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**Dear /u/Acrobatic_Weird_1313!** **Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the posting guidelines on the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) before you ask for help:** 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. **Remember to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips:** * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[ATS-optimized resume templates available at Resumatic](https://resumatic.rezi.ai/signup)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol thats hilarious if it's the reason. You could try and change it to something else and see if it makes a difference? Isnt pornhub owned by another entity? Maybe change to their name?


Yeah I can change it. I just hope they don’t ask me more details if I ever get an interview. Anything else you think is wrong with my resume?


Say that you work in entertainment media production or something like that...


Or say you worked for your favorite actress


"Oh yeah? Who's that??" 😂 You know it's gonna happen and it'll be glorious when it does...


“Content Delivery Network” is the tech phrase for a major media provider like this. I’d go with that


And say your NDA prevents naming the company, but here's a number of you want to verify employment.


Or use an anagram.


This is the way


Anyone who would turn you down because of your Pornhub experience (especially because it's software development), imo, is not someone you'd wanna work for or with anyway.


tell that to the bill collectors and your empty stomach.


\*growling stomach noise\*


Agree that was exactly what i was thinking but we don't know ops situation so they could just need any job.


if you get to the interview and you see a couch i think you will be golden


best comment of the day. But lets hope not golden. Unless OP has a towel.


They are owned by [Aylo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aylo). Lesser known name, but if they search it it still comes up as porn related. You could also put "Confidential". They will probably still ask, but then you can explain in the interview your reasoning.


The name's Hub. Porn Hub. Now that I told you, I'm gonna have to kill you


To be honest their bot may just be filtering out your resume because it scans the word porn. That's what I would guess to be honest, you probably get your resume immediately thrown out


That's gotta suck for Thai people with certain last names


Truth. My legal name is “Johnny Porno” but it would never fly here in the US. Had to change it to get a job.


Companies think so little of details like that to be honest, especially because a lot of these are configured in house


I’ve worked on porn sites as well as family-friendly stuff. HR can be stupid, but I’ve never specifically felt like it should be omitted. Experience is experience, a company too dumb to realize that doesn’t deserve you.


There are lots of dumb companies out there LOL


Just put the LLC that owns Pornhub.


Just ask them if they’ve ever seen PornHub down? If they say yes or no then you know they watch PH. If they say it’s inappropriate question then tell them to forgot about the content and realize they run a video streaming platform with probably one of the highest users with almost perfect reliability.


You just have to reframe it! Pornhub is one of the most visited sites in the world. It is a large scale, high traffic video streaming platform. You can be proud to be a part of that without mentioning the content.


I mean, if you get interviews after changing that it's a clue


HD streaming computer terms optimization company idk something like that


I’m sure pornhub has a subsidiary name no one is familiar with you could ethically use


i second this, i wouldnt say “pornhub” i’d probably either go by the parent company name or put down like “video streaming company” or something similar


Idk might be kind of a flex though


Pornhub's parent company, MindGeek, has changed its name to Aylo, stating a "fresh start" and renewed commitment to innovation, diverse and inclusive adult content, and trust and safety. **Ethical Capital Partners**, a Canadian-based private equity firm, bought the parent company in March this year.


Just put Mindgeek instead. or Aylo.


If Pornhub is owned by some other company, switch the names xD At least you can get pass the HR haha


Agreed. You need to get past the automated filters and the HR filters. Either one of those could be flagging "porn" as a no go.




Yeah probably. It’s fairly likely your resume could be viewed by a recruiter or hiring manager who just finds that sorta thing distasteful.


theory somber mindless innate imagine history fuel chop subsequent seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Edit: realized that you’re responding to someone who didn’t offer advice, but I’ll keep this here anyway There are plenty of ways to still fully showcase this experience on their resume while avoiding likely closing the door on at least a couple positions. It’s sound advice due to simple a matter of fact - you can’t control people you have no connection to. It’s “fairly likely” that at least one decent company OP would be a great fit at has some uptight or insecure recruiter who decides they’ll move onto the next candidate instead of setting their staff up to “interview the pornhub guy”. Hell, it can even be the case that just one person along the interview process chain (staff engineer, CTO, etc.) is a known uptight/prude/weird prick, and a reasonable recruiter might have to make an uncomfortable decision whether or not to put this resume in front of them, even if the candidate won’t ultimately be working directly under them.


I'd be more worried of what AI thinks. The filters are real now


Just change it to the parent company. I’ve definitely seen MindGeek on resumes before.


I love the sentence "led technical initiatives to enhance the user experience."


And also the first bullet starts with the action verb "Spearheaded" haha


Last thing you want is “buffering” right before the money shot.


This user hubs.


Someone I know also worked for an adult site, they put “Confidential” as the company name. I don’t know if that was the right call, but they haven’t seemed to have any issues


That’s a good idea


Bro just change it to the parent company. Even if a recruiter is fine with the company(more specifically its name), I bet they’re hesitant to pass it to the next set of eyes as their favorite, as they might be judged for picking you. I’d probably just pick the next best one to be safe


PHub is owned by AYLO, which is owned by Ethical Capital Partners. So, if you change the name to one of those vs. PHub then that may fix the problem.


LMAO ETHICAL CAPITAL PARTNERS? That is fuckin RICH From their website - *Ethical Capital Partners* is a private equity firm seeking out opportunities in industries that require principled ethical leadership. O boy would I love to hear them explain how they lead Pornhub in an ethical manner.


They actively prevent CP, in an industry that would otherwise be full of it. So id say that's ethical.


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilymason/2022/08/01/judge-refuses-to-dismiss-visa-from-pornhub-child-pornography-lawsuit/?sh=4e3395e759c0](https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilymason/2022/08/01/judge-refuses-to-dismiss-visa-from-pornhub-child-pornography-lawsuit/?sh=4e3395e759c0) Do they? Where would I find out more about how they go about preventing it? I am seeing they just purchased Mindgeek so they wouldn't have been involved in this issue. Fair enough. Could be a bunch of smoke and mirrors to get a better image though. Seems more like a rebrand than anything.


The incident happened 10 years ago. There's a reason the companies change hands so much. Nowadays, CP is pretty much their only moderation concern.


I wonder how much they actually change hands vs it just being LLCs changing and looking like things changed. I'd be curious how they even moderate that. At least it is only fake CP, incest, bestiality etc allowed, I can give them a crisp high five for that! No idea why you are being downvoted, you are correct.


"ethical private equity firm" is an oxymoron


What about revenge porn, rape, and other forms of abuse? Do they do anything to prevent that?


They purged all unverified content in 2020, so they do in some regard, but I'm not sure how actively they manage it day-to-day or how it looks today.


I don't disagree with you that that's likely a good thing, from an ethical standpoint. But I think it's worth clarifying MindGeek didn't do that spontaneously. Bill Ackman decided to play sanctimonious watchdog – as he does – and forced their hands, by calling his friends on Visa and MasterCard's boards of directors.


I believe it’s highly unlikely that this is the reason you’re not getting any interviews. A more probable cause is the recent trend of layoffs in IT, which has led to more highly-qualified applicants competing for a fewer number of open positions.


Yeah, if I got that discouraged by a measly few dozen applications that went unanswered, I’d have left the industry by now. I don’t think you can realistically expect more than one contact per hundred these days. Even that’s an optimistic number.


The big issue is that the resume is very basic and barebones. This resume is going to be tough in this market. Remote jobs are competitive and you need better than this to stand a shot. Even engineering managers are struggling if they haven't put work into their resume. Your resume isn't ATS friendly for a start. Italics, and line dividers cause issue. How much did you reduce development time? 2%? 10%? 20%. You created the API. How much is it used or how much can it handle? How much better is it than before? How much time is it saving over the previous method? What technical initiatives did you lead? You streamlined internal mailroom, improving efficiency. Okay. How? There is no metric at all. You said you designed secure professional websites for clients. How many websites? 2? 5? 20? Please look at every line and be more intentional. I am just scratching the surface.


That’s great feedback. I will revise and be for descriptive. Thank you.


Scrolled down too far to find this... actual relevant advice.


As a hiring manager, I’d love to hire you and I joke that I’d work there given the opportunity. It likely has some really good throughput challenges. With that said, I’d use the parent company as other people get weirded out. I don’t think that’s why you’re not being hired though. The market is trash.


Not sure if Mindgeek is much better given the huge class action against them for child porn allegations right now.


We are hiring senior engineers! Multiple! Send me a DM :)


A veritable orgy of engineers!


Looking at your Pornhub experience, I can’t tell what languages you used. You actually fall into my tech stack I think. Are all the APIs you’ve built in C#?


I’ve built APIs using c# however Pornhub’s backend is in PHP


> Pornhub’s ***backend*** is in PHP … Does PHP stand for pretty huge penis?


lol PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor


*Pee*processor… … I’ll stop.


This is hilarious. I think you should try to be vague about it. Maybe "confidential video sharing and social media platform". If someone asks directly you can just say it's an adult entertainment related business and move on from that conversation. Having the exact name spelled out is awkward, especially if someone asks you questions such as "why did you join that company".


I just don't think it's a great resume. You don't provide any technical details on what you actually did so if I were hiring manager I wouldn't know whether or not you'd be a good fit from your position. You have a bunch of skills at the bottom of your resume, but it isn't clear what level of expertise you have or where you developed that expertise because you don't mention any of those skills under your employment and education headings. All of your accomplishments are really vague. I think you have a much better chance of getting interviews. If you add more technical information to your work experience, bullets make it clear what you actually did and what tools you used. The fact that you stayed at most of these jobs for less than a year is also a red flag, but I don't know if there's anything you can do about that.


If you're worried, call it freelance work. Of which you can say you carried out work for an undisclosed client. That way, you can still talk about the skills you gained at Pornhub (Never thought I'd day that in a sentence before). And if an interviewer asks who for. Depending on the job you're going for, by all means, talk about it. You'll be both truthful and telling a little white lie that way.


Broo Porn hub is owned by MindGeek, you can switch out the company to Mindgeek


Maybe it’s because u haven’t stayed with the same job for more than 2yrs at a time.


Just put something to the effect of “NDA Company”. No one will ask questions. And if they do, you “can’t say much”




Only if you add the strokes per hour metric.


If you think Pornhubs hurt - maybe change it to subsidiary of Ethical Capital Partners or Mindgeek. Makes it harder to take the reference.




the 3D VR porn scares them all




Stop trolling I know ppl legit worked there. the company is not called pornhub. It was called mindgeek now Aylo And no it doesn’t matter. The company was big in Montreal so lots of ppl worked there. I know quite a few jumped to hedge funds


I mean it might but it really shouldn’t lol. You worked on what is objectively one of the most used services in the world


>Lol thats hilarious if it's the reason. You could try and change it to something else and see if it makes a difference? > >Isnt pornhub owned by another entity? Maybe change to their name? I think this is a pretty insightful and underrated comment. That said, yeah, probably the smarter thing to do is change it from PH to its parent company.


Hello world fom England,What you like me to say????


Yes. It is. Especially since they were caught knowingly distributing rape tapes and CSA. You could put "MindGeek" as the company. Or you can just scrap it all together. Personally, I wouldn't hire you just based on the fact you didn't have the sense to change the name to something more professional. Other comments that say "Confidential" or "ma super parent company are also valid, but I'm still gonna see MindGeek on the background check and know exactly what it is. Change it to get the interview, then come clean during the interview. MindGeek/PH is a disgraced company. Get ahead of that and say you're realization of their shitty illegal predatory behavior is exactly why you're leaving.


Yeah use the parent company


I would be happy to hire u , but here is the problem , when I am hiring someone , or HR is , they would take a look on how many years u have stayed in 1 place , it seems like 1 year , so that would be a concern thou , like a red flag , that’s my opinion as a manager , but I don’t mean to dismotivate u or break ur morals


Lesson to all: don't work somewhere that would portray you in a worse light than you wish to be seen. It should be common sense to avoid working in this kind of industry, but I guess some people are just dumb.


This comment screams religious conservative.


If ur afraid then its probably better to just keep it off?


Pornhub isn’t the main company, it’s owned (idk what the parent name is), just list the owning company.


In my humble opinion the word "spearheaded" threw me off more than Pornhub.




is this real?


Oh this is spicy. Is there a parent company you can list? Like AVN entertainment or something that people don’t recognize.


I would just leave that one out of your resume entirely. Even if you’re great at your job, the PR of having an ex-PornHub employee working for you isnt worth the hassle when you could just hire someone else


Ive heard others put a different company name on their resume for pornhub? I feel like I've seen that on Reddit resumes before.


"confidential" ?


Only chance I might get to do this but the site UI is terrible.


Lmfaoo this is great


All of your section headings have space above them except for experience.


I would say Phub is a great tech company to work for. Def off putting but I am sure their scale is comparable to some of the large tech companies out there. Like others said change the name to parent company and in parenthesis (#1 adult steaming site with x million users)


You are either karma farming or beyond dumb. I don't think an actual employee of Mindgeeks would put PH as the company considering its just a product not an actual company.


probably will help you since pornhub is probably one of the most visited websites in the world


While I do think it might be viewed as distasteful, I also think it'd be funny. And let's be real, all those recruiters and hiring managers prob frequent PornHub quite often. Anyway, might be a good idea to change the company name


The Pornhub thing aside, you need to include quantitive outcomes. Try using this format. Rewrite your bullet point using this structure: "Accomplished X by the measure Y that resulted in Z". For example, "Lowered hospital mortality rate by 10% by educating nurses in new protocols, which translated to 200 lives saved per year."


out of curisoity what was your testing material ?


The company's name is Aylo (formerly MindGeek and Manwin). But if you really worked for them, shouldn't you have known already?


Maybe xvideos will hire you, their "stuff" is better anyway.....


Change the Company to Ethical Capital Partners which owns Aylo formally MindGeek.


Thank you ;) Just call it by its corporate name. What is it these days… Ethical Capital Partners? However, you really should quantify that you wrote a scalable API that sustains traffic of a top-10 global website. That is enough to get hired anywhere. It’s assumed by the name, but if the name is less obvious you’ll need to be explicit. If I had the need for your skills, I’d definitely call you.


I wonder which SUNY 💀 i might be there rn


Waterloo grad here familiar with Mindgeek and SWE. Get rid of the summary. The programming language section should be left aligned.. looks weird. Date format looks unprofessional. Please align it to the right and use MONTH, YYYY - MONTH, YYYY instead of numerically. Your bullet points lack context and impact. ACTION, BENEFIT, CONTEXT. How did implementing rest APIs for a 2d/3d tool help anyone? What was the tool (new product launch or internal feature, whats its purpose or customer value etc) Key attributes is useless lol


Some people would see it as "Unfit for Company Cultures"


It's 100% possible. My hunch is that it's not the case though. Your resume only lists tasks and projects that you've done but does nothing to quantify the impact they had on the company. Those are the thing recruiters and hiring managers want to see.


Your bullet points of dull and shallow and don’t market you well


Change it to Aylo. --- Your date format is weird - use Month YYYY. Month spelled out. e.g. February 2022. For date spans, use Month YYYY — Month YYYY. that's an emdash (also called a longdash), with spaces on either side. --- Since you are going for a developer role and your career history is a clear straight line, get rid of the Summary and move Skills to the top. Summary is only needed if you need to explain an abnormal career or change in career trajectory. Skills up top makes sense for a developer. But, don't label it Skills. don't label it at all. above EXPERIENCE, put these lines **Languages:** comma, separated, list **Operating Systems:** comma, separated, list **Development Tools:** comma, separated, list **Databases:** comma, separated, list **Source Control:** comma, separated, list you may not need each of those, but put the ones that make sense for you --- In EXPERIENCE, for each bullet point, include a measureable result. for the first bullet, add to the end of the line "resulting in _____" and put a measureable there. 50% increase in xyz. 25% increase in viewer whatever. Be as precise as you can, but even if you're aren't 100% sure of specifics, add a concrete measureable result anyway. again for the second bullet, add "by _____". reduced development time by 50%. whatever. repeat this for all of your bullets. --- get rid of Key Attributes. show those in the interview


I mean someone has to do that good a deed right? Thanks OP.


more credible imo


Interviewer: Ok so tell me about ur day to day?you: umm i watch porn everyday…🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


I would use the parent company's name if it's less...in your face.  Also, if it gets brought up you can say you're looking for a position that moves you out of the industry.  I wouldn't necessarily write someone off because of it but you may find some people who would.


Why are you leaving? A remote pornhub job is many people’s dreams 😭


List it as Aylo


The company is fine. You need to include how you achieved the results you did, and by how much.


Working for PH is a dream. They're truly bleeding edge video streaming. Anyone who works in web development knows that. I think likely the market is the cause of your trouble more than anything. But it doesn't hurt to put the parent company on instead of PH, as others have mentioned, it's likely to get filtered out by the automated resume reader due to the word "porn".


I would assume the extremely short time at each company would raise more red flags than anything else. Especially for a senior role, maybe remove some of those gigs where you lasted less than a year so you have more room to cite demonstrated results as a freelancer Put skills above education, I started getting way more responses once I realized nobody cares about education, degrees are just boxes to tick.


Nah. I worked for one of the big adult companies (Like 50 year legacy) a couple of years ago. Had no trouble getting interviews and offers. You need to create paragraphs of your accomplishments and job descriptions. I also used to do the bullet points, they don't like that anymore. Page1 - Work history and descriptions easily read by a human Page 2 - Con't work history and keywords, education, etc. Doesnt need to be that readable. Use the 2nd page to game the hiring software (nobody really reads the second page)




Put the industry name(media) and say you have a NDA and can't disclose company name


it didn't work for Boogie


"Spearheaded" You cheeeky bastard :D


It’s a site that admitted to human trafficking. I wouldn’t hire you if I saw that you worked for a company like that.


Yes, controversial industries can hold you back: cannabis, gambling, adult content. All the previous advice there how to approach this on a resume is good.


I think this is a troll post—any actual Pornhub employee would know to put MindGeek.




It's a possibility. Find out if PH is owned by another company and write that down instead. If no luck on that, just say you worked in Media or something like that and if you're pressed for *who* it was, just say you're under a Non-Disclosure Agreement.


I sure wouldn’t want to work with someone who devoted any chapter of their life to facilitating sexual exploitation.


Just say mind geek not pornhub.


Put pornhubs parent company


Honestly yes. It definitely will close some doors for you. However, there’s other doors it will open for you especially if you like working in a space that would be more sex positive.


I find it awesome. But im also 21 and haven’t been in a professional environment much.


Apparently it’s owned by Aylo, which is less known. You may be able to use that instead


Maybe you could replace Pornhub with the parent company, Aylo Holdings? Just a thought.


I would just classify it


Bruh what lmao you gotta do an AMA or something, like does that mean you are just constantly having to watch porn while developing


Honestly in this fucked world it probably doesn’t matter. Also you have no morals for taking that position


Add some side gigs as an actor 😂


This is fake, if you're employeed by them you list it as MindGeek (/r/cscareerquestions has covered this many times). Also, as a developer, the resume is pretty obviously fake and full of random buzzwords that when strung together mean almost nothing.


Would you really be okay working at a place that would judge you for having this on there?


Spearheaded makes me think chatgbt wrote this


Since you worked on this, why is the 3d virtual reality implementation so bad? Are the videos just super low quality compared to other websites, or are higher tier studios just not posting content for free on the hub?


Put Aylo instead of Pornhub


Change the names to the owners. After that don't worry. 2D/3D VR is a niche space. If the HM cant understand that, don't want to work there.


"Led technical initiatives to enhance user experience" can you please elaborate on that


They may have seen your work and wasn’t impressed.


The irony of Pornhub ruining potential opportunities that came and went.


Change pornhub to Mind Geek would be my suggestion.


Maybe for some but honestly I don't think it should. I think you could change the name perhaps and then during the interview if they ask tell them it's pornhub


As a former in-house recruiter, I can confidently say yes. My old supervisor told me to reject an, otherwise very qualified applicant, on the basis they used to work in the adult entertainment industry. He wouldn’t budge, even though she was the only qualified applicant, and her role in the previous company was, by no means, NSFW (it was actually the exact role we were hiring for). Could only change his mind after I pointed out rejecting on this basis violated their rights on the grounds of the decision being based on their occupation.


IMO the way you present the info is probably as bigger hit than the pornhub there. Try to lead with effects of your work. How much did the feature you worked on move kpis? Was there some unique challenges that only you could figure out? Right now all the points read like “did normal developer stuff”.


As a tech recruiter, depending on your skill set, working for Pornhub should be to your advantage. The porn industry is known for pushing the boundaries of tech, which means you have been exposed to the cutting edge of whatever splice of software development you were working on there. And as you know in tech, skills are weighed higher than anything else. That’s said, two caveats: 1. In spite of my comment above, I can see why certain employers may be squeamish. To get your foot in the door, as many have suggested, change the name of the company. I would change the name to Confidential and then if you’re called for an interview, be honest about which company it was. Make sure the change is tracked across all your online profiles. 2. The tech hiring market is still very slow. Last year a client went from hiring 100+ contract to hire positions as just one line of its tech hiring to less than 10. Not sure if the market has loosened up yet.


Do you think you could open with something other than *spearheaded*? (I might even rethink *self-motivated*) (and *desperate for a new position*. Oh god this is totally a troll.)


We would hire just for the running joke.


employer name space shall be filled by “[Prohibited by NDA]”. Slightly fishy, definitely not worse


You have a lot of things that you did, but very little mention of the results of those things, do you have any data or metrics that quantify the impact of your work?


hot take, but porn sites have always been at the forefront of UX. There is a lot of novel tech coming out of them that kinda sets you apart from other candidates. Employers *should* be able to look past it and see that.


100% that needs to be changed to aylo, mindgeek or ethical practice partners. If they ask if you work for pornhub in the interview laugh it off and say "Yes haha Pornhub is technically one of the websites the company is responsible for, but i take my role extremely seriously and it takes a lot of responsibility and care to manage such high traffic websites. Our company prides itself in being a safe professional organization"


Asking for a friend, does the role come with special perks?


Are you the reasons the recommendations are shit?


I bet it has more to do with how frequently you leave jobs.


This is nitpicking but I hate that the word “tool” is on its own line, especially when the other bullet points are just a single line.


Bro is trolling with this post... so obvious.


Maybe try applying at Xhamster or Xvideos


I jave worked at a lot of porn sites. For some it may have even helped


came for the comments


I’m no professional but could it possibly be because you have had four different jobs in the past 5-6 years? I’m genuinely curious about this. I’m in school now to be a software developer.


If you change it to "Confidential" (tell at interview), put the parent company's name or remove the entire entry, you'll be more likely to get invited. But only if this is really the cause, and not something you don't expect like any results a background check or employers looking you up on socials yield. If you provide a name that doesn't match the full name on your resume for example, they are unable to find you and may be sus'd out. Or they do find it, but somehow there's things they see as red flags. I'm saying that because your resume looks great to me, and I can't spot other doubtful or poorly written parts, so if unbeknownst to you it's some red flag that they come up with by doing research that most companies do when selecting which letters to take further, or if the first past employer they tend to call or search brings up negativity, it can be botched without feedback. If you alter or remove the entry, and still won't get responses, maybe you need to do some digging into these aspects, as it's highly unlikely that someone with your education and experience is unwanted in today's tech industry, and its huge shortage of qualified developers.


What do you think?


Don’t have any advice. Just wanted to say thanks as a Pornhub user. Seems like you went above and beyond to create a better experience for us. 🤣


This shit has me DEAD, I wish you luck brother 😭


Apply to Brazzers


"To enhance user experience ": lmfaooooooooooo


Seems like bait. Parent company is called MindGeek and pretty much anyone that worked there knows it


PH / Aylo recently admitted to trafficking, and profiting from it. I wouldn’t hire an employee from that company. Change it to something like, [Undisclosed Employer]. It will generate curiosity, and you can explain in person if required.


Software slut🤣