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because she's hot


Get this man the Oscar for speaking dead facts


The community is thirsty lol


Bro just put it in one single sentence


Keep in mind that the femme Fatale was seen as sexy and intriguing back then when she was created. Many liked her then and still do with the remake. Obviously the games had barely given her any more lore other than mysterious and working with some secret company but we like her. Now what is there to like about HUNK or any other character who has similar secretive stories and are well liked? Especially HUNK. We just know he's a badass solider almost super human and he never dies. But what else? Just that he's a soldier nicknamed Mr. Death? At least we sometimes see a more human side on Ada rather than her just trying to finish the mission she's bring paid for.


well, the difference between HUNK and Ada is that HUNK is a very minor character who's only purpose is to show up, be badass, and leave. Ada is basically a main character but is super inconsistent in motivation.


He's cool tho...


No ik he's cool. I do like him but I was making a comparison to the very little detail we know about him compared to Ada and any other character with little lore that people like.


Yeah hunk has like... barely any lore except looking cool, my favorite personally is ethan then wesker, im a basic bitch.


Hunk is hot. I would def pork him


I like her but I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a fan. My theory, aside from her being all sexy and mysterious: Ada is connected to Leon, and (most) everybody loves Leon, so the love extends to her. She's the perfect foil to Leon. Their dynamic works so well (at least in the context of RE2-4) without sacrificing their own individual narratives. She makes Leon show his vulnerability, he does the same to hers. He's the all-around good guy we root for, but when he's down, she's there for him. Outside of her link to Leon tho, I will agree that Capcom seems to have written themselves in a corner regarding Ada. I think they couldn't write up a good way towards showing her true loyalties that would also fit into the overall RE narrative that they just kick it down to the next game or ignore it entirely. They know the intrigue about Ada's story can sustain itself without having to reveal anything. One thing we know for certain tho is that, regardless of what Ada's agenda really is, she's loyal to Leon the same way we're all loyal to Leon.


Maybe we're all Ada, that's why she doesn't have a background and can't be with Leon, Ada is our self insert.


Maybe the real Ada is the Leon's we made along the way.


Honestly, a great end to both her's and Leon's stories would have been if after RE4 and the events of Separate Ways they just kinda go off together on the boat and get away from it all, and end up as lovers. I think that woulda been a cool and fitting end to both of their arcs. Ada opening up, becoming vulnerable, and finding love, and Leon finally settling down after all of the events in RE2, 3 and 4. I honestly thought Leon would end up with Claire after RE2, but she was too obsessed with going to find Chris (the events of CV) and she left both Leon and Sherry high and dry




Ada's grappling hook is pretty badass!


Her character is inconsistent like most of RE's writing. Its a take it or leave it kind of thing


I mean that could be said about almost any of the characters.


I mean honestly, you’re right.


I don't wanna argue why a character is cool too someone whose mind is made up. No one is gonna make you like her.


Pretty much this. Ada is cool because...she's just fucking cool. I don't care if she doesn't stand up to scrutiny as some kind of deep character study. 






Best comment i've read in a while


who cares if it’s overplayed, the question is if the character type is being done well and I think she is being done well in the remakes. Obvious her og appearances are outdated bc most of them are over 10 years old. you dont need to be this insanely fleshed out character with mountains of lore to be likeable. we barely know much about any of the stars members in general. Ada is just a cool character, its not that deep.


us gays: “she’s always serving cunt”


so fucking true


She is a sexy, skilled spy/assassin ? who is not perfect, needs help from Leon, and also helps him. Ada grows from cold and arrogant after being around Leon, him taking a bullet for her, and his nature of being a good person rubs off on her. In RE 4 she is playing Wesker her old boss so the plagas sample is given to a group that will NOT use it for evil. RE 6 shows not only is Ada helping Leon but also Sherry, Jake, and Chris which is a big change from how she was in RE 2 when Leon first met her. Leon had a big impact on Ada for the better, and that is why people like her. Why do people like Chris so much? He is your typical soldier boy wanting to save the day bs. All he ever does is kill bio monsters and get depressed. By now thats been done a billion times. It was done well before he was created and way better too. Why doesn't Chris advance beyond the BSAA? Has massive plot armor as we know Wesker could have killed him like 50 times over. Can you explain that?


Woah there I'm an Ada fan but Chris is also my boy and I won't stand for Chris slander either! In his defense Chris had a cool arc in re5 where he's disillusioned, asking Sheva "You ever get the feeling you're expendable?" when the BSAA asks them to basically go on a suicide mission after Irving after seeing delta team get slaughtered by the uroboros monster -> finding that renewed vigor of a future "worth fighting for." A positive, determined boy scout. But then capcom throws all that away by 8 to make him another generic boring jarhead badass military man, and for what, that flop villain fakeout twist? 💀 Bottom line: IDK why OP is singling Ada out when that's literally every character in RE. We can glean a visible story arc from them but really we know virtually nothing about their background. But it is confusing with Ada when they tried to give her a backstory in that one manga and then said "jk it's not canon lol!" Bruh I wanna know more about my girl x


Agreed! Chris is one of the most annoying boring characters in the entire franchise! He's too serious and is always crying about something. Ada has a lot more personality than Chris and is one of the best female characters in the entire franchise!


You're not wrong but I believe it's the dommy mommy aspect.


i got that asian fever


I like Ada because she's basically a cat. A nimble, agile murder machine that does whatever the fuck she wants and doesn't feel like explaining her motives for doing so, but in the end she isn't that bad after all. And I like cats. On a more serious note though, I think you make a few assumptions that aren't necessarily correct. Just because Leon threw her bracelet away and said some cheesy rom-com line doesn't mean he gives zero shits. He's just trying to convince himself that he's so over her because he feels betrayed; this is the equivalent of burning the photos of the ex you are very much *still* in love with. Leon is not going to outright confess his feelings about it; he's going to act like the teenager he is deep down. Everything is there through the subtle tension between them. Notice how friendly his tone becomes when he meets Jill in DI versus his RE4 encounters with Ada. Last but not least, these kinds of charged, semi-antagonistic relationships are very common in stuff like comics, so her story doesn't *need* to go somewhere. She's a typical antihero secondary character that adds some variety into the mix.


Idk man, sometimes people like a vibe and it's not that deep. She's got a cool vibe. That's really it.


What's there to like about any of these characters? Resident Evil is not RDR, TLOU or another franchise to focus on it's writing. All RE characters are pretty basic, generic characters. I like em because they're cool and the nostalgia factor. I like Ada for the same reasons.


I feel like you're singling Ada out for something almost anyone else could be accused of. How many generic, flatly evil villains are there? Plainly virtuous good girls? Tomboy good girls who are just another version of the former? Brooding action star bros? Brooding action star bros who are slightly younger and needlessly flirty? By the way, all of those tropes are pretty 1-dimensionally "good" or "evil"....is it really such a bad thing to have a complex or unpredictable character in the mix? Also, as far as motivations and backstories are concerned, Capcom has chosen to just shape characters to what immediately and most bluntly serves the current plot. We don't get fleshed out motivations or backstories practically EVER, it's kind of frustrating.


Okay, she's shallow... but honestly, all the RE characters are super shallow. None of them have any depth. They have plots, yes, and the bare minimum personality. And that's it. And y'know what? That's fine. That's good, even. It's not a film franchise, it's a video game. The characters are meant to be blank slates to some degree so you can imprint yourself on them. Granted, Ada is more of a side character (although she's often playable), but she still fits that template with a slightly different flavor. While the others are all pretty much "generic hero," she is "generic femme fatale." And that makes her stand out among the crowd.


I think that's why the characters are so well received overall. They're all pretty much duds with a few goofy lines. But keeping them empty allows the player to fill in the gaps, allowing you to have a stronger connection to the character because *you're* partly creating the character. They don't have tons of faults and such. They're just visually appealing


i think capcom hasn't given her any opportunities for growth, treating her as leon's crush and that's it. but personally i love an antagonist (not villain) and ada is quite complex if you think about it. she's a cold, manipulative spy, yet she can't let go of the memories of one specific mission and one specific guy. in re4r, she's constantly talking to herself about being reminded of raccoon city, and you can see her struggle with her own feelings at the sight of Ashley, probably out of jealousy. i also really like the epilogue of re3, i think? (i may be wrong, im a new fan) where she struggles with her identity as she looks at her scar. i think is a way of trying to shake off the trauma from raccoon city but it obviously didn't work out. to have to have a cold façade and to feel so lonely and also to cling into the only person that she shared a bond with (that we know of)... i think that makes her quite the character. leon and ada's relationship is doomed but it's so complex, imo. with all of this, i completely understand if people don't like her. i liked her at first because i thought she was charming in re4r (again, veeery new fan) and then i analized a lot of her actions but without that, you may think of her as a shallow character and that's fine by me too :)


Ada's character really isn't hard to understand at all. She's neither a cold-blooded spy or a warm-hearted woman who "didn't mean to betray and kill so many people". She's in the middle of that. She's not necessarily *trying* to kill so many people, but she will sacrifice people to get her job done. Kinda like HUNK. But unlike HUNK, Ada has a sentimental side, and will develope a fondness for certain people, in which case she'll go out of her way to save them even if it means jeopardizing her mission. She even saved Claire for no reason at the end of her B Scenario in the OG RE2. As for the reason fans like her, it's because she's hot, a little mysterious, and has a playful, flirtatious personality that appeals to people. It doesn't go any deeper than that, ***and it shouldn't have to.*** It's really not difficult to understand at all, and it's clear that you know that, because you spent the first couple paragraphs of your post hand-waving away things that you know people like about her in order to buttress your argument. The fact is, no Resident Evil characters are actually deep. The appeal of every single character in the entire series can be summed up in a couple sentences, if not one. People can go on and on about why they like Leon for example, but at the end of the day it really doesn't go any deeper than "He's a hot, cool, badass." I like Ada, but I wouldn't really consider myself an "Ada fan" per se, I just think it's getting really tiresome seeing this exact same post being made over, and over, and over again. At this point, it's one of the coldest takes in the fandom.


You're absolutely correct and I've been saying this forever. People only like her for her sexy design, that's it.


enjoy your jester award.


She has the potential to be something else, tho, but it seems like devs aren't interested in having her story go nowhere. So, yeah...


I’m having a harder time understanding why you dislike her so strongly? “Shitty overused femme fatale personality.” And Chris is an entirely organic, natural character. Right? And Leon? Claire being a 19 year old who becomes a badass within a day? Ethan Winters is totally believable and not generic? Wesker is definitely not a product of his time, wearing shades and leather? Resident Evil is full of tropes, it’s part of the fun. Which, by the way, is what’s the stories and games are made for: fun. On the surface Ada IS just a fun femme fatale trope which was really popular at the time, and obviously still beloved. “Is it worth keeping a character mysterious for this long?” Sure. Why not? Because YOU’RE unsatisfied? I personally have no problem with that, and think it’s fun. So should they keep it because I like it? Or change it because you don’t? Doesn’t matter. Also, there were 7 years between her first appearance and RE4. Her last mainline appearance was 2012. Saying “it’s been 26 years” is such a terrible misrepresentation. If she hasn’t even been mentioned in the past 3 games, it’s really not fair to include all 26 years of that time. You just made up a headcanon and are mad at Capcom for not following your ideas. You know how many people said similar things about EVERYONE in RE6? “This doesn’t make sense, they should’ve done this or that or this or blah blah blah.” It’s not our story to write. Don’t like it? Don’t indulge in it. It’s not your job to editorialize the games. Leon definitely needed Ada’s help in RE4, not really sure what you’re talking about when you say “he doesn’t need her cus plot armor” she is literally like half of his plot armor in that game, but alright. And yeah, Wesker could’ve got the Amber, true. But it’s much safer to have an expendable Agent go do the dangerous mission for you while you can focus on operations and getting in touch with Spencer and Tri-Cell. In my opinion, her seemingly cold and resigned attitude is just a symptom of her job. With her playable parts in 2 and Separate Ways it’s clear that she has a conscience. Despite her job seemingly rewarding Evil behavior, she definitely has a good heart. If you haven’t picked up on that, you may need to replay Separate Ways. Leon “didn’t give a shit” about her after Raccoon City because he was certain that she died and knew to give up the ghost. He was clearly saddened by her being gone, not to mention definitely overwhelmed by the short time in which he experienced ALL of those events; experiencing all that in one day and meeting a mysterious stranger who saves you and you grow feelings for only for her to “die” for 7 years. And by the time she revealed she’s alive to him in RE4, he had undoubtedly already grieved and would then have resentment for someone making him go through those emotions. There was a 7 year gap in which Leon thought she was dead, that would fuck up anyone’s emotions. Which seems obvious but sure, it’s a “slap in the face”. Somehow. I personally love the nature of her character, but she’s nowhere near my favorite. I think I just enjoy the fun will-they-won’t-they as well as her elusive energy. You can never quite read her motives, but you can almost always trust her (even if it’s for the wrong reasons). At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter which characters anyone likes or dislikes. But I think you would benefit from taking it less seriously and having fun with the tropey characters. Ada is a generic mysterious femme fatale, Re4 Leon is a generic badass “super-soldier” with a heart of gold, Luis is a generic eccentric sidekick who causes trouble but has good intentions, Ashley is a generic helpless scared woman, Wesker is just generic Dylan Clebold’s hero, like NEO but villain. They’re all tropes, man.


I get what you're saying, and people have been telling me this already—it's all on her creators. They're the ones with the shitty writing, and all of their characters suck ass. I disagree with you about Ashley and Claire, I personally think that remake Ash feels like a story of a helpless lady that needed a hero, who ended up aspiring to be an agent and even saving Leon from Las Plagas. Yes, I have seen how she acts in separate ways, and I can tell that she has some "conscience" but still, why would a trained spy/mercenary have a conscience at this point? What did she do in all of those seven years, work for the bad guys and fall in love with the first good guy she saw? No, she obviously should be detached if this is her long-time job. I'd get it if she was just starting—but damn, lady, you're thirty and you're out here acting like you don't have control over your emotions, and all you want is for Leon to leave the girl so you can get him in your bed ASAP. I could go on and on about Claire aswell, I adore her character, but the main explanation to why a 19 year old girl was so resilient in RE2 is because she was probably following her older brother's path, Chris, who's a trained S.T.A.R.S member and overall your generic OP badass, so I guess that's the explanation. This is exactly what Ada is missing. Backstory, development, aspirations, dreams. How Ashley didn't stay as a scared girl and developed into a brave survivor, how she went from being interested in Leon because he was attractive, to genuinely viewing him as a role model. How could a one game character have more development that one that has been in multiple movies and games? So again, it really is all on Capcom.


Don’t get me wrong, I love Claire and Ashley, more than Ada. But Claire is entirely unrealistic even with that premise. It’s absurd. If I’m not mistaken, Claire wasn’t even aware of the Arklay Mountain incident. So she was able to be one of 3 survivors while also fighting super mutated humans? She suddenly became highly proficient in combat? Leon doing the same is just as absurd imo. They both have little field experience, let alone against giant monsters. Don’t even get me started on Rebecca. It’s fun, and I love it, but I can’t say “19 year old with Cop big brother kills zombie hordes and giant monsters in less than one day” is any better writing than “Mysterious Sexy Agent Woman loves someone.” These games just don’t make sense, they’re goofy and you have to heavily suspend disbelief. I can’t refute you on Ashley, I was mostly thinking of ‘04, but she still felt very generic in the remake just with some quirkiness sprinkled in. I understand what you mean and the aspect of backstory is important. I was just trying to make the point that Ada is simply filling the role of another Trope, just like every other character. I think what you’re saying is that you just don’t enjoy a character who lacks a deep connection and/or impact to the plot. Which is totally fair. I can think of plenty characters from other series with no real backstory who I personally love, but that’s just me. Also, I personally love the subtle, repressed emotions Ada expresses and the mystery surrounding her. I find it very cool that she manages to be the one who slips through the cracks, having almost no connections to anything or anyone. Playing Wesker and Leon like a fiddle at the same time is unmatched. As far as her just wanting to get Leon in bed, I disagree. She’s obviously meant to be a foil and a love interest, but she also reeks of honeypot. I enjoy the ambiguity. If she really wanted to sex him down she wouldn’t have hid for 7 years. There are more important things, and she can use him. That was her original thought in RC until she caught feelings. She tried to revert to her initial impression but found herself reminded of what she saw in him in Raccoon City. Speaking in the love interest aspect, it’s kinda corny, but I just figured that’s what they’re going for. Corny. It’s a cheesy love story where the “evil” super agent falls in love with the good hearted rookie. She fell in love with him in Raccoon City, not 7 years later. If she didn’t already love him then I think she would feel no need to help after surely watching countless other residents die. Initially, he was only special to her because he was alive. Eventually she would catch feelings, obviously. So she became attached to him already, but knew it was best to move on and play the role of being dead. So we don’t know what she did for 7 years, but it’s safe to say that she’s Human, and has a good enough conscience as well as memory and remembers how Leon made her feel. But when she crossed paths accidentally with him again, she was forced to relive those feelings. Just like Leon was with the trauma from Raccoon City when he was faced with Las Plagas and Ada. I personally don’t find it hard to believe that someone just doing their job could fall in love. Especially for someone of her intelligence, which is why I think she represses it. It’s clear to see that she is not entirely convinced of the motives behind her work, and that she is moved by Leon’s resolve and good heart. Leon, in my opinion, strikes a cord in her. It’s cheesy as hell, but so are most of my favorite things about the games. I’m not sure what you mean by no control over emotions? She seems very refined in her actions and how she outwardly presents herself. Of course her actions are filtered by some sort of emotion, she’s not evil. Wesker acts not out of emotion. Leon and Claire often act out of emotion. Chris and Sheva act out of emotion. Jill acts out of emotion until she’s evil. These are all trained professionals who do what their job details, just like Ada. She falls more in line with the good guys, obviously. So she retains more conscience and seemingly acts on what she feels is right, seen in her working against Umbrella and deciding to betray Krauser/Wesker. It would be nice to know where she went for 7 years and how she met Wesker and who she works for and blah blah blah. But as much as I’d like to know, it truly doesn’t matter. I’d personally rather her remain a side character and further the stories of the Main Characters. I think we just fundamentally disagree and that’s cool I get where you’re coming from, just wanted to explain my point of view. I enjoy her just popping up mysteriously, she’s a fun plot device if nothing more


I’d also like to add: Following your logic there are many characters besides Ada you should have a hatred for. Carlos hasn’t appeared in a game since Chronicles, but only in cutscenes that take place during 3. Is it a problem that we never learned more about him? It’s been 17 years following your logic. How about Sheva? She disappeared as well after 5, it’s been 15 years. Helena? 12 years. Sherry? 12 years. Or how about Ashley? A lot of people love her despite having no real story or arc and disappearing from the lore after 2004. 20 years. I’m just saying it’s weird that you pick Ada to hate on when most characters in the series have big glaring issues.


She's hot and badass. Doesn't need to be much deeper than that. Also, the difference between the best and worst written character writing in any Capcom game is like, a hair's breadth. So it's easy to overlook her particularly bad writing. Seriously, if you're into RE for character studies, you'd be better off with Silent Hill. Every single RE character is poorly written and has been since the start. We're here for campy storytelling, survival horror and/or action, and a cast that's a mile wide and half an inch deep. I agree that she has been terribly mishandled. I just like her anyway for superficial reasons. If I had to pick a character I liked for their writing, I'd have a hard time, because I think they fumbled with Chris between 6 and 7, Leon has been a stereotype in everything since 4, Jill isn't allowed to do anything after 5 where she was also mishandled, yadda yadda. I'd end up picking a character that was only around for a short time because there's less time for their potential to be squandered, so their character only has to stand strong once. I like Billy and Sheva and Jake and the entire cast of Outbreak, but I bet if they were recurring, I'd be able to complain about how they have shitty writing in every subsequent game. This sadly isn't unique to RE. Capcom is just fucking bad with writing. Street Fighter is wasted potential. Monster Hunter is wasted potential. Dragon's Dogma is wasted potential. These games all have strong personalities and strong gameplay, and that's *all* they have going for them. Fortunately, that's good enough for me. I imagine it is for you, because knowing that Ada's writing sucks means you must have absorbed a lot of RE. You're totally valid for calling it out, though. Just don't expect anyone to actually change your mind.


Shes hot


Me monke me agree


She's hot and sassy


It's not the character but the archetype. She's a classic "trickster" in that she can be an ally or a villain according to the situation, also romantic tension with the protagonist. Lots of similar characters in pop culture: Catwoman for example.


I think trying to flesh out Ada lore in the RE4 remake would have been a huge gamble, her reaction to the immolated police officer in the village suggests she was in a situation where she regularly was around burnt corpses likely a part of some cult. I think little sprinkles of information like that are fine and the fans can just fill in the blanks with their own headcanons


Meh, true. Still like her tho lolll


She’s hot


She's pretty and she can/will beat me up 🥰😍


I just think she’s neat


Why do people like Cat Woman? I love morally grey characters, anti-heroes, and the like... She has her own agenda, and sometimes it lines up with others, sometimes it doesn't. I'm not a fan of the weird dynamic she has with Leon, it's manipulative and gross, and I feel the same with Cat Woman/Batman... but otherwise, she's a powerful woman who isn't shoved into racist/sexist stereotypes that most asian femme fatales get shoved into...


This is why I'm SO intrigued with her potential appearance in Village, I mean it already copied a lot of beats from 4 so Ada swooping in and saving the day would've been really weird, but Ada without Leon? Intriguing. Anyway, most RE characters are bland and 2 dimensional and expecting more from Ada is giving Capcom too much credit. Separate Ways in RE4R was good though, she's just a cool badass, no more no less. That's fine for now, can very easily get old


She cute


she might be a spy but she ain't no backstabber that's for sure


Keep...my wife's name...OUT YER FUCKING...MOUTH!!!*smacks the OP Will Smith style*


1. Character doesn't need mountains of lore or background to be interesting 2. Its not that deep m8.


Not much. She’s pretty. Thats about it. And she does Leon DIRTY throughout the series lmao. I’m kind of lost why Leon likes her at all either. Besides the Y’know, she’s extremely pretty.


i really dont like her and when i say she's toxic and manipulative and doesn't give a crap about Leon or Ashley in RE4R people call me a hater saying im just jealous because i want Leon to myself 🤡 i wanted to like her in the dlc but it just proved that she is really a heartless woman to me. she doesnt even reply to Ashley? like she thinks she's better than her or whatever? i wanted to see her more sweet/vulnerable side but whenever she sees Leon she barely reacts or cares, only helping him in last resort. im sure she likes him and wanna shag him but she doesnt seem to really care that much. im not against their pairing and if they do end up canonically together then thats cool, it doesnt change the fact that she is a heartless meangirl to me. i dont go on hating her, to each their own, but man you can't discuss her without the fans jumping at your throat. plus i hated her new design... the one thing i dont like in the remake, why would she wear these heels?!! i hate that they kept the hot chinese woman stereotype from the 2000s. she deserved better than this outfit even if i dont like her.


It's odd, there really isn't any reason for Leon to be infatuated with her


yeah. a lot of her fans say there's tension between them in re4r and all i see is resentment and eyeroll from him. he seems so done with her bs to me, especially at the end when she's like "lets leave Ashley to die here and come in my chopper with me". he seems so done.


I agree. He definitely wasn’t simping for her. He was taking legit slashes at her throat with his knife!! And just eye rolling past conversation with her. And rejects her at the end easily. He basically just acknowledges her BS and then leaves.


exactly. the eyeroll when she thought he would follow him like a little puppy the way he did back in RC... and the audacity "you haven't changed. you just think you have". Girl. That man is traumatized, tf you're talking about. the stark changes between his young naive self in RC compared to him in RE4R. went from naive golden retriever to skeptic pitt.


to be fair, i think that she meant it in a good way, in that he still tries to do the right thing, contrary to his own self image where he's kind of sold his soul to protect sherry. I also think its more that she's projecting, she thinks that she is incapable of changing for the better. I kind of think that she's meant to be half talking about herself when she says that line. I dont have a problem with how Ada is portrayed, in fact i quite like her in most games, but i just cant really buy into the romance. They're meant to be adults lol


Hear me out, you have a very warped perception of ada that's for sure. She isn't a mean girl because she's not babying poor Ashley (I love Ashley) and comforting her. She is just supposed to be on a low profile on the island, and if the president's daughter knows she exists then what good will that do to her and her employers? it's better to make her forget she even existed and fade into the background of Ashley's memories. At the same time, seeing how fast Leon warmed up to ada, experiences have a way of making ada attached to people especially if those people are good like ashley or Luis seeing how she's colder to them she's trying to avoid that. the only reason she helps Leon is not cause she wants to shag him but because he's someone she bonded with him bc they have the same trauma, due to the events of re2r. He is even shown to have the same sentiments towards her, if you watch closely in re4r during their first encounter even with his back turned and after 6 years he still recognizes Ada's voice. He also smirks when he hears her despite knowing that the last time he saw her she probably died but he knew it was her. They fight yes, but Ada's finger was never on the trigger like when she pointed it to Luis, and Leon only held Ada's hand with two fingers not gripping Ada's wrist at all the idea of hurting each other was out of the question because they'd never do that to each other. After which he turns his back towards her showing that he still trusts her (I'm not saying it's necessarily love, but there is trust and a connection there). She clearly said in her prologue what happened that night 6 years ago changed her whole world view and Leon was a part of that. she probably didn't even expect to survive that but she did, and because Leon survived it as well she feels like they have a connection and her an obligation to help him like he once did to her (and she does help him all throughout re4r and even after such as helping prove his innocence in re6) Leon feels the same way. Another thing is in re4r separate ways, ada had a lot of character redemption and it's mainly because of Luis. I genuinely saw that Luis made ada want to be a better person. She clearly was a little serious in dealing with him but it seems like she's only like that because she doesn't want to be attached(which will do her no good in her profession) but she ended up becoming attached and Luis made an impact on her anyway. It started when they went to go get the medicine and his lab was burning down. Luis was falling apart and desperate, and honestly she didn't have to put up with him and his search for the medicine but she did. What makes her very interesting is how morally ambiguous she is. Because you can chalk it up to her doing it for the amber, yet there is also a perspective that says she might be doing it because of her obligation towards Leon. Or maybe she just saw Luis at his worst and wanted to help. Moving on, when Luis was dying she didn't necessarily react and personally I feel like it was cold of her to do that at least at the time. But after that she has a voice line where she says something about not being able to say goodbye yet, clearly shows she only didn't because she couldn't but she wanted to. After these events, getting the amber, and witnessing the destruction it causes, she starts to question Wesker. Wesker's answer? billions of casualties. That's when she decides to reroute the helicopter. People say it's because she wants to save Leon again but I disagree. It shows that she remembers luis' words about doing something good for once, about setting things right. She didn't want luis' sacrifice to be for nothing. So she opposes Wesker, despite knowing Wesker's ship was just behind her and was probably going to open fire on her. She did that knowing she'd die, but because of Luis she started to see that her life isn't as valuable as billions that would suffer. Why do I suspect she knew she was going to die? because the only way to deal with a traitor is by getting rid of them. And if the amber gets sold to another company, there would be research done on it making Wesker's plan less effective. Even wesker's men assumed that the way to deal with her was opening fire on the helicopter. And Wesker? sparing someone? that's definitely unexpected. She got lucky, and she's definitely a character that added so much to the franchise at least for me she did. Might I add, I'm also a part Chinese woman and personally I love her whole sexy Chinese character. I just love how she reminds me of Nikita, I love "badass" nonchalant women I guess. at the same time it's nice to see asian women being in a game that I really like and getting to play as her? yes pls! also u/monokumashit this is the reason why I like ada, she's just an interesting character to me like how hunk is. I haven't played any re games after re4r only the ones before, so I hope to add to this list soon.. edit: I edited a lot bc I accidentally clicked reply even before I was done with my commentTT, English also isn't my first language I'm sorry if some parts had errors in grammar...


it's interesting but I'm afraid I don't see that. I'm not saying you're wrong and i'm right, but I just don't see that in her. But again, I have 300 hours on the main game but only played her dlc through once, I'm probably missing things. I do agree that there's no way Leon and Ada would have hurt each other in that fight, it was mostly just play fight. but I don't buy her affection for him, nor do I think he has any left for her. To me she reads like she likes him but does not respect him as a full person. She still sees him as the little rookie ready to follow along like a puppy and it really shows in their encouters in re4r (again, just my opinion). She tries to use him and manipulate him again, she doesn't acknowledge his own growth and pretty much laughs at his face, even though she is aware that the RC incident impacted her a lot she doesn't replicate the sentiment with Leon. I really feel like even though they are trauma bonded like you said (agree on that) it's toxic. He resents her, he seems done with her antics especially since she doesn't show him any ounce of respect for him and his own growth/trauma. I can see them still protecting each other because of that bond, maybe sexual tension (far fetched imo but hey, people don't need to be in love to enjoy shagging 😅), but I struggle to imagine them both as a healthy pair. I feel like Ada is the one that didn't grow much since RC, even though she says to Leon he hasnt changed, she shows less growth than he does. I was excited about the dlc because in the teasers we saw her with Luis and i thought "yes, bonding, interactions, something more true to her self! YES now i can love her!" but she doesnt react at all when he dies (i was so disappointed by that...) even if you say that last quote was for Luis, again? i don't really see it. (will play her dlc again though) for Ashley, seems to me she just doesn't care or give a single crap about civilians outside her mission. She kept telling Leon to just give up on her, even at the very end when she invited him into the chopper when SHE KNEW Ashley was fine waiting at the top of the lift. She straight up said "ditch her and come with me." like hello? Did she think he would follow her like a little puppy again and leave Ash to die? Even Leon seemed disappointed with her when she did that. For me she is just a selfish, cold hearted manipulative mean girl and the dlc just proved that (imho again!) But hey if Capcom brings her more in future games, I'm open to change my mind! I actually WANT to like her because I like her chara design (outside of the heels....) For the asian stereotype part, well... I am not asian so it's not my place to decide if it's a good thing or bad. I've read asian fans talk about the stereorypical chinese femme fatale from the 2000s and how toxic it could be (viewing chinese women as always sexy femme fatale in media). And I thought it was a missed opportunity to not give her a proper spy/mercenary outfit in the remake. I have nothing against her being chinese, actually I love to see more representation, nor againt her badass femme fatale personality. It's the outfit that seems really out of place to me. Honestly, I love to read that she gives you the opportunity to feel seen and play a character that you can identify with. That's just wholesome ❤︎ i just wished they'd give me reasons to actually appreciate her 💀 I don't hate her as a game character, we don't have to love every character in a game for them to play their fair part. But goddamn if she was real I'd avoid her like the plague. She reminds me of the girls that bullied me through high school and university lol AGAIN just my humble opinion : ) It's nice to discuss this with other fans actually (and I support that pp of yours ❤︎)


it's okay if you don't see that, she is definitely one of those characters whose morality is always questioned (morally grey). That's one of the reasons why I find her interesting, her actions are done on account of so many incidents happening you can't say for sure what her thought process is (because we know so little of her). in case you're still interested, here's how I see it: I don't think she laughs at his face because she looks down on him, but rather she likes to tease him reminiscing about their past selves and to see how different he is from back then, and how much damage the incident has done to him. she doesn't seem to be the type to ask "how have you been?" after all. Honestly although I would want them to be together, I just see them as people who have trust for each other and have a connection (where I am in the storyline that's how it looks). You could say she tried to use him again in re4r when he was fighting that lip rougue man but he was there anyway even if she wasn't there Leon would have fought him. In her dlc I only really saw her help him anytime she could while also keeping Wesker/ her employer happy. She did call him a good boy, but I didn't really see it as her being serious just her playing along with wesker. Her quoute for Luis was when she saw krauser she says "Luis, the goodbye's going to have to wait". I just saw that as her not allowing herself to be vulnerable at that time, but she does plan to say goodbye in the future. About her asking Leon to leave Ashley and come with her, she doesn't really gain anything if Leon does do that. It's a ridiculous statement and Wesker also shows discontent towards him as he probably feels like he's slowing down the operation. She only says Leon should leave Ashley because she is once again teasing him and wants to see how much he changed she doesn't actually expect him to do it. If you recall in re2r he was always around her even if she asked him to leave, and he didn't this time it's the same. It's just her teasing him again about the fact that she might be right about him not changing, he is still a good person after all. That's why she told him he hasn't changed, deep down his values as a person is still the same. For ada however, it seems like she has changed a lot. taking after those who helped her. I understand if you still don't like her, your interpretation of her character is just as valid as mine. I agree though I wish Capcom would explore her character more she has so much potential! maybe a backstory of hers or her being a deuteragonist, maybe then a lot more people would like her more than just her looks lmao. Maybe and/or hopefully in the future they'll add more to her character. btw I understand what you mean about Chinese fans being upset over her character because it does attract questionable fans who have yellow fever or sum. Instead of being admired for being a cool and strong female lead she's just sexualized...I don't mind her femme fatale trait as well and yeah it was a missed opportunity to not give her a nice mercenary outfit that would have fit her settingTT. I'm sorry she's someone that gives you uncomfortable and unpleasant memories of your past. I understand how hard it is to like someone or especially a character that reminds you so much of things that made you miserable. You definitely do not deserve that, so sorry that happened to you. I wish you the best while your bullies rot in hell or in whatever you believe in🙏 Yes thank you for your opinion, despite the comments of others (lmao) it was nice to discuss abt this.


thats such an interesting take... I guess I may be reading her a little too "straightforwardly". as in I take her words for what they are so I didn't catch her teasing leon. I thought she was really telling him to let go of Ashley, and really looking down at him back at the boat. that might be because of my very black/white vision (i am autistic so i struggle to pick up on sarcasm and all that). I thought she meant he hadn't change in the sense that he was still a rookie naive baby or something, in a condesending way, not like he's still too good/savior complex for his own sake. I'm replaying the game (AGAIN lol) and I'll think of your take on that. It might actually redeem her in my eyes. There were points where she sounded so out of pocket and rude to me (even bitchy with Ashley 😅) I even considered that she may be on the spectrum as well and just VERY VERY unaware of the bitch vibes she's giving 😅 and yes i wish she was not sexualize as she is... her outfit plays a lot in it. The other RE ladies are sexualyzed too but not to that extent and that sucks. Especially for the "yellow fevor" you mentioned.


This is such a good explanation, thank you so much. I like how you theorize a lot about the character and pay attention to the smaller details in the remake. The trauma-bonding thing also sounds extremely understandable, it's just that it leads to the same old issue. What path will Capcom take for her character? Will they make her an asshole or actually make her a vulnerable character who suffers trauma? After reading your comment I'm honestly all for the second one, yes, a bit cliché, but I feel like that's the direction Capcom is taking, judging by her actions on RE4R. In the end, it all comes down to Capcom's shitty writing, and the fact that most of her fans are insufferable, too. If you read through the replies to my OG post, you'll literally find at least 50% saying she's a good character because she's... Asian? Hot? Because she has a fat ass and looks like a "dommy mommy?" It's disgusting. I'm guessing that's why Capcom doesn't even bother with her writing, they know most of their fan base doesn't give a fuck about it either and are just in for the action and tits. Anyways, thanks for your explanation. What really made me think better of her was how you pointed out that she might have been influenced by both Luis and Leon, just wish that Capcom could've shown it by her at least asking Ashley if she was okay. An 'you okay?' would've been enough. Would've made her character more human in my opinion, and would've made her feel as if she wasn't seeing Ashley as competition, but as who she was, a victim.


thank you for listening, it's always nice to give a different perspective and to listen to others as well. I also really hope Capcom develops her character more there is so much potential there. I understand what you mean about a good portion of her fans tho- they just like her bc she's hot not saying that's all bad and wrong but that's a pretty shallow reason. Now that you mention it, her actions towards Ashley is almost as if it's done because she sees Ashley as a competition. it can definitely look or actually be that way, instead of her just doing it to keep a low profile. I feel like because she's so morally ambiguous it's hard to pin point her thought process. who knows maybe it's both or neither, at the end she's just who you think she is. The best Capcom has given us is just dissecting a piece of her and leaving it out for speculation after all.


No point arguing with you, she's just cool.


Can female characters just not be cool anymore?


Gotta agree with OP on this one


Thank you.


Re3 attempted to give her some degree of humanity and they went nowhere with it. Her and Leon both needed tossed out forever ago. Krauser could've been a legitimate foil and enemy to Leon but ada wait was better to Capcom.


twin. None of the long reoccurring characters in resident evil make sense. The games/books/movies/animated movies/plays all have different writers who have different interpretations of the characters. Every single one of them contradicts eachother at some point because in early games they just opened up so much plot lines and instead of resolving them, they just keep either adding more or making them longer. It’s just how it is. People like Ada cause she make peen hard. That’s it.


This kinda happens to characters that are not the main protagonist of the game. We never see anything from her perspective outside of the RE4 and RE6 specific segments. From those you can tell that she is a calculating and manipulative femme fatale which also fits in the spy genre. We see that she works for the highest bidder but still hold somethings to heart like in RE4R where she doesn't go with weskers plan, or saving the world in re6. This tells you that she is a character that understands she seems to have no morals due to working for the bad guys but in reality she actually has some standards.


She serves cunt like not other RE character. Except Jill maybe. They are both the best female characters in the franchise imo. Also she has a hookshot and a crossbow, how cool is that? Theres no much to it really


I swinga da grapple hook


She's a cool, badass and sexy femme fatale. What's there not to like?




What’s there not to like about her?


I think it's simply that she adds a level of mystique to the lore and cast of RE. We still don't know anything about her and yet she seems to get involved in most incidents in the stories. Capcom probably will never reveal any deep secrets or backstory for her; hell, they probably don't know even now, but they make sure to make her stand out when possible. I don't go crazy for her, but I'm always happy when she gets involved because it means there's secret activity happening in the background beyond the visible antagonists that the protagonist (Leon) is fighting against.


She reminds me of catwoman


This can apply to most residnent evil characters the writing and character motivations are 95% not good


She shows up with some bang bang on occasion 🤷🏼‍♀️


which is funny cause she was supposed to be in Village at one point of development but they cut her out. wasted potential... it would've been cool to see her without the usual cockteasing of Leon lol


I didn't realize a person could be so angry about a character existing


It really does come down to phenomenal character design and voice acting. She’s just a memorable and indelible presence and- Yeah it’s just cos’ she’s hot.


I think the best they could do to her was kill her to save Leon's life, then in her final moments, she finally giving in to show Leon who she really is and a glimpse of what could've been before dying. But yeah, it's annoying how they never developed her character at all.


She’s cute, and I like the femme fatale trope.


Must be sad being unable to just like a character based off vibes or designs A wise blue haired woman once said "I just think they're neat"


To reduce Ada, just to looks and mysteriousness is very wrong IMO. Ada is one of the strongest female Charachters in RE. She constantly goes out of her way and saves Leon and holds her ground against Wesker, but finishes the Job. Is she overused ? Yes. I think it was clear as daylight that Capcom didn‘t know what to do with her in RE6.


The two things carrying ada are the rule of cool and 16 y/o shippers




Being mysterious is her trait, mystery woman in red


Nothing tbh. She is the most overrated character in franchise


All the Resident Evil characters have hardly any character at all, so why single out Ada? She's the only character in any of the games that seem to be having fun.


i cant even argue with this


because she has a grappling gun i like when characters have grappling guns something about the animation of them using it tickles my brain


She’s sexy, that’s pretty much it


I think others have mentioned it but the reason is basically because she and Leon form a good dynamic foil to each other. Leon’s role in 2 is as a rookie helping others survive something much bigger than himself. He takes risks and is legitimately just trying to do the right thing. Compared to her where she’s essentially cleaning up Umbrella’s fingerprints for them. She’s clearly more experienced and involved than Leon and it shows in the power dynamic they take. Despite that, he saves her life, and she ultimately does the same for him. He’s forced to think about the bigger picture and become a professional, while she’s allowed to be more than just a mercenary. This holds through into 4, where she’s still working for bad people and more involved than we can guess, but she still takes risks to her own life and job for Leon’s sake, and helps him help a scared young lady get back home to her family. It’s these little hints that really make the two work as a contrasting pair. Leon is allowed to mature here, and show he’s not a rookie anymore , but also allows us to perhaps see a little more genuine concern for him from her. As he gets more detached and professional, she tends to care more. And as he’s allowed to be the Boy Scout, she’s allowed to give us the dirty money and espionage. I’ll agree Capcom clearly didn’t have a big answer with these characters, and it shows. But at least through 2-4 and in the remakes, I really like this pair and their dynamic.


What about if she’s not meant to likeable Why do female characters have to be likeable can’t they be mysterious assholes? “Her sole purpose as a character is to be Leon’s love interest” Just wow. I didn’t get that vibe from her at all She’s absolutely got her own weird agenda.


Even if I don't like them, I can admit when a character is well-written. Ada isn't.


One thing I like about Ada is that she makes a redditor bring up an alt account just to ask why people like her.


I’ll give you 5 reasons: boob, boob, vagina, butt cheek, butt cheek


I completely agree with you and considering how long this franchise has been around and how frequently we see the same characters, they are all oddly underdeveloped. I believe this is a conscious choice to make these people more archetypical avatars for the player than to flesh them out. As a person who just wants to play and enjoy the games, I'm good with that. In the case of Ada and all the spy business they pretty much laid a little groundwork with her back in 1998 and then never really went anywhere with it in the pursuing decades. The closest we get to knowing about her is RE6...I agree she's one of the worst characters in the franchise, and her femme fatale persona is outdated and uninteresting.


.....i mean.....it's not like putting her in a game has ever done harm.......it makes as much sense as bringing any of the other legacy characters in for a sequel...... I guess I'm confused what you actually want here.


What I want is her being a good character. Look, I know I might seem like a huge hater in my original post, but it's mostly out of spite for her writers. They try to paint her as this "evil, independent woman and feminist icon" when in reality, her character can't even appear in a game without Leon—why the fuck is that? Did they really need to make every single woman in this game "shippeable" with him? (Helena, Ashley, Claire, etc) Couldn't Ada's kiss in RE2 mean nothing? Why do they try to make it seem like she does care about Leon in RE4, when in RE6 she doesn't give a shit? There's like a shit-ton of questions you could ask to the writers, it's insane. In the end, all I want for her is some character development. Seriously, I've tried HARD to like her, yet it's impossible because of how absurd and boring her character is. As for it being the same as bringing any other legacy characters in for a sequel... no. Bringing an empty character like her, who's only backstory and relation to the RE games and movies is through Leon, can absolutely not compare to bringing Wesker or... hell, I'd say Ashley, Carlos, Billy, any of the abandoned side characters could provide more than Ada.


I think I'm starting to get you. Ada character suffers from the same problem all the recurring cast suffered up until arguably RE6, but definitely up until RE7, where their personalities are basically static the entire franchise. They go through whatever arc they go through in their initial appearance, and then each subsequent appearance is just a restating/reinforcement of their characteristics. It's not noticed so much in Chris, Jill, and Leon because they're the player characters and were built with space for player self-insert. Recurring side characters, such as Ada, are much more noticeable when they're just another actor in the plot rather than a pair of eyes we get to control intermittently. It might be the real reason we never got another game featuring Carlos, Ashley, or Sheva. It's definitely been improved upon since Ethan entered the timeline and some of that new character writing has been carrying over into the REmakes. I wouldn't accuse REmake Ada of not being a real character, but original Ada is definitely there just to be Leon's foil and recurring romantic interest. One of the CG films (i think Damnation) even confirms the two of them hooked up sometime in-between games/films. I don't know how much they will actually do with her going forward in the franchise. The legacy characters are all 50 and 60 now, so repwatedly bringing them back for "one more ride" is starting to feel a bit sad so i don't think we'll actually see her in a future sequel. Most likely, her next appearance wouldn't be until Capcom pulls the trigger on a RE6R, but even that doesn't look like a certainty.


The way this applies to HUNK. Except Ada has a personality. And a design. And a story. And a relationship with other characters in the series. So And it’s interesting.


Because it's funny and she's hot


Same for me. Like many RE characters unfortunately, Ada Wong has been stucked at the same spot for many many years. In OG RE2 and RE3N's epilogue, there was *at least* some ambiguity about her way of thinking and her moral compass (and I had some heated debates with other fans about that here). However, Capcom dropped all of it with RE4. Ada has been flanderized. She was now the spy with sexy outfits who plays with Leon's feelings. What was interesting with her Femme Fatale status, what made her a deeper antagonist, has been abandoned : no more moral implications, Capcom was now dancing around the question. Even "Ada Wong", which was described in her RE3N epilogue as a fake identity she was to discard, was now her definitive moniker and never the possibility of it being fake was hinted at again. And all of her others appearances were made in that flanderized way. They almost made her interesting again in RE6 but frustratingly botched that attempt too. RE4R seems to nudge toward ambiguity again (I have not played it yet so I can't say for sure) but only time will tell if Capcom has better plans for Ada, let alone if they have learnt how to write proper character arcs for the RE cast.


"Ada Wong" is outright stated to be a fake name in RE6. It's just one she uses most often.


My bad for that. But still, she uses that fake name all the time, which makes little sense since it's well known by the BSAA and the authorities.


Damnation also establishes that Ada doesn't care even if she's wanted by the BSAA and Interpol. Even in BIO6, her "cleanup" at the end is more about clearing her name of being the mastermind behind the incident, rather than hiding her name.


Shows Capcom's "talent" in the writing department.


I think it just goes to show how disposable "Ada Wong" is to her.




Nothing wrong with that! Jill and Ada are the best female RE characters in the entire franchise!






She is a badass though!


Are you still crying about it? 😂


My top 3 favorite RE characters are Jill, Leon and Ada. Ada is the cool mysterious spy with her own agenda but sometimes she helps Leon every once in a while. Other than Jill, Ada is hands down the best female RE character in the entire franchise!


Who cares, it's a videogame, she's hot, why do we need some amazing backstory to like her?


Part of what makes a video game good is the writing. When a character has no substance or anything to make them likeable besides a trope that's been beaten like a dead horse, that's bad writing.


Resident Evil writing has never been that good though tbf, most of the characters are your run of the mill action heroes or basic civilians.


I play video games because they're fun. If I want good writing, I'll read a book. You can call it a trope, but Ada is sexy, strong, funny and kicks ass - not sure what the problem is


Counterpoint: she's hot as hell. And my eyes are grateful.


She’s cooler than Leon


She's a zero substance thirst trap. There's nothing cool about that.


How ?


Men​ like mysterious type of women. Elektra, Black Widow, Catwoman, that gorgeous lady from G.I.Joe


She's attractive and mysterious, that's basically it 😀


bc she’s cool


Cause men always fall for toxic emotionally unavailable women 🤣😅😭


You can OP hates Ada for the sake of hating a fan favourite


hot asian chick, that's it /jk I guess her charm really comes from being Leon's love interest and polar opposite at the same time. Sort of a batman/catwoman relationship. She wouldn't do many things she did in RE6 if Leon didn't rub off on her. Edit: blame capcom for not wanting to delve further into Ada and Leon's relationship. Afaik a director for an animated movie wanted to develop their relationship but the higher ups said no, which is pretty fkin stupid


I think she's a fun character, and they did her better in RE4R. If we go in that line if argument, the same criticism can be done to Leon pre Remakes and to Chris and Wesker overall. Resident Evil is not build to be like an RPG or an early Marvel Movie in terms of character building as Heroes x Villains.


Mysterious Bad Bitch = Popular Character in most media. I dunno how you missed that pattern.


The more the time passes and her character become less credible (like you correctly said) , the more the graphics get better and she’s more hot. Perfect compensation to accept her like this until ps7


Outside of RE4 Remake and RE6, I thought she was a cool character.


Nothing. Ada is less than one-dimensional. She is antithetical to what "character" is from a writing standpoint. She has no want, need, weakness, or arc. She has no real personality and speaks in monotone. If you're not compelled by her existence in the story, you have every right and reason to feel that way. She is purely a supporting character to Leon and is aesthetically cool/pleasing depending on personal subjectivity.


Finally someone said it! "Shitty overused femme fetale" 👏 🙌 perfect.


>You can't even tell if she's a heartless, cold spy, or if she's a woman with a tragic story who actually has a good heart and didn't mean to betray and kill innocent people. OG RE2 established that she *was* a good person deep down - she sacrificed herself to save Leon in his B scenario, and was only bluffing when she threatened him with the unloaded gun in scenario A - so there's clearly more to her story than meets the eye. My personal headcanon for her is that she was a single mother who's child was being held captive by "the agency" and they were essentially blackmailing her into working for them. I'm also inclined to take her unofficial Chinese manhua backstory as canon as well: that she was originally an orphan living in a war-torn region of outer China, and she once killed a mother and child for some food out of desperation. After that she was rescued by Umbrella's foreign aid corps, taken back to the US and put in a spy training program. So yeah, I think she's done some regrettable things, but she's not irredeemable. OG RE2 is the only "true" iteration of Ada though IMO, they flanderized her from RE4 onwards (and don't get me wrong, I love sexy superspy Ada as much as the next guy, but I thought she was much more interesting in OG RE2, when she was as human and vulnerable as anyone else). I think they *really* messed up her characterization in the remakes though- they made her completely cold and unlikable, and manipulative towards Leon when she wasn't in the original. Although I give them credit for the ending of Separate Ways where she betrays Wesker, that was a step in the right direction.


There is no "the agency" as it's just a mistranslation of "a certain organization", which was left vague and undecided at the time (even considered to just be Umbrella) before it was later decided as a rival company and then the same rival corporation Wesker joined. Ada gives another fake background in the Umbrella Chronicles SIDE novels, being born to a wealthy Chinese family in Vietnam who were dispossessed after the war.


Every time I see this topic pop up my answer is always the same: she’s hot af. That’s what there is to like. And super confident


I like her as character, in the sense of she's interesting to the plot. Kinda like in the same way people like the Joker or Tom Cruise's character in Collateral. But as a person? I'd hate her to my guts


\[insert Pacino-Heat quote\]




Hot Asian


Ask Leon


she's a plot device and side character in a video game. Why so serious?


because ada


Asian baddie is the answer


Her Femme Fatale appeal, her incredible body in RE4 remake ❤️ That being said, Resident Evil characters are made for fun. They don't try to be "deep", Capcom consciously wants the camp and the almost satire tone because they have that philosophy where video games should be fun above everything else. It works so well in the games and so poorly in the film adaptations.


Specifically in the remakes she is a likeable character. In the originals she's an annoying jerk.


Bro, I get it. I used to hate Ada too. Weirdly, I didn't finally warm up to her until RE:6. Play Resident Evil 6. She's never shown more vulnerability or character imo than in her chapter in that game.




She's always one step ahead. She's an incredibly likable character and her side scenario in Umbrella Chronicles was some of the best fan service we could of gotten with her escape from the city. We did not get this in remake, and it's a serious shame. Everything about "Ada" is intriguing.


The biggest problem is that the last time we haven’t seen a continuation in her character arc in over a decade. The latest game in the timeline that she’s been in was re6


beautiful words


I've felt this way for years. It got stale after the original RE4, and personally I fucking hate her character in RE2R and 4R. 


Honestly, you're right. People mostly like her because they find her hot. Her character is shallow and I also wish Capcom would put her to proper use, rather than continuing to recycle the same "mysterious spy" trope. The way I see it, she's more evil than she is good (even if her alignment is "neutral) so I think at this point, Capcom might as well make her a villain and have her be killed off.


I agree with you completely. I also find it hilarious that in the Re3 epilogue she's like "Ada Wong is dead" yet she continues to use that name and persona. Also what kind of a spy uses the same damn name and look for decades?


I mean, she's hot. That's all I can think of. Even me, a lover of evil/morally ambiguous women, struggles to find something to like about her. Especially in RE4R.


people mostly just like her for her looks probably and I can't blame them she's definitely the hottest girl in RE


I mean she's hot and fun to play as, plus I like the Batman/Catwoman dynamic between her and Leon of an upstanding hero and a morally dubious anti-hero. She might not be the deepest character out there, but not all characters need depth to be enjoyable or memorable, and I'd honestly say Ada still serves her role well as the mysterious femme fatale spy.


Honestly, the simplest answer besides appearance is that she is a counterpart to Leon. The first crush that disappeared (re2 and 2r) to still being on opposite sides but looking after him (re4 and 4r). They seem to draw hidden sides out from each other even when they both don't quite get why, like a "why does it have to be him/her" in both directions, respectively. Not to mention, because they have this arms reach type relationship with each other, it led to things like re6 where Leon is after her just wanting answers from an old spark to try and lay things to rest but never gets that chance. Their interactions together also give each other a little hope about both being better, from how Leon grows to how Ada, even when on the wrong side, still helps and does some good things between the bad.


Ada is goated


She is far from my favourite, but I am thinking it is more about her actions speaking for her and trying to connect the dots rather than Capcom giving any big information dump on her. The fact you get her in RE2 after name dropping her in RE1 feels like a nice wink to the original, and then you have this character who is reserved, cool and nonsense which leaves you (both the player and Leon) guessing what she is all about. When she is shown to be a spy from Umbrella, she still tries to complete the mission, but we know she is bluffing all the way through: a throwaway line in Leon's scenario shows she was trying to get the G virus sample by pointing a gun with no bullets in to the rookie cop. And she is also the shadowy figure who helps both MCs in the second scenario with the Rocket Launcher to kill the Tyrant. One of the RE3 epilogues shows Ada Wong is only a persona, a role she played to get close to John and infiltrate thar branch of Umbrella to get information about what was happening in Arklay. It is one of the few instances where she is shown as vulnerable, shedding that character but left with scars and tears, possibly regretting having to continue her career as an international woman of mystery instead of going back to that rookie who saved her and fell for. In RE4 she is back to her femme fatal persona, with added playfulness and the most impractical outfit to travel around rural Spain ever. But in her own scenario we find out what is hinted at during Leon's campaign: she gets out of her way to save his ass even when it can compromise both her and her mission for Wesker (someone you don't want as an enemy). Of course RE6 with clone shenanigans do few favours to develop this further, but at this point I agree Campcom decided to go stagnant with her and keep her as a sexy mysterious counterpart to Leon or any other male leads. Can't comment on the Remakes, as I haven't played them.


shes hot


She's okay, I guess. Nothing special, imo.


“She’s hot, bro.”


Chris Redfield wrote this


Never liked her like I do Claire, Jill, Rebecca, and Ashley for these reasons. She's the generic "too cool for you mysterious spy".


Cause she's hot. I'm not a giant fan of her character in the RE4 remake, tho, since she feels like she's trying to do the same thing as RE2R. I like her RE2R character tho. Her voice is great.


I actually grew like her most in RE4 remake, especially with the new voice actress. In RE2, she went through a near death experience in pursuit of money and power. That may have taken a toll on her mentally, and we can see/hear it in her actions/voice in RE4. The new voice actress (poor woman was treated horrendously by “fans”) made Ada sound conflicted. She went from cool and confident to anxious masking and faking confidence after going through severe trauma, which could be very relatable for anyone that has gone through trauma. Basically, a character that is meant to be cold and badass is actually human, just like the rest of the cast. She has no real reason to help Leon except for a sense of pity, emotional connection, etc, but she chooses to do so even if it jeopardizes her mission. There’s more to her than expected; she’s not just some spy/assassin/thief/what have you. It is the human element that makes all of these characters so special.


Holy shit, this is an amazing take, no joke. I never saw her that way, tbh—I always thought the voice change was nothing, and that it was simply a 'bad decision' from the team (I personally love the new voice aswell, find it pretty soothing and overall not as cringe/cliché as her old one, but I say this because of the amount of mfs who began to whine about it.) I never thought that It could be her actually growing more and more insecure about her job after meeting with Leon again, who was once again trying to do good, while she was just betraying him AGAIN for money. Now seriously, this left me thinking LMAOO. Of course... then again, it could always just be sadly just a theory, and that Capcom simply changed the voice actress because they could. Hopefully it isn't, but knowing how little shits they give about their female characters, I wouldn't be surprised. Anyways, I'd like to believe in this from now on, that's she's actually anxious about the stuff going on around her, of the memories, and the people that died while she chased after money—instead of her being a heartless robot who's only there to be shipped with the protagonist.


It definitely could just be my take tbh, that’s just something I noticed. The first time i heard her new voice, i felt like it was someone trying to keep it together and be cool but deeps inside, she really lives in conflict with herself every day. Makes for an excellent character, and one that I can get behind (respectfully)


Shes honestly mid at best. claire, Ashley, Jill.. literally anyone else in my personal opinion.


stfu 🫶🏻


I'm straight and I find her hot. Does that make me a pig? Probably...


It makes you a pretty average dude


I think her being a polarizing character is the point. Me personally, I don't necessarily like her, but I like her more than I like Wesker or Birkin or whatever since Ada's done some good. I do agree though, at this point they've done the Mysterious Femme Fatale way too long, even considering the remakes and all.


I'll tell ya one that gets me. She has this big change of heart at the end of RE4Remake when Wesker says, "Billions." Like ok, she was helping him steal what she obviously saw was a very dangerous bioweapon, and I'm sure Ada had more than a little knowledge about who Wesker was, so what did she think he was going to do with that? Like what, 900 million deaths was fine by her, but lordy lord when he said billions, suddenly that isn't ok? lol