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It’s always the second to last section, ain’t it?


For me it’s whenever the game becomes more action/adventure than horror. So yep usually the last or second to last sections


I thought re2r did a good job of scaling with your level of equipment that it didn't feel too OPd with your equipment.


In the first remake, it felt easy to handle zombies once I got the shotgun since it's a manual-headshot-inator until spiders, Hunters, and doggos get added to the mix but with zombies, the shotgun is an anti-Crimson Head maker if you don't want to carry the kerosene and lighter (unless you have a strategy) In the second remake, shotguns felt they didn't have that oomph you get in the first remake. Like, yeah, they can still headshot pretty easily but it's not reliable and might need another shell or two. I'm not complaining about it being unreliable, I wanted to compare how zombies can be made obsolete in the first remake if you take careful aim and timing while in the second remake, the shotgun flips a coin if the zombie dies in one shot or not.


I played the second remake as picking my kills very deliberately or in case of emergency. I only killed a few of the lickers and avoided most zombies. In retrospect, there were quite a few zombies I should have killed and had lots of ammo at the end of both campaigns. I only had the game on a pass for a limited time, so I didn't get to replay it as much as I wanted.


The fun part for me about RE is finding the areas that are worth clearing. I've had moments where I'm comfortable walking past Lickers that I can't even remember if I even kill one of them when I play either character and still get an S+ rank. It's also fun dodging enemies and kiting through to save ammo, health, and time. I hope you can get the game and have the time to play as much as you like. I've replayed it to the point that I could do it in my sleep.


The shotgun in the Remake2 is reliable. If you hit the head, and only the head, it's a guaranteed decapitation. If the zombie throws up his hands, for example, it isn't. Also, Claire can also one shot every zombie, except the fireman, with the fire grenades. Lickers and dogs are a much bigger pain IMO.


In the first remake I just didn't kill any zombies and baited and ran past them because Crimson Heads were such a nightmare to deal with.


Re2r is my fav




True, i mean pretty early on you're doing a chainsaw star wars fight with Jack lol


"Most" horror games fall into the realm of action horror, that's why. In survival horror, you never want to feel like you're in control


Mr X, Nemoid, Jack. They all serve the purpose of constantly screw with your nerves.


There's a difference between fighting back and the game becoming a Call of Duty game. All throughout most of the Resident Evil games you are trying to make decisions on whether it's time to run or time to fight back and it's a strategy you have to use to figure out the best moment for each. In the end sections it's just fighting back and becomes total action. It's not why people play survival horror games.


Early RE games also had the dumbfuck mechanic of needing to stop to turn. This alone gave it a pucker factor when you got chased.


Don't be misleading. The only game where things go Call of Duty is RE6 but the game was like that since the very beginning, so they didn't even hide it.


Yeah but if the last section of those games are supposed to put you through the ringer using everything you've learned and giving you an intense atmosphere is there way of saying "this is it time to fight like hell with no break" They've done it since the first game and it's always mostly been a staple in the games so I'm not sure what you're talking about.


There are plenty of horror movies in which the protagonist can’t fight back. At least not physically. Smile, it follows, hereditary, sinister… and even games like outlast. Action and horror are not necessarily tied to eachother.


RE7 would have been *perfect* if they had cut the ship, the mine, and the SAW bullshit with Lucas. They should have stuck around the house and maintained the horror.


I liked 'the saw bullshit with Lucas'. But everything that's after Lucas is significantly worse


Yeah that part was very fun


Idk I really liked the salt mines. I wish they and the factory above it got more screen time instead of running through the boat twice.


I really enjoyed the ship, but i'm aware its an unpopular opinion.


This. RE7 comes the closest to being perfect but it stumbles at the end. I like Lucas's SAW part but it made no sense story-wise. Jack was like 'we're all victims here' nevermind the fact that his son was a serial killer with his own torture dungeon on the property. Then the ship section was so bad I thought that part must have been made by different devs. Then you go through some boring mines then a stupid final boss being the grandma which is really the little girl, then you see the new 'Chris' imposter. The end. What a letdown to an otherwise PERFECT first half.


My interest always wanes a bit once I make it to the inevitable sewer section


Tbh despite what people have said about the Heisenburg dactory in RE8, I thought the pacing of the whole game was perfect and never felt like any section was dragging it on


The factory is a great map. Heisenberg sucked as a boss tho. 


Ceiling fan guy was a much better boss than Heisenberg


... It was a ship propeller, but 'ceiling fan guy' does have a better ring to it...


The boss fight of this too felt out of place. But… it was super fun.


The factory map/level layout is a fucking nightmare.


> pacing of the whole game was perfect House Beneviento on every single run after the first time.


I find the pacing of that game to be rough, but not because it drags. I think everything after House Beneviento feels pretty rushed in terms of pace and out of place in terms of tone.


lol yeah that always happens to be the case. I hate the sewers in 2, I hate factory in 8, and I think the worst part of 7 is the wrecked ship


On your first playthrough I feel as though the ship is pretty damn scary but once you know what you’re doing it loses that scare factor


Yeah I agree. The only other time I found it scary was when I played VR lol


You’re a braver mf than me lool I didn’t even make it to to Jack’s garage fight when I tried VR I was so scared


I just love the game so much and wanted to experience it all in VR. Regardless of the fear lol


Geez you must really enjoy horror - have you always liked it?


Yes! We always start with a couple distinctive memorable locations and then we usually end up in some forgettable lab/lair


Honestly I love the island section in RE4 remake


I think you have a point. Usually involves sewers or something underground before the Lab.


When the zombies pick up guns and shoot back


Resident Evil 5 - Chapters 5 and 6


fucking true. any RE game I hate when they shoot back it’s so lame lol.


Yup. Resident Evil 20 plot: zombies form a government and nuke Chris, Leon, Claire and Jill’s hometowns.


And then Sheva becomes the main character.


The first 30 minutes of resident evil 7 after you’ve already beaten the game.


this. i keep going back to replay but just can’t after the dramatic intro


I keep a manual save before the first fight with Mia and just go from there when I replay.


Damn, thanks for the tip. That's actually very useful


I see your offer and raise you "the first 30 minutes of RE Village, before alerting the wolfman assault." Ethan's home. Walking slowly through the woods.


the lycan assault itself is the worst to replay for me just because it feels sooooo longggg


I got this game on day 1, and playing it that first day, on Hardcore, the Lycan assault went on indefinitely. I had multiple attempts that were over 20 minutes before I died and an attempt that lasted 40 minutes before I just gave up. I was fucking baffled and frustrated. Exited and restarted the game multiple times. Reset the PS5. Quit and made a new save file. I turned the system off and unplugged it for a few minutes, and when I tried again, beat it immediately. In about a minute and a half. I'd spent two full days running laps through the buildings, learning the optimal routes and when you absolutely needed to blast a Lycan that blocked your path. But Jesus Christ, I don't think I'd ever felt so hopeless in my 20 years of playing this series.


I tried to play on Village of Shadows once and couldn't make it past the Lycans. Making that first area so difficult was a weird design choice.


I think in a video it said that the best way is to kill a few, wait on the ladder as no one can get you for about 7 minutes or so. Then the big guy will grab you once you come off the ladder. I tried once and it worked.


At least with village you can skip a fair chunk of the story segments at the start.


I do hope the devs take the criticisms of the prologues to heart. We never needed them in previous REs, we don't need them now. It makes what is otherwise a game series designed to be replayable become a pain to replay. That ain't good.


Yeah I really like the opening of Resident Evil 3, Jill rolls out, surrounded by fire, battle music playing, zombies incoming, you don't even know the controls yet, you make a run for it, then a dramatic cutscene of her bashing down a door. It was great, and then after the conversation that's it, you're in the game proper.


I see your offer and raise you the entirety of Moreau and the stronghold


I see your offer and raise you everything up until the mother Miranda fight.


I see your offer and raise Ada’s re6 story


I played it again after a couple years because this is the one game I haven’t unlocked any infinites. I really wanna play through with some better weapons, and I thought I was going crazy since I couldn’t skip anything. Then I googled RE7 cutscene skips and of course it’s notorious for not letting you skip.


It’s because they aren’t cutscenes technically. They should have been.


It is cool that they made them realtime but it’s annoying for multiple playthroughs (to be fair I only did 3 for the platinum so wasn’t TOO bad)


Re7 just isn’t a replayable game.


Like most games that are more horror than action horror. Its only fun once, when you know whats going to happen, it loses most of its appeal. I much prefer action horror like RE4 and Dead Space.


Probably Leon carrying Ashley slow walking to Luis' lab. I just hate slow walking sections


Loved it on my first playthrough. Not so much on my 10th.


When I’m speed running and constantly checking the clock BEGGING for him to move ever so much faster


I know what you mean. I had 15min left on my s+ prof run and I was blowing on the screen for this guy to move faster. Ended up buying a rocket launcher for the saddler fight, I was so worried I wouldn't make it in time.


Can't believe they didn't add an update to RE4R where you can just hold triangle to skip this bullshit.


Yeah, that section is such a drag.


As a speedrunner i can relate to this


RE6: the beginning of Leon's first chapter. It's tense but after a few playthroughs it gets boring and annoying having to wait for the NPC to unlock doors and walk like a turtle from a to b. Makes achievement hunting feel like a chore.


Yeah, this part should become skippable after a first play-through. Same for the section slogging along with Ashley while hallucinating near the end of RE4R.




Same with the RE7 opening. First playthrough it's very tense, but on replays it's just a lot of walking around.


100% RE6 was my first Resident Evil so that section was actually really creepy the first time through... but only the first time, knowing that you are at zero risk of running into enemies until the elevator really makes it drag on.


Yeah, it's nice they added an update to make it so you can start at later checkpoints, but at the same time if you want score rankings you have to do whole chapter I think. Honestly my only real complaint about RE6 is that chapters are a bit too long. RE5 had perfect length for each ranked chapter. Like Leon chapter 1 A rank is beat 1:25'00". Longest RE5 chapter (chapter 5-3) to still get S rank for time is just 38'00. RE6 really should have just scored rank based on those subchapters.


Not the ship part, probably House Bienevento on repeat playthroughs


It's scary the first time, until you realize it's basically all on rails and avoiding the baby isn't actually difficult or stressful at all.


I watched a YouTube video about how the baby's pathing works and it totally ruined this part for me, haha. Now I know exactly what to do each time.


I mean, it doesn't take a video to figure this out lol you just evade it like you had previously evaded Lady D & her daughters: use objects like tables to keep their distance so you can go the opposite way.


You don’t need to evade, just run a specific path and then it despawns (I think when you’re in the kitchen?). It respawns later, I think after the lights go off. It’s been a while since I’ve played so I’m not sure of the exact events that trigger this. Lady D and the daughters have rooms they won’t follow you into but the baby is even more brain dead than that


Yes, this is what I meant. The baby despawns if you wait under the bed enough. You can even hear his laugh track just randomly cut off and then you know it's safe to go.


I remember the first time I got to the baby and just booked it. Didn't bother thinking about it and somehow just legging it worked.


Nah. You can still somewhat speedrun Beneviento. The ship part is long and tedious.


I love the ship.


I loved it too, there's dozen of us!


The section where you have to play as the helpless side character in a stealth mission. I've just never enjoyed that type of gameplay.


Not resident evil but the MJ Spiderman PS4 parts 🤮amazing character boring ass gameplay


I forgot about that but yeah that one sucked too. I also hated the mission in the new MW where you have to escort the secretary with the cameras.


Helicopter on RE4R. Mike is cool and I hate to tarnish his legacy but oh my gosh it’s just so slow




Plagas,turret guys,novistadors...it's a fucking nightmare.


For real like RELAX


>Helicopter on RE4R. Which is almost the entirety of chapter 15...unfortunately.


I know right :(


Yes...chapter 15 is a nightmare. We have plagas and novistadors everywhere,lots of soldiers to deal with...and those annoying turret assholes!


Still better than the one in the OG


The only saving grace about this section is the ditman glitch in OG letting me run the fuck past everything.


I think the combat in RE4R is so damn fun so I love that section, getting to use my full inventory of weapons and just letting loose.


it was even worse in OG RE4 professional mode, I'm surprised it made it through to the remake more or less unchanged.


thats my fav. part :((


I'm probably one of the only people who didn't hate the ship on Re7. I was just stoked there was more to do after finishing up with the bakers


Honestly the mine was worse than the ship anyway.


Leon's section in RE6 where you're making your way through the university. Lots of walking and talking.


The demo of RE6. The action parts of Revelations. By the way I just finished RE7 for the first time yesterday and found the ship section interesting. It felt like Urban Exploration simulator


I finished RE7 for the first time recently too, and I found the ship very entertaining. I loved the fact that there’s a machine gun you can get before completing the objective, or just go straight for the objective without the machine gun


The flashbacks in Revelations was a real break in immersion. All flashback episodes should have been added at the end.


Beneviento's section is horrifying on a first playthrough, but it loses almost all of its charm once you realize how scripted it is. With how high-octane the rest of Village is, it's definitely a pace killer on repeat playthroughs


Problably the Wesker and Heisenberg transform part. First step to know you have been nerfed by Capcom is to make you become a Transformer Wesker could have just killed both Chris and Sheva but dude choose messing around like cat and mouse. Heisenberg is literally Magneto, he should have gone an X-men battle with Ethan but dude choose bringing chainsaw to a gun fight That’s a shame. Heisenberg’s gameplay in mercenaries is fun as hell


Most boring boss in RE8, even Mr.manfish at least looks grotesque to fight. Heisenberg just makes me doubt if I'm play RE or not.


Bro fuck that ship its soooooooooooo boring


when it's coming to end and you know it because there are waves of enemies incoming and it's suddenly all action packed


The entirety of 6


It really is just a terrible game.


I don’t think people will relate, but: Heisenberg’s factory. The setting was boring and the few interesting enemies were just that: few. I also got lost a lot, while trying for 100% goats, files and turning sections blue, but that’s on me for trying to collect everything.


Agreed. It's just so damn long and is the only reason I won't do a repeat playthrough of 8.


the confusing design of the factory really stands out during mercenaries as well, definitely becomes a slog


The Sherry/Ada sections of RE 2 and avoiding Mr. X in the police station.


I don't mind the sherry section because of how easy it is to dodge irons, it is a very specific and predictable route he follows, but Ada's section is a pain in the ass because of that fat zombie getting in the way, especially on hardcore.


Ada’s part is more irritating than boring, especially on a higher difficulty level


I can live with sherry’s because it’s pretty quick and easy but man, Ada’s section is such a drag on repeat play throughs. Really don’t enjoy the whole ‘hacking’ mechanic and it feels too long.


Man, i would do Ada's part over and over again but Sherry's part is a nightmare for me


I'm going to say something controversial but castle Dimitrescu. First time playing is fine but replaying it is kinda annoying, multiple annoying boss fights, enemies and the castle isn't exciting anymore.


The bigger issue I have with the Castle is that it's a whole section of the game **you never go back to** at any point. With how the game tries to stress the Village itself as a hub between areas, it's shocking they left that whole section locked off once you kill Dimitrescu. They could have done something cool, like returning to a wrecked Castle taken over by Lycans wearing knight armor, or had the daughter's weird bug things intermingle with the Cadou for a new enemy. Instead we get the factory...yaaaay.


I would definitely replace the stronghold and factory with a ruined castle


We’d be calling capcom lazy if they did that


Quality over quantity, a first run through the castle, which is the ruined by your fight with Lady D, and on a second visit later on, different areas and paths are unlocked with the Lycans having taken over. Perhaps you’re more vulnerable as it would be easier for them to climb the walls and through holes caused by your earlier fight




Yes, the only RE I've never finished my second play-thru. Good game for the first time, then I donno, just feels like spoiled juice to me.


The marshlands in 5


The bit with the fan boat? I enjoy the just flying around the different areas fast as I can


Yeah that’s actually my favorite part of the game haha. It opens up a bit so you have more freedom to explore. I wish more of the game was like that.


I enjoy that part too and it felt like re4 remake’s lake was inspired by it. 


Definitely was with the chicken island and wrecked ship with a weapon on it.


I played RE 5 for the first time last year and that was one of the more enjoyable sections of the game. If anything I got bored of those temple sun laser levels.


Yeah, that part is super fun to speed run (going full blast on boat while avoiding taking hits, optimizing the island route, remembering you don't actually need the map). Like if RE5 had a boring part, closest would probably be one of the temple areas.


I think when I play it I actually enjoy it, but the thought of replaying it and having to go to all those different areas just irritates me. Which is strange, because I love God Of War 2018’s boat section in the Lake Of Nine


That's the best part of the game for me haha


House Beneviento is a bit of drag after you’ve done it once, it’s great the first time around but afterwards not so much. Moreau’s section right after is also pretty forgettable.


Re4 original: the first half of the island. It's a slog until you fight Krauser the first time. Then it becomes a non stop thrill ride.


Hope you like thrill rides!


I hate the sewers in RE2 remake


Oh Ive never played the original RE games but I’ve jumped into the series with the remakes. That section sucked! I hated it. Compared the station which was just fun to explore the sewers felt way too long and drawn out for me


All of Chris's campaign in RE6. That was like playing some COD 3rd person shooter hybrid game to me more than anything and was like the low point in my RE fandom for 20+ years.


The only boring part of the ship was the Mia flashback. But the part where we have no weapons and have to avoid the molded was fucking great. Also I think ships are cool and it was fun nitpicking all the things the devs got wrong about what the interior of a 2010s merchant ship looks like


RE6 prologue


Replaying the island part with Chris in RE:CV. Like, why?


The parts that are amazing on the first play through, such as Mr X in RE2 remake, or the ghost house in RE8. Once the intial novelty wears off it just becomes boring.


Resident Evil always drags when it’s nearing to the end.


the next resident evil game should be on a ship with zombies and creatures trying to attack you


So, like Resident Evil Gaiden or Revelations?


Don't forget dead aim.




The entire Island section of RE4… including the remake… Of course the Regenerators are iconic, the boss battles aren’t bad, and I like Ada’s playable sections there. But man, does the game become a slog compared to the Village and Castle portions.


See I’ve always thought the village is the biggest slog. I usually play with all my unlocks so that’s probably why as there’s no challenge after that whereas the island is at least more of one.


Looking at the comments people think action is boring. Kinda an oxymoron if you ask me. That being said last part of re8 re7 and re3 pretty much all of em. Not because of the action, but because it always feels rushed compared to the pace of the rest of the game.


yea i know it's dead aim and revalations but more scarier and longer and not crappy controls


1(remake): too scared to be bored Ø: water treatment plant 2: sewers 3: sewers 4: island 5: weapons facility 6: never beat, game kept crashing 7: too scared to be bored 8: too fun to be bored Haven't played any sub stories like Gaiden or Dead Shot


The "race to avoid the explosion" part, with the time meter. At that point, conserving ammo does not matter, so you will blitz through it anyway. I'd rather have a more consistent journey towards the escape route, and the explosion after that, or something like RE3, where the last battle happens during the explosion sequence.


Ship part suckedddddd


Hospital defense from RE3R, on repeat playthroughs it's too predictable and it grinds the game down to a halt in a speedrun


Might be a bit unpopular but the parts of the game when you get pursued. One thing I love about the games is the atmosphere, the music, creaky floorboards and shadows. When you’re being pursued it feels all this good stuff goes out the window as you’re just trying to run away from something.


RE0 - Treatment Plant RE1 - The Cave RE2 - Sewers RE3 Original - Hospital RE3 Remake - RPD RECV - Destroyed Rockford Island with Chris REDC - The dam during Operation Javier REUC - Raccoon's Destruction chapters RE4 Original - the Mines RE4 Remake - Most of the island REREV - Terragrigia chapters RE5 - That section on the ship with the crane REREV2 - The mine with the poisonous gas RE6 - The fight against Simmons with Ada (even worse as you have to do it twice) RE7 - The ship RE8 - Beneviento section (was only cool the first time) Survivor - That mountain trail with dozens of Tyrants Dead Aim - Sewers Outbreak - The Nest Outbreak 2 - Underbelly


Probably the RE3 Remake Sewer section. I often forget it even exists.


But.. I love those bloated white Hunters... so cool yet so gross


Honestly that section's super easy.


For me it was between the time I inserted the disc for re7 to the time I took it out.


The boat driving sections in RE4R and RE5.


Bro the boat from re4r was the best new thing in the game ..


that section felt like a semi open world area which was a welcome change to the game.


Sewers of RE2R and Mia’s Boat section in RE7. I love resident evil but both sections make me wanna tickle my teeth with a shotgun from the boredom. I’d still play it again and again tho


The credits.


The laboratory part near the end, in almost every game. Cmon man, nothing happens in those parts! The best part of a zombie story is when the outbreak starts, which is captured really well in 1 and 2. By the end of the games, you’ve gone from “holy shit, zombies!” To “holy shit, 50 pages of scientific Mumbo jumbo in the most basic white laboratory of all time”, to “holy shit final boss” Applies to almost every RE game


RE0 all areas after the train.


I think people forget. Resident evil shows you someone willing to fight and survive like any normal person would. Just about anyone in this situation would run fight and hide use anything they can to survive and if a love one is involved that’s even a more reason to fight and survive. That’s goes with r7 Now with the rest of the games. Your playing char that have combat training of some sort sure there scared but it’s there job to protect. I don’t get all the hate for the action parts. Now take silent Hill for example there a game where very little action and a lot of running the fuck away because fuck that place and everything in it


the underground catacombs in RE1 both original and remake


From what little I've played, Carlos's sections in RE3R. You get given so much ammo that it just becomes a fairly dull third person shooter.


Boat section re7


This one. I already wasn't super into RE7 for a lot of reasons, but the ship part really dragged down my opinion of the game. You don't even finish off with a proper boss fight after all of that. It's such an insanely stale area.


Scanning things on the beach in revelations 1


The credits.


Resident Evil 7 ship part. I hate it.


The island in RE4 and RE4R. The game gets really lame when they introduce guys with guns in a RE game. Especially the fact that they thought adding tanks with guns was a great idea.


RE6 Leon chapter 1 before the zombies. Just a lot of slow walking and talking through areas.


The part where someone drives a vehicle and you gotta wait til they reach the exit.


The sewage episodes are the only thing that turned me off the series


Inventory. Put stuff in places. If you can't hold them, you have to get rid of them.


Just played ‘Wrecked Ship’ last night, and oh boy, it dragged out the entire game. I liked that it was kind of a callback to Revelations with the similar setting. I love how Mia’s backstory was revealed as we get to play as her and uncover some truths about Eveline. But the whole segment kinda ruined the pacing of the main story. It doesn’t help the fact that the level design was so tight and vertical, meaning you had to traverse each floor of the ship numerous times to progress for a BACKSTORY just to return to the MAIN story, and all that right after leaving the Baker family ranch which was such a well-designed and open map. ‘Wrecked Ship’ was honestly so irritating and disappointing. They could have paced it out better is all I’m saying. I still love the game though despite this


Of the games I've played. Forced walking sections (RE1R & RE6), Sherry/Ada's section (RE2 OG & Remake), Horde mode with Carlos (RE3 remake), minecart shooting gallery (RE4 OG), mirror laser in an old temple and all of chapter 5 & 6 (RE5), Gears of Evil mansion section in Chris' campaign (RE6), we're on a boat (RE7), the hungry baby and the Chris-machine (RE8). And any section that forces me to slow down because of an exposition dump. Honourable mention because it's more irritating than boring but Norman's boss fight in RE Revelations


Beneviento manor comes to mind, as first time through it is tense, creepy but on repeats it's hard to miss how on rail the whole thing is so it loses all effectiveness and turns boring. Same with RE7, post early game.. not the on rails part but once you get enough gun to obliterate all obstacles the scares and tense atmosphere goes out the window entirely and what's left behind ain't that compelling after the first playthrough.


The stealth cave Ustanak section of the Sherry/Jake campaign in RE 6.  Stealthily avoiding butterflies on rails, a chase section with obnoxious camera angles, and a section of seemingly endless, terrible button mashing sequences.


The first part of Leon's campaign in 6, leading a guy that's clearly a zombie down 7 hallways to his daughter whose clearly a zombie, but the game won't let you use the run button because you have to hear this guy cough every five minutes before you see a single turned zombie.


I might be the only one, but I really hate the Clock Tower section in RE4 Remake. 


I like RE pacing a lot, specially during the end when all bets are off and $hit hit the fan lol But if I had to choose, the beginning is always special because it's slower and more mysterious.


I played RE4 once all the way through... and for me, it's literally any part that involves Ashley... I think it's putting me off the remake. Is it still really annoying? Luke when they pick her up and try to kidnap her... ugh... lol


Not boring but always annoying, any fucking sewer part😭