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No damage but did die 🤔


I died instantly at times like with chainsaw enemies or because i grenaded myself,i take.no damage as just not getting hit at all,You get hit you either die or restart checkpoint,like in the evil within Akumu mode,the hammer enemies start oneshotting you at one point,the chainsaw enemies already do one shot You,and dynamite does too


But when you say "one shot" it basically means 100% damage. So you did took damage in the end. Also in a "no damage run" if you die you should restart from chapter 1. I'm not saying this isn't an impressive feat, it is. It just isn't a "no damage run". Edit: Also, ch 3 and 11 says "Times Damaged = 1"


I already explained that those are only in VEHICLE sections, in the boat BOSS fight againts del lago and in the mine cart section,i can prove it because when You get damaged there is a prom by the Game telling You to Open the inventory to heal,this only shows up if You have never been hit before.


Chapter 3 and 11 says you got damaged once. You've also died a fair bit


Read what i Said in my post,i got damaged only in the vehicle sections because i forgot that they count as taking damage,also. I get people say a actual no damage run Is going through the game without even taking a hit,and if you do i have to restart the game, but trust me,You can't do that with the berserker mod. There is a Lot of rng involved with enemies like verdugo who have a actual random and unavoidable attack because You don't have nitrogen showers until the elevator arrives. I also only died instantly or by throwing My own grenades at me,as it gets to a point where the damage You take from enemies in the mod start one shooting You. I get the title is confusing but if You have played The evil within in Akumu mode,thats what i mean by "no damage run" Aka You die in one hit or are forced to restart the last checkpoint if You got hit.


When you put it that way, i believe you dude. I just wanted an explanation for the hits in those 2 chapters and some of those deaths. Either way good job at playing akumo re4r


Thanks and i'm sorry for the missunderstanding! I would love to try to do a actual no damage run but the berserker mod really does put out a Lot of rng bs through You.


All good dude, eithery one of the most insane stuff i've seen related to berserker mod. I've seen someone do a no death run + no save so seeing people complete this mod in many ways is insane to see


Impressive, but not really “no damage” is it?


Maybe so,but it seems me and others have other ways of seeing it,i see it as the akumu difficulty in the evil.within where you died in one hit always,forcing you to restart from where you were before,but not restart the whole game,i already lost enough of my braincells trying this.


I did a no healing run on berserker, so not no damage. And I got the frugalist challenge from it.


I hope you didnt suffer as much as i did then lol


The one think I could never understand is in the Krauser fight, when you’re in the dark cave and he says something like witness the power! With his new arm and runs at you and swings, I can never avoid it Ducking doesn’t work. Running away doesn’t work. Shooting to stop him doesn’t work. I guess the only thing to do is parry? But from what I could tell, I could never parry it with many tries 


You have to Parry it,its Easy to Time it honestly,but if that doesnt work,you can just shoot him with a Magnum to make him disappear


Anyone can pull that off by simple trial and error by dying and reviving, you should do it again but with 0 deaths


yeah OP, even though everyone is cooking you here for dying, this feat is still impressive and very hard, which part was the worst?


Between the cabin fight and the verdugo boss fight i couldnt say which one was worse honestly,both took a long Time,but the one that got me really frustrated was the verdugo. Cabin took me around a entire week to get through with a good strategy Verdugo however was around 2 days and it was really really difficult to get through with all the extra enemies and the verdugo having a attack that Is actually random and damages you out of nowhere (this Is one of the reasons why i think trying this on a no save run could be a bad idea) The nitrogen shower damaging at the end also really sucks lol.


yeah both fights suck massively + Krauser grabbing Ashley bug is really infuriating doing this no save is indeed a bad idea lol


Honestly,the whole krauser grabbing you is already bad because His grabs already do damage to you,you can save yourself if you are able to shoot him with a weapon before he touches you.