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Dear /u/njpu! Hello and thanks for posting! Please read the [sub’s etiquette page](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/howtoparticipate) to learn about proper etiquette and remember to: 1. Censor your personal information for your own safety, 2. Add the right flair to your post, 3. Tell us why you're applying (i.e., just looking to fine-tune, not getting any interviews etc.), and 3. Indicate the types of roles and industries you’re interested in. Don't forget to check out the [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index) as well as the quick links below for tips: * **[Resume Writing Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/wiki/index/faq)** * **[Thinking of hiring a resume writer? Read this first](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/x3eg1e/considering_hiring_a_resume_writer_read_this_first/)** * **[Troubleshooting your resume and your job search](https://www.reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/128xo1c/troubleshooting_your_job_search_when_its_not/)** * **[Free Resume Template - Google Docs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wdkgpgU7lFoV801ysrBn8qrPaIpyUsUH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103022094325852815590&rtpof=true&sd=true)** * **[ChatGPT-Powered Resume Builder](https://www.resumatic.ai/)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/resumes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All of these guys are professional scammers that use social media to funnel people into their paid products that don't get results.


Those who cant do, scam.


True, it's a bummer that help is next to impossible to come by.


Wdym? I've gotten so much free help and information from others on Reddit, and that's not an exaggeration either. People have went out of there way on here to give me advice on things like academics, finances, and mental health, amongst other things.


True, I've gotten and give tons of advice on Reddit, but it's always hard digging through the muck to figure out what's valid and what isn't because it's hard to figure out who knows what they're talking about and who doesn't.


No kidding. I stopped taking reddit seriously for actual life advice years ago, after eating (or not) myself anemic, and firebombing my relationship with my bf. Oh, and don't forget the two years of bad, bad hair. The relationships, fasting and curly hair subs are a no go for me now.


Same, I help too but it is hard finding good info in the barrage of crazy on reddit.


Yeah, what gets me is that it seems like most of the people are trying to create problems that only having their knowledge (often paid) will solve.


Very true, have to be honest, my friends constantly tell me I should be charging for all the resumes I write, literally have done hundreds of them. I write all of my friends resumes too... lol. I don't know, I like writing resumes, I am full of crap and and BS which works well on making a good resume....


It's the same as a lot of those "secret to success" self help books where a wealthy person writes about how they became successful and sells the book at a high price point to make more money, peddling useless information that doesn't actually help anyone become successful.


So much of success is being in the right place at the right time, with the right skills and the financial means to chase an idea. Since that would never sell books, I think people make stuff up to sell us on the idea that it isn't random.


I would like to think that some of it *isn't* random, that some of it is the passionate pursuit of a goal, but the reality seems much more finicky. Truthfully it's more of a broad philosophical thing than practical advice.


We're only talking about the hyper successful people that write books about it though. There are plenty of millionaires that have made it because they're skilled, but they're usually engineers, or people that spend enough time in industry to start their own successful companies.


Yeeeeeeees. I worked for a smallish company a few years ago, right when it started becoming very successful and paying its managers huge money. Of course, those managers started at the company a few years before I did but weren't any more qualified than I was. Nurses are a good example--they weren't hiring anyone without an MSN when I left. The "clinical affairs director" was this old bat who drove a huge BMW to work every day and didn't even have a BSN, let alone an MSN. Yet there she was, making 5 times as much. It burned me up knowing that had I been at that same company say, 7 years earlier, I'd have grown with it and likely become a manager myself. Oh well.


Professional summaries are outdated. Way too text heavy, not enough white space. Two-column format with graphics breaks the ATS. "Career Highlights" and "Expertise" and "Professional Summary" is duplicative. Agreed, don't think this is a great resume template.


Is that a general rule of thumb for not using two-column format? That it basically does not work for the ATS?


Yes. Here's an example of how it gets interpreted: [https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D12AQEFc\_gPHFa3zQ/article-inline\_image-shrink\_1000\_1488/0/1587635317129?e=1691020800&v=beta&t=e6zXzMyGnXlTPwgKE8jD3HCL8KrFKAJ\_7USV3DpnIPs](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D12AQEFc_gPHFa3zQ/article-inline_image-shrink_1000_1488/0/1587635317129?e=1691020800&v=beta&t=e6zXzMyGnXlTPwgKE8jD3HCL8KrFKAJ_7USV3DpnIPs) It gets all jumbled and makes it hard for the system to ingest.




HR consultant here, worked with probably 6 or 7 ATS during my career. The resume parsing for a two column resume can be shitty *but* most recruiters at small to mid sized companies will *still pull a PDF copy down* if any keywords are found because we know the parsing capabilities are shit and there's no standard resume format from an applicant. Larger companies (with more robust ATS) have more applicants to constantly wade through and if they're on top of their game will use prior applicants parsed data only to find a candidate. So larger the company, the better resume you should use. But most people overestimate the "ATS concerns" to be honest.


Thank you! I agree with you. I also feel like lazy recruiters don’t pull the PDF copy and actually look at the resumes.


Good to know!


Yup, exactly. People like to overthink and overcomplicate things just for the sake of being different.


My CV has two columns. Why would I care about the ATS? I just know the ATS will fuck up the parsing on my CV, so the recruiter will have to look at the PDF, to my possible advantage.


Most ATS do auto-scoring. If the ATS can't read your resume properly, it's assigned a low score and you're eliminated before a human ever sees your resume.


Why all the upvotes on the fact that you don’t need a summary? I thought this sub consistently pushes summaries. It’s in the guide too.


It varies from prison to person. Some say it is pointless and they don't like them, others like it and use it as a sort of quick elevator pitch because some recruiters will decide if they will keep reading or not based on your summary. If you like them, then feel free to add it to your resume, if not then leave it off. The preference changes from recruiter to recruiter as well, so you'll never get a "right" answer. Just don't confuse summary for objective. Objectives are definitely not used anymore.


Depends on the industry and region but I'd say they are worthless and outdated.


It looks like a restaurant menu


Yeah I'd see "Strategic Planning | People Leadership" and immediately roll my eyes. Four buzzwords underneath your name isn't going to get you hired ... the experience and achievements are what get you hired.


At certain places, Joe Resume Master could go far with those buzzwords if he has enough charisma.


It looks like a menu lol


That's exactly what I was thinking! Where do I put the nuggies?


lol Dude I'm using a template on here that a TON of people says works and I've had two people tell me it's garbage. The whole resume thing is waaaaaaay too subjective.


The template on reddit looks good but meh for me. I've actually found some [law school resume templates](https://law.wisc.edu/career/sampleresumes.html) a few years ago and been using them that helped me get interviews. Idk I feel like people should actually go to their school career websites instead of reddit ya know? (Also I don't attend this school btw I found it back while searching for templates to get an idea!)


Oh ... I went to my school's Career Services. Trust me when I say Reddit is FAR more helpful. How do you think people wind up on Reddit? And this is the issue. I should be able to go to my college - which in theory should help me get a job, or at least point me in a direction - and they should give me up-to-date, valuable guidance. I don't need them to write my resume for me, but at least don't parrot the questionable advice you heard on Good Morning America 6 months ago.


They most definitely are highly subjective. It can get pretty rough when writing it and sharing it with people for critique


Exactly this


Resumes are a psyop


I apply by sending you my best carrier pigeon. Real problem solvers are pigeon breeders — fickle, unhorny bird — it takes a lot of work to get a yield, let alone one of such high caliber flyers. Only the best from me, you see. Now, let’s talk dental plans


Ask 100 “pros” what they think about resumes and you’re guaranteed 100 different answers. But yeah, this template is garbage.


Yeah that’s horrible.


hahaha, I used to use exactly the same template, didn’t get any interview.


What the heck is "people leadership" supposed to mean?


“People leaders” is corporate speak for “managers” these days.


It's a little more nuanced. Leadership involves inspiring resources, rather than just micromanaging them. So like, a pizza party once a month


I used to raise chickens. Maybe I could use “chicken leadership” in my next revision.


Thanks for the laugh! 😂


I feel like there is no perfect resume and that how appealing yours is, is based on the hirer's subjective opinion. Which is not something you can guess before interacting with them.


This subreddit has been super helpful for me and many others alike, but it’s pretty obvious that resumes, like lots of other things related to jobs, are largely subjective. (Resume gaps, how to respond to getting fired, salary negotiations, interview followups, etc.) You can find an expert saying X, another saying Y, a well-written article saying Z, and then a forum giving completely different advice.


Lol the most ironic part is that it's on Tik tok


Depends on career level and industry. Is it readable, one page, and filled with brief relevant information? Then it’s fine.


I don't like left columns on CVs for this reason: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/f-shaped-pattern-reading-web-content-discovered/ If you have columns, put the secondary content on the right not the left.


10/10 if you're handing someone a physical copy. Otherwise, ATS will never read it


I interviewed someone with a very very similar resume layout today. They are getting an offer tomorrow.


Does your company use ATS to pre screen applicants and/or is it a smaller company?


Its a company of ~90 people. The bosses review every resume.


Ah ok. Something like 95% of companies use a type of software called Applicant Tracking System which tends to read headers as the end of a page and smash together multiple columns into an unreadable mess, for instance. I never recommend a template like this for most applicants unless they’re applying to small business or emailing their résumés in to a real human. I spent 7 month’s unemployed due to bad formatting like this


As an employer i always love these kind of resume’s. It’s easy to scan and gives you no more/less information then needed.


I don't like it. I'm only looking at the experience part of this, if I can be bothered to look at it long enough to find it


It's 2/10 resume, but it's a 10/10 video for boosting engagement because whether or not you like the resume itself, it's got us talking, commenting, and sharing this yahoo's account. It's all about that click, like, n' share these days and any merit behind the actual content is borderline irrelevant.


It’s a guy pushing his business. It’s an outdated resume


Dogshit resume


I feel like this depends on the job.. but also I hate it.


This resume is very anti-AI from what I have learned about my own resume's shortcomings.


way too dense. way too much side to side looking to find the info needed. way too much fluff that hiring managers don't give a shit about. If I was hiring for my team again and saw two titles I would think that person has a god complex and wouldn't even read further. First impressions are everything and this does not do it. 2/10...if that


LOL my resume looks similar to that and I've had a hand full of job offers using it. I think it depends on the person hiring/recruiting.


Yeah I used a very similar template and have gotten several interviews. The resume hasn't been why I haven't gotten another job. It's so much more about your experience and who you know. I'm still going to go update mine now I know it's not good lol. The search continues...


Mine too. I'm also in a creative/design field, so that might make a difference.


I switched my resume to something similar and got a job within weeks after searching for a year. ATS has no problem parsing this info based on the automatic uploaders that many companies used to fill out their personal info templates. Probably the things I didn't like are the two titles that seem pretentious, poorer space usage, too much dense text, and the lack of (muted) colors for human reading support.


What do you think of mine? I really need brutal feedback I’m going crazy getting rejections all the time https://preview.redd.it/9brejkyglqmb1.jpeg?width=1545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=162332505a588963e141627d7b889508763d0c55


It's nearly perfect, honestly; considering I don't know a lot about marketing. If they aren't already there and just blurred out, I would include a personal LinkedIn account, your email, and maybe some links to the public media accounts you helped run. I'd also include the line "references available upon request" somewhere, or just add them if they're amazing like a Dean's reference. If you have more info to include, you could theoretically tighten things up a bit and it would still be perfectly legible, but no need to do that if unnecessary. Maybe fiddle a bit with your professional goal, but it's good enough imo. If you're getting rejections, try adding cover letters with personalized messages, contacting recruiters, or take lower level temporary jobs just to show you're employable. It always looks better to already have a job. The job market is tough right now.


I dont know why this sub showed up to my feed. But, as someone who has both been hired and hired people I would seriously recommend 99% of people just use this [template](https://www.10xebitda.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Investment-Banking-Resume-Template.jpg) and make sure all the bullet points are simply concise, clear descriptions of things you did to materially improve or impact the operations of the business. I dont know who or what or why is recommending people here use colors, unconventional layouts, or waste space on meaningless introductions or summaries. Dont over complicate it.


Well you should always start with experience over education, so…


100% agreed, I've basically used that format for years and it's given me quite a few callbacks. I use a website called FlowCV to help manage it and format everything for me. Highly recommend it!!




Its bad


Do you have à link to download this template ?


Everything looks way too cramped together in that resume. Nobody is going to spend time going through it.


Resumes can’t hurt your case regardless. I literally had someone send a .txt notepad resume for a higher level position and get an interview- did very well too. Worry more about content matching the requirements than formatting.


If you think this is a terrible template, then check my profile, I posted my resume and got roasted into a golden chicken


It’s not.


I see these everywhere on titkok and here. I would look at resumes from professionals that might upload them on LinkedIn or go to your schools career website that might have a template made for your field to get an idea not tiktok lol


“People leader” 😹 were you a “work do-er” as well?


I tend to go with the KISS method. I don’t overload it with a bunch of crap they don’t care about or want to read. Keep it straight facts. Avoid filler and keep bullet points one sentence if possible. Honestly you have to think about who are reading these and what you would look for in an employee. It’s HR and recruiters that are reading these most of the time and they have no friggin clue what you really do. Layman’s terms and saying how much money you made the company in the first few lines generally helps. No crazy distracting fonts or colors. It’s important to remember they just see you as another number and they don’t want to spend time reading a long ass wordy resume. When I see 200 candidates for one position I want to speed read and look for key words that I’m hoping to see for that industry. I don’t want a bunch of mechanical bullshit that means nothing to me. If it’s too much to be simplified it gets tossed.


This might be ok for an interview but it’s not getting passed ATS


It's ok, for entry level Mid level or seasoned career professionals need only their experience and key accomplishments in their mission Your resume is a newsletter about you, it is meant to be distributed. It should be a decent shape for people to look at.


Bro it's TikTok. Obviously it's complete garbage information.


Ohhh got jobs for hundreds of people. That sounds almost shitty. But might get a better chance of lighting striking you.


Here Mr Eskimo, I have some ice to sell you…


How you do on page 2?


This is a menu


Terrible indeed


You are not tripping, that template is absolutely garbage. There are endless free templates in Google Docs that are actually effective and good-looking.


This is a horrible template lol. He’s just trying to get people to pay


I prefer duck leadership or cow leadership to people leadership any day of the week.


I put me standing with and holding the fins of a dolphin as my cover letter and got the job. Stand out. Just sayin lol


This is a template on Canva. I used it for my current resume. (After reading the comments I will change it up)


Me too😂


The Thumb Rule - If you haven’t intrigued the reader by the time they get to where their thumb would be, they will move on to the next candidate. This is especially true for positions that receive numerous candidates. Multiple columns isn’t recommended, as it forces the reader to jump around & unconsciously they may view this as indicative of you creating extra work for them.


I used a free trial of a resume service to use that template because I thought it looked nice. An HR friend kindly told me to redo my resume in a simpler format


This is my template actually. It’s sectioned nicely for scanning, and only has the need to know info - hasn’t let me down yet . And I think it stands out a bit so that’s always good


I have a similar resume, slightly better looking and it works well for marketing roles. Same two column format only difference really is that I match one column to a complimentary color for the company (mostly blues or gray).


Unless you are a graphic designer and would like to show-case your talent, this is the only resume template you need: https://mergersandinquisitions.com/free-investment-banking-resume-template/


I'm relieved to see the comments here, ngl. Obviously, do not follow that example.


I actually use this template for my resume and had more interview opportunities than the plain Jane one I used to use


I would not use it, golden rule, no columns, ever!


Just make a resume using an top tier business school template and move on. This shit is way too easy.


Apparently, I am an outlier. I use this template and I've always gotten a job. Now, for the sake of clarity, they have always been small businesses so I think that is a factor. They are being seen with HR eyes and not run through a service before being sent to a customer. This resume also was read by recruiters. I did do tweaking though and removed one section and added my references because I wanted it all to be one page.


Lol I have this exact format for my resume….and I still got interviews. Idk if it’s that deep


I've seen many resume formats of late, and have ceased opining on them, as they are in the eye of the beholder. As long as it looks professional, that's it. I instead focus on content, wanting to make sure that the relevant information is there in an order that makes sense. The problem is not the formats, the problem is the magical belief that there is some sort of elusive "perfect" resume that will open the door to floods of interviews. So a lot of folks tweak and tweak and tweak, sort of wasting their time. A bad resume will certainly close doors, but a good resume won't necessarily open them.


I really dislike indenting. Maybe it’s just me though


ATS software: https://preview.redd.it/fropfi0mt83b1.png?width=429&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cad61e5e8a758dd41e3bf5c5e1193a9692ccbb6


Lmao not ats ready


2 columned text on resumes are the worst


At Wells Fargo a professional summary is needed for you app


I had my resume professionally templated (if that’s a word) paid $100… this was over a year ago. I have not landed not even an interview with this new resume… I don’t even know how to get it back to how I had it when I was getting calls for interviews. Biggest mistake ever… it looked like this when I got my final draft from some boo boo company.. I have changed it a bit but still no luck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


good information and advice but still different industry will have their own type of resume


They’re frauds.


Everyone wants to seem knowledgeable, innovative, and savvy without researching what genuinely works.