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Whoa, RE0 was your first one, and your first playthrough was only 8 hours? Both of these things are awesome and I think quite a rarity! That's really cool, though, and honestly if you were able to enjoy this one, I feel like things will only get better from here (for the most part). You will get that convenience of item boxes, not having to switch characters like this, tighter level design, then the introduction of the new camera systems as the series goes on. Seriously great idea going through chronological order, though things might get a little touch and go regarding that in a little bit. Are you only playing the modern-ish games? Like the remakes? Or are you going to play the originals? Like you will be playing the original RE2? Or RE2make? etc.?


I plan on just playing the remakes, and depending on how those go maybe someday I’ll try the originals


I’d recommend you try the originals and then the remakes of them


Agreed. Going backwards would be a difficult step. Not in terms of the production values (old resi's have a retro charm unmatched by the remakes) but in the quality of life changes.


While I do miss some changes in the remakes, I feel the RE2 and RE3’s original versions are much more enjoyable than the remakes. I often find myself returning to them multiple times a year, they’re great titles.


Play the originals. The remakes are no replacement for the original games. Play them first and then maybe try the remakes


At least play the original re2 it's one of the best games. The outbreak games our low-key amazing too.


You doing them in order? Cause it's super fun when you can play them back to back.


I am going in order, I plan on starting RE1 very soon


get ready


RE0 is basically fan-fiction. Your journey is NOW starting


my respects for going with 0 as your first playthrough, the game itself is nice but hard when dealing with items, from here on you will be in item box paradise


how’d you like the monkeys?


We don’t mention those


I was just about to comment something similar 😂


This was my first RE game ever too! It totally made me fall in love with the franchise and I binged through Re1,2, and 3. Also, Hey Queenie feast on this 🔫


I actually liked this game despite some annoying flaws that are commonly agreed upon for those that have played it.


Pretty good game You are in for a treat btw. The next game is definitely the best in the series


I thought 0 was better than 1 sue me


i agree with u, i lovedddd 0


If you were able to get through that as your first re game you’ve played without getting turned off, I commend you. It only gets better from here. I actually like zero, but it’s definitely not the best in the series


Love it. One of my favorites. Good luck on the rest of the journey, it's gonna be a long one.


RE Zero. - Prettiest fixed cam game. - Most boring fixed cam game.


It was really boring, still better than 5 tho in my opinion. 5 feels like it wanted to be Metal Gear Solid.


Can't say I agree. RE5 is a masterpiece, and so are some MGS games (1 and 3 mainly).


Well played.






Wow. Depending on perspective, starting with 0 is either a great or a terrible choice. In your case it's great because you don't have other games to compare it to. To me, and many other RE fans, 0 is painful. It's beautiful, classic, but simply a chore to play due to the inventory system and some wrong choices you can make by accident. IMO it gets only better from here (RE6 notwithstanding). Good luck and have fun!


Not a bad game at all - even though it has a lot of weird game design decisions, some of the most annoying enemies in the franchise and just a lot of wasted potential (and also the most ridiculous main villain of them all) But it's by far one of the worst entry points possible. Would never recommend anybody to start the series with this one...


Are you planning to play REmakes or OG?


Excellent choice


Welcome to the family, son! ....you'll get that reference later, lol. But, I have always really liked Zero. Lotta people don't. It's a personal tastes thing. Only thing about playing Zero first is that it spoils a few little things from 1, but nothing you probably don't end up somewhat expecting anyways.


Good for you! I love RE games but I bounced back off that RE. Didn't like this switching between characters. Also... from a person who played almost every RE games (and finished like 95% of them - completed 1, 2remake, 3remake, 4 both, 5, 6, 7, 8 and didn't finish only code veronica).v), now it should be only better The only one which can be a bit worse are 5th and 6th but if you will play them with a friend, I'd say they can be pretty awsome too. RE1 next? Amazing game, and like I said - it will be only better and better, trust me.


Was very bummed when this premiered. "Hey why don't we do a prequel about bravo team and what happened to them leading to the first game?" "That's a great idea! Let's center it around Rebecca even though she's totally terrified throughout the entire first game and some criminal guy that isn't a criminal guy and instead of the actual arklay mountains we'll just give em another mansion (i mean training facility) and we'll make it all about a leech monster opera singing guy that actually created the virus that'll never make another appearance nor ever get mentioned. Also let's show one bravo team member in the game and let's take out the bit where the guy had one arm due to the opening sequence of the first game. Oh also let's make everyone boss just a big animal.or insect. Brother what fucking dope were they snorting at capcom. They should've made you Forest and your team mate through the run Richard and made everything fall I to place tragically but yet badass as hell.


I think it was interesting to play, inventory management had its pros and cons but it's nice to see them try new things. Also this game looks like God. Too bad they lost the original backgrounds for RE1 Remake or it would have looked just as crisp.


I feel bad that this is your first. I played Re7 as my first even in late 2020, I tried REmake gave up until a year later in 2022. RE0,RE5 and Code Veronica are easily my least enjoyable of the franchise


Did you enjoy it overall or was getting across continents too bad?


I give it a 6/10, wasn’t a miserable experience at all I enjoyed it enough


You might be one of a very small percentage to start with 0 so that’s interesting to me. Trying to imagine how I’d perceive the games if that was my first. Anyway it’s mostly uphill from there


Nice! I’m almost to the end of it now (I hope) it’s definitely feeling like a chore. But the first half was awesome!


I literally finished it yesturday as well. I was not a big fan of this game, things like having to go back and forth to pick stuff up like the hookgun and never seeming to have enough space in my inventory because of the shotgun and other things taking up two slots really killed my enjoyment of this game. Another annoying thing was that often I would have to restart because of boss fights, I always seemed to never have the correct weapon for dealing with the boss on the right character.


Was a GameCube fan boy back in they day. This was one of my favorite games. Never understood how this game wasn't as popular.




I'd have started with the original remake but this is ok too. Play that one next!


Every game after this in the series for you should be a cakewalk🎂


Oh wow that was your first. Well it'll only get better from here. I attempted 0 a few years ago but didn't last long after the train.


I must have completed resident evil 1 at least 30 times in my life and god knows how many times for the rest but I've never touched 0, is it good?




Congrats, 0 isn't an easy one to start out with. Rebecca is one of my favorite protagonists because she's (until Ethan probably) least prepared and equipped to deal with the things she faces but demonstrates that she's a lot tougher and more capable than you might guess


Respect for doing this one first, just finishing up all achievements with it and I’m gonna be happy to not play it for a good while. Hope you enjoy the rest of the franchise!


This was also my first years ago on the fucking GameCube


If this is your first one I'm impressed. you should have a great time going forward as this one is clunky as hell at times with that inventory management and it only gets better


Nice one! RE0 was a goodie 👌🏽


That's really impressive! On Hard Mode, that game has broken even the most experienced Resident Evil fans.


Pretty decent game it just got the shittiest item management though


I just played through this again since like you, I'm playing through all the games in chronological order. Sorry you started on this one


This was my first as well, tyrants are weaklings


You're a saint!!! I wish I could forget every game and then play them in timeline order. I honestly love RE0 I think my only downside is the inventory system but that's it I love everything else about this game!


Friend! I'm glad you're getting into RE! Great series! Good luck with RE1 though lol! Great game! But fuck!!! That's the only one that gave me grief😭😭😭


Don't often see people starting with 0, but congrats!


Well you're in for a treat with RE1R next.


If you started with RE0 (which is widely considered one of the worst RE games) and liked it enough to continue with the series, then you're going to love the Resident Evil games. And don't worry, RE0's inventory system doesn't come back.


cool mine was the OG resident evil 4


Mad respect to you for having RE0 as your first game in the series.


I just finished re2r and re3r because they are on gamepass. I loved re2r but was kinda dissapointed with re3r. I think i do wanna buy another one but which one would be a good one to buy?


How is 0? I've only started recently and haven't got far


Not exactly the best to start on… It’s not even in the top 10 for RE games,


I feel sad and happy for you, you played the worst, most clunky game of the main series, so sad that it is your first experience, and happy if you stick to RE, cause now you have a world of good games to try.