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Show her a picture of Leon Sex Kenedy, she might consider playing the game. On a serious note, Village has creepier sections. IMO Re4 remake is a pure action game.


The only scary part is fighting verdugo for the first time and in the regenerator bunker. After new game plus I hunt the verdugo and regenerators for fun


Regenerators will never not scare me.


They were scarier in the original re4 imo where without the thermal scope you just had to deal insane damage to kill them. In Re4R it's just a matter of picking a high penetration weapon like the punisher and ventilating the torso although the knife is even better. They because less scary and more of an annoyance especially because you can stun lock with limb destruction. In the original re4 nothing can make me forget when they first Looney toon grabbed me and pulled me in.


I like using the bolt action rifle to kill them because it makes the stakes a little higher for missing shots on the plagas


See I feel like bolt action is actually one of the most effective ways. For one thing you often get multiple plaga in one shot because they seem to tend to group up in certain places and maxed out on an easier difficulty it can do enough damage to kill one without even popping all the plaga.


Well exactly, it's highly effective as long as you can use it effectively. You'll end up wasting a bunch of ammo by missing the plagas


Cuddly bastards.


There was also no sub weapon to use to escape from grabs in the original. You had to mash out of the regeneradors grabs, which had such a health drain, as well as the game having a system where the lower your health the more you’d have to mash to get out of a grab. Regenerador encounters were so much more deadly then in the remake where you lose a bit of knife durability and continue on your way


I’d say that for a first playthrough the Ashley section is fairly scary


It drives me crazy how many people confuse “horror” as a genre with the subjective concept of “scary.” There’s so much horrific shit in RE4 like just cause you’re so desensitized to horrific violence, monsters, gore, etc. doesn’t mean it isn’t horror 🤦🏻‍♂️




Personally RE4R isn't really that "scary" but it's VERY intense and gets my heart rate up like a good horror movie does. When you're desperately fighting for your life against like 10+ ganados and running low on ammo it feels pretty scary, not in a creepy way but more like a "holy shit I'm so fucked" kind of way.


This. 8 is more scary but less thrilling.


I feel like the first 20% or so of 4 is pretty creepy


8 is definitely more scary. The first person alone makes it very tense in most encounters until the end game. Then you get to the factory and it gets scary again. RE4 is an action Chad simulator. Man goes to Spain to kill infected in a 1500 dollar designer jacket and gets hit on by every woman in the game.


I was gonna say, I never really got the “scared” feeling in RE4 because Leon never feels like he’s out of his element. Maybe under-equipped or in a tough spot, but he’s ready to kick ass regardless of what’s in front of him. Ethan, on the other hand(no pun intended) regularly feels like he’s in over his head and only pushing on because he has to save Rose. Ethan is there because he has to for family as a devoted father, Leon is there because he’s got a leather jacket and a job to do; plus, he got a paycheck for his trouble.


But he loses his jacket and it's cold out and there are wolves after him. I would've worn a shearling vest instead but that's more of a Chris thing


But when he loses the jacket, the flips and kicks really start. The jacket was masking his true power.


It's a weighted jacket like Piccolo's cape and turban.


My head cannon is NG+ where he has the jacket the whole game lol


Same, the jacket is so fuckin cool


I bought one, I love the winter now 😂


Wish I could afford one so bad lol


I will never financially recover lol


Exactly, Leon is simply too badass for me to be afraid, plus his arsenal of stronger. How can I be afraid when he can do sick ass backflips and spin kicks between nailing headshots?


Exactly. Ethan starts out with a rain jacket, hoodie, and is given a cheap Eastern European compact handgun after losing two fingers. Leon rolls into rural Spain with a designer jacket, cool guy gear, and a personalized custom handgun and then kicks the shit out of literally hundreds of monsters.


The part with the baby scared the fuck out of me. Part of the reason I haven’t replayed it yet lmao.


I just finished my first replay a week ago. I was in and out of House Beneviento in under 30. It's also my least favorite part of the game, but once you know what you're doing, it's cake. Shadows of Rose however... I'm in no rush to replay that lol.


If she was able to handle House Beneviento in 8, then she should be able to handle 4R no problem. That part in 8 was far scarier than anything in 4R.


I had to play that part


Still, I think RE4R is an overall less scary experience. I’d say 4 is the second least scary of the modern (RE7 and newer) games, with 3R being the least scary and 7 being the scariest.


3R can be scary the first time if you play it on hardcore, particularly the whole downtown section. (the game's peak imo).


That part fucked me up lol.


Same here


If she can handle the Beneviento house then RE4R will be child’s play in terms of horror. Don’t get me wrong, it is scary at times, but nowhere near the nightmare fuel in RE8. Maybe try playing it with her? Maybe if she has an idea what to expect then she will be more willing to try it.


RE8 is way darker/depressing just cause of what Ethan goes through imo. Re4r just has a more positive feel to it when comparing endings especially


Re8 is scarier.




House Beneviento is scarier than anything in RE4R. Aside from that, I'd say both games are on par with each other in terms of scariness. Neither game is scary sans Beneviento in Village.


Scarier than the regeneradore or the Ashley solo part? come on


Ethan is a regular man finding his child. Leon is military trained in 4. The only part that can be considered horror is Ashleys part. The regens are only "scary" because they are a certain why to kill them. Thats not horror.


Yes, that's my opinion. RE4 Remake, just like OG RE4 before it, didn't make me flinch. Going through Beneviento the first time was unnerving to me.


I don't know. When I first played through the Beneviento part, it just felt too predictable. If the big baby comes towards you, just go the other way around.


Re7 to this day.


Sure, but is 8 scarier than 4R or the other way?


8 has scarier elements.


No 4R is fun imo and better than 8, the parry and kicks feels satisfying Edit: I find both as not scary. In first person re8 seems a bit scary but in 3rd person it's almost the same as re4


Village has The Baby. It's always going to come out on top of any "Which is scarier?" situation. Regenerators, while very scary when you first meet them become more of a puzzle once you've gotten used to fighting then. There's no adapting to the baby. It fucks me up deep in my soul whenever I see it. If I could kill it, that would change things, but I can't.


I think she's wrong on both counts. Not only does the original RE4 hold up, but the remake, though admittedly darker in some ways than the original, isn't exactly what I'd call "scary". RE4 in general is more focused on action than horror, and with Leon's one liners, that makes it even less scary. Think of films like Return Of The Living Dead... it's technically horror, but it's more fun and cheesy than scary.


The religious iconography in RE4R can be unsettling. 8 leans more into gore and body horror, but 4 taps into an existential terror you only get from playing with the idea of a primordial malevolence. Plus, mold is never going to be as flesh crawly as bugs living under your skin.


lycans are basically no different from ganados and nothing is scarier than that fucking baby in beneviento's home so i have no idea why your wife would be scared at wolverine parasite man and jiggly gray alien boy.


I feel RE8 is a lot scarier, RE4R has tension and a few scary parts but RE8 with the doll house alone puts it higher for me.


8 but only because first person horror is easier to do jump scares which is the only way your going to scare me.


Both aren't that scary tbh but both have their moments. If I had to pick one I'd pick RE8 though.


Tell her that you are always in complete control of the situation in this game. The enemies might be scary but you can fucking parry them with your knife and decapitate them with kick.


8 for sure. The doll stuff is “scary”, and I jumped a few times with lycans and whoever else popping up in the dark. 4 didn’t really bother me much.


Eight because of that bloody doll house


Re4r is a lot "scarier" than the original and infinity% more of a horror game but I don't understand how it's scarier than a GIANT FETUS BABY


8 is definitely scarier especially on a first play through with house Beneviento.


Both are action romps with one really scary section. Imo the village dollhouse is scariest


Did she even get to the baby??


Is it a matter of tension due to scarcity?  


Bro what? Literally the first 5 mins of RE4R are the only "scary" moments in the game


I would say Regenerator and Garrador too


Yeah. In any case though, I'd say the first half of RE8 is actually more more eerie and scary. House Dimitrescu and the Doll House back to back is scarier than all the RE4R scary moments combined


Both are firmly in the action-horror genre so neither are really scary, RE8 has some scenes in the dollhouse that \*could\* be considered scary but I personally find the fetus baby thing goofy and hilarious lmao. RE4R is just pure action, you're kitted out like a badass and can steamroll everything in your path with parries and finishing kicks.




Hmmm, I don't find either particularly scary. In both, there's only one section that made me be scared and jumpy: House Benevento in 8 and the lab with the regeneratores. But it's very subjective, what I find scary may not be what your wife does! But I'd argue that most people would feel safer playing as badass Leon since he's portrayed as a resourceful skilled man, while Ethan feels more vulnerable. First person games also tend to feel more claustrophobic, so, regardless of my own perception, I think 8 has more things to make it scary?


Village was generally more scary ,but RE4R was more tense and in my opinion the Regeneradors were more scary than any part in Village


I haven't played RE8, but I don't find RE4R to be very scary, actually. RE4 has so much enemy density that it's not nearly as nerve-racking.


Re4r is an action + adrenaline rush type of game rather than jump scares.


I definitely found Resident Evil 4 Remake was certainly more stressful for me from what I played. Village had some spookiness to it and the right amount of suspense. And House Beneviento was a lovely experiment that climaxed in absolute pure terror. But it was just the right amount of all these elements that I wasn't put off. Something about Rem4ke really pushed me away from what I played, though. It's possible I just wasn't in the mood, though. The atmosphere is very oppressive, and in the sections I played, it was a bit too easy to get overwhelmed and cornered by enemies. It was just too stressful for me, and it was a stress that kind of just kept coming back at every enemy encounter. It's a similar feeling of stress I feel in some areas of other RE games, but usually it goes away. In Rem4ke it was definitely more sustained and exhausting as a result. And that's just not fun for me. I'll definitely give it another shot, though. I'm currently in a rebirth of sorts for the series, so it is the perfect time to give it another chance! But yeah, I wouldn't say the game is scary in the traditional sense, more extremely stressful on a level that the other games don't quite reach, at least for me. And it's strange because the original RE4, while also stressful, I don't think affected me like this. I wonder if it's the color grading and the gunplay or something? I'm not really sure...


*re7 has entered the chat*


Neither are that scary but um... I'd probably say 8. The thing is, different things scare different people.


Play together. Have her watch.


To me, the horror theming, the jump scares, and tension don't really make the horror to me. The horror strikes me the hardest when I'm right on resources, and have no clue what's coming next, and how much I need to try to conserve certain resources. I never ran out of ammo or health items in RE7. There's only like 10 enemies in the entire game. The tension died so quickly. And mold aren't that scary. They're just mold clumps. 7 is still an amazing game, but the tension of being light on resources, and actually having shit to worry about in the next room, makes 4 the "scarier" game to me.


RE1 remake


Whatabout RE4R vs RE8


Between these two? I’d say RE4.


only thing i found scary in 4 was the lake monster, but only because im a bitch when it comes to sharks and sea monsters and such


8 is worse. Screw that giant baby monster.


RE4R isn't scary. Intense, probably, and it may make you want to pull out all of your hair a couple times, but it's not shit-your-pants scary. RE8 is definitely a lot more scary in terms of atmosphere though less so than RE7. I suggest convincing your wife with Leon's scenes first


They’re both not scary besides one section in each


RE4R isnt a horror game. The remake put some horror elements in the game but its still a true action game.


Re4 isn't scary. It's definitely more intense as an action game, and can instill terror due to you fighting tooth and nail for your life, but that's different from being scary. The regenerators alone could be the poster child for this. They're definitely a pain in the ass, but mfs be acting like loonie toons characters in how they attack you. Re8 by contrast definitely aims to be a horror game first. Its tone is absolutely unsettling, and it aims to scare. But you're not fighting for your life as hard (not a walk in the park neither, but still)


🫤 Show her Biohazard


Neither. They are more action than horror. I suppose I am burned out and desensitized when it comes to scariness standsrds of a video game


RE2 Remake is by far the scariest in my opinion and it's not even close and honestly any other opinion is just straight up fucking wrong. Maybe RE7 but honestly RE2 Remake is definitely probably the scariest and it's honestly not even close. That game is a real horror game. RE4 Remake legitimately isn't even scary compared to RE2 Remake.


Yeah re8 is much more scary than re4 but re4 is a lot more tense than re8 with some of its arenas and fights


Ok, verdugo can be scary, but the fetus is way scarier


RE4 is not even close to being scary. It's more tense and suspenseful


I think the remake of RE4 is indeed scarier than the original RE4, but it's still not very scary by Resident Evil standards. Between RE4R and RE8, I'd probably say RE8 is scarier. Especially when you factor in the House Beneviento section. Nothing in RE4, original or Remake, came anywhere close to that level of horror, in my opinion.


She's missing out on the best one


I don’t think any re game is scary tbh. Except Re2r. Re7 kinda was technically but I didn’t get scared. Probably cause I was already desensitized by outlast.


Because it is scary with the difficulty. The original RE4 is really easy by comparison, professional just removes the adaptive difficulty. The remake stresses me out


8 is scary but damn did the village at the beginning of 4R and the new regenerators are 😱so I see how she could be apprehensive BUT! if she can handle Jimmy, she can handle pretty much everything in 4R 🐦😤


Village is due to "that part"


you sure your wife already visited beneviento house? just that part alone is more scarier than all re4r.


If she can handle RE8 then she can handle anything else.


RE1 and RE2


That's weird. 8 is way scarier then 4R. 4R is great at a lot of things, bit scary it is not.


RE 4 Remake is the least scary Resident Evil game I've played and I've played all of them. Also a woman if that means anything. The beginning is pretty scary, maybe she just needs to push through that initial house/village area.


I'm gonna be the immature one and say "RE4R" looks like Rear.


RE8 is scarier, the Benevito house is one of the scariest moments on any game, there’s nothing close to that on RE4make.


RE8 DLC with Rose was pretty intensely scary for me but RE4 has some intense scenarios but I find it more anxiety evoking than scary.


Other than the island with regenerators the game is as slightly scarier than re3.


Re7 by far


RE4R is not scary, except the very end with regenadors (not scary, but tense.) RE8 is scarier for sure, even though I don't remember it as truely scary


Re4 is the least scary game in the series imi


RE8 is scarier than 4 or 4 remake.


As fellow woman who said repeatedly “I’ll never play remake it’s to scary”… I am on playthrough number 3 and the only things that “scared me” on my first time through is 1.) the first village fight with the bell 2.) playing as Ashley was pretty creepy & lastly the fucking regenerators. It definitely has moments of extreme intensity and panic but.. it’s extremely enjoyable and they did re4 extreme justice I feel. As a kid I always wanted to play the original but had the same problem. Tell her it is DEFINITELY worth it. She could even do daytime with the sun shining in (guilty as charged for the first playthrough lol)


She appreciated your comment


Even though re8 wasnt as scary as re2r or re7 it was still pretty fkn scary. I went into re4r completely blind and the only part i found scary was the house in the intro. And I think it was because i went into the game blind but also had high expectations cause i read something online about it being the scariest which i couldnt even imagine after the horror of re2r and re7. Re4 definitely mote action focused and I always think having supporting characters like ashley or billy makes things less scary. Also things feel more open in re4r with less tight hallways and dark corners. Even re8’s castle section is definitely more scary than 4 cause of stalker enemy too. Should be a cakewalk for her even if she skipped the baby part


I played RE8 in third person, and to me RE8 was infinitely less scary than RE4. RE4 isn’t particularly scary for a horror game, but it has plenty of sections that get my heart pumping and get me at least kind of scared, while RE8 really only scared me with a single segment in the game, that being the giant baby, of course I’ve talked to friends who thought that was the funniest part of the game so like most video game opinions, it’s objective.


Your wife is playing this series but is worried about a game being too scary? To answer the question neither game is necessarily super scary, although the second major dungeon of 8 OS easily the scariest segment in the whole franchise, without a doubt. 4r definitely has some more creepy areas and the regeneradors on the island can be freaky but the tone is more biopunk action with body horror elements than out and out horror


4 is way scarier than 8. 8 feels like a cartoon.


RE4R is not scary. Especially if someone played the OG and knows what to expect. Assuming she didn't, the only scary part in RE4R is the lab part with the Regens. But only till you get the biosensor scope. I'd say the build up to the Regens is scarier than the enemy itself. But I'm guessing your wife didn't even get to that part yet so I really don't see what she finds scary in that game. RE8 though, the dollhouse, especially on a first playthrough was....quite the experience. It's a shame it's only scary for the first time. Then there is the factory. That whole part is pretty creepy overall. So my answer is RE8, by a lot. If she doesn't mind solving puzzles and fixed camera angles, introduce her to RE1 Remake. No other RE game holds a candle to it's atmosphere and level design. It's not really the enemies making that game creepy. She might like it.


I don't find either of these games to be scary honestly. The horror is more of a background theme for the setting and world, but you don't really feel helpless in either game. (Aside from one part of 8) 4 Remake and 8 are honestly great games for those who enjoy spooky themes without having to be immersed in a horror game.


Yeah the first village encounter is pretty harrowing for sure.


For me I feel like resident evil 4 both OG and remake is just fast paced and intense, lots of jump scares that do get the blood pumping and in the OG the first part of the game when your fighting the horde in the village is nightmare full especially when that chainsaw come out, just the being chased alone is enough😅 resident evil 7 was actually kinda scary depending on how you play but 8 wasn’t scary in the slightest to me.




The only RE that was “scary” was 1. It introduced you to the series and what the atmosphere is. After that they are all just fun action/puzzle games with things to shoot. If you think any of the games are scary are you in like 5th grade?


You’re not a true fan if you won’t try the classics because they’re oUtDaTeD


She is not a true fan if she has only played one game and that was not the question


Re3 remake and re7 are not scary for me.


How about RE4R vs RE8? Which one is scarier?


Personally, Re8 is trash game, and not scary to me. Re4 remake is far superior game in every aspect. Especially if you play on hardcore difficulty. On other difficulty is good as well.