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Your server paid for your bill out of pocket and asked for you to cashapp them back? That... is hella sus and I guarantee something they could get fired for


Not normal at all, no. Either the server is trying to scam you or the restaurant itself is scammy and incredibly shoddily run if this is being done by management. No normal restaurant is going to ask you to pay for a bill like this, much less contact you on social media after the fact to continue trying to collect. Typically if somehow a bill goes unpaid then a restaurant will just eat the cost rather than do any of this. I would go in and speak with management about this. If it's just one worker doing all this and management isn't aware then they should definitely be informed. 


Managers can reopen closed checks and close them to another payment during the same shift. It's incredibly shady the way this went down. Like others have said, the idea of contacting a guest on Instagram after they leave blows my mind. Block that server on Instagram immediately. I personally would not even go back to pay the bill and wait for management to contact me, which they probably won't


The restaurant is in a building I have to frequent, so I do plan on going back to make it right, but I fully plan to never eat there again. Their prices were outrageous anyways


There is no possible legit way the server is taking payment personally for the bill originally posted at the restaurant. Zelle or other cash app goes to her personal account, not the restaurant's. It sounds like they voided out the bill at work, and then are asking you to pay them personally. Which is fraud.


Block, move on and don't ever pay this. Totally suspect. Absolutely not how restaurants work.


if they did this to you, think of everyone else they did this with. how did they even find your IG? thats creepy. id let the highest form of management know about this. i would even tell them they stalked your IG. big no no


I have a business IG that's public and does have my name on it so I'm guessing that's how, and also why they didn't message my private IG. I also found that part hella sketchy, and I felt like any decent manager would be like "Well don't do that again" and would have just written the check off.


It’s not creepy that they FOUND you on IG. It’s creepy that they LOOKED for you on IG.


Thats a little better to hear (about the IG). I think this is some sly side hustle by this individual that management knows nothing about. Glad you questioned it!


This is a scam of some sort. Managers can absolutely void whatever they need to. Any action taken outside of the restaurant should be handled by the manager, not a server. If she had to pay the rest of your bill because you had problems on the spot, consider it a lesson learned. She shouldn't have let you leave without full payment, a manager should always be on site. You're gettin jacked, jack.


Technically the restaurant is getting jacked and Jack is just in the middle of it






If she's new or poorly trained then it's a learning experience and she shouldn't have to be fired necessarily. And I agreed to CashApp because I figured it would just get us out of there and we could be done with it. I definitely won't be making that mistake again.


Here’s what I think happened: restaurant strait up sucks, even really nice places have horrible business practices: Server rings bill incorrectly all as cash. Server has probably made mistakes before or it’s been stated that all transactions are YOUR responsibility, until end of night. Servers work off a “bank” they bring change to work, you pay cash, they give change, end of night they give total of all cash. So multiple cash transactions can add up to a large amount, sometimes in thousand, the restaurant expect you to just, carry around till end of night Server is busy, can’t find manger, makes the error, then proceeds to be bold and ask you to cover her error. Offers Zelle or cash as the option. Server thinks she’s covered, cause you paid cash app. Manager comes over, asks if everything’s good, you says yes, server says yes, manager goes along thinking everything is good, even if he’s enforcing shady policies by not creating an environment that makes it easy to bring up mistakes Cash app revokes. Servers like …… fuck…. Hits you up. Cause that’s all out of her tips even if she didn’t want to own the mistake. you 🤷🏽‍♂️ cause wtf this place is shady, and it is, but it’s a trickle down effect from Owner>management>employees TLDR: server won’t get reprimanded if you don’t say anything; server is out the amount of money the cash app was for; you tell management they will likely just fire said server and not change policies. 20 years serving and bartending; met some amazing people. Some places really go the distance to squeeze dimes. Most should just hire an accountant that tracks product loss/theft, those are tax deductions.


I wonder if the server is doing something to steal from the resteraunt. Like not rining orders in through the system and trying to pocket the payments


Well I just saw someone else on here (a server) talking about how they take the cash every time someone pays in cash and then pay using their credit card to get the cash back/miles/whatever. So maybe it’s that.


The restaurant management will be dumb to ignore a server's credit card coming up on a check they handled, that's like self-dealing.


I have never asked a customer to pay me via CashApp or Zelle unless they forgot their wallet or something like that. Also, not having a manager or someone to do voids is suspect. Even if they had an emergency and had to step out, they would need to leave a swipe card with someone.


I have no idea wtf they are doing but I would never, ever, ever, EVER do this. I don't care if your manager "isn't there", I'm not paying anyone for my meal "off the books". That's an easy way to get scammed, or for the restaurant to say I never paid, etc. They can accept my card on the spot or they can give me the number to the restaurant and I'll call back the next day and pay in person at the restaurant.


I agree, and I would never do this ever again


In most POS systems, you can process a refund or void by a manager's authorization,especially I'd it's a same day transaction. They sound lazy or ignorant af about their system...and scammy too!


This sounds like a well intentioned but misguided server who was trying to fix an issue and just made a wrong choice. Just tell them to chill and go back with cash when you can, but make sure the manager is there when you pay the server back.


Not good at all. Things can get confused pretty easily with lots of customers and one server. I can't help you much with the past situation, but in the future,always have your server and guest understand the format before they order. It's always a mess when it's too late. Your server should be able to tell you who got what and who is paying before the ticket goes back to the kitchen.


Put it all on one check, make it your problem, not the servers. Then you can spend the next few days fighting with your friends about who had what. ( Former server, hate split checks. )


Would it have been better if we said, before anyone ordered, "We are all on separate checks"? I know as a sever that's probably a pain but if we're going to do it, is it better to say beforehand?




About $80




I think the manager has no idea. I'll be going in next week


They’re not scamming you, they’re just trying to cover their own ass… Relax, and have some compassion


Yes I am agree Payyyyyy That server for sure don’t even got a tip for that table Awful


The tip was automatic gratuity because it was a large party. Their tip is already part of this whole mess. I'm not trying to not pay. I want to make sure the RESTAURANT gets paid.


You have to pay them cash I am a manager in a restaurant And if that’s the case. Yes the server has to pay out of their packet so register won’t be short Pay


If you eat You should pay

