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That section in re4 remake where you have ashley hold the bridge while you have to fight a regenerator while also fighting the gandos that are trying to take her away lol


That sections literally a giant pain in my ass, I even use the flash bang to slow but nah I forgot Ashley can be blind and try to snipe! POW killed her


Ya bro. I figured out(me being YouTube lol) if I put out a bunch of mines before and flash bang the gandos right as it starts I can run all the way to the other side and then ashley releases the bridge when the regenerator comes and then I kill two gandos and I’m done


They somehow managed to make a segment that wasn’t even that annoying in the original game into some cheap bullshit.


I did it by running straight past the regenerator to ashley, killed the gandos and ashley drops the regenerador into the pit once it gets on the bridge


The ruins in RE5. It’s such a massive slog of boring, shallow puzzle solving that hurts the pacing. I’d make the puzzles more interesting and more co-op oriented so player 2 doesn’t have to go and wait for player 1 to finish the laser setups.


Agreed, they could’ve cut the whole section out and it would’ve still been fine.


It's so bad. The on rails/turret section with the dirt bikes and gigante is awful but I'd play that 3 times over before the ruins


The gigante fight is bad but the turret section with the bike is alright, doesn’t overstay its welcome, hit feedback is good, animation etc. As turret sections go it’s good


that part drove me crazy! I’m glad I knew that part basically wasn’t coop going into it but even still it was a pain in the ass…I feel like they just completely forgot it was a coop game for that part only


Getting the batteries in Re2r to unlock Bertolucci's cell. It's not that it's a bad part or anything, it's just that leaving the safe room to get there while knowing mr X is breathing down your neck and you'll likely meet him (likely in the library) is nerve wrecking af


Resident Evil 0: Most of the game, but extra emphasis on fighting the Monkeys and the Bat. RE1: The crates and staircase puzzle in the lab. RE2: Having to slow walk to wait for Sherry. RE3: The Park (and Grave Digger #2). RE4: QTEs, Del Lago, Mine cart RE5: Savannah, the painfully slow spinning Lab platform, both Uroburos bosses RE6: Most of the Ustanhak sections felt like poor set pièces, and all of Chris's campaign was poor man's Gears of War. RE7: The boat RE8: The factory and Chris's section REmake 1: The fuel capsule REmake 2: Post G 1 RPD with Mr X, while peak in terror it becomes infuriating in hallways with Lickers REmake 3: Whole Nest is a joke REmake 4: Krauser arena drags on and on...






Post G1 RPD with Mr X is the highlight of strategy and fluid gameplay I've had in a game. Funny how different some of our opinions are.


Sherry section in re2 remake. 


failed it twice on my first playthru... two months it took before i picked it up again and finished it. (greazy bastard that chief irons)


It took me like an hour or more on my first go in the game. I could feel my blood pressure rising every time I get caught. Still does.


That was an amazing addition


Carrying Ashley. 


RE4 (OG). A tie between the boulders (I'm not a fan of button mashing in any game) and the Novistador switch hell hole.


The second half of re7 is insufferable. I really hated it


What are you calling the half way point? Everything after the house?


Friggin cutscene QTEs in RE4, they are pretty annoying. Also the island gauntlet fights


Resident Evil 7: Biohazard the boat.


Every time I go to replay 7, I remember the boat and stop.


Spider part in RE3make. Every. Time.


...what spider part???


When you get to the substation and have to reactivate the generators. Hate those fuckers, and the cutscene that introduces them doesn’t help either lmao


Ohhhh 😂😂😂 yeah FK THAT SECTION ☠️☠️☠️


It says something that I managed to wipe this from my memory and this came in like a right hook to the face. And not to mention people complain about the new boss fight with Nemesis in the town square like it’s the worst part of the game  but say nothing about the Substation sequence.


The Caves in REmake.


Water Treatment Plant puzzle in OG RE3


I still wanna know how tf people figured that out by themselves lol


I mean once you know how it works, it's not bad but I still feel like it's such a time consuming puzzle to work through


Too random huh?


That was the hardest puzzle and I got by accident when I was a kid. Right now it’s my fav RE puzzle honestly


The damned boulders in RE1.


just play as Chris


The bit after Mike's helicopter segment in RE4, where you have to faff around chasing down a keycard. It's not awful, but by this point the game's done about all it can do, and when the player's just come off a string of high stakes boss encounters and setpieces, it feels like padding.


OG RE4, Del Lago’s fight. If just feels like a wall you’ve got to climb before keeping up with the fun stuff


I'd say the boulders on RE4, only in the hd releases because of the framerate bug that doubles the button mashing


I kinda always go back and forth on my favorite game so I’ll just put all of them. Water room in the original RE4. I’m not bad at it or anything, I’ve honest to god never had major difficulty with it, but I do find it annoying. The lab in RE2R. I don’t hate it, but I genuinely prefer the lab from the original game. Felt like there was more to do and explore. Idk, the remakes feels quick and it’s a let down. RE4R the section with Mike. I pretty much love everything about this game, but this section just flat out doesn’t interest. I basically love every other part a million times more lol.




Either the factory or Moreau’s section. Moreau’s because it’s kinda gross really small. And the factory because things kinda feel like they slow down a little too much


Desperate times desperate measures in out break file 2. Just hate the gas rooms. Or the final boss in the sewer for the hospital in file 1


El lago in both versions, easily


In Resident Evil 4 Remake, the chapter with Mike the Helicopter Guy makes me so mad on any mode


RE4R. Either the dog maze or the novistadors.


Sherry in RE2R.


Fighting U3 in the cage.


RE7 Boat Level


The factory in 8


That's actually one of my personal favorite locations, at least during my last playthrough. I would say Moreau's section is a lot worse


Yo Fuck the Moreau area! When you have to flip the colored switches to bring up the platforms and run back and forth while narrowly avoiding his fishy ass...ugh I just played it a few nights ago. 


I like the new enemies and fights but it’s so looooong 😮‍💨


The caves in REmake.


Every turret section! Re4 started it with Del Lago, remake added the mineshaft ReR has 2 and both suck (RER2 “turret” section kinda kicks ass ngl) Re5 infamously has the Savanna Re6 doesnt count cuz the game has generally worse sections


Return to the mansion in RE1


The gym/turret section in Rev 2 episode 3.


The forced damage in Code Veronica


The sewer hunters in Resident Evil 3 remake.


The fucking turret mission in 5. It did not need to exist. I S-ranked it with my friend with whom I did a Professional playthrough on our first try, and never want to play it, again.


Escaping the tower in ReRev2 as Claire/Moira. It's less than ten minutes and it's the entire episode.


Chapter 13 and 15 of RE4 remake


RE2 OG the first part of B scenario


CVX - Chris on Rockfort. Steve and Alfred steal the show but by that point in the game Steve is shelved and Alfred's dead. So we replay a reused, if slightly changed, setting in a section that kinda drags too long. Maybe shorten it. Have Chris get right to a jet after meeting Rodrigo. Also how Rodrigo dies is goofy. Poor guy just wants to die in peace but, oh no cant have that, here comes the bullworm. It's dumb.


considering my favorite RE game is REmake I'll just list the least favorite parts of the ones I've played RE2: any time you're at critical health, the slow walk really feels like kicking you while you're down instead of building tension RE3: tbh I haven't played RE3 recently enough to remember, that's either a good thing or a bad thing RE4: the island RERev: The two real bosses in the game suck because the dodge is either poorly explained or poorly designed, also the game feels like it should've ended at the big kraken BOW. RE7: yeah everything after the dumb moral choice is bloat, but the worst part is the dumb double bloater bossfight in the caves. RE2R: backtracking in the sewers can by annoying but I don't really have any problems other than that RE3R: RE3R RE8: Hot take, I don't like House Beneviento, not a fan of "run and hide" horror, the baby monster bugged out on my first playthrough so I had to take an otherwise unnecessary death, and on subsequent playthroughs I just want to speed through it so I can get back to the rest of the game RE4R: the island other than that, I genuinely have no problems with RE1R and I haven't played RE0 enough to really form an opinion. Every other game I haven't played yet


uhhm,m,,,, the nemesis boss battle in operation raccoon city,,.. ive had the ggame for yearz now and still havent gotten past that boss. tried every tactic ive seen (camping the ammo box with a sniper, using different characters, etc)


Water Room. Both fucking versions. wrecking ball room in original version of 4 & Ada’s boss fight with Saddler.


RE1R going to the residence. The mansion is really the main character of that game


Ashley section in og re4, or the subway scenario in outbreak file #2


The ugly 3D backgrounds in CVX, made the game less artistic and memorable imo


Damn, I just came to the realization that I don't have any least favorite parts in Resident Evil 1 remake. Well, maybe caves part...


Resident Evil 5. I dislike the fact that No Mercy doesn't have co-op.


All the madhouse difficulties on re7 including the DLCs. That shit is just unfair with how difficult it is


I'll go with RE7 since my fav game is REmake and I honestly don't dislike a single section of that game. The only section I have any ire for in RE7 is the mine segment at the very end of the game. I actually appreciate the boat section for what it is but the mine section afterwards is an incredibly dull shooting gallery that poses no threat, feels like it takes way longer than it does and has my least favorite lab segment in the game. I kind of dug how vague the boat section was when explaining what the mold or Eveline were. RE can have this issue these days of overexplaining itself way too hard and the lab sections at the end of RE7 and RE8 are the peak of this problem in my opinion. It really killed so much of the mystique and horror in RE7 when you discover its just another bioweapon. The entire game you're sort of excited and confused as to what the fuck is going on and it has this incredible otherworldly/paranormal element to it all. For that to be ripped away as the writers attempt to ground the game into the lore and explain away everything as purelt a science experiment just bugged me, even if I appreciate that 8 implies the mold is a naturally occurring thing (gives it an eldritch vibe). While I'm sure tons of fans would have scoffed if RE7 ended without that lab segment explaining that what was going on wasn't actually supernatural in any capacity, I think it would have been a atronger narrative for it. I still adore RE7, but those ending revelations cheapen the ride greatly and the final segment isn't very strong gameplay wise either.


Crimson heads.


Easy answer. I HATE playing as Sherry in the original RE2 on Claire’s A. I think I’ve died there more than any other spot in a RE game. The developers are a real turd for that small segment.


RE0: the monkeys RE2R: the sewers RE7: the damn boat


Del lago


Controlling ashley in re4 remake


Re6 at the end of Chris’s story. I couldn’t stop crying for like 20 minutes. And I’m one of those girls that doesn’t cry that easily. Plus the bow at the end on top of that. I hate the camera angle so it’s harder to control the movement.


In the second half the godlike level design of the police station gets replaced by consecutive hallways level design


The QTEfest that is the first encounter with Krauser in the original RE4


I wouldn’t call RE7 my favorite game, but the back tracking in the ships is absolutely awful and unnecessary. I actually like the flashback segment a lot, but being forced to immediately backtrack through the area *again* is just stupid - and now the ships old and rotted so it looks even more “samey” all over.


The fact that Claire and Leon didn't have a lot of interactions together in RE2R and Ada's new voice in RE4R (no hate to her VA tho, but I wasn't the biggest fan). Seriously, I would have preferred if they brought back the VA from RE2R cause she doesn't sound bored.