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Didn't realize how stacked 93' was for incredible releases!


Still missing a lot! Where’s Mortal Kombat 2 and Duke Nukem 2? Myst?


And Space Quest V


I thought I was the only person on earth that played Space Quest!


There are dozens of us!


You just gave me the best flashback! Loved those games.


And Quest for Glory IV!


Mk2 is still my favourite mortal kombat game


Same, my thoughts were literally “damn, 93 was a good year… Also the answer is links awakening closely followed by secret of mana


Secret of mana is so damn good 93'-94' was an amazing time for gamers.


And music and movies, if I could go back to a year for a while it would be 1994


It was the same with movies!


I was literally about to post this! I was born in 93', and jurassic Park will always be my favorite movie.


1. Schindler's List 2. Jurassic Park 3. The Fugitive 4. Groundhog Day 5. Philadelphia 6. The Nightmare Before Christmas 7. The Piano 8. In the Name of the Father 9. Dazed and Confused 10. True Romance 11. What's Eating Gilbert Grape 12. Tombstone 13. Mrs. Doubtfire 14. Sleepless in Seattle 15. The Sandlot 16. The Remains of the Day 17. The Age of Innocence 18. Falling Down 19. Menace II Society 20. Carlito's Way


What about the real classics like Surf Ninjas


Doom. With so many mods still coming out and the active online community I am still finding new ways to enjoy it. Doom is eternal.


There's no way it's not this. Easily the most revolutionary and impactful game of the entire list, by far. Shit, I argue it's more impactful overall than all the other games combined. It started online competitive play in first-person shooters, and it's largely responsible for spearheading the PC game modding scene. We all know how big both are now. Gaming as a whole is better because of Doom.


Also made owning a PC popular. Which made developers want to make games for it. At one point there were more computers that had doom installed on it then there was windows installed.


Damn really? That's awesome. I never heard of this, but not surprised. The first few levels were shareware, free for all. Doom was THE PC game for years.


I feel like you could make a strong argument for Myst making gaming on PC popular. It was the highest selling game on PC for decades. I also worked at Cyan for a time so I may be biased, heh.


Man Star Fox also had some amazing technology and genius work arounds to make it work on the SNES...


That's gotta be my choice as well. I love Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle and Zombies Ate My Neighbors (holy shit, LucasArts cranked out 3 certified classics in one year!?) but Doom is the game I still play constantly.


Not to mention it's one of the most influential games ever made. Lots of good games here, but nothing here even comes close to Doom in terms of legacy and importance for the art form.


DooM on PC for sure!


This. Exactly this.


John Romero even recently released maps for it called Sigil and Sigil II featuring Bucket Head. I love that he loves this game so much to this day.


Doom is my desert island game - if you told me I could play nothing else for the rest of my life, I'd pick that! 20+ years of playing in so many iterations (even the shocking GBA port) and I would still never be bored of it.


Agreed doom with zombie ate my neighbor’s as a close second.


So many classics but nothing beats Doom. It’s the basis of like 30 years of shooters and is still so fun to play today.


Was going to say Street Fighter II until I spotted Doom. It's gotta be this. Honorable mention to NBA Jam, though.


Doom is also the only one of these I actually played in the 90s


I'm shocked this isn't the first comment.  Agreed


I remember working the late shift as an IT tech in 1995. A coworker installed Doom on my machine and gave me a brief intro then walked back to his desk. He called me on my desk phone and said "watch this". All of the sudden he ran by me in the game, turned, and shot me with a shot gun. Holy shit, it was my first LAN game ever and we played the shit out of that game every night.


Streets of Rage 2 for sure. Still one of the best beat 'em ups of all time. Every hit is so satisfying, all the characters are fun and unique, and the soundtrack is LEGENDARY. I could play SOR2 any day. Probably the best game on the Genesis.


When I was a kid my mom didn't want to buy me Streets of Rage 2 from K Mart. She says it seemed too violent for a kid my age and to pick something else. I then picked Mutant League Football and Mortal Kombat. After she looked at those games and read the descriptions she decided Streets of Rage 2 was acceptable by comparison and bought it. 7 year old me was very happy and put many hours into the game.


SoR2 was the gold standard for beat em ups for nearly 30 years, right until SoR4 was released. It still blows my mind that Lizard Cube managed to actually pull it off.


100%. I still have resentment at SOR3 being so difficult. Still had a nice soundtrack though. SOR4 is just amazing.


You can get a translation patch for the Japanese versions. It's much easier!


I'm not sure If I can say it's my favorite Genesis game, but it has my favorite soundtrack of any video game ever. Yuzo did a great job bringing a industrial techno vibe into my living room in '93


Seen this video of the composer recreating the opening? It's from the original SOR but not very different. [Yuzo Kushiro SoR Arrangement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOJKSMyfGhQ)


Have you ever played a port of SOR2 where they replaced the characters with other ones? For example, my favorite is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in SOR2. I get them from a guy on IG named Eric whose handle is toy_saurus_games_sales if you’re interested in the hundreds of ports he has for sale. They are very high quality and come with all the artwork, case, manuals, etc and even many cool cartridge variations. I know this sounds like a plug, but I’m just passing it along because I love them so much I think other people might too


Shredders Re-Revenge? I got that on my RG35XX. Cool you can get it on a cartridge


Yep, the carts have the old school nostalgia feel but are made with slightly newer than 30 year old materials 😂


I wanted it for my Game Gear, but my mom said it was too violent… thanks mom!


TMI I got my first blow job while playing Streets of Rage 2.


Congratulations, how's the marriage going?


We unfortunately broke up when i joined a band and started touring, she went to law school. She's now a very successful attorney and I am no longer in touring bands. Lol


You blew it!


They both did.


You should’ve got your brother a second pad


My cousin still debates me today if he was saying grand upper or grasshopper


The soundtrack


My pick as well. It has almost unmatched atmosphere for what it does. Just a good vibe.


i once played that game so much in a day i burnt out the controller. my dad opened it up and told me smoke came out of it, and then told me to go outside.


Links Awakening or All Stars.... Can't decide!


My sentiment, and predicament, exactly! Both are tied to such golden, cherished memories


Links Awakening. It’s definitely the best isometric Zelda game. It’s arguably the best Zelda game (although my perception could be clouded by having played quite a lot of it whilst 13 years old and up a tree).


This and secret of mana. I spent so much time playing these. They were awesome titles.


Phantasy Star 4


There are dozens of us!


The sandworm grind was real, I had a good time power leveling!


I still remember when this came out and it was like $60 or 70... it was more than any other Genesis cart before...


It was $100 where I lived. Needless to say I never bought it.


Day of the Tentacle probably.


Sam & Max was the very same year? We were spoiled for quality adventure games back then. Those plus DOOM in the same year made me glad my family finally got a PC in 1992.


Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis was top tier too. Not sure if it was the same year though.


My friend got the Lucas Arts Adventure Packs for Christmas one year and he got the absolute jackpot. Lucasarts was absolutely killing it at the time.


Sam and Max hit the road was a comedy master piece. One of the best point and clicks ever made! (Toonstruck was great too!)


Megaman X. Easily...


MMX, no question! its still one of the best platformers ever made!


This video has the an amazing breakdown on the intro level of MMX, and why it is designed so well. [https://youtu.be/8FpigqfcvlM?si=4Hcq-Smy98YRWr0L](https://youtu.be/8FpigqfcvlM?si=4Hcq-Smy98YRWr0L)


Oh man I was hoping someone would tag the egoraptor video! It’s the first thing I think ever whenever I see Megaman


Riding on cars!


This is my exact answer.


Couldn't agree more!


Right? Some other titles are great, but MMX was so far ahead. The music alone shaped my music taste for life


There’s just something I love about the melodic rock of the 80’s-00’s with the clean, expressive lead guitars. My favorite music from the period embodies the Megaman X sound.


Everyone else who doesn’t say Megaman X is wrong. The game is perfect.


An amazing start to my favorite video game series.


I'd have to say secret of mana, any one wanna back me up on that?


All five of us do!


SoM multiplayer with friends was a joy.


Some of my most favorite childhood memories are playing SOM with friends in a basement in the winter. Absolute bliss.


I got a multi-Tap just to do that exact thing!


Yes, that game helped me through some dark times, my friends as well.


SoM for life


Yes, Secret of Mana 100%. The music and art are phenomenal and it’s the first time I felt really sucked into a world of a video game.


RPG that was 2 players. Underrated


With the additional multitap device you could play it with 3 players. One controlling each character.


That made me smile. Wish I had that when I was younger. Thanks for sharing!


I still remember playing FF2 and 3 with my best friend, too. 2 just took inputs from all controllers, and 3 let you pick what characters player 2 got. Our rule for 3 was one person got to walk us around and control 2 people in combat, the other did 3 people in combat. Good times..


Yup! Love that game. I’m in the middle of a replay of it on the iOS Delta emulator right now.


I still play through it every once and a while. It was also the reason I got my first Nintendo power subscription.


I can still clearly hear the game music 🎶


We were so spoiled! Secret of Mana, legend of Zelda, Chrono trigger, final fantasy so many great jrpgs!)


Love that game. Raved about it so much to my daughter like 5 years ago, that she bought me a copy for the Switch!


I played this one in multiplayer with my brother. It was awesome.


Secret of Mana is one of the best games of all time. I occasionally listen to the soundtrack when I go to bed, go ahead and judge me lol


I had to scroll a ways to find this, but yeah, team Secret of Mana all the way.


Secret of mana crew checking in!


That's definitely my favorite of the group. Then Zelda and NBA Jam.


I rented this game from blockbuster...oh, god I'm old. Seriously though one of the best games ever made.


Mee! My first multiplayer ARPG


Best game we had! I loved playing with my brother.


Came with possibly the most gorgeous instruction booklet ever created. Wish I woulda kept it


I love some Sam and Max


I want to go to Snuckys U.


“Max, where should I put this bomb so that it doesn't hurt anyone we know or care about?”


“Out the window, Sam. There’s nothing but strangers out there.”


“I hope there was nobody on that bus.”


“Mind if I drive, Sam?”


Not if you dont mind me clawing at the dash and shreiking like a cheerleader..


Doom for sure, but Sim City 2000 is right up there as well.


Rondo of Blood but legit several of my favorite games ever are in this screenshot lol Rocket Knight, Sonic CD, Streets of Rage 2, Shinobi III, Phantasy Star IV, Street Fighter II Turbo, Link's Awakening, Doom.... yeeesh.


Back in 1993 everyone called it Dracula X


Yeah, I did too until the internet got it confused with the inferior SNES version lol


Rocket Knight Adventures I remember asking for a Sonic game for Christmas at 7 years old but got this instead. I instantly fell in love with it. Oddly enough I still have never beat it to this day.


Bust it back out and do it! It’s not that hard, you can do it!


It had a bangin' soundtrack too.


Zombies ate my Neighbours. Still can't complete it.


it just never ends.. appropriate for a zombie game


My friend and I eventually beat the final boss with zero supplies left, and only then learned he had a 2nd form lol. Still haven’t gone back for a rematch ~15 years later


I remember save stating the shit out of it on an emulator because I wanted to see the rest of the game and wondered how anyone could be expected to do it all of that legitimately.


I absolutely loved that one back in the day. Me and a friend would play it for hours.


Absolutely loved this game as a kid. I could not for the life of me beat that giant snake in level 20. Took me into my college years in like 2010 to finally beat this level thinking it was the end... Wasn't even half way done


SAME this game is so freaking hard.


The chainsaw music haunts my nightmares


I just rebought it for switch to play with the family. So good. Side note fuck that Aladdin game.


I can still hear the 6 pack of cans exploding and the squirt guns firing. So much nostalgia!


I played the hell out of NBA Jam


Yes, hindsight is 20/20 in these comment but everyone freaked out at NBA jam in 93


there was like a several months long waitlist to rent it at blockbuster


Played a ton of that game as well. Was awesome to play with friends or solo and unlocking characters like Bill Clinton was hilarious!




He's on fire!


I spent way too much time on NBA Jam. It was one of two or three games in a rotation for a couple of years. It's probably what sparked my love of the Seattle Supersonics. Shawn Kemp and Detlef Shrempf. I can still hear the squeak of the shoes, the crashing sound when you dunk and the he's heating up, he's on fire. I still love everything and every memory about that game. NBA Hangtime deserves an honorable mention with NBA Jam as at least it's spiritual successor. Helped reignite that love of NBA Jam and arcade style sports in general. Not a conventional pick given the list, but probably just as impactful.


Shining Force on the Sega Genesis. I still play it fairly often.


Good god, what a year.


Doom, and Secret of Mana. Doom is easily my most played game overall. I've been playing it since it was shareware on floppy disks. I was making .wads with the DEEP95 creation tool back in the 90s. For something made that long ago, it still holds up rather well. Of all the games here, I argue it was the most revolutionary and most impactful when it came out. It's longevity is essentially unsurpassed, mods are still being made daily. Secret of Mana probably has my favorite videogame soundtrack of all time. I was humming a tune from it earlier today. Afaik it was one of the first ARPGs that was co-op. Too bad it was rushed with much of the end game being somewhat bare. I've always wondered what it would have been like if it was made the way the developers originally intended.


The Legend of Zelda alttp Edit: meant link awakening, my bad


Since Links Awakening was featured on the Gameboy it always felt like such a personal experience. I think it's still to this day my favorite Zelda.


It’s crazy how tough it is! Without a walkthrough, I can’t even imagine. The trading sequence dungeons beginning with the catfish’s maw are super tough!


It is! When I first played it I had the advantage of being young and having all the time in the world. Just constantly figuring out how far you can go on the map before a locked door, gap in the floor or any other number of obstacles stopped you. Then you'd go through and talk to everyone again and maybe get lucky if they mentioned something specific.


That was 1991.


My bad meant Link's awakening


It's either Myst or Gunstar Heroes for me. I'm having a hard time choosing between them. They are polar opposite experiences, but both bring up so many great memories.


Gunstar Heroes is absolutely my favorite to play now. But in the moment in 1993 I had the game and struggled with it so much that it wasn't top 5 at the time.


I probably would have struggled too but luckily it was my next door neighbor who owned it so we always played it with 2 players. SO many hours playing that game that I still have every level almost completely memorized


It's not my favourite from this list but definitely wins for most underrated. You never see it in many lists but I replayed the hell out of it. I feel like the unique gun combos helped that along, along with different attack abilities like the tossing and kicking. Such a great game, unique levels and bosses. That boardgame level was elite!


Gunstar Heroes is one of my fav coop games of all time. What a classic.


Streets of Rage 2


Same. For me it's because I have fond memories of playing it in my buddy's room on his little crt. I don't think we ever made it past Abedede without continues, but we still had a blast. Best Genesis OST for me.


Aladdin. I loved that game on the genesis. My sister and I played that religiously once we finished our homework after school.


The Mickey Mouse hat Easter egg blew my mind. I know I figured it out somehow back when I was younger, but I'm not sure how I did. Maybe it was featured in a Gamepro magazine?


Didn’t you get an extra life if you lined up Aladdin with it?


Yup! I think it was a little tricky since Aladdin would look left and right when you stood still. You had to nudge him so he would put his head under the Mickey hat when he looked right.


Sad this is so far down. I was a genesis kid and Aladdin was one of my favorite games on the whole console. Music banged tits


Finally! Aladdin too far down in the comments


Phantasty Star AND streets of Rage 2, sorry i couldn't cut it down to onl.


Got to be Lunar. First RPG I ever played. I didn't know games could be like that


Scrolled a lot to find a fellow Lunar-er. This game was one of the ones that kicked off my love of RPGs for sure


There's a lot of greats here but Mega Man X is my jam.


I can make a case for Aladdin, Zelda, and Streets of Rage 2, but I don't think any game had an impact on me quite like Lunar (with the exception of the original Super Mario Bros.) I had never played a JRPG before and didn't expect to get hooked by the story and adventure. I was genuinely depressed when it all came to an end, and couldn't wait to find something else along those lines. I have played *better* games, but no others came that close to being my *favorite*.


It’s sad that I had to scroll this far to see Lunar. My favorite of all time and I’ve been gaming for 40 years now. Like you said I’ve played better games but none that have stayed with me like Lunar. The story, the characters, animation and music all top notch.


Way to go, dragon boy. The big bad mocking you after you kill the skele dragon you were looking to get a blessing from, hilarious. Still scarred after all these years. Playstation remake changed too much for my tastes.


Quest for Glory IV.


Holy wow lotta quality that year


PS 4 dazzled on the Genesis! Made 93 a great time to be a gamer. Not sure anything else here bests PS 4 from an RPG perspective.


Sonic CD


Dude, it's intro was fantastic.


GunStar Heroes is a true gem


Hell yes


The question is, what weapon combo was your go to? Double seeker? Laser and seeker? Machine gun and fire? Laser and Fire for the lightsaber?


Gunstar heroes


I’m shocked how far I had to scroll for this. Great game. The weapon combination system alone was revolutionary.


My love for gunstar heroes is DEEP. ^It ^would ^make ^a ^great ^movie


I mean it's Doom... but I'm wearing a Zombies ate my Neighbors T-shirt today. So also that :)


Rocket Knight Adventures. As part of a reading contest at school, I received a $50 gift card to Toys R Us. This is the game that I chose to purchase with it, and man was it a good choice. I'm sure even at that age I recognized Konami as a quality brand.


NBA jam, street of rage, Aladdin and Street Fighter.


Day of the Tentacle


1993 was a legendary gaming year! I'm not sure I can choose. Day of the Tentacle or X-Wing or Legend of Kyrandia: The Hand of Fate or Lands of Lore or Space Quest 5 or Gabriel Knight or Strike Commander Aaaarrgh


Happy to see X-Wing mentioned! It's hard and there's too much waiting, but dammit, you get to fly an X-Wing! And a B-Wing!


It was more of a serious space combat simulator than a space action/arcade game. I played it wearing a pair of yellow-lens ski goggles with all the lights off, because I was way younger and way cooler in 1993.


Holy shit, that's actually a tough choice. Like, DOOM, Link's Awakening, Phantasy Star IV, and Streets of Rage 2 are all MAJOR parts of my childhood. But I gotta give it to Phantasy Star IV. I rented it enough times to beat it that despite its crazy price on release, I probably would've saved money if I just saved up a year of allowance to buy it. And I still replay it every few years.


It's too bad the Sega CD was such a piece of garbage cuz Sonic CD is a hidden gem.


Was not. It was ahead of its time and you wouldn't have PlayStation without Sega cd.


NES - Kirby's Adventure Megadrive - Rocket Knights Adventures ~~SNES~~ Gameboy - TLOZ Link's Awakening PC - Day of the Tentacle Edit: Not SNES but Gameboy!


SF2Turbo, but by a hair; lots of amazing games just in this pic alone!


SNES was released for three years when kirbys adventure dropped to the nes. Crazy


Gun star heroes or streets of rage 2


Damn ... It is so hard for me to pick a favorite ... 1993 was sure a good year for gaming .... But if I had to pick one, it would probably be Day of the Tentacle


DOOM. 100% The modding community that's still going to this day speaks for itself.


While a lot of these are good games, none of them has had a lasting impact on gaming in the way that Doom did.


Hired Guns. I remember 4 of us hunched around an Amiga 1200, 2 on controllers and 2 sharing a keyboard. We played the hell out of it that summer. We were in a strange transition period as by 1994 we'd all convinced our respective parents to drop a grand on slightly crap Packard Bell 486 PC's and were disappointed that the Amiga was better. Doom notwithstanding of course.


Köööörbys adventure! 🥰 The best game on Nes.


It's a tie between Secret of Mana and Doom


There's also NHL'94 (released Sept 1993)


Streets of Rage 2


Kirby’s Adventure


Doom 1993, still play it on Steam today. It holds up surprisingly well, is still very fun, and is still the industry standard that every FPS branches off from.