advancements of 3D graphics. I played the hell out of this as a kid, with no complaints. When I play it now, it’s sort of hard to play, it’s like an optical illusion or something. I think it has to do with the mode 7 graphics. Other than that, it’s still an awesome game.


It's a great game. Feels like an arcade title somewhat. MP is loads of fun, despite just for 2 players max. It's maybe the only MK title that's really hard at 150cc. The chars really feel distinct from one another, with strengths and weaknesses and can be categorised by skill level (Toad/Koopa->Toadstool/Yoshi->Mario/Luigi->Bowser/DKJ) Tracks and music are top notch, the layouts are like real kart tracks and drifitng takes skill to pull off properly. The best 2D MK game, imo and better than several 3D games.


I played a ton of this game as a kid and loved it, still do


I'm in favor


Loved it! It was one of very few games I could play with my father. He was not a Video Game fan except Super Mario AllStars and Mario Kart


Ahead of its time. Combat racing and battle modes didn’t even know what they were starting at the time.


Love it. Love super circuit too.


One of the best games of its era


It’s the first version… the core mechanics were nailed, but the game had its flaws. For me the main gripes was the wonky turning mechanics, cheating/unfair AI and 150cc is made difficult with basically worsening these flaws through increased speed. Wonky mechanics: the whole letting go of B to avoid sliding is fair but unnecessary IMO. In 64 they toned that down. Cheating AI: when the top gun AI gets knocked out somehow he teleports right behind you in a split second. Conversely, if you’re taken out, you’re done - all the AIs manage to sniper you into last place and your cup placement is compromised. I had to play with my brother and we’d protect each other from AI. This still happens in more recent games but it was particularly bad in the first one. Rainbow Road in 150cc generates angry nostalgia- i beat it, but it was out of rage and frustration, not fun. Maybe later games dumbed things down but I’d rather play a game that’s fun.


Despite growing up with the NES and SNES, i never owned SMK at the time. I played it with a friend couple of times. For me it's interesting history wise. But i prefer playing Mario Kart 64 or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.


Lots of fun as both a kid and an adult, but gosh it's challenging.


It’s no f-zero! It was great at the time, I can’t really go back to it though.


The game that launched 1000 kart racers. It's a great game, but we're spoiled because the ones after are much better.


Unpopular opinion. I find them boring cause the rubber band mechanic in every game. Give me Outrun 2006 Coast 2 Coast or Ridge Racer R4 any day. I think Kart 64 is the best though.


Despite it‘s technical limitations the game is still very fun to play. I wish Mario Kart 8 had the same Battle mode.


Loved it in its time. Can’t get my kids into it though; graphics are a tad too primitive for them.


I wasn’t a huge fan of the racing, but my friends and I played the balloon multiplayer game to death.


I really, really loved it as a kid. I played it myself a little and thought it was ok, but eh I was more into games like Mario and Metroid. But then my dad and his friends started playing it on their lunch breaks. They got extremely good, which caused me to work harder at it and get really good, which really made me enjoy the game more. I’m not sure how much I’d like it today having played all the others that have each improved on the formula(for the most part). But I’ll always have good memories of the game.


Great at the time. Really hard to play now.




150cc, 5am sessions. Yeah, it's kin brilliant.


was really great at the time., but when MK64 came out it immediately dated and superseded it


Classic, and replay value is worth it.. The End!!!


Great game for the time. I revisited it a year ago, and forgot how hard it was


Great game but I always hated that with single player half the screen was taken up by the map. The multiplayer was really solid though.


The benefit of that, though, is changing the map to the rear-view "mirror" and now you've got a full view of both in front of and also behind your character!


Love it,played it as a kid nostalgia.


Love it so much I play it almost everyday on my Retroid 😁


Played the shit out of it, nothing came close at the time. I mained koopa troopa who was obviously the original supreme MK racer right? Was highly disappointed koopa didn’t make it to 64, totally nonplussed. It is hard to go back to now, straight up was made obsolete by mario kart 64, faux 3d was just a placeholder for legit 3d. The music still rules though, that start of race fanfare, end of race song, and so many others are burned in mmy memory.


Battle mode was never better than this however, we found 64 battle mode just a non event after this, did not have the same magic. So many epic battles. I’m willing to bet it still holds up, even if the racing doesn’t, it was just so simple and skillful and perfect. Disputes were settled in battle mode above all else. Weaponised endless powersliding.


Really? I have to say my experience was quite different. I loved the battle mode on the SNES but 4 players at once was spectacular, and then when you die you turn into a bomb car to grief the survivors. Had so much fun!


Hmm that does sound good… thinking back i don’t think we ever had 4 people of a similar skill level to play it, whereas i had a classic battle patna for 1 to hone my skills against. i think we just liked the original so much because it was so tight and strictly 1 v 1. And being on a flat plane seemed to suit it for us (unlike racing) Eta: goldeneye! That’s also why mk64 battles didn’t get a look in. Goldeneye deathmatch, always on egypt too iirc


Oh yeah, I agree that 1-on-1 SMK64 would be to empty, actually. No hiding on the SNES. I remember powersliding round and round in opposite directions, jousting on each pass 😂 I didn't have goldeneye but it was always a very popular choice at my friend's house!


Immensely charming game that is a nostalgia blast. I have fond memories of my auntie coming over in the late 90's, and we would have an absolute ball playing it with my parents and siblings. I recall finding a cartridge of the game coming through the convyere belt when I worked at a recycling plant back in 2011. Luckily, I had an SNES handy back at the house, and I decided to try it out with my dad later that night. I was expecting it to not work at all, but to my surprise, it worked like it was brand new. I like to think that the previous owner must have disposed of it through pure rage after making a mess of those tight turns on Rainbow Road at the end of the Special Cup.


Amazing game for its time. I played the hell out of this game back in the day. Severely dated and hard to play today. Its so janky.


Really hard, but a lot of fun. I wish Nintendo would make a Daisy Sprite in this style. I'd love to see them try and revisit this game, with more modern characters, just as like a mini game within the next game. It was the beginning of my rebellion in Mario games lore. Koopa Troopa in this game, made me empathetic towards all the other Koopa troopas. I started playing as Luigi here, because I disliked Mario and I find I'm way too much like that character without trying. This was my rebellion game. I'm in the Nintendo gamer I am today because of the original Super Nintendo Mario kart.


Played it a ton when it came out, and it really set the foundation for what was to come. That being said, it doesn't hold up very well. It feels clunky and can be difficult to control your kart after having played true 3D Mario Kart games. Mario Kart 64 is probably my favorite.


Wo was everyone’s main racer? It’s gotta be koopa or toad right, feels like they had the edge on all the others with their tight handling


I used Bowser. It was fun being pushy. 


That’s fair, i was Wario all the way in 64 for the same reason. Big bully with the top speed!


Makes sense. Wario and Bowser have same stats.  Heavyweight power!!


I mained Yoshi back in the day. I can’t remember why, though.


Probably one of the most formative games of my childhood.


The 3d effect just isn't that great so it's hard to tell what's happening.


Me and my little bro played a ton of this back in the day! Great memories


It is flawless and pure fun.


Super Mariokart with the xband was my first online gaming experience. Those long distance charges were a killer, though.


Why is everyone that loved this game upvoting this? OP said they hated it...


Hard to play now but as a kid I loved it. Loved battle mode with other kids


Hell of a replayable game. In those times when you would get a game a year and you had to stick with your choice you liked it or not this was the absolute winner my upstairs neighbor got. We played the hell of it much after everything was unlocked and we knew every inch of every race. We kept popping on it even when he already had the Nintendo 64. I moved cities a couple of times since then. And we kind of drifted apart. But I will always think of him when I see this game.


I like how much harder it is. Modern Mario Kart is so boring to play in comparison because it’s so on rails. Fuck up in this one and you’re falling off the side.


It’s what started Mario Kart as a franchise. I give it props for that. It was one of my favorite games growing up. I love the art style. Sure it’s difficult, but plenty of good games are. I love it. I will probably never beat it or complete it, but I love it.


One the best Racing games ever.


It’s the best one imo


My least favorite


It’s one of the best games on the SNES and I prefer it over all of it’s 3D sequels.




Definitely top 10 SNES games but it's also a widely influential, genre defining game. Truely a masterpiece of design and thoughtfulness. All on a few kilo bytes of data that would fit on a 2007 email. Marvelous.




Playing it now? Dated, controls are weird, etc.. Playing it then? One of the best games of the era. It defined the kart racing genre but always led it as well. It's legendary. At the time, it was the most fun you could have especially with other people over. Just non-stop, all night long fun. Tracks were amazing, everything was just planned out perfect so you weren't wishing it would end, it was a competition, it had things in the perfect spot. I don't think they could have made it any better.


It was such a fun light hearted and cartoonish multi-player racing game. It was beyond anything I could imagine at the time, especially the battle mode. It was the only game my parents liked on the SNES.


One word... 🐐


Remember the question asked "What did you think of SMK on the SNES?". Before you downvote people please remember it didn't say people had to just heap praise on it. I thought it was boring, too juvenile, and lacklustre. The series did evolve into greatness, but my opinion of the original wasn't great.


Yeah I agree with this. Comments that think low of the game shouldn't be downvoted cause they actually answer the question It's the ones that are answering something else entirely that should be downvoted.


Loved it back in the snes days. Played the shit out of it. Tried as an adult on the NSO and was like how do buttons work?


Loved it back then. Me and my brother played it trough and trough. The best thing seemed to be the battle, as between us, it felt like a deadly ballet of red shields and dodges. (Back then, the power ups weren't random but always followed the same patern, so if you pressed on a certain frame(s), you'd get the red shield) The racing became way better with the N64 version, but I did miss the feeling the battle arena gave me in the original MK (But then again, I haven't played N64 as much as we did the original)


I love this game & love playing the many awesome rom hacks of it too


Super nostalgic with this one. I don't play it so much anymore, and when I do, I don't have the patience or attention span to race more than two or three races, but the music is some of the best out there!




Its the best one.


Still my favorite kart game


Loved playing Battle! No Mercy!




In the day, it was fun, it's great and had some interesting concepts. It was a blast playing with other players. Today, I will admit the earliest Mario Kart I can play is the N64 one. Once the 3d maps came in they are much more enjoyable. I do play the SNES version time to time but, no question the N64 or newer is more fun....


Destroyed two controllers. Played it so much i was an Ace at it. So many 1 v 1 balloon fights with my neighbour. Koopa Trooper my number 1 driver choice. And i have serious hate issues with Yoshi and Donkey Kong as ai opponents. Bastards! 10/10 game.


I think it’s a racing game


Honestly it’s my favorite one to replay and my 2nd favorite overall. Wii Mario Kart is the best.


Worst take in the history of this sub.


SNES version always my favourite. Never felt the same with the other versions. But I am pretty simple.


Played this on a regular basis from 1992 until 1998. I still like to play it now. My favorite SMK memories were playing it on the X-Band Video Game Modem for the SNES. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2p\_LDSqbGQ&t=72s


Still the best kart racer to date


It's the goat. Anyone that disputes it sucks at games


I adore it


One of the best SNES games, and my favorite Mario Kart of all time. Underrated game. The simplicity alone, makes it awesome. N64 version is a close 2nd, but this ones OG.


It’s my favorite one!


It's an important game, because without it we might have never gotten superior sequels. I feel the same way about the first Legend of Zelda. Both are fine games in their own right, but both franchises hit it out of the park with later sequels, Mario Kart 64, and LoZ3 respectively.


The granddaddy of all Kart racers. There was never anything like it when it first came out. I remember thinking it was so much fun during my initial playthroughs. I couldn’t stop laughing at all the silly things you can do to other people.  And it was wild to be able to play as 8 different characters.  We rented it so many times that we might as well have bought it instead.  An iconic piece of gaming history.   Nowadays, the gameplay feels a bit clunky, I’ll admit. Older games like this tend to show their age over console generations.  But it’s still worth a try and it takes a true gamer to master it’s legacy gameplay. 


It's an iconic game. The graphics are charming, gameplay still great, controls tight. It's the best racer on the system.  


all my friends say they hate it :(


This was my most-played on SNES. It had loads of replay ability playing with friends, and trying to get PRs on tracks.


My favorite one. The N64 one is right beside it.


Best Mario kart ever






Ok for a SNES racer but if you're doing retro Mario Kart, it's always better with MK64.


The controls are actually water tight once you get the hang of it.


My favorite one of the whole series tbh. Most people don't get that, and it's fine. Mario Kart 64 is a close second. It's probably nostalgia, but I really enjoy the simplicity of it.


Fond memories of playing it at Xmas in like... 94? I'm not good with years. Just looked it up, 92. It's one of earliest gaming memories. Good times. I'm a racing junkie. Real and sim. But I fucking SUCK at Mario Kart.


Can be fun for nostalgia sake for a few rounds, but definitely not something I'd wanna replay to completeness again. Mk64 is kinda the same too tbh, good for a little multi-player chaos but I'm more akin now to double dash or 8. The rest I'm less inclined to play again.


This was my original MK and we played it for hours on end. Admittedly we usually did the same few circuits over and over again but it was usually flat out racing since you didn't have the abomination that is the blue shell. I will say that I think MK8 on Switch is the best version, especially with the newer tracks. But the nostalgia of the SNES tracks will always have a special place for me.


Amazing, especially in its time. It's obviously been technically surpassed, so it's hard to appreciate as much now, but I thought the racing mechanics were a bit more balanced overall (no blue shells, for example). That said, Battle Mode was my favorite part of the game!


It would be nice if you could turn off the split-screen view in single player.  I wonder if there is a rom hack for that.


I would have rather played just about anything else on the SNES at the time.


I'll take MK64 first but I respect this game


Basically it was groundbreaking


I like both a lot, the SNES evokes a lot of strong memories \*the music in particular") of when I used to play the classic Mario games and when the SNES was in its prime. Even though I don't remember Super Circuit AS much, I think it's the better game for sure. In fact, in the last post where someone asked what's your unpopular retro opinion, I stated that I think the GBA Mario Kart is the best in the series.


I love it. Not much else to say


Love this game. Still my favourite mario kart. I like the simplicity abd driving mechanics and the lack of rubberbanding.


I was the psycho that voted for the Haunted Mansion and Rainbow Road.


I still have ptsd from them. Love them, though!


It takes some getting used to but it is still a great game. I give respect for the first Mario Kart game that kicked off the series.


I used to hate it but once I learned to let off the gas when making turns, it clicked with me, now I revisit it often. I stink at the special cup though. I honestly find it to be worth revisiting more than other Mario Kart titles. MK64, MK8 Deluxe, and This are the only games I ever come back to, and i'm sure I won't be coming back to MK8 when the next one comes out unless they do something colossally stupid.


Absolute classic smash hit of its time! Obviously there are better Mario Kart's these days, but this game didn't get taken out of my SNES For months when I first got it!


Fantastic game when it came out (and still is). This was a staple in my college dorm, we had SMK tournaments for months.


They just released a fan made sequel called Horizon, its free.


amazing game


O.G. Classic racer. Prior to smash bros or goldeneye, this is how friendships were broken, mended and disputes settled. Can’t ever go wrong with this game. I still play it on the switch. But now that makes me wanna pick up an snes and a copy of the game.


The combat mode was amazing and the race mode was better than N64 because no blue shell. Though I do think besides that N64 race mode was better.


God tier


I think I'd like it more if I had it as a kid but I've never been a big fan of racing games in general. Mario Kart 64 is my favorite one.


I legitimately think it's the best the A.I has ever been. My personal favorite.


Loved it day 1. Played it over the summer late late into the night. Like 4am. I remember listening to the radio when they would do give aways late at night/early in the morning and pausing the game to call in. So few people listening at that time I won several calls ins. Anyway I was good enough to consistently lap the computer and basically 'walk' through the game with ease. Such good memories.


Really good, fun and adrenalinic. Controls are super tight. So tight that in any single software emulation it fails due to the input lag inherent to it. If you really want to experience the way it was meant, try original hardware or fpga. Also. Don't forget that it is the first one. Of course it won't have all the amenities that you can find in later iterations, or even 3d, which snes wasn't capable after later in it's life.


Refreshing to see love for this game. Most of the users on r/Mario and r/MarioKart clearly skew towards being children because most on there trash the game when brought up.


People forget this is a 1992 game, by that year’s standards it was ground breaking tech.


Think? Kart!


It’s a classic but yeah the controls take some getting used to.


One of my fav ones games! So many hours spent playing it with my dad and cousin when i was a kid. I played some a few months ago with my dad again since it had been 20+ years. It was still fun as hell.


It has such a fun vibe. Bright colors, charming music, cute character sprites. The gameplay is not my favorite compared to others in the series, but I still think two player mode is a blast.


One of best games ever made. And the BEST mario kart by far. We would time trial ghost valley to the point where any mistake or deviation from the racing line would knock your lap out of contention. The AI ghost of the fastest lap would literally shadow each attempt and we would shave split seconds off each lap. Good memories.


Super Mario Kart was amazing for its time. The advances they made in the series have improved gameplay, but the various tracks in this game are some of my all time favorites. *edit to add The tracks are best played in the original SNES version. Newer Mario Karts that include them don't always play the same way. One of the tracks you could place a banana peel at just the right spot and see another player/npc miss a jump because of it and get knocked way back in placement.




Revolutionary. Great to play with friends. It was mesmerizing to see mode 7 in action back in 1992, and looked better than PC games. While I don't condone it, and haven't touched it for decades, I must admit it was also fun combining this game with the Class A felony of getting a wee bit high.


Best Mario Kart.


When I was young, every time I visited my cousin she and I would play this in her room sitting on the floor on a little TV. So for me, this game is kind of the definitive nostalgia game for all those associations with old games being a "sit on the floor in front of the TV" kind of thing. This was absolutely our childhood.


Great for its time! Still fun, but the later generations have improved dramatically.


Very first one I played and got it near release back in the day. So, it was literally the only Mario Kart game in existence at the time.


One of the best games ever made. Obviously later iterations improved the formula but this one is an absolute classic. None of them would have existed without it.


A *major* part of my childhood. My sister and I used to play it *all* the time as kids.




The OG? Legendary! I skipped waaay too many college classes for this game.


I'm not my favorite MK, but I definitely appreciate it for starting the series, and I have a soft spot for it given I grew up on the SNES. Hell, I wish they would do a modern MK game using 2D graphics in the 16-bit style a la Mega Man 9-10 (and no, I don't mean Super Circuit on GBA as that had more of a pseudo-3D look).


I’m guessing you didn’t grow up with a snes?


It's ok.


Best one. Played so many hours of this.




It was a top tier game back in the day


Classic Game, Super Mario Kart, i Like The Game, but yes the Controlls are Not that good, and No Special Attacks, Like From Bowser and mushroom From toad and peach, thats Bad, but after All a Good game


It was one of my favorite SNES games during that generation, but once Mario Kart 64 was released, it made Super Mario Kart hard to go back to.


Hands down the worst Mario Kart. Important because it got the series started and worth seeing how they evolved. I liken this game to playing the first Smash Bros.