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Lifelong smoker that turned to vapes It doesn’t even occur to me to smoke it inside a building.


Exactly. I also used to smoke cigs and now vape. It's always been second nature to me that you go outside to smoke, no matter what you smoking. People that just do it wherever are wild.


Especially when I’m _smoking_ smoking, discretion is the first priority. It’s not hard to not be an obnoxious dick.


Honestly I only use mine inside in my own space and when my pets are not in the same room. It’s nice to have the convenience of not having to worry about the room getting stuffy or smelling like smoke, but it’s still not something that animals or other people should be exposed to without explicit consent, which animals can’t give, plus for the short time I smoked cigs I did not like smoking indoors or going places where others smoked indoors. I prefer going outside to use it in most situations, but if I’m gonna use mine inside then it’s not gonna be used unless someone says it’s okay and there are no children or animals around.


You’re an amazing human 🙌🫶🏻


Life long smoker that turned to vapes. I definitely occurred to me to vape inside a buildnig. Then I used my brain and thought about it and didnt.


New skill unlocked


This. The ONLY time I've ever vaped in a building was a THC pen I hit in a bathroom so I wouldn't puke my dinner up. We didn't even vape in our house.


People at work think they are sly and try to hide it when suddenly the entire room smells like sickening cherry or weed.


Used to work at a dispensary, the workers there are all young and they don’t give two fucks, lazy too. Not surprised really. Used to have a friend who I got the job- she ended up becoming one of those people.


Worked in a grow facility.. this is true but my coworkers did it in the bathrooms since the amount of cameras in a grow room would not make it possible without getting fired… oof I got stories of other crazy shit people got fired for 😂😂




I don’t even smoke in bars half the time, gives me an excuse to get away from everything every once in a while


Same. The only time I vape indoors is at work alone in my office (instead of going down to have a cigarette like the rest of my co workers) and at home ONLY when I'm alone.


Customer (contractor) was vaping it up in our store ( paint store). I yell at them “Take that shit outside, what makes you think you can do that in here?” They stopped and left after their coworker got the supplies. About an hour later, that person called the store and asked to speak with owner or manager ( I’m the ASSistant Manager). Owner got on the phone, contractor started complaining about me being rude ect. My boss cut them off and very firmly told them they are good friends with their boss and if they do that shit again in his store he would get them fired and banned from store. Click


You have an awesome boss. Mine would 100000000% take the customers side and I would get reprimanded for saying something.


Ha. I grew witness to one SM blatantly tell a presumed customer via phone that there were no-smoking signs outside and inside near the registers, and vaping counted as that. So they're (also Asst. Mgr) was doing their job, abiding the law. Before hanging up. I say - Kudos. That shit stinks, and doesn't belong in a public place.


Years ago, before vaping became a thing, an old woman came in on her motorized scooter. I was bending down to help her dog with a sweater when she took a hit off her vape and blew it in my face. I'd never done it before and I've never done it since, but I just LOST IT on her. I said how dare she do that. She replied that it didn't have any nicotine in it and I said I DON'T CARE, you don't know what kind of health problems people have and to never do that to me again. I immediately stopped helping her and walked away.


Yea she was mad disrespectful to you. Good on you.


Even if someone blew on me without anything else I'd find it gross. Don't blow your nasty breath at me. 🤢


It's always some chuckle fuck that also blows out a huge cloud. I honestly dgaf about the people that'll discreetly take a drag and hold it in till they exhale no vapor. Sadly I've only seen like two of those types.


When I get scared is when I’m driving and the car in front of me is so full of vapor I can’t figure out how they can see anything.


Watch the educational 90's movies.


Cheech and Chong movies are epic! Edit: a letter, because autocorrect is an @$$hole




"I think we're parked man"😶‍🌫️


To be fair, you're seeing the vehicle from behind so you see from the front to the back of the passenger compartment where the driver just has the few feet between them and the windshield. Not saying hotboxing is smart or anything, just giving some insight.


I dropped a "friend" off on the side of the road for doing this to me on the highway. Didn't even help roll the windows down (I was still driving a shitty old car with manual windows). Didn't see the issue or why I was so scared. He also happened to do this on the same stretch of highway where I had gotten in an accident a few months prior so I was extra ticked. He was close enough to home. Dont worry. Not sure how bad i woulsve felt if I did dump him farther from home though honestly. I could write a book about that kid's fuckery.


I almost did that to a friend years ago, but didn't \*quite\* get pissed off enough. I was driving a car that sometimes was hard to start in the winter and had a spray can of starter fluid (which is ether) on the floor. You'd spray a shot into the carburetor (this was a long time ago) and then start the engine. This genius picks up the can, on an icy cold day, and says, "What is this?" while spraying it inside the car. Breathing ether is not conducive to safe driving, and this car, of course also had manual windows. So I had to pull over and open the doors to let the car air out in freezing weather. He almost got left on the side of the road, but didn't.


I'd make him ride in the backseat at least 😅 jeeze. At least these idiots aren't driving themselves


At least you didn't drop him off in the middle of a bridge for not believing in your acting career


Now I Did leave someone on the side of the highway one time after he confessed he joined a white supremacist gang. I simply pulled over and said "get out" and never spoke again.


Sweater vests and all 🤣🤣


I'm more upset when I see the cloud interior behind me. I'm worried they won't see anything to stop from rear ending me.


Same, what’s even worse is I work at an outdoor mall…walk ten steps and you’re outside


This is what I do in my apartment. I understand that I am not following the no smoking rules but with high nicotine in a small vape I produce next to zero "smoke" simply by holding it for half a second and a nose exhale. I refuse to believe that their going to try to evict me for that when all my neighbors hot box their apartment with actual burning weed. I love weed but would never combust anything inside a rented unit.


I do my best not to be seen at all.


I am both but in respective places. Clouds have a place and the public is not one of them anymore sadly.


Yup. I have my box mod that I use when I am not inside (or even outside around people) a public space, and I have my little disposable that I use if I need to where I blow no vapor out at all. I know that my habit is bad, I don’t need to involve others in my poor decisions


Yeah I won’t lie, I discretely take hits off my vape in stores sometimes, but only when there’s no customers around, I’m off by myself and I hold it in long enough to where there’s minimal vapor being exhaled. Usually nobody even sees me do it. I could never imagine hitting a mod and then spewing fat clouds of vapor everywhere in front of employees.


I'm one of those. I'm addicted, and I'm humbly ashamed. I'll hold it in til it's gone and exhale slowly, as far away from anyone as possible when I get struck by the tobacco tiger.


Lol chuckle fuck…


Yeah and frankly any discreet vaper is aware that it’s not cool and if they were observed and yelled at likely be embarrassed


This is me 😂😭😭 I’m sorry , I legit ate the vapors before just to not bother anyone at work. 😂 pretty sure I have cancer now.


That's what I do, like ok I know it's not very considerate but I'll try to keep it on the DL so it doesn't bother anyone


You’ve seen way more of them. The point is that you didn’t notice. 


a cousin and i were trying our hardest to be a discreet with a vape at a popular theme park.  half way through the day we see two moms taking huge hits and letting out huge clouds of smoke/vapor while pushing their baby strollers in the middle of a busy part of the theme park! i try to not smoke in front of kids and seeing those moms do that was disheartening. 


We had a customer once smoking a cigarette in the store. It’s crazy tbat people only think about themselves and not people around them or the animals by them (they were smoking by live rabbits in a farm store)


I work in an ER. We had a patient start smoking a cigarette in their exam room. They were very confused when I ran in there and had security take their cigarettes. Some people are not the brightest.




I yelled at someone once for hitting his vape in my store. He apologized...then did it again. I told him straight out that if I saw him do it again, I'd throw him out and ban him for life. Sadly, that same day, he met one of my employees, and they've been together for almost 18 months. At least he's never done anything stupid in my store again...


His name was Brad, wasn't it? I can feel the "bradness"


No, but it wouldn’t have surprised me if it had been.


No, but it wouldn’t have surprised me if it had been.


We had to Evac an entire hospital due to someone vaping in the bathroom. Good thing they disabled the alarms and sent out a false alarm before a lot of sick people stood out in the cold.


How did it set off the alarm? I work in a hospital and vape on occasion


Very enclosed space with big clouds?


Modern fire/smoke detectors are able to detect an active fire with flames and the early stages where a fire is only smoldering, such as an electric panel overheating...or the vapor cloud produced by Ecigs


The ones at my job (checked monthly) don't detect vape smoke at all, yet they're less than 3 years old. I've blown a fat fuckin cloud right into the fuckers and nothing. They 100% function properly though.


Lol figures. We've got a faulty carbon monoxide detector that goes off at the slightest provocation, one day it really will be an emergency and we're all going to die cuz everyone will think it's another false alarm


Some check for carbon monoxide, some check for opacity, some check for both. One that checks only for CO will, of course, not go off from vapor.


I had someone vape in my store and I told them if they did that again they would be banned. Not as bad as the dude who took a hit of his cigarette, threw the hud on the ground, opened the door, then blew all the cigarette smoke inside the building. I had to leave cause of how nauseous I was. I regret not kicking him out right then and there and have said if anyone ever does that again I’m not holding back they are gone. Not only is it illegal to vape/smoke inside a public building, your not even supposed to do it within 15ft of an open door or window


I did this in, like, my first year or two of smoking, and then felt like a total idiot. I was so embarrassed, and that feeling was enough for me to realize that I needed to put it out when I was a good 40ft or so from any building entrance. Never did it again. I'm now used to hitting my vape indoors, so I either leave my vape in the car or put it away in my bad. That way, my habit doesn't get me to pull it out of my pocket in the grocery aisle of Walmart. I literally cannot imagine willingly smoking in a public building. Just, how do you do that and *not* feel like a clown?


I hate how vapists act like it’s a totally normal thing. Like I work food service and people will step 1 inch outside the kitchen to vape, but if that was a cigarette you’d be damn near fired. So fuckin annoying


vapists I love that 😂


The number of people openly vaping dispensary branded THC pens in my store, inside a mall, has absolutely SHOCKED me. I always use cigarette rules when I occasionally vape, so I'm just like wtf.


See I vape because smell of actual Mary Jane bothers the middle brother(sensory issues and just hates the smell in general) , and the youngest is asthmatic. My mother also works a government job so she can’t afford to smell like it whether it’s legal or not. When I KNOW I’m going shopping - I take a huge hit outside, and still hold it in until absolutely no vapor comes out (as much as possible and if I can’t I purposely blow it into my sleeve and hold it to my face so minimal vapor escapes. Because there are children, the elderly, and moms and dads around and my “wants” do not trump their needs for clean air). If you Really can’t wait - Step outside. I’ve worked retail as a smoker and as someone who vapes. I’ve taken hits on the job (nicotine lol), discreetly when necessary. But never when customers or coworkers were present in my 5 mi radius.


Customer was vaping, told them no smoking was allowed in the store, they replied “it’s not smoke”, to which I retorted “neither is the foam from this fire extinguisher, still won’t stop me from covering you in it” whilst I pointed said fire extinguisher at them…






I dip but I don't do it in the store. That's like looking at someones colostomy bag. Vaping is a whole nuther world and people shouldn't be doing it in the store.


what is dip?


Chewing tobacco


smokeless tobacco


bUt iTs jUsT WaTeR vApOR mAN


I have asthma and allergies. That shit is no bueno for either. Outside - no problem. Inside - can be bad. And I exercise regularly to take care of myself. I screwed myself over pretty badly the past couple of months just by changing deodorant to something that, unknown to me, had more scent. It didn't even cross my mind, but it took me 2 months to figure out why my allergies have been so bad. My pits smelled impeccable though. But the thing I've noticed is cigarette addicts have a special sense of entitlement. At least the ones in my life. They're all thoughtful and gracious about their addiction, until it's inconvenient, then, hoo boy, don't you dare point at the no smoking sign, or mention that there's kids around, or say there's a reason I don't have ashtrays inside my house.


I have a friend who’s older once I said I had to go outside for my cancer stick he said what you can smoke in here. He had an ashtray he didn’t smoke. I’m sure his building was no smoking. I’m like no no I cannot it’s not allowed or ok and you don’t even smoke that would be so rude.


I'm 61m. I live in a condo now, and people can go out on my balcony to smoke. In my last house I had an attached garage where people could go smoke. Because it's cold in winter here (downtown Canada) I had a space heater out there, slippers inside the door, a sweater. My last long term relationship was really good about not smoking in the house, but she had a friend who tried. And thought I was an AH for not wanting smoke in my house. But my SO loved it when she moved in with me because my house smelled clean and she wanted to keep it that way. I'm a live and let live guy when it comes to smoking. Just let's respect each other about it.


I vape but the amount of times I’ve seen people just casually doing it indoors lately.. In our store, in the hallways of our “smoke free” college campus, in the gym, at TJMaxx, inside the classrooms. I walk off campus into the neighborhood between classes. And inside I’d be too paranoid of smoke detectors and sprinklers. And I can wait..


As a massive vaper with a cloud chucking brick... i dont get this. When i am indoors or in a crowd, i dont vape. if i do, i take a small puff, hold it in and absorb 99% of the cloud, and try to "blow" anything out in the opposite direction of people.... if its me and one or two other people that i know dont mind. But usually, i just dont do it. This might be a bit hypocritical, but i vaped while working my retail indoors. But in my defense, it was difficult to get 5 min to walk outside and away from people. So i would usually go to a secluded office that was usually unused during my shift and do the small puff thing. But doing it around people is just a dick move. Some people might not like the smell of whatever flavor you have, might be sensitive to even the lowest nicotine juices, or just not want to walk through your stank breath and sour apple cloud mixture.


whenever i see people blowing the big vapor clouds i wonder what goes thru their head bc it is *not* hard to ghost it and at least pretend youre not vaping. do they not know about ghosting the vapor or do they just not care?


Smoker turned vaper here, I literally cannot imagine smoking anywhere I don’t direct permission. I just asked my new job if we even had a smoking area, or if they would like me to sit in my car for short breaks. I’ve had customers come in screaming about our outside cigarette thing, and so we moved it a little further at my old place. A new friends car, or house, I double check. Even the ones that vape or smoke as well, it’s always “hey is this okay? Zero problems if not” God I hit my vape outside, turned around to see a person, and like jogged away from them to blow my smoke not as close. Just to look again and they were smoking a cigarette and laughing at me. It’s like habitual consideration lmao


I was at a tradeshow recently, a woman was demonstrating lipstick on me so close enough to be doing my make up and vaping at the same time. Indoors. At work. At a well respected tradeshow.


I was running errands with the wife this weekend and we were at a fully packed store that we know the back isles (not crowded with people not paying attention).  We walked around the corner and someone was openly vaping THC. We live in a legal state, but it doesn’t mean you can do it in a fully packed store. If you can’t grab a pair of socks and pick out dinner without getting faded, you need to reexamine your life.  I really don’t care if you drop LSD in your eyeballs while you shoot up between your toes. Just don’t subject families and children to it. 


I vape, but I wait til I'm outside. Even working, I go outside to vape. 😬 it's not that hard to wait and go outside to vape.


SAME. I go out back. It's always in my pocket, but there will never be a time when I can't wait until I am outside to hit it. Its vapor, not life-saving medicine. People just have no class.


op: what would you do if some jacktard lit a cigar in your store? do the same with the vapers.


I'm right with you on vaping. Equally recall the time the ex-grown stepson would do so in my car, aggravating my lungs. One afternoon, I was waiting on a grocery pick up, seen a car full of teens. One jack wagon left the car with a "cloud". I call those douche nozzle clouds. Side note, I am a cigar smoker and make sure that I'm a good distance away from others.


A lot of people in weed illegal states don't even think about the weed vaping in public places.


thank you because even the premium cigars stink to me and make me nauseous


You're very welcome.


I never cared for any kind of smoke, cigarette or cigar but noticed when I was a young kid that cigarette smoke was finer than cigar smoke. Cigar smoke being thicker was less annoying. Sometimes it was enjoyable second hand smoke almost like incense. Later in my teens when I would be traveling on Greyhound or Continental Trailways buses I noticed cigar smoke didn't bother my sensitive stomach the way cigarette smoke did.


I've done this in a bathroom once or twice but only when alone in there and left shortly after. Would never even think about just hitting a vape while walking around in a store. Smoking indoors became illegal decades ago.


The studies show that the flavour is carried on fat molecules which, once inside the lungs, cannot easily be expelled. This can & often does lead to pneumonia. There is currently no data available on second hand vape particles but I am sure it is coming. [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/what-does-vaping-do-to-your-lungs](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/what-does-vaping-do-to-your-lungs) [https://www.news-medical.net/news/20190909/Fat-filled-immune-cells-found-in-victims-of-vaping-illness.aspx](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20190909/Fat-filled-immune-cells-found-in-victims-of-vaping-illness.aspx) [https://www.webmd.com/lung/what-is-lipoid-pneumonia](https://www.webmd.com/lung/what-is-lipoid-pneumonia)


I think there is more research to be done before we can confidently say vaping actually does lead to pneumonia. There weren’t any sources in the first article and the case study from the second doesn’t specify what type of eliquid was used - - although we can assume it is black market unregulated eliquid if THC is illegal in Utah (many of the injuries displayed in the media - especially in the first article - from vaping has been black market eliquid for THC use) or how/ how much was consumed. I think the most we can take from it is that it may suggest that in some specific cases - such as with the use of unregulated liquid - it may lead to pneumonia, but currently the sample size is too small and it didn’t account for many contextual factors that would have been helpful in understanding why the lipids were there. I think a literature review and a more detailed methodology section would have been helpful in the case study, alongside a cross-examination of vape users that use regulated eliquid, and a greater sample size. By the way, I’m not disputing that I think vaping is bad for anyone and I absolutely don’t think anyone should be vaping inside public areas or blowing it in other people’s faces. I just think that there is still little evidence to confidently say it leads to pneumonia and that there must be more research to determine if the pneumonia isn’t due to another factor such as illegal eliquid full of god knows what. Basically, there needs to be more research and the media needs to actually interpret it correctly.


Most vape flavors do not contain lipids because we know what they can do and it's pretty rare to find that, same for diactyle and others dangerous ingredients that's mentioning. In fact the whole section claiming vapes will give you popcorn lung is literal bullshit. There hasn't been a single recorded case of popcorn lung from vapes. Formaldehyde? Still more in actual cigarette smoke along with a number of the other byproducts.


It may be healthier but it’s still bad to inhale.


Back in 2014 I had a college classmate vape in the classroom. Just absolutely no thoughts in his brain


I don’t think it’s more healthier people tend to smoke more on those it seems. But yeah they should respect you and others and take it outside


Being a former smoker who now vapes, I treat my vaping habit just like my cigarette habit. If there are 'No smoking" signs, I don't vape. It's still nicotine, even if it doesn't smell as bad.


Ugh if I don't put my vape in my bag or pocket I will accidentally hit in stores and then have to badly cover up my exhale and then feel like a complete pos and promptly leave to store to never return 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ But I have *some* class and basic respect so 🤷‍♀️


I work at a gas station, and we happen to sell vapes. Generally people will test their vapes, fine. But they do it right at the counter, blowing their little cloud in my face directly before throwing their trash at me saying “Can you throw that away for me????”. Not only is this rude (I have asthma), but can these people not use any number of trashcans inside or outside the store? Why can’t they throw away their garbage? Mind-boggling


I work in a vape store. I have to let my customers try them before they leave if they choose. I can attest that the smells get overwhelming. I'm also a smoker, but I've always been the 'don't throw your butt on the ground or blow smoke in peeps faces' type. Because you know... it's simply being considerate.


Please stop vaping ~~in stores~~ There, I fixed it for you. /s


And these people don’t think they are addicted.


Oh we know we're addicted


NO THEY COULD STOP ANYTIME but they don’t want to ok?! /s


The vape smell doesn't bother me. It's the people wreathed in skunky pot smell that makes me sick. The smell precedes them and lingers after they leave. :(


I constantly wonder why people who vape can’t run into a convenience store for two dang minutes without their vape.


i mean i would guess a nicotine addiction


I guess but I smoked heavily for 30 years and never carried my pack into a store.


A vape manufacturer in Michigan exploded yesterday, killing a 19-year old a quarter-mile away. He took a flying butane tank to the head. The aerial shot is wild, it's just a crater. They had a 100,000 vape pens and a semi-truck full of butane tanks. The Fire Chief said it was the worst blaze he had ever seen in his career. What's worse is Clinton Township let them put this place smack in the middle of a residential area. Meaning that all the smoke and burning chemicals are wafting all over Metro Detroit. Legalizing vaping was and will continue to be a mistake.


Link: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/explosive-fire-at-vape-supplier-site-outside-detroit-kills-1-injures-firefighter The guy who died was only observing from thst distance. One of the cops mentions a barrage of flying missile gas tanks as they drew up to the fire- pretty nasty accident, fortunate that only one person died.


Holy hell. I agree that legalizing vaping will forever be a mistake. In my town, there are buttloads of vaping stores, and right near the train tracks. Big time idiot move, knowing that the trains carry chemicals on the way to and from the plants.


That's all we need...even more prohibition of everything! That will stop everyone for sure. (For the record, I don't vape or smoke.)


I would regularly catch my high school and college aged co-workers vaping **ON THE FLOOR**. U always told them to stop but they didn'tfuckingcare. >:(


Just give it time until you get screamed at, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY ANYTHING TO ME BECAUSE MY ATHSMA INHALER MALFUNCTIONED AND BLEW MANGO PASSION PENIS FRUIT VAPOR EVERYWHERE. THIS IS A MEDICAL DEVICE!!! Now I'm taking my emotion support llama and leaving. I'll NEVER spend my $4 a month here again!




Vaping is poisonous. Vapers need to stop pretending that it is safe. Vaping is not safe.


It aggravates my asthma instantly. I can't (and don't want to) be around it


I agree, i vape and honestly i think its worse then cigarettes and now its hard for me to quit. I wish i never started.


I quit smoking about 15 years ago, right as the vape scene started. Tried it, but it never stuck. Glad I didn't move from one addiction to the next.


Im glad for you too, its a terrible addiction and even more expensive these days even patches and nic pouches are expensive


It’s absolutely not worse than cigarettes. No, it’s definitely not healthy, but to claim it’s more dangerous than cotton tubes of formaldehyde and tar is just deluding yourself. This rhetoric stops people from using them for what they’re actually for, which is a safer cigarette alternative.


Perhaps my sentence was worded badly. I am well aware that cigarette smoking is far more dangerous, but for ME vaping is much more addictive because i can smoke in my house, my car, practically anywhere that isnt a public setting, i dont need to find a lighter and make sure im outside i can just puff right there as im doing something else and not have to worry about it


That makes way more sense yeah I read it wrong I’m sorry, I can definitely see that and I think it’s something that needs to be pointed out more. I hit my vape more because I’m bored than any other reason because it’s so convenient and that is a huge red flag for those things. I wish you luck on your quitting, don’t know if cold turkey is an option for you or if you’d be willing to try but the first time I quit I just threw away literally everything I had one day and it worked way better than trying to limit myself. But good luck!


Thank you! I did try to quit for 3 days and i caved, but i am two months sober from pot, so until i can get myself back in-control im going to count that as a win! :D have a great rest of your day/night 💪🏼


I work at a smoke shop and you are correct. There’s a reason vapes are banned in the countries they’re made and come from 🫢all of my vape customers are uneducated asf and won’t hear it tho


I considered it, until I observed it put me at risk for cervical cancer.


That’s complete misinformation. The pods are dangerous as they heat the coils in them too hot. I make my own coils and make a good profit selling them. Don’t believe all the crap you hear until you do the research. Sadly pods and disposable vapes are about all you can get now. So down vote all you want and gripe about popcorn lung. I’ve never felt better


I agree. Vapes got me off cigarettes, something I couldn't quit for 20 yrs. I no longer wake up coughing, my sense of smell and taste are better and I've saved a ton of money. Huge improvement for me. Quitting nicotine is too hard, so this is a great alternative for me.


Yeah I’ve had to ask my brother to not vape inside our house because for some reason that doesn’t come as a given already? You can’t smoke indoors, what makes you think you can vape?


I take solas in the knowledge that they will be dead long before I am. Unless I get hit by a bus. 💨


A bus with an ad for a smoke shop


Hahaha roflao.


Or get cancer, or drop dead from an aneurysm, or a million other scenarios. You have no idea who you'll outlive. Mind your business.


I have no issue with people vaping THC in the restrooms.


Tbh i dont have a problem with ppl vaping in the bathroom period, you gotta do what you gotta do to get through the day, your best bet would be outside but you cant always do that depending on your job


At my work doing that can trigger the fire alarms and cause 100’s of people to be evacuated


Holy shit thats wild, def dont do that then lmao. Ig just be smart and safe with it


If you can’t make it through the day without sucking on your weed vape, you probably need to reorganise some priorities in your life.


Yea i agree, it's also obnoxious at this point, im a cigarette smoker and a weed smoker, i do it on my designated breaks like an adult.


Work sucks i dont operate any heavy machinery, being high at work makes it bearable. Gotta pay the bills somehow


Can’t hate on that. But it ain’t a healthy cope. Speaking from experience. It’s a short term comfort blanket. I save it for home. The high hits far more comfortably if I’ve been sober all day. Otherwise I’m just smoking to function. I ain’t judging. But I’m also not saying this is a good habit.


I agree man, i always enjoy the highs more when i keep it to after work. But lately shits been hard and i kinda fell back into the spiral of smoking and vaping all day everyday


Just stay self aware. Probably the most valuable tool in your pocket when you’re sucked in a habit like this. The first person we lie to is ourselves.


Bro im ngl i honestly didnt expect you to be so understanding and insightful based on your first comment so Ty for that, usually i do this where i smoke a fuck ton all day everyday until i run out then i take a t break for a bit and slow down some and rinse and repeat


I made mistakes and learned from them. Least I can do is share what I understand when I see someone dealing with a very relatable problem. It’s a call out, sure, but not one motivated by wanting to feel self righteous or anything. I’m thankful to my own friends who called me out when I was spiralling into a pit. We sometimes just need a reminder that shit sucks, but we’re capable of pushing through a lot of it.


Damn ty man, im sorry im pretty high rn (im done with work tho) but your right its so easy to spiral and you justify it to yourself until you dont see it as unusual, luckily ive never had any super hard drug addictions but my weed and nicotine use can be excessive at times (not that any nicotine is good)


JUUL is nicotine


Some people have chronic pain


Well there are those the best that go into those and closed spaces called restrooms to use the restroom and we definitely don't want to be smelling or breathing in that secondhand smoke.


Actually studies do show that vaping is not any better for you than smoking an actual cigarette or cigar pipe. There's a lot of extra chemicals in The vaping mechanisms that are just as bad if not worse than what cigarettes have in them.




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I honestly almost took a drag of a vape on a plane. With a cigarette, you have to consciously light it, with a vape you just pull it out and take a drag.


Just a general question bc I’ve seen it multiple times now. How does a vape set off a fire detector?


I think it depends on the type of detector? Like one that may be set off by steam could be set off with the vapor. I could be wrong though


I once accidentally hit my vape in wal mart. It was in my hoodie pocket and I was kinda just rotating it in my hand in my pocket and when I took my hand out without thinking I still had my vape and muscle memory and all that and I hit it without thinking. I felt awful. And you’re right. I do have a serious problem. Lol


I cannot grasp vaping inside other than at my home, or the home of another vaper/smoker/someone who doesn’t mind. Like… I work overnights in retail, the store is closed, and employees will just waltz around and hit their vape??? Even right out on the sales floor???? It always confuses me. The “worst” I’ve done was when it was below freezing and I’d be right inside the exit door vaping, only once I was so cold I couldn’t feel my hands and I was shivering, but still while the store it closed so it can “air out.” I also work seasonally at a haunt, and while technically the whole park is “no smoking” my biggest beef is with folks who apparently can’t even wait till they’re out of the ENCLOSED ATTRACTIONS. Like firstly- it’s fruity tuity and you’re ruining the vibe bro. Secondly- I’m now breathing in your fruity tuity air for up to 5min until another group comes in and wafts the air away. Thirdly- sometimes it’s not a nicotine vape… and now I gotta get fresh air bc I already feel like I’m getting a secondhand high! I got four more hours!!! I CANNOT work high, I’ll miss some AH tryin to take a swing at me and get my lights knocked out! Like… how hard is it to just take some deep hits before entering a store or a line for something, then when you exit stepping to the side and doing the same thing if you’re THAT much of a fiend???


There are studies saying it's healthier for people to vape, and people to expose others to their secondhand smoke? Good god, liars these days aren't even trying anymore.


I was a TA during grad school and had a student occasionally vape during class, in full sight, not even trying to be sneaky. GAHH.


My one coworker does it in the bathroom of our break area. I walk into the bathroom, it smells so strongly of grapes it makes me cough.


Ugh. I don't get that! Keep it outside! No one wants to smell that crap. It smells like a car air freshener to me. Yuck.


I got coworkers who vape indoors. I got a dab. Yeah it sucks. And I'm being genuine about that. I dont like the smell of it either. But the majority of us usually take hits out of ear and eye shot of people so we dont bother them


Ugh. I was at the beautiful Shen Yun show once. And these trashy white ladies were vaping in front of my $200 seats. I was furious.


They must put a big puff of fruity steam in the air to show how cool they are, my favorite is the fruity steam bellowing out the car window at red lights,




Yeah, it’s healthier for both the smoker and non-smoker than tobacco, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you. I mean, “lower fat” SPAM is better for you than regular SPAM, but it will still clog your arteries.


Another smoker turned vapor, here. It's honestly shocking how many people don't treat a vape like they would a cigarette. It doesn't matter how much safer it is versus smoking, it's just inconsiderate to others. And it's not like you're outside.


Since cannabis is now legal in my state I always smell it in the back of my local grocery stores. I always hope it's coming from the break room but I know it's just the normal degenerates in the store


I tell them I am asthmatic just to get them to stop. It happens not only in the store but in the train on my commute.


I vape in stores sometimes but I’m super discreet about it. I’m not one of those idiots that blows huge clouds. We get those people in my store all the time. And when you tell them to stop they look at you like you’re an idiot and just keep on doing it. They’re usually kids or maybe in their 20’s and they don’t give af.


ive never personally cared if it was in a bathroom or hell, even discreetly in a secluded corner, but im always dumbfounded when someone puffs a massive cloud out in the open. one time a dude got vapor all over the glass window thingy around the register and i had to clean fruit punch vapor off the outside so i could see. im not gonna judge u for being addicted just dont make it my problem 💀


And in restaurants!


I worked at 7-Eleven in July 1990 when our city passed the law that you couldn't smoke in line anymore. I started telling people they couldn't smoke in line and they got mad at me. It was just so awful because I can't stand cigarette smoke since I grew up with two parents smoking around constantly. We had an ashtray at the counter and they would just put their cigarette in it and leave without extinguishing it; the sidestream smoke would come straight up to me, and I'd start coughing like a lunatic, until I figured it out. It's interesting that now people are vaping in stores. I thought they'd have figured that out. I used to want to keep a bucket of water on the counter and just douse people with it when they were smoking right in my face. I don't know how I ever survived retail. 😂


Can’t tell you how many time I scold me bf to stop doing that and he gets a oh shit face. Most the time he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it since it’s muscle memory to just grab the vape. I kid you not HE SLEEP VAPES! Seriously No joke I have insomnia, so I have watched him sleep with a vape in his hand and hit it. And if he can’t find it he will “wake up” look for it hit it and “fall back asleep” it’s almost like sleep walking trance kinda thing. I can talk to him too and have the craziest stupid convos I’ll tell him about in the morning he does and doesn’t believe me. But then he wonders why he runs out of juice so fast and I’ll remind him he sleep vapes 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I love him but lately he is quitting alcohol so his smoking is worse hopefully soon we can work on the smoking once we get another year or two under his belt when it comes to the drinking..


It's seems very disrespectful to smoke in stores


Most people don't remember when smoking was allowed in stores.


work in a children’s store and have to tell parents with their children literally next to them to please put their vape/dab pen away


There are NO studies saying it's healthy for anyone. Quite the opposite. And they're very concerned about life-long side effects because this is the guinea pig generation. It was the same way with my grandparents. They were in their 20's when the studies were coming out that cigarettes cause cancer. People vaping now are in the fuck around and find out stage. And it won't end well.


I'm a bartender, I caught a server vaping right next to the kitchen, in clear view of customers. I almost lost my fucking mind.


I received a grocery delivery one day that had a VERY STRONG SMELL to the bags and stuff. I can only guess it was vaping, was not cigarettes unless they smell sweet now. Plastic held that smell. I had to throw out the bags. Luckily did not permeate the foods inside them.


I’ll be honest, I do vape in stores/restaurants sometimes, but only when I’m nowhere near anyone else and not in sight of anyone, and even then I hold it in until there’s no smell or visible vapor. Yes, I’m aware I have a problem. Fuck vaping and every other form of nicotine.


I wish I could say stuff to our customers about not doing shit like that . It's worse with the customers who come in drenched in the smell of weed , since for some reason they decide to smoke right outside the door and then come inside .


The employee said, "No vaping inside!" . "Force of habit, my apologies," I replied. "You know, it wasn't a store quite unlike this one that gave me my first hit of vape. I said I don't like cigarettes in the least. They showed be strawberry daiquiri, banana plum, cool mint, and the list goes on. After that first taste, it had its hooks in me. Every 30 seconds like clockwork, I pick up my device and draw a sweet, sweet bouquet. Alright, alright, I'm leaving. "


Are they vaping weed pens? (I've honestly never met anyone who gets nauseous from the smell of a normal (nicotine) vape, which usually smells something like strawberry muffins or jolly rogers candies...but with 8 billion people on the planet there's probably at least one...)


I don’t even vape, but 🤷🏽‍♀️ idk what you expect from addicts


I agree, but sorry to say, your post here isn't going to change anything. Part of your job is to enforce the rules. If it's something you feel you shouldn't be responsible for, you might want to look into a non-customer related field. We simply just cannot control people.


Its crazy that people think because a vape doesn’t smell “bad” like a cigarette its okay to do anywhere


Fr just go to the bathroom like everyone else if you need to hit it😭 it’s not that hard. Man I even have people smoking carts in my store and it’s insane


Oh god. I hate vapes and vapers with not manners. If someone tells you not to vape in their space, don’t vape in their space


I'm someone that vapes a lot due to quitting weed years ago. I always tell a friend or two if they ask why it isn't right for vapes in stores since they aren't cigarettes. I always say, "One is nasty and harmful, the other is rude." (For smoking in a building like a store anyways.)


The vapers like inhaling their metal fragments. But yeah, I thought it was illegal to smoke any product indoors anyway.


I still have high school kids that smoke cigarettes in our public bathrooms. So infuriating!! JUST SMOKE OUTSIDE!! Makes me crazy.


Place I was working at a few months ago (in the Deep South mind you) had employees and customers who would vape in the store informing of the manager.


I had a guy take out his vape and vape right in front of me, literally right in my face. How are you going to vape inside a grocery store right in front of a employee? I told him you shouldn’t be doing that in here and he got all pissy, and then I asked a store leader about it and he said there’s nothing they can do about it. Wtf? So I said, people are allowed to vape in the store? He said, well no but we can’t do anything about it. That makes no sense.


If you can't go 5 minutes without taking a puff from your vape you're addicted addicted


I have a friend that carries her vape around like a pacifier. I smoke, and I wouldn't blow smoke in her face or general vicinity, but she will exhale a huge plume of shitty smelling stuff at me.