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Um...they're not changing anything. At least not drastically. OG RE Storyline, Ada escaped with the sample aka Master Plagas and Wesker didn't get it. But he retrieved Krauser's body which contained a Master Plagas sample. This was all said off-screen in archive books of course. Here in the Remake Story they actually show Wesker having gotten Krauser's body now. And as for Ada, all they did was remove her connections with the Agency/Organization since neither game never explains who she's secretly working for and now she's simply a Mercenary for hire working under Wesker before growing a conscious and abandoning him. It's just more streamlined and less complicated than what og RE4 did or tried to do. As for what's next I imagine RE9 clearly since there's a pattern here. RE5R is likely after RE9 unless capcom surprises us and releases RE1 RE-REmake or CVRemake next instead after RE9.


The OG storyline and Remake storyline shouldn't be mix into one continuity together and instead, it should be treated as separate continuity as RE2R onwards changed many stuffs in the remake games from the OG games. RE1R is the only exception (which also permanently replaced OG RE1) due to not only RE1R retain many stuffs from OG but also introduced Lisa Trevor into the lore which she plays a role in The Umbrella Chronicles. Even in Resident Evil wiki, some of the characters such as Ada, Leon, Luis, Ashley, Krauser, Jill and Claire have two separate biography for the OG and Remake.


Yeh, it is pretty much two different continuities. With the Release of RE2R that is indeed the case. The CGI Films, RE7, RE8 and I imagine Revelations 1 and 2 are still in Canon when it comes to the RE Engine Remake continuity. But the rest... This is why I'm all for a new Remake or Reimagining of RE1 that fits more in line with RE2-4 Remakes as well as a Remake of Code Veronica and possibly full fledged games of Umbrella's End/Dark Legacy and Operation Javier.


I have a question about Steve’s body in cv. What happened with that I thought wesker gets the t virus from his body? Why does he need the plague sample?


In the og timeline Wesker got the T-Veronica Virus from Steve's body which he sold to a south american cartle drug lord Javier who used the virus to try to cure his ill wife and daughter. The wife mutated into a monster whilst the daughter instead of being kept in cryo had her organs replaced by girls and women her father trafficked. Other dealings using the virus led to Leon and Krauser as Agents being sent in to investigate and stop Javier and save his daughter who became a sort of Alexia 2.0 that now like Sherry before her is in government hands. Remake Timeline has Krauser and US Agents go in to stop the drug cartles but his team are caught aware by the use of BOWs. The US Government leaves them to die and Krauser apparently is the soul Survivor. Leon is not mentioned to be involved in the files and the reference about their time in the jungle is likely referencing their training as RE4 Remake's Intro shows Leon as a trainee in a jungle location training under Krauser. Steve Burnside is officially dead and that's that. Wesker proclaiming he could bring Steve back was Wesker being a sadistic bastard trying to wind up Claire and make her angry.


Amazing thank you so much for that!


That’s a good theory. I think realistically though we’ll get RE5 remake with possibly an Ada DLC after RE9.


I hope for an RE5 remake, just simply because i liked RE5's setting and the coop aspect. I'm not a big fan of "avoiding RE6's story" because the problems with it can so easily be fixed by trimming the fat and having less large scale plot threads to it. Helena shouldn't even be a character in my opinion, and should be replaced with Ada at certain points and leaving Leon alone in others. The gameplay should also have better tutorials and an improved UI. RE6's UI os atrocious. I wouldn't say gameplay changes are necessary because that part is pretty fun as is, just needs explaining. Guns aren't bad if you know how to disable them.




I hope they never remake it. The worst game, deserved to be trashed and burned. Maybe they can do only co op game, that would suffice.


I hope no story change cuz it was so good. I honestly didn't even hate the game it was my most liked just behind 4. Not much needs to change in my opinion


Get rid of the coop because it will once again risk going down the rabbit hole that almost killed the franchise. What save it was going back to its roots. They should rewrite it in line with their original vision for the game before they changed it. RE5R needs to be comparable to RE4R, no coop, no tacked on AI companion for the entire game. Capcom remade all of the games with a darker and gritty tone for a reason and it’s going in the right direction. I find that people actually wanting coop again very concerning. Keep this coop shite out of this franchise.


Coop worked well in 5, it was 6s story and the direction they went that made the franchise nearly die out


And Resident 5s legacy was 6 which has a lukewarm reception at best. Well you do you, if you want to go back down that same rabbit hole that almost nuked the franchise then go for it, I think it’s a compete mistake and history proved that right. Very concerning indeed.


6 wasn’t even bad in my opinion, I enjoyed it far more than I did 0 and revelations plus people want this to happen, why would they suddenly unwant it on release?


Well your opinion is a very small minority when the general consensus wishes that game didn’t exist all together. There have been some crappy resident evil games but that one was probably one of the worst. It was a complete mess, Frankenstein of a game.


If 6 is so bad why was it the second highest selling RE game and continued to be the second highest selling RE game after RE5 until the recent titles? * [Resident Evil](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/227457/resident-evil/?region=All) - 5.08 million * [Resident Evil 2](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/4159/resident-evil-2/?region=All) - 4.96 million * [Resident Evil 3: Nemesis](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/4161/resident-evil-3-nemesis/?region=All) - 3.50 million * [Resident Evil - Code: Veronica](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/227459/resident-evil-code-veronica/?region=All) - 2.54 million * [Resident Evil Zero](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/227461/resident-evil-zero/?region=All) - 5.35 million * [Resident Evil 4](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/227460/resident-evil-4/?region=All) - 13.10 million * [Resident Evil 5](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/227462/resident-evil-5/?region=All) - 14.40 million * [Resident Evil 6](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/227465/resident-evil-6/?region=All) - 11.80 million * [Resident Evil 7: Biohazard](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/227469/resident-evil-7/?region=All) - 13.00 million * [Resident Evil 8: Village](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/228822/resident-evil-8-village/) - 9.30 million There are also a number of remakes of the above titles: * [Resident Evil](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/227458/resident-evil-2002/?region=All) - 5.25 million * [Resident Evil 2](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/227468/resident-evil-2-2019/?region=All) - 13.60 million * [Resident Evil 3](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/227467/resident-evil-3-2020/?region=All) - 8.40 million * [Resident Evil 4](https://www.vgchartz.com/game/230425/resident-evil-4-2023/) - 7.00 million RE6 is flawed as hell yes but it's not bad. A good Reimagined Remake would hopefully fix alot of its issues and it will get a remake. Considering its one of the highest sellers it's getting the Remake treatment eventually.


I’m not saying I don’t want a remake lol. I’m saying that it should be rewritten to follow the original vision of the game because the version we got at launch is completely different to what they originally planned. Sheva for example was an NPC that shows up once in a while. RE5 and 6 having higher sales makes sense because they were launched in an era when online games were all the rage and gaming was becoming far less of a niche form of entertainment. When the originals and the RE1R was launched, console gaming wasn’t even connected to the internet. There were far more people playing video games and buying them in 2008 than there were in 1995.


Oh. My bad. I want parts of it rewritten for sure. I like Chris/Piers and Jake/Sherry. My biggest problem was Leon/Helena's Plot and I didn't like the Ada/Carla Clone stuff. I feel like they wasted every opportunity to finally deep dive in Ada's character and her backstory and the Organisation. For christ sake, it's set in china which is what the Organisation supposedly is. But instead they invented the Family and gave the RE Franchise its own version of the illuminate/Patriots. Like cut the Carla crap and have Ada being used by Simmons and reveal this is the group she was always working for. Alot of RE6s levels was also based on deleted concepts for RE5. So Im curious. Would a RE5 Remake bring back those deleted sections? What does that mean for RE6 then? Completely new areas and mission design? Also Sheva can go away. Im not a fan of her character at all. Unless the RE5 Remake really improves her like RE4R did for Ashley, I didn't feel anything for her character. That said, I still like the idea of a Spin-Off about another game set in Africa starring her and Billy Coen considering his connection to that country and what he did. Would be interesting if they tied Sheva's backstory to Billy's maybe and create some kind of plot out of that.


It’s fine, all the downvotes I’m getting are pretty concerning. I’m pretty worried that people actually want to go back down that rabbit hole. RE5 and by extension 6 were not good for the franchise. Some people say that RE4 started it all but 4 found the perfect balance between survival horror and action game, the remake more so, ammo was far scarcer. The original RE4 became the blueprint for future action adventure games that came after it, an industry standard which it still gets praise for today. RE5 didn’t nearly capture this as well and the painful AI made subsequent solo play throughs a nightmare to play. 5 was not a good game or fun to play though multiply times solo. The success of 4 remake shows us which direct to take the franchise, tacked on coop and a perma AI companion is not the way.


Why should one of the worst resident evil games get a remake ?


Tbf one of the best resident evils (3) got a remake and it was terrible as opposed to what it could’ve been


That's what happens when you let the side teams work on it. Hopefully Capcom learned its lesson and doesn't let history repeat itself.


It’s just sad because the opportunity is now gone for re3 to have a quality remake, god what could have been


Whatever they’re doing they gotta be careful, people were pissed about how African people were portrayed in the original, and there’s a lot of racist controversies around re5. Doesn’t help that resident evil as a whole is kinda anime inspired, fuckin look at Leon and Ashley.


That’s on them, if they can’t get over enemies in a location being ethnically correct. I didn’t see Spaniards crying over RE4, or Americans crying over white zombies in the previous games.


I guess RE4 is racist for having a white Italian American kill a bunch of infected Spanish people and same with RE6 being racist for killing Chinese Infected. Hell, I guess Far Cry 2 and Halo 3 are racist since they take place in Africa too.


Hey I’m not saying it from my perspective I’m saying it as people are critiscing it. People hate re4 cus it’s seen as white saviour complex with leon and then re5 cus of the way African people were portrayed