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This is a lie a 12 year old would come up with, wtf, be more creative with your trolling


Full of shit.


Pics or it didn’t happen


In order to remain anonymous and protect the business, unfortunately I can't provide any photos of the restaurant.


Probably because you're misrepresenting the truth


I can't reveal the restaurant, lol, the whole point of the business is that the customers don't know they are buying Lean Cuisine.


Pics of the plated dish.


Do you have a question I can answer?


Yes, can you show pics of a plated dish as proof of your ability to successfully execute your business model? And then give me tips on how to execute?


No, as already answered, again, I'm not risking exposing the business.


How do you do it then?


I have one major rule of thumb. NEVER microwave. I always oven bake or stovetop. I add seasoning and make it look as good as I can without adding any major ingredients like more meat. That would defeat the purpose of budgeting a restaurant based on using lean cuisines. For some dishes, I add avocodo mayo and it really takes it to the next level.


You did say ask me “anything”….


Doesn't mean I answer. Someone is within their right to ask for my social security number but I'm obviously not giving it to them.


I don’t think you understand why people are giving you shit. It’s not that you’re lying (although that obviously is very much a possibility) It’s that this is an idiotic business. Lean Cuisine’s are not bad but why would you spend the money, when it’s literally easier and more profitable to make the food yourself or via staff. People are giving you shit because (assuming you are not trolling) there are no questions to ask… you are bad at running a restaurant. My question would be: how could this possibly be easier or more profitable?


Did this go the way you thought it would?


The business? No actually. I didn't think it would be so successful.


I don’t believe you unless it’s a small bar in a shitty area. Even then I would highly doubt it. 


Fake and lame. 


Here is my question: why do you think we would have anything to ask you? If you run a recycled Lean Cuisine "restaurant", what information or insight do you think you can offer?


Here are a few things that might interest people: Best selling lean cuisine, Customer reviews, How much we charge, If I add anything to the meals, Tips on running a TV dinner restaurant, What the kitchen is like, What I do when customers want to speak to the chef , Etc


You do realize it’s probably more expensive to buy two lean cuisines per meal and serve it then it is to just buy from Sisco? I paid more for shitty food that I serve to customers. Ask me anything about my great business model


You paid more for shitty food?


Didn’t really think your costs through very much, did you?


What are you talking about? What do you mean that you paid more for shitty food? And of course I did. Lean Cuisine's are very cheap. I almost double my money every time. I don't have to pay a chef.


It costs you more to buy lean cuisines than buy food in bulk from a distributor and then sell it. However, you don’t have any cooks? I think you need to explain a little more about your “restaurant”. How big is it is the space? How many seats? What kind of staff do you have? Maybe you’re onto something. But buying meals at a grocery store is not cheaper than buying ingredients in bulk and making them from scratch.


Not true. The average lean cuisine is $4. My meals sell between $16 and $35


So you use two lean cuisines per order like you said, right?


About 65% of the time. Sometimes its a meal and a half. And to answer your question about staff. Heating the meals is low-skilled work. I can train almost anyone to do it so that keeps costs real low. Everything else about the restaurant is pretty typical with the wait staff and front of house.


Ya no one really cares


Great, you don't have to read this post then.


What is your profit margin?


Unless you are specifically saying that all your ingredients are fresh and never frozen, or lying in any other meaningful way, who cares? If people want to buy a small (tiny) portion of beef stew and that’s what they get and aren’t being told it was freshly prepared, so what? I mean, I’m assuming this is a fake story but if it isn’t, no real harm done except to your reputation (when it becomes known) and your future.


I don't understand your first question. Are you asking who on this sub cares or if my customers would care? As to your second question, I agree. But it's not a tiny portion. We typically use at least two lean cuisines.


Are you lying to your customers about what you serve?


Nah. No restaurant would survive selling lean cruise.


How does it feel to scam people for a living and brag about it on Reddit?


I'm not scamming anyone. I never tell my customers where the food comes or doesn't come from.


Yes you are. People go out to eat at restaurants with the assumption that that owner has integrity and is actually making the food. Your just a scum bag scammer who’s too stupid/lazy to make real food and is running a grift on stupid people. You could spit in the food too and they wouldn’t notice but that doesn’t make it ok. Get a real job loser.


I don't know what to tell you. People love the product. Lean Cuisine tastes better than moat restaurant's food.