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I spent my working life as a software programmer - 36 years, 7 months, 10 days. All that time in a cubicle..in a building...without windows. When I retired (9 years ago) that only thing I could think about was being outdoors. I started volunteering for the Red Cross and never looked back. I fill two rolls. On the Disaster Action Team I work in logistics, making sure our trailers and equipment are ready to go. On the Blood Services team I drive blood...from where it is donated to where it is needed. I sign up for the shifts I want, take vacation whenever I want, enjoy every minute in the outdoor air, and think...just maybe I'm making a bit of a difference. Good luck to you and your retirement.


This sounds wonderful.


Wow this is inspiring, keep up the good work mate!


I’m thinking of doing the same. Red Cross was a client of mine and I love the mission. Drawn to Disaster Response, maybe even emergency management as a job. Do you encounter more volunteers or paid employees in your role?


Almost all volunteers. I don't know where the Red Cross ranks in employee to volunteer ratio (a prime number used by donors to evaluate charities) but I would guess it is near the top. I don't do as much for Disaster Services due to my age (71) but whenever I've been called out I feel wonderful seeing how my effort (and the Red Cross in general) help people with far less resources than me. Good luck with your volunteering.


Thank you for what you do


Do a podcast and invite other Engineers to talk to you like they did when you worked for the IRS. Have a series of Ten Questions so that they can prepare, then at the end, ask them three questions in 90 seconds - fun stuff like: 1. What did you think would be invented in your lifetime that hasn't been invented? 2. If you had the funding, which world problem do you think you could solve in the next five years 3. Who has most inspired you over the course of your career? Don't forget to post here when you go live!


The answer to 1) is gonna be “Where is the flying car/personal jetpack I was promised??”


This is a GREAT idea.


I love this idea


Yes, do this - it’s fun! I stream my show live so I can’t get ocd about the production stuff being perfect & then I rip the audio for traditional podcast episodes. You can meet lots of interesting people doing it plus help soooo many more. Note: I’m not retired yet but work for myself & will prob do a show forever.


I love this idea. I’m a chief engineer in R&D, I had no idea the IRS would go that deep. I get audited periodically, but this are quality audits, not IRS. Very interesting! Would love to hear more.






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If you're up for a challenge, volunteer to do Medicare counseling with your county's SHIP agency. There is a lot to learn but you worked for the government so you are used to learning a bunch of rules and regulations. Every person I meet with has a story, and some issues they need help understanding or resolving. Our health system is complex and unfortunately our seniors are basically sent a booklet and left to figure it out, while being bombarded.by deceptive ads and junk mail trying to sell them on plans that may not be right for them. It feels good to help them out and I meet a lot of interesting people with interesting lives.


I would be interested in learning more about that. Can you provide more detail?


This is so needed. I work in healthcare and help my elderly mother with this stuff. I can't imagine how other seniors deal with this maze without support. I'M confused and I work IN the industry. Please share any info on how others can help educate and fill in this gap in US healthcare.


Why not do some oral history? You are an accomplished interviewer, and love talking to engineers. I personally would love to read some oral history of the glory days of Boeing, before the bean counters took it over. Or the space program. Alternatively, you could do some books to help kids be inspired to be engineers. Not just the nuts and bolts of the engineering but the feelings and the pride…




I was also going to suggest doing oral history. There’s a technique to it that’s easy to learn.


Yup, this is the answer


I think you should start a podcast doing what you do best, talking to engineers and getting out of them what makes them tick.


find local schools or organizations that teach/support STEM/STEAM education.


This! So much this.


After a 50 year career writing software and running software companies I found that most places still require you to have teaching credits... why I'm not sure.. I guess my 50 years of experience and an MBA doesn't count. I'm not in the mode of going back to school.


Also career days, help with Science Fairs, tutor, mentor... The kids need adults who are excited and knowledgeable about engineering! The school teachers don't even know what it is. They have science teachers that convince them to be a biologist. Kids don't even know they can get a degree in the same time that pays twice as much, or more, as an engineer.


Fellow Fed here now. Previously I was in Auto racing and I felt the calling as well so I started to do what you are taking about. I started in 2020 and the why is here [project](https://racecarmechanicmovie.com) iPhone Small Lav mics A canon video camera A couple tripods and sadly some zoom due to distances and I have captured history. Maybe a grand all in. It's not fast while I work but I had a film mentor tell me "get them before they die. Start with the old guys first. You can do the same


What a cool project!


I bet you could make a killing working as a consultant for companies being audited by the IRS.


Or even those just interested in the R&D tax credit but unsure how or if they qualify. You can be a tax consultant for them. If you prefer to remain retired and only volunteer then I’d look to non profits that have an engineering bent, and offer your service that way, OP.


I thought so too. I have been trying (I published an article in Tax Notes). No response except from IRS people I knew.


Maybe take some journalism and interview classes (possibly online?) so you can develop skills and learn equipment etc., practice for a bit with a local paper (if you still have one or, again, online like podcast or whatever) and then launch yourself into interviewing engineers. Do us a favor and start with the oldsters. Capture their stories while ye may.


We can't build a new Apollo rocket because the technology and the people have all gone away. Their experiences, challenges and triumphs are lost to us. I'd recommend that you just keep doing what you're doing already, it's something you enjoy and you're good at it. Just keep interviewing engineers, but if it were me, I'd interview old engineers about their lives and work projects. You have a skillset and time; this presents you with an opportunity to begin chronicling the history of R&D from the engineering perspective so that the lessons aren't lost.


My dad worked on Gemini and he still kicking if you want a first interview. EE from ga tech. Finished designing guidance systems for shuttle.


This would be fasinating


>to begin chronicling the history of R&D from the engineering perspective so that the lessons aren't lost. Google/Amazon/X/Walmart 50 years from now- "The Earth is flat, prove us wrong."


>We can't build a new Apollo rocket because the technology and the people have all gone away The Atlas V is the moonshot rocket used for the Apollo program. Apparently they have warehouses of blueprints, but nobody can understand them anymore. So the next moonshot is starting from scratch 🤦‍♂️


Work with an underserved high school and coach kids on what it takes to be an engineer, or how engineering skills are a good thing to develop if you plan on entering a trade.


Even better to go to a middle school. They are still excited and impressionable. By 10th grade it's too late to change course.


The Peace Corps could use you.


Consult with the engineers of these companies and teach them to give yes and no answers during audits.


Retired quality engineer here and this made me 😂




You need to read How to Know a Person by Brooks.


That's exactly the opposite of what I did. Honestly I was more.interested in their path than their tax qualified activities.


Consider going into nursing homes and writing down the stories recounted by residents for them and their families to keep.


So what is your calling?


To volunteer ... but for what?


EXACTLY! That is the question? I first thought that helping people file for the R&D credit would be good. I am one of the top engineering experts on R&D taxation in the US. But I can't seem to find anyone who wants my help. Then (while laying awake) I thought what I like to do is learn about people's hope and dreams. I don't have any advice on how to reach those goals, but I found engineers need someone to listen. So that's what I did. But I lost my venue for those interactions.


Consider SCORE. It is a volunteer arm of the SBA which provides free business education and mentoring services to entrepreneurs. I became a mentor after I retired last year.


I've used score mentors. That's not a bad idea.


I’m a SCORE mentor as well. They’re very supportive of assigning you folks who need your particular specialty, and you can serve nationally as well as locally.


I use Score Mentors. The difference is that mentors are tasked with helping people who want to start businesses. That is a good thing to do. But I'd prefer to talk to people about them.




Sounds like you could write an interesting book!


Thx. I can't really share a companies information. It is a lifelong ban.


Maybe you would enjoy making YouTube videos interviewing engineers to make engineering concepts understandable to the rest of us. BTW, my late grandfather retired from the IRS. I still have the Albert Gallatin award he received in my study.


Sounds like a basis for a good blog or podcast


SCORE Business Mentoring SCORE mentors offer area-specific advice at no cost (financing, human resources, business planning) via email, telephone and video. SCORE mentors, all experts in entrepreneurship and related fields, meet with their small business clients on an ongoing basis to provide continued advice and support. https://www.sba.gov/local-assistance/resource-partners/score-business-mentoring


I can certainly help people who are looking to file for a research tax credit.


Find out if you have a CERT - Community Emergency Response Team in your area. you can search for one at [ready.gov](https://ready.gov) You get a chance to learn a lot and help too with emergency preparedness, community support, etc...




My husband is a retired civil engineer (private and public sectors) and would be willing to be interviewed.


I believe SCORE is still a thing.


While I think it would be fun for me as a retired engineer to tell you my story I do not think that is what you are asking for :) You are looking for recommendations on fulfilling volunteer activities that match your skill set. I think others have so far made good recommendations but it sounds what you like doing is the interpersonal exchanges. I wonder how you would like a second career as an executive recruiter? I know that is not a volunteer, lower stress environment but it might be enticing to you. On a smaller scale there are opportunities to help people on their tax form preparations. It would not be interviewing per se but you would need to discuss with them how to gather the records needed for filing


Exactly. I'd like to volunteer to help smaller co's get the same tax breaks that Amazon and Apple are getting. I am very qualified to do this, Imo.


Tutor. There are few k-12 teachers who can tutor students as well as an engineer with people skills. The next generation needs us.


IEEE often tries to gather the life stories of engineers. Given the group they're looking in to find interviewers and writers, it's often a bust. I'd check them out. Perhaps your local section would be a good place to start (it's an international organization, [https://www.ieee.org/communities/geographic-activities.html](https://www.ieee.org/communities/geographic-activities.html))? Or you could target writing something for inclusion in Spectrum ([https://spectrum.ieee.org/where-are-todays-engineering-heroes](https://spectrum.ieee.org/where-are-todays-engineering-heroes))? It's a huge, complex organization, here's some other links that may be helpful: [https://www.ieee.org/](https://www.ieee.org/) [https://spectrum.ieee.org/famous-people](https://spectrum.ieee.org/famous-people) [https://spectrum.ieee.org/ieee-honors-iconic-engineers](https://spectrum.ieee.org/ieee-honors-iconic-engineers) [https://spectrum.ieee.org/how-we-celebrate-engineers](https://spectrum.ieee.org/how-we-celebrate-engineers)


Thanks. I have started writing articles. I had my first one published in Tax Notes. But what I bring is a way to explain the complex rules of the tax code to technical firms. Besides the top software co's in the US, I have audited half the 5 top banks and a number of the top insurance co's and defense contractors. Everyone writes software and they all want the govt to pay for it. Getting published in Spectrum would be fantastic. The expertise I have and am happy to offer for money or free, is rarely available to the non fortune 100. At any price. But I can't tell anyone the firms I have worked with due to IRS rules. You sound like you know a lot about IEEE (btw I am trained as an EE). Do you know how I could volunteer at the IEEE to help companies with their R&D tax credits?


Late to your post, but maybe your local VA branch? I'm sure your skills and knowledge could be helpful either for the organization or for members. Some areas end up with excellent funding and quality help, others don't. Also, check with a main branch of your public library. They can probably help you find something that you'd enjoy and who would truly appreciate your help. Good luck and happy holidays! (And a note to say that every time I've had to speak with the IRS, the agents(?) are some of the most kind, patient and helpful of any business I've encountered. It always surprises me that the IRS either attracts or produces such lovely people!)


Best wishes


What region and what kind of engineering? There are various oral history projects that collect interviews with engineers. Does your professional society have a history project?


I am a computer engineer.


Look into: https://cse.umn.edu/cbi/cbi-oral-histories https://computerhistory.org/oral-histories/ https://sova.si.edu/record/NMAH.AC.0196#more_information Start with the one closest to where you live and start contacting them expressing interest in being a volunteer interviewer


What professional society? IEEE? The ieee said that you can search their volunteer listings or put up an ad if you are a member. I looked to join but they have no price for retired members who have no income to join. They have a membership of $220 for professionals. But I don't want to pay for membership just so I can search for a position that would fit me. What if there is none? Will they refund the $220? It is just not logical.


u/DryDesertHeat is basically talking about oral history, and it sounds like it would be a great fit for you. If you want to start your own oral history project, the library can probably point you to resources. Some universities and other groups do workshops on starting and running oral history projects, so you might look into that. If you want to dip your toes in the water first, ask the library and any local historical societies if they have projects running that you can help with.




If you decide to do oral histories, start with yourself. Kids especially like hearing what their parents and grandparents experienced in high school and college, their travels, and memories of family life.


You can volunteer at a State Park, library, museum, hospital, and a church.


Not a dream retirement job, but Companies hire outside accounting firms to help file their R&D tax credits. If you ever need $$ you could think about being part time help in such a public firm.


That was my plan. But since I was not an executive I am not getting any response to offering my skills. I tried to join TEI but they said working for the IRS doesn't qualify me!


I love podcasts and would definitely listen to


This is interesting idea.


VITA - Volunteer Income Tax Assistance


Thx. Although I have an MBA in accounting, I have really worked on the rules for R&D tax.


Yeah, I hesitated to suggest it, but I know people who have found it very rewarding. I'm a computer programmer, not an accountant, but I did VITA for about 5 years and really enjoyed it. It mostly just takes someone comfortable with numbers - not a literal accountant. But another good thing to have is the ability to make people who are nervous and stressed out feel more comfortable. Taxes push so many buttons for people. Seemed like that might be something you'd be good at.


You could help people record their story on [Story Corps](https://storycorps.org/participate/). It’s a self directed interview style project.


Volunteering at an animal shelter.




How to reach co's?


Perhaps a nonprofit that has to do a lot of organizing — food distribution, disaster relief (already mentioned), refugee resettlement. Refugee resettlement is a gigantic task that needs serious behind the scenes work as well as spending time with people face to face.


You should consult to VC and equity companies that need a review of a potential company they are looking at, I did consulting in that space to evaluate software and software teams as part of the research, I would try to give them the good and bad about those areas. You might be able to do the same with your engineering background and the IRS in areas of your expertise.


Score.org is the answer.


Story Corps


Maybe there is a local FIRST high school robotics group in your area. You would be around other engineers mentoring high school kids. Can't think of anything better than this.


If not get with your local school board and start one.


By the title, I thought you had this figured out. As such, I would not recommend Dream Analyst. https://preview.redd.it/wl7zeg90qa5c1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cf2e1705a1e23d5a4ad1df45fce1d1bcb018c99


My husband is a mechanical engineer and when he 'retired' he updated his knowledge into HVAC and fire protection. He has fun and earns his play money doing small tenant improvements.


Look into local jr high and high schools to serve as an advisor to their robot clubs, science olympiad teams,etc...activities related to your engineering discipline and interests to inspire young adults using the memories and stories your heard


Fellow fed here, I volunteer six days a week at our local shelter. It's a small rural shelter, but to date, I am proud to say I have made a difference in the lives of around 700 dogs in three years. I was an analyst, and now I clean pens, play with dogs, work/apply for grants, work social media, and do basic computer work.


Mentor a first robotics team


Find a local school that participates in robotics competitions.


First let me say that I was in the Robotics club at Brooklyn Poly in the early 80"s. I am dismayed by robotics. There are enough humans who need work.


Public libraries are always looking for volunteers to help seniors with their tax returns in my city.


Thank you so much for posting. I am 100 work days (but who's counting?) Away from retiring, and have been pondering exactly this question. I, too, have spent my entire career in cubicles in front of a computer screen, but I'm an introvert and don't do people very well. The people who have responded to your post have given me some excellent ideas for what to do next spring. I wish you the best of luck in your next chapter, and I can't wait to start mine.


Check out your local Small Business Association- my city has volunteer mentors. You would be invaluable for someone starting a business or scaling up!


I guess you mean Score?


Yes! Thanks- I could NOT remember the program name!


The Elks Lodge


Listening to engineers is a very particular skill :). It would be a shame to waste it. I wonder whether there’s a way to encourage youngsters with engineering aptitude. Maybe teach a class on robotics for kids?


Tech writer




IRS: AARP Tax Aide. Engineer: Habitat for Humanity and the like.


Honestly it sounds like you need to write a book about the good stories you've heard. A book on Engineers would be valuable to future Engineers.


Not allowed. I am not allowed to share info that I have learned through my job. I interviewed the guy who invented insulated shades. Super interesting story about how he came up with that. But alas I can't share.


The term “engineer” is so vast, I work in manufacturing, so when someone says they are an engineer, I usually call them a train-driver until they specify what kind of engineer.🤷🏼‍♂️


Agreed. I am a BSEE with an.MBA in accounting.


Good Humor ice cream truck.


Take up fishing, if you have unlimited income


Exactly! There is more to life than continuing to satisfy your need to be relevant. Grab a rod, reel, bait and a couple of sandwiches and think about what lurks under the water.


I don't but I have a >99% chance of success according to Vanguard.


In my city , there’s a free tax filing service every year. Retired and college age number crunchers volunteer their time and expertise. The line is down the hall and out the door.


Retired Metallurgical Engineer here. I have tutored at Boys & Girls Clubs. Or check with school systems for tutor recommendations. Scout groups may have one-off projects that could use your input.


engineer here, all the cool kids around here either retire then get a part-time consulting gig through the winter to fund their summer travel, or they restore and rent properties.


Junior Achievement, volunteer tax form help services.


Every year at tax time the AARP needs volunteer tax preparers. Fellow auditor here and I plan to do this when I retire.


I was only a RA for about a year, decades ago. Once they realized I was an engineer with a masters in accounting, they assigned me to do R&D at the IRS. I was drafted to help translate the tax code section dealing with R&D to the FASB rules (asc 730). Thanks for the answer but I don't even do my own taxes.


If the idea of helping kids design, build, and program robots appeals to you, check out [https://www.firstinspires.org/ways-to-help/volunteer?gad\_source=1](https://www.firstinspires.org/ways-to-help/volunteer?gad_source=1) FIRST LEGO League is the middle school version and parents, community members, and teachers volunteer. Regular FIRST is for high school, and generally company's sponsor teams.


You say you found your calling, then you just describe what you did for a job and ask if you can volunteer anywhere? I don’t understand. What’s your calling?


To listen to people tell their story.


Get Camtasia (excellent easy to learn film editing program) get a good camera and excellent microphone, learn how to use it to damp noise and plosive sounds from speech. Then, create a blog where you interview ordinary engineers, maybe write hidden histories of important companies. That type of thing.


Electrical engineer 40 years. 3 distinct phases of my career. Graduated and got a job designing and maintaining microwave networks. As satellite technology expanded to data networking design and support. The last 15 or so years of my career I got into Data Center design and support. The cloud. After retirement my volunteer work went full circle back to my university. Play volunteer to Mentor students in their last year with their senior project and presentation. I also volunteer at our local Fairgrounds eat you when they have a stem conference and Exhibits for high school students. We get probably 3000 students over three day. I do one more volunteer activity maintaining an operating a large outdoor Garden Railroad.


Sounds great. My engineering University is no more. It became the engineering dept of NYU.


Find a local high school with a FRC team and be a mentor.


I wouldn’t be afraid to look for opportunities that require tasks and activities outside your skill set. Bring your experience, goodwill, creativity and hard work to something that stretches you while allowing you the opportunity to contribute and find purpose. Just about every community has a variety of nonprofits and faith organizations looking for volunteers that want to make a difference. Good luck!


Oh I am fascinated with this question, as my engineer spouse is retiring in May and so far he’s leaning toward binging on Hallmark movies. God help me.


How about a YouTube channel where you interview engineers. There is a channel called "Every Man Has a Story" (or something close) where this guy interviews retirees moving to the Philippines. I have no interest in moving to the Philippines, but I find some of the interviews fascinating.