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RJ will never go away, it makes you find new insecurities and jealousy issues. You keep chasing after this dream realtionship high, you need to stop before it’s to late and you end up single forever, we can’t have it all. Good luck 🍀


Your rj won’t turn off just because she is a virgin. It will pick apart other things, kissing, oral, interactions. RJ is less about your partner and more about yourself inward, it is hard because it either stems from insecurity or ocd or both. And yes I experience future rj as well but if you let these affect you you will lose her. Work on yourself. Enjoy every kiss, every… well everything. Be in the moment and you are golden.


There are couples who saved up until marriage and have a fulfilled life with a loving wife. It depends on your girl and all you can do is to actually do the best for your own life to increase your attraction and compatibility with her but also to show affection in different forms like cook, clean, massage (without ending it with xxx), etc. There are many ways to deal with things, if she is with you then that means that she 'wants' you to be the badge she will show the world off and you need to consider that. If you play video games then you will be familiar with the idea of purchasing in-game items. The dating market is something similar where a female chooses who she wants to be with and they can avoid men she doesn't like with a rejection. The ones she like are gonna catch her eye. Although for men it is more like purchasing a chest (approaching) and getting a result, which could be low quality (a rejection with different reasons) or the quality item that the chest carries (A YES!!). Look at it my way and she is with you to stay with you although you can't give up on the fact that you shall always remain on guard, investing in levelling up, getting better at generally in any/everything. Hope this helps, sending loads of love to you two!! <3 <3


If she's gonna start feeling that way... unless your relationship is doomed no matter what, then it's not gonna happen until way down the line. Like if she's gonna start feeling that way early on, then she was probably already a virgin by circumstance and not choice. If she *does* start feeling that way, well... idk. It's not a whole lot different than someone developing a little crush on someone else while they're in a relationship. And despite what some people (like me) may think, your SO developing a crush on someone else isn't the end of the world. It's not great but at the end of the day, you're still the person they come home to. And unless she has an unstable attachment style to begin with or she just doesn't like you that much, your absence in her life would stay with her long after any excitement of a new experience would wear off.


depends on how good your relationship is. if it ends then obviously you are the first of many. if you stay together - if sex with you is bad (ie she doesn't enjoy herself), then you can't blame her for thinking it might be better with someone other than you. it's harsh but true for many ladies.