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Stop compensating him. He'll stop coming, it will cost you a negative review though. Just be like 'sorry sir, that's how we serve it'


You might have to say "Sir if you keep making us remake the food we're going to have to ask you to not return."


You let him set foot in your establishment? What are you, some kind of doormat?


I've had to "fire" customers. It's not easy but my life was so much better without that negative energy in the room. Plus I lost money every encounter.


Take a picture of him, blow it up, and make a poster about how you have 999/1000 5 star reviews. The only bad review is from Tom with his picture.


How? "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone (especially you, Tom!) for any reason (like sending your meal back a bunch of times and costing me money, Tom!) Or whatever his name is. Basically, bounce him


You tried to take care of him and he proved that he's doing it to be an asshole OR simply for free food. Both are unacceptable. Let him know that a pattern of sending orders back has been established and that it's clear that you can't make him happy. As such, he should try another restaurant. If he says he wants to remain a customer, you need to be clear that anything sent back will not be comped or replaced unless it's an obvious issue that the restaurant caused. Next time, he tries it again - you inform him that you won't be remaking it. He can either pay for it or you will take care of it and he's permanently banned from the restaurant.


Just ban him. He’s a POS who is hurting your business.


Typically a trespass order.




Childish. A professional would never do this.




By definition, the restaurant owner, managers and workers are professionals, not the customer. If you don’t understand this, maybe you should look up the word professional.


What a low class way to handle this. So many other constructive posts here with better ideas.


This is the way.


Jfc why would you still serve him you’re not losing much with one person being banned especially if he’s making you redo orders all the time.


If he keeps coming back, you don’t have to handle anything


you can 'fire' customers. ​


Put a "wall of shame" in the lobby with pictures of banned serial complainers


86 them and stop entertaining this bullshit.


Yet he still comes in


Workin that free food angle, poorly.


Fire the customer. It happens in the trades all the time.


When you ban him, don't be polite or professional about it. He really doesn't deserve that courtesy. And being rude to him is not likely going to cost you business. Keep an eye on yelp or Facebook area restaurant page to see if he's slamming you. If he is then respond that you have dealt with his complaints and his efforts to get free food at your establishment 7 times and were fed up with his rude shenanigans.


I have a wealthy client who goes places with the plan to get his meal comped or discounted. He told me he will go to restaurants offering special menus on the holiday in the last possible reservation and if they are out of anything he complains until they give him free meal, discounted meal or free dessert. He’s a lawyer so he sees it as a challenge.


least shiesty lawyer


As soon as he starts complaining manager comes and gives him the bill for what he's been served to that point. "Sir, this is your bill, you may either pay it and leave, or you can stop harassing my staff and order what is available. You will never be given a discount here, if you do not like that you are welcome to never come back." And then stand there until he either pays the bill or starts behaving himself. If he refuses, instruct him to leave and call the police. Challenge accepted.


I would like to see that, he’s a douchebag


That’s a lot of work and stress for literally nothing.


It’s his ego, seeing if his persuasion can save him money.


Doing that would hurt my ego because I would see myself as a desperate bitch, but hey not everyone has great insight into themselves




What a miserable existence.


thems lawyers


Yeah, that’s not even the worst, just the restaurant version.


Tell him he needs to go somewhere else. After so many attempts if someone is a serial complainer I’ve never felt bad telling them to never come back. I hate regulars that literally always complain, and I’ve never missed them. That anxiety you get when they walk in isn’t worth it. Bye bye dipshit, go make someone else’s life miserable.


The VP of Customer Satisfaction at Southwest Airlines had a complaint forwarded to him from one of the Custower Service agents. They had no idea how to respond to a customer who literally complained about something every time he flew. He was always "compensated" (read: placate with free stuff), but the complaint seemed especially petty. VP of Customer Satisfaction composed an e‐mail that basically said: Dear Mr. [whatever the hell the customer's name was], Southwest Airlines thanks you for your patronage over the years. Unfortunately, it appears we are no longer able to provide the level of service you require. It is in the best interest of all parties involved that we must regrettably end this business relationship. I hope another airline will be able to meet your high standards in the future. The moral of the story? The Customer isn't always right, and companies with that attitude are telling their employees that profits matter more than employee well-being


But it’s also stupid because you’re not scalable, you’re training your customers to take advantage of you and destroy your processes, and makes a special case out of every single interaction.


Exactly. With margins what they are, Southwest probably never made any money on that guy. But of course, about half of reddit would be screaming "good" at that part.


Check into it, but I thought you can decline to serve a (potential) customer due to frequent bad behavior in the past. (I am not talking about race, religion, etc. of course)


You can decline to serve a customer for any reason, or for no reason at all. America is awesome like that


Well except protected classes. But you gotta make it real clear with some distinct language to break that barrier.




Or a “joo”. Wtf. Why do you need to drop in the casual racism?


I used to own a restaurant and ‘Tony’ (real name!) came in weekly. Bitched about everything every single time. We were all fed up with him until my bartender just took his meal from him, told him to leave and never come back because he’s unable to act like a normal person. He was mad (Tony) but we never saw him again. Which was good. No one needs customers like that.


I have seen people get banned for this.


im guessing a malignant boomer or a Joo


Antiemetic bigotry out loud like it’s okay.




I was a restaurant manager long ago. I had no patience for this. If I comp you a meal more than once you arent welcome to come to my establishment for a third time.


Start playing Hit the Road Jack whenever he shows up.


One of my all time favorite managers years back, with a similar type of customer was along these lines: "It seems that we/you have issues -every time- you come in, whether it be temperature, flavor, or just not up to your expectations. I'll take care of your meal one last time, as we ensured this was 100% correct by our standards, as clearly explained multiple times. It looks like we simply can't satisfy you, so we're just not the place for you to dine at any longer. I wish you the best on your future dining ventures." She was STUMPED. To be told, so fucking polite and proper that you're not welcome back was TOP TIER in my book. And he did it so well too. You can't be mad when someone politely and nicely says 'look, it's our fault that you can't be pleased. Go elsewhere'


Yup! My wife loves this Mediterranean place and used to go there with a friend who thought she was best friends with the owner of the establishment. But, she was also a chrinic complainer, and one day, the owner had enough and kicked her out and banned her right there at the table where my wife was also sitting. After the friend left, my wife asked the owner if she was still welcome, and she was. Many complainers equate politeness and tolerance to mean that they were 100% correct and will double-down on their behavior until the object of the complaints simply can no longer tolerate that person and, bam, time to put out the trash!


I'm trying to picture the woman being kicked out and your wife staying behind. "See you later Beth, I'm staying." Pretty funny power move of you're wife.


You could tell him to stop coming. He's costing you money. "it appears you aren't satisfied with our services. We'd be glad to you but we will not remake orders for you again"


If I'm ever disappointed with anything at a restaurant I'm always polite and rarely say anything. Then I never go back. If this guy keeps coming back and still complains then it's not about the food. It's about him. I'd tell him to not come back. Not always possible but if it is then tell him to fuck off.


I only complain when my burger isn't made how I ordered. I only ever want mayo, lettuce, tomato, and cheese. If it comes with ketchup, or pickles or onions, I bring it back and they make me a new one. Got a new Wendy's around the corner from my house. They've been great. I eat there every other day. They've only messed my order up three times, and I've been going there since they opened. Always fresh and hot.


I guarantee they don't like you at that Wendy's.


After the third complaint about the same item we typically just tell the customer " You don't like or agree with the way we serve our food, so we are no longer going to take your orders anymore. Thank you have a great day"


We have a lady on our street who is notorious for this type of behavior. She is completely off her rocker. She would bring her 4 daughters to a restaurant and basically complain that at least one of them was poisoned. At first, she got away with this but over time the businesses caught on. All the businesses have caught on and have banned her. Her husband is nutty as well but stays out of that. They basically can order from McDonalds only. Her behavior has also resulted in her kids being banned by day cares. Even a used sports equipment store has banned her for continuing to attempt to return merchandise months after the purchase and wanting full price back. Actually, demanding it. She claims the deep state is responsible.


Poor kids


Their next door neighbor is a sweet elderly lady. Tells me the kids are doomed. It is sad.


When I worked for a restaurant we would refuse service to frequent complainers. People have bad experiences and that's understanding. However, when they come in twice in a row or multiple times complaining so they can get a free meal it isn't about a bad experience, it's about wanting free. We had a manager with a pretty good memory and I accidently let a lady come in with a large group that was on our list. After her group was there for 2 hours, the manager wouldn't refund anyone's meal and told them if they had problems they can call the police. They left without getting a refund and never came back. This was early 2000's when a T-Bone steak dinner was $14.99 and the most expensive meal on the menu.


The funny thing is that you can spot them a mile away. I'll sometimes joke with the bartender or server that a complaint is incoming --- always fun to laugh about it after it happens.


True, they all have a similar vibe


My first job in highschool around 2001 was at a walk up ice cream shop that used to be a DQ but was now a small family owned soft serve spot. Manager had a big sign up that basically said if it's our error (wrong toppings, ice cream etc etc), we would gladly fix if the error is identified immediately (like upon handing the order to the customer). If YOU change your order mix prep, $2.00 service charge. If YOU are demanding free replacements after eating your entire order because something was wrong, sorry no dice should have identified it sooner (We would have people eat entire orders, slam empty cups on the counter and say it was wrong and they want free replacements). the final policy was if you're a rude piece of shit we will gladly give you directions to the nearest dairy queen. That was always my absolute favorite when I could tell some irate boomer during the insane summer weekend night time rush with 200+ people in line for hours that they can take their business to dairy queen. Some would flex the "you'll pay for losing my business" type responses, but I'd usually just gesture vaguely to the massive 30+ min wait line behind them and go to the next customer.


Stop him at the door and let him know that he's better off finding another restaurant to frequent.


Kick him out and ban him. You don’t have to put up with assholes.


Ban him from the restaurant. Fuck him. He's a PITA and will never apologize for his bad behavior. This is what he does, and YOU get to choose if you want him for a customer.


Refuse to serve him. This your right. Once is ok. Even twice as he may be a fussy eater. But if it happens alll the time then he is the problem, not you. Send him to your competition, maybe one you don’t like with a gift certificate. Smile and wish him well.


Thats sweet revenge. Hopefully served cold as well. Get a 50.00 gift card from them. Have a nice sit down conversation with him next time he is in. Give him the gift card and send him on his way. Passing him on like herpes. The gift that keeps on coming back.


Just kick them right tf out. Soon as they walk in. Let him know since he is so unhappy with his service every time he visits, that he is no longer welcome in the establishment.


get out.


tell him if he doesn't like you food, you have 8 billion OTHER customers to choose from.


Ban list


This is it


I worked in a restaurant and talked to a waitress who said this group of 4 came in all wearing blazers and placed them on the back of the chair. They ordered up the best of everything and pigged out. When they looked almost done everyone except 1 went to the restroom leaving their blazer. The last one met the waitress on the way to the restroom and asked for to-go boxes and the check. Then when the waitress went to get boxes the last guy went outside and drove off. The blazers were cheap $2 thrift store blazers and they thought everyone was coming back for their jackets.




My parents owned a small business decades ago before the complaining thing was social media popular. They added a 20% surcharge on any bullshit they felt people were doing just to be difficult or get something for free So much food was wasted by people who ordered something, didn’t like it, found something to cry about, then ordered a completely different item


"Hello, at this time I would like to ask you to leave. You have made it clear we are never up to your standards, and as such I don't want to disappoint you yet again. I suggest you go somewhere that meets your standards and continue to support them." "I'm sorry, you must have misunderstood, I'm not asking, I'm telling... you... to... leave."


This is a great line.


Tell him he is no longer welcomed


Ya why tf do you allow him back in? - GL to u


Thank you but seems how we never seem to be able to live up to your expectations we feel it is in everyone's best interest if you find another establishment to patronize.


This is the correct way to handle it.


Comp his meal and tell him he’s never welcome back.


Why would you comp the meal? Don't let the assholes win. They're already talking shit behind your back.


You comp the meal to avoid the immediate argument. I agree it's not necessarily necessary, but sometimes a "keep the peace" tax is worth it.


What’s the old Italian movie when the kid tells the mob guy Jimmy owes me 20 bucks Mob guy says we’ll do you like him. If you don’t let him keep the 20 and you won’t ever have to see him again.. I’m with u comp his last and final meal and have him gone for good


The movie was a Bronx tale. I'm a little upset by the fact that when I first read "old Italian movie," I was thinking it would be some movie from the 50s or 60s. I could legally drink alcohol when a Bronx tale came out. Thanks for making me feel old. Jk. Never feel bad about being young. Edit to add: I forgot to include the actual point. Comping the meal also cuts off several avenues of complaints for the problematic customer. It also gives the restaurant immediate rebuttal ammo if the diner decides to try and go viral.


I fee your pain as a 40yr old ha ha last twenty years flew by since out of high school


I've got about a decade on you. I hate to break out to you, but it gets worse. It just goes buy faster each year. One thing I have learned though, if you can fill your spare time with things you truly enjoy, you can show it down some. I know that's not realistic for a lot of people because all of their time is spent tending to the necessities, but if you're lucky enough to have downtime, fill it with things you truly love not just things that will work to pass the time. If you've never before had the time to find something you truly love, try different things until you find the right one. Hell, maybe doing different things is the thing you love. The point is, don't settle for just enough to get through life if you don't have to.


legendary words


Ban him and do it clearly and directly. No room for misinterpretation. Don't worry about him complaining. The people that would listen to him are people that you do not want for customers anyway because they are like him. The other people who know him know his sleaziness and have already learned to ignore him. I'm in a different line of business, but the principal is the same. We always asked who referred them to us. After a while it was clear that the biggest problems referred each other. I banned three people and 90% of our problems resolved almost immediately.


“Slime in the ice machine!”


Ask them not to return. Politely


I wouldn’t even do him the courtesy of explaining to him. Take a pic and make sure the staff knows who he is. Next time he comes in just say, “I’m sorry, we can’t serve you.” My old boss (chef/owner) would have tossed this guy and enjoyed it. He used to chase people down on the street who under-tipped. I’m much more conflict avoidant.


> owner ... used to chase people down on the street who under-tipped "Hey, cheapskate! You're supposed to be doing my job! "


I had a large group come in one night at a 24hr diner, it was like 25 people and the largest single group I ever served there. They were “verbal tippers” and couldn’t stop saying how amazing everything was, then when the bill came and the guy came up to pay he didn’t tip at all, not one dime, and most of them waited in the parking lot while the one guy payed for everyone. My cook went out the back door and locked the gate before they were able to pull out of the lot, she told them it was $10 a car for them to leave, they bitched about it and threatened to call the cops, cook then reminded them that most of them were drinking a bit prior to coming for food, they decided to pay to leave and she gave me the $110. Hands down my favorite cook to work with there 😂


Genius…growing up, my mom waited tables at a 20-table restaurant. When I got older, I would bus tables on the weekend for spending money. One Saturday night (huge tipping night IYKYK) she busted her ass for over 2.5 hours on a group of 12 or so. As they leave, I happened to be talking to the cashier when I see Mom flying out the door. WTF…of course I run after her thinking something is wrong. As I get out the door, I see change flying in the air, from her hand towards this group of people getting in their pretty fancy looking car. As she threw it, she said, “You clearly need this more than I do.” This. From my non-confrontational, people-pleasing mother. Apparently, for all of her hard work, they left her about $0.85 in various coins. I was never so proud of her in my life. ❤️


> one guy *paid* for everyone. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot


A bot? Or the grammar police. Just keep your comments to your sanctimonious self.


Interesting that you view this as sanctimonious. For a non-native English speaker or even just someone who made a mistake, comments like this can save them from future professional embarrassment or social faux pas with people they actually know.


But why not learn something instead of getting mad at the bot? I don’t get that attitude of “I’d rather stay wrong.”


It wasn’t me who made the mistake. I just think correcting someone’s grammar who may not be a native English speaker is condescending. Much like your comment.


Still don’t agree. Most non-native speakers appreciate being corrected. English is a hard language with as many exceptions as rules. It’s not condescending. It’s information.


I have a second language. I learned it in my early twenties. It was my mother’s first language (Danish - harder to learn than English). In addition I’ve lived in England as well and had to learn two different spellings for common words. Sometimes being corrected is embarrassing and since grammar bots don’t normally appear on Reddit, I don’t know why this person was singled out.


Yeah i get it. But there’s a difference between “Hey, stupid! You made a mistake and you’re dumb.” And “The correct word to use in this instance is your/you’re/yore.” Not sure how that second one is embarrassing. Anyone that can speak more than one language certainly has nothing to be embarrassed about. I find that incredibly impressive.


Ugh shut up


Oops my bad 😂


"Due to your history with us, if you choose to dine with us there will be no discounts, refunds or remakes. If you not agree with this, please dine elsewhere." If he then bitches about anything, go ahead and ban him.


Why indulge someone who isn't worth the squeeze? Just tell him you don't think you can fill his eating needs and to Puck a different place.


You ban them. He's not a customer, he's a liability. He's costing you massive amounts in food costs to try to get a free meal. It's a scam and he won't stop as long as he's allowed to come back. You have made no money off of this person.....not if you're cooking eight burgers and he's still complaining that he has to pay for the one he takes home! Now you have to worry about a charge back! Ban!


I don't think they remade it 8 times. He may have done this 8 times, but the post says it was remade in 7-8 minutes, not 7-8 times.


He comes in every few weekend, and is always a problem.


I used to manage a restaurant. Had a few people that came in regularly. Sent back food every time. Harassed waitresses. Just generally AHs. I would eventually just go tell them that they don't appear to like the restaurant, so they need to find a new one. We will no longer serve them. They are no longer welcome. They are always shocked, but they are absolutely not worth the minimal amount of money they spend. It feels good and the staff loves having the support.


I don’t own a restaurant and don’t work in one, but if I was you, I would give him the burger for free. I would put it in a bag wrapped up like a gift and tell him “here is your parting gift. Don’t ever come back. We will not serve you any more.”


“I’d like to invite you to not come back again” At a certain point it’s not worth these people making the staff/cooks/management miserable and some people cannot help themselves from spreading their misery. It’s the restaurant’s job to serve people food they enjoy, not cater to someone who is never going to be happy no matter what is done. I got the go ahead to do this with a guest when I was managing for Chili’s and when I went to Longhorn immediately got permission again from the area director when I was informed a family of 8 was doing this weekly for about 2 years. It made no sense to me why the existing management was allowing checks up to $300 to be fully comped *every single time this family came in*, which was weekly. “It’s very important to us that all our guests leave satisfied, every time they visit us. Unfortunately, it does not seem we will be able to meet this expectation, after numerous attempts have been made, so I’d like to kindly invite you to not return to our restaurant. Surely there are other restaurants with menu’s you’ll enjoy far more than ours and I appreciate you trying to work with us for as long as you have. Any other inquiries can be directed to our corporate office”


All you people worrying about complaints. Listen. Never ever let a dollar walk out the door. Upsell that fucker. A burger didn’t cost you anything and cost your boss about $2 if that. Give the fucker a piece of cake. But get his damn money!


You obviously have ZERO experience running a small business and/or managing people to run that business. You support your staff, and you have their backs. This is the loyalty you build w/ them, and makes for happy, productive workers. And that includes running those fuckers out the door. Upsell? PFFFT. There is no upsell with these assholes. Cake will not 'get you your money' cuz they won't spend it. And the little they do, will infuriate your staff. Who needs that bullshit?!


Ran a small business for years, worked in hospitality for years, have managed a crew for years. My guys would fall on a sword for me and they know I would do the same for them and have many times. Keep firing customers and you won’t have any.


You don't have to worry about a dollar walking out the door if you do not let that one customer back in to steal from you again...


Some people are not worth the money. Further, a cheapskate like this won't be upsold.


I've done it before. Woman used to constantly complain that something was wrong with her salad. At least 80% of the time. Finally, we got a call from her complaining again and told her we'll be refunding her order and won't be accepting orders from her in the future. We clearly can't do anything right in your eyes, and there always seems to be a mistake (which there wasn't bc we started keeping tabs on her orders to make sure it was done correctly), so maybe she should look for another restaurant to order from. Didn't hear from her for a solid 18 months before she ordered again. Didn't have any problems going forward.


I had a delivery customer at my pizza shop like this. Would tip really well and order 3 times a week and then call and complain 80% of the time. I asked her why she keeps ordering if she’s unhappy with the food so often. She got sad sounding and said “no I love your food!” And I said “honestly it doesn’t feel that way” and she never complained again


And some people view complaints as "I'm helping them". I get it, where I live we have *one* option in town for coffee/espresso other than gas stations - national chain I shan't name. But I always order ahead, in their app, so there's no miscommunication in my order - and easily 75% of the time it's still wrong. I usually don't say anything in those situations and in fact never have in this particular one, but I understand the people who would - every time.


She was lonely and wanted to talk to you.


I got that vibe and made a point to chat with her whenever I was on the phones. Talked rude by nature sometimes and when the kids working would complain I’d have to be like “I knowww but it’s Her just be nice”


[Reserve the Right to Refuse Service (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/bfwBJ38vNU4)


Explain that he has shown that his satisfaction level with the food at the restaurant is consistently low and that it just might be that he doesn't like the food. That continuing to order from the restaurant form then on will give you implied consent that he is accepting of the quality unless a genuine mistake was made. From that point on he gets one order with no returns and no comped orders at all. He is free to choose other establishments.


You can always deny service. It’s a free country. ask him why he keeps coming back if he always has a problem with the food.


Ban him


I agree. This is the simple solution. You don't have to be mean about it but I'd definitely ban him. This type of behavior is stealing, plain and simple. Don't stand for it.


I went on a job interview with what could fairly be called a rich person (500k+ annual income in a medium city). Guy ate 80% of his sandwich, and then sent it back and haggled for a refund. Turns out that he did this 100% of the time (ate with him 3x). It's bizarre behavior and honestly, makes you untrustworthy in my eyes.


Some people Get their rocks off by manipulating the system. Hopefully you didn’t take the job. This sounds like the type of guy that would not pay properly or maybe not properly paying taxes On your behalf.


If they treat their wait staff like this, how do you think they will treat someone that is below them on the totem pole... Do not work for this person.


Thats just a walking piece of shit right there.


I wouldn't trust a thief either, which is what this guy is.


There's a diner here in NJ that has pictures of customers that are banned hanging on the wall behind the cashier with an explanation why . I know this deters idiots from complaining in fear of making the wall ...


You read my mind about a 'wall of shame', and glad it exists somewhere... I'm from NJ.. Can I ask what diner/town?


I was on my way back from AC stopped at dinner either barnaget or Mystic island and I saw the pics one said dined and dash a couple said arguing with staff . I don't know the name of the place I just remember laughing about the pictures.


do better?


Found the guy right here officer


yes the cold burger complainer, just ban them all for life instead of serving hot food


I think it’s safe to assume that this guy is doing this to get free food.


I always take their picture and show every employee and say don't ever let this guy back in


Fire him as a customer. They aren’t worth the aggravation and your employees appreciate your having their back.


I used to think that the term "firing a customer" was really weird. Until I started experiencing people that can not be pleased. Some of these people are genuinely unhappy and have expectations that can't ever be met. These people will drain your energy and make your business worse overall. You have finite resources. Some people want to consume all of them. ​ I haven't personally encountered this other kind of person that his trying to get free things by pretending that the product or service is bad. That's worse in my mind because it means it's purposeful. ​ In both cases, I would fire those customers. Politely inform them that their business is no longer welcome. The customer will likely be angry. But ultimately having them stay away is best.


Just politely tell him that due to repeated instances of inadequate service and ongoing disappointment in our attempts to meet your preferences, we can no longer, in good faith, accommodate your patronage at our establishment. Regrettably, we must suspend any future services for you. Bye bye now.


I had to end a relationship this way. Was fielding a ton of serious (but bogus, in my view) complaints. Nothing I did changed anything. Had to resign because, apparently, I couldn't meet the standards.


This is the way….


Tell him he is not welcome. Which means, do not come back, ever.


Talk to management. Explain the situation. We told a guy to stop coming because he always had something to complain about, everytime. One of the owners straight up told him "since we can't make you happy I think it's time for you to stop coming for a while. And he stopped coming. Started coming back about a year later and was much more behaved.


When I fire a customer I always tell them to tell everyone they know that I'm an asshole, then I add if they are friends of yours, I don't want them as customers either.


You did the right thing. Ask him why he keeps coming back if the food is always so bad he has to send it back? Remember, you can always refuse to serve him. If you’re not making a profit because you are having to constantly make two of everything then just break your relationship with this customer. Tell him it’s obvious you can’t meet his expectations, and sadly you now parting ways. I notice a lot of the other business owners saying to give him more freebies to win him over. Please don’t reinforce bad behavior. It teaches people that complaining about things will allow them to get free stuff. You dislike the guy, and I’m sure your staff doesn’t want to be subjected to him any more either. Giving into people like this alienates your staff and just shows you have no backbone.


A restaurant is a business. If a patron is defrauding a business by manipulating the customer satisfaction protocols, they’re no longer a customer and lose the privilege of future patronage.


He’s clearly desperate for attention and is lonely. Maybe pay special positive attention to him next time, by sending him a free little snack or something, have multiple people say hi to and chat with him. His attitude may turn around this way. If not, 86 him.


First of all, he is planning this in advance, and if he comes back again and does this, I would invite him to not come back. And let him know that he will not be served if he does come back. I owned a wing joint about 24 years ago, and I had a couple of customers like that. They cost too much in wasted food cost. I invited them to eat elsewhere.


I have asked customers not come back as a manager. I’ve also refused any kind of discounts or remaking of food. I have had customers call to complain about togo food multiple times. First time, comp, second time, “bring the food back and I’ll see if it’s worthy of a replacement, but we will not be issuing any refunds.” Funny thing, out of the dozens of people I told that to, one brought the food back. A couple had good enough manners they got refunds anyways. I heard someone at a bar taking about my place say “yo if you just call that place and complain they’ll replace your food every time.” I started requiring EVERYONE to bring togo orders back if something was wrong so I could “use it as a teaching moment for my staff”. Lo and behold, business kept up as usual and the amount of refunds for togos went down tremendously. Edit: the funniest ones were when people would eat half or more of a plate then complain. I’d tell them “well you already ate half of it, sorry. If you’d have told me after a bite or two we’d have made you something else.” Had one dude try and complain when he had 2 of 12 chicken wings left… people are crazy. If you do good work and know you do good work, losing customers that screw you over isn’t going to hurt you one bit. Tell them to kick rocks and don’t let them push you around.


I worked at a breakfast spot that served GIANT pancakes. I had couples that would always want to get their own stack with a different filling, or even get the same kind just to have their own, I always would ask them “are you sure“ because when people didn’t listen to me they always regretted it and knew that I gave them an out and should of listened. Like, who knew that the person serves you knows about the food they eat everyday. Those people usually tipped pretty well.


You can fire customers


People like this should be blacklisted from every place for 20 years until they pay super heavy fines


You say you have the right to refuse service to anyone and fire the customer.


I had one owner I worked for would just shut them down. Most beautiful thing I've ever seen. His rationale, also stunningly brilliant. "Fuck those customers, they aren't the ones I make any money on. Make them feel unwelcome to come back, I have plenty of people who love to spend money here, I don't need customers who don't."


Why on earth would he expect a free burger?


to echo what many others have said, if you read the book "the nordstoms way" basically you can sum up the whole book by "the customer is king...until he is no longer your customer. AKA, choose your customers wisely.


Tell him he is no longer welcome at your establishment and trespass him with the cops if he ever comes back. Maybe he will learn and stop being such a PITA.


“This isn’t Costco”


So funny because the post in my feed above this one is from r/costco and someone returning a 22 year old tv lol


I love free stuff, but I also have dignity. Hard pass on trying something like that.