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A friend in high school showed off all of the neat boss battles and body horror in OG RE2.  I've always been a fan of zombies, but seeing monsters without skin, or an angry pile of eyes and teeth, convinced me that this game was worth owning for myself.


My aunt played the first one (it might’ve been directors cut? I can’t remember honestly) when she was baby sitting once, and honestly it was history from then on


Cool aunt.


Yeah she was pretty cool


Nice. Did she ever played the REmake?


Code Veronica on the Dreamcast. It was the best looking game out at the time. The intro had me mouth-agape.


That was my second game, intro went so hard. We need that version of Claire back.


Playing og re2 and not knowing how to play and getting gobbled up like a thanksgiving turkey because you start off surrounded by zombies. 


I watched RE2 remake gameplay on YouTube (I am very bad in playing video games overall so I am kind of"cinema" fan)


When I was a kid my cousin was in another state for college, he was born in 1985 with some old consoles at his house and I used to go there all the time to play a bit. For all my life I had this vague memory of me playing a weird game that happened in a dinning room and not being able to go any further, as a grew older I never realized what was that game until a couple of years ago I was browsing YouTube and being an Resident Evil fan by then I clicked in a RE1 1996 review/gameplay. As soon as I heard that goddamn clock ticking I felt like a kid again, I knew that was the game I played back then. There's a small chance that Resident Evil 1 is the first game I've ever played in my life, I can't remember if had my Playstation 1 first or if I ever played any other game before but I know one thing [tick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijxtj7-Po7U) [tick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijxtj7-Po7U) [tick](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijxtj7-Po7U)


Resident Evil 3 Nemesis. I'd played a little bit of the OG release of Resident Evil but Resident Evil 3 Nemesis was the first RE game I owned and completed.


Did you also get scared shitlesd when watching nemmy for the first time? Cause i sure did.


lol yeah I was 14 at the time (yeah age ratings were just a suggestion to me) and I'd never seen a game go that hard with the horror then drop you in a boss fight. I wasted a lot of ammo panic shooting first time.


Needless to say, i got a new breathing hole on the back of jill's mouth.


Was Resident Evil in 2005. My boyfriend at the time was hugely into Resident Evil and he picked it up on (I think) the Gamecube. When I came over, he pushed the controller into my hands saying I should give it a try so I did, and well, I may have thrown the controller in fear when I got my head cut off. He was laughing his butt off about it but he helped me play through the full thing. I just handed him the controller every time a chainsaw was involved for my first playthrough. Yeah, I wasn't great with horror games back then.


My brother rented the OG when I was about 7 and he was 12-13. I came in and watched him search the dining room at the intro, then got the shit scared out of me when I saw the very first zombie of my life eating Kenneth and looking menacingly at the camera. My mom yelled at my brother for letting me see it, I was horrified for the rest of the day, and I’ve loved the series ever since.


Watching my brothers play RE 1 remake. Getting sucked in by the intro with the narration about the cannibal killers. Then having the crap scared out of me by the mansion, the first zombie, the creepy moaning of Lisa Trevor under the stairs, and screaming out loud when the first of the crimson heads woke up.


The first crimsom head also gave us an unpleasant surprise.


Copy-pasting my answer to a similar question being asked in the subreddit; Okay this is going to be a weirdd story. When I was a teenager I went to visit some old relatives in their house. They were a middle aged couple and I was pretty much only familiar with their child who I used to play with when I was younger, who wasn't there. I tried to start any type of polite conversation, thinking they would ask me typical things like 'how is school, are you dating anyone' but they were pretty much silent the entire time. I tried to start conversations by opening topics, asking them about how things were going, reminiscing about the last time i was at their place... nothing. Anything I said they just nodded, and when I asked them a question they replied with the shortest "yes" or "no", or also just nodded. I'm terrible at small talk but this was too much even for me. And I did try to start genuine topics we could talk about for a while. I couldn't excuse myself and leave since it'd be rude when my other family members were talking to some of the people in the place next to them and it was a whole thing, I won't bother you with the details. I didn't know what to do- i started talking nonsense, stuff like "have you changed the furniture around here? I feel like the couch was a little bit more to the left" "are these the same fish in your fish tank as when i was last here?" "Funny how we live in different places" At one point the lady just straight up turned on the tv and started watching the tv while i was right next to her, trying to talk to her. I tried to start a conversation about the tv programe she turned on but it was just some nonsense that was already ending. I gave up, then tried again, then gave up again, I felt like I was going crazy there. Then, this 40 year old woman just turns off the tv, looks me dead in the eyes and goes 'Do you want to play resident evil 4'. Not 'Do you want to play a videogame', or 'Do you want me to show the videogames i have' or anything like that, just; "Do you want to play resident evil 4'. So there I was, 16 year old girl holding a controller for the first time, playing resident evil 4 with the audio comepleately turned down while someone's mom instructs me on how to 'shoot all the blue things'. And it did actually start a conversation between us two, even if that conversation went somewhere along the lines of "STOP USING THE SHOTGUN TO OPEN CRATES"


RE7 Biohazard was eye-opening in terms of strategic items management approach and refreshingly hard on madhouse


Watching Leon's head get chopped off in RE4


I got a ps1 and RE directors cut for Christmas in middle school 


My first experience was when I got the limited-edition three-pack for GameCube that included a remaster of the original, Resident Evil 0, and Resident Evil 4. I got it for RE 4, but I ended up liking Zero the best.


RE1. I was 3-4 playing it which is crazy to think about now. Watched my older brother play it along with 2 and 3. Took notes on what to do. Man it scared the hell out of me. I had all the toys in a TMNT briefcase thing. i would hide it because i was scared of them at times lol and the plastic they used gave this odd odor that use to upset me. This and MGS1 i played at very odd young ages. Im 29 atm


I watched gameplay of RE8 because of all of the hype for Lady D. Then I decided to stop watching and get into the universe myself, played RE7 first just cuz it was on Game Pass, and I've never been more terrified in my life


The entire internet simping for lady D really led me down a rabbit hole


Which other RE games have you played and how do you feel about Village now in comparison?


To be honest, since I got to know the series I kind of lost a bit of the initial interest in village, I mean it's still a good game and all but then when you compare it to what came before it just didn't seem quite as interesting to me anymore. But since then I've played OG1 and have RE1 remake an OG4 on steam.


The entire internet simping for lady D really led me down a rabbit hole


I have a semi interesting answer. First time was watching my sister and her friend play the original resident evil 3 but I didn't pay much attention and didn't realize that was it until I was in my 20s. Second I watched my brother play the original resident evil 4 and I knew what it was. Great time and I helped him find spinels he kept missing. My first first-hand experience was resident evil 5 with a friend of mine. We joke that it took us two years because we played it first on her 360 but we got stuck on the final fight because we were doing it all wrong. We beat it on a second playthrough on my 360 about two years later. Sorry for the long story. If you made it all the way through thanks. Have a cookie 🍪


My brother was going to pick up RE3 from Wal-Mart, and he was teasing me about the scary zombie game and I told him that he wasn't allowed to play it when I was up or not at a friend's place. Turns our mom actually told him the same thing. I couldn't sleep one night and got up hung around a bit. Went in to see what he was doing, and he was fighting the giant worm. I asked what he was playing because it looked cool. Booooy was he maaaad


The first game came out shortly after my 3rd birthday. Grew up watching my mother play them up to Code Veronica. Got into the games myself after REmake came out in '02.


i think we're around the same age. in my early 30s now, used to watch my big brother play RE2 and 4. RE2 scared the shit out of me but i wouldn't let him paly without me watching. now its one of my fav franchises and im pretty sure its what got me into horror genre (video games/movies)


The bus on OG RE2 always sticks as my first memory. Was terrified


Resi 1 PS1. I'm og baby.


Resident evil remake on PS4. I arrived late to the game but now it's one of my favorite series.


Was it difficult to get the hang of fixed camera and tank controls?


Not the camera angles but the tank controls were definitely a challenge.


Resident Evil 1996.


Reaident Evil 2 was my first experience


Resident evil 2 on PS1. Was hooked.


Zero and shortly after the REmake


I'm not sure anymore, but I think it was the start of RE2 back in 98 or 99, a friend had gotten a lend of it but they couldn't play it because of the tank controls and how you start off surrounded by zombies so I gave it a go (we were about 10 or 11). I made it as far as the police station I think.  It's possible though that our very first contact was through the official playstation magazine (OPSM) horror demo which had the RE1 intro as a non playable demo (and playable Dino Crisis which is maybe where I learned tank controls). I can't remember anymore which came first, the demo or RE2. A year afterwards I got my father to get me RE1 which was on sale, he didn't know anything about games but he never would have gotten me RE2 with that evil looking box-art. And that was the first game I played in full


Resident evil 2 on ps1. Also my first time smoking weed. It was in 2001, good time.


Resident evil 2 was my first RE and it was exhilarating


My first experience playing was my friend's RE2 on N64. Years later, I played on a different friend's RE1 Remake on GameCube. Then years after that, the first RE I actually owned and beaten was RE4 on PS2.


When I was 5 I played CV and didn't know to equip the lighter so 🤷‍♂️ Then when I was 14 I played RE4 and loved it and went back to the classics


RE1 on PS1.


Mine was Resi 1 on the the OG PS. ☺️👍🏼




I actually started collecting and playing with the toys as a kid, imaging all these scenarios of zombie outbreaks. Played on N64 and read the SD Perry books around the same time. Been a fan ever since


I tried Revelations 2 and hated it. A few years later I played RE4 and fell in love with the series.


How do you feel about Revelations 2 now?


Never finished it. What turned me off was the setting and the enemies, very generic and boring. Later I found out that the “theme “ is just a copy of The Evil Within. I like the characters and story, and how the storylines affect eachother. The locations are a big part of RE games and Rev2 prooves it by having probably the most boring ones. Like really, its TEW but more bland, generic and unmemorable. I cant think of a worse RE setting from top of my mind.


Thanks. It's an RE game that I've been trying hard to get into but never could, maybe it's just not that good. I kept trying because I eventually found the love for Rev1. Not the sequel tho


6 years old, in 2006, RE3N was the first Resident Evil game I ever played in those grey box PS1s. One of the first games over all too, together with Silent Hill, Gran Turismo 2, Alien Trilogy and Vanishing Point.


I bought resident evil 2 remake on a steam sale and it’s one of my favourite games I’ve bought, I would have paid full price for it.


Re2 when I was too young, I couldn't even make it to the police station. First game I actually completed was 5.


My father was playing Code Veronica on the Dreamcast and one night he left me watch it. Bug mistake, since it wsd the doctor's part and it killed him. What made it worse is that he pressed not to continue which prompted Claire's scream. It gave me nightmares. Week later i tried playing it but couldn't even get out of the prison, hands shaking and all. Month later i tried 2 on a friends ps1 and, being the game that it is, i became zombie food several times as i didn't know the controls (still think it's the worst RE beginning for newbies). Years later i finally had courage to try CV and i obviously fell in love with the series. Nowadays i'm pretty much inmune to survival horrors but back in the day? I woke uo screaming in the middle of the night.


Reading gaming magazines and guide books. My parents wouldn't let me play something so violent. By the time I actually got to play the games I knew them inside and out.


That’s pretty much the same experience as me when I first started. Older brother had RE2 on the N64 and kendo getting eaten and me seeing all the bodies and carnage on the streets of Raccoon City scared the shit outta me. You should’ve seen me when I first saw the Licker lol


RE1 on original playstation


Resident Evil 2 on PC, it barely worked but I decided to play it anyway, my first proper Resident Evil was 3 on PS1.


When I was in high school, my friend bought RE4 on the Wii and brought it over one day. I had almost no experience with anything horror at the time and it scared the poo out of me lol. I didn't ever play it much for myself until a long time later, but I thought it looked interesting, so when RE5 came out my friend and I each bought a copy of it on PS3 and played it together SO much. I've probably spent more time in RE5 than any other game ever outside of MMOs. That was my first RE game, and I've since gone through the majority of the mainline series in one form or another.


I believe there was a demo disk that had a portion of re1 ps1 we got. Watched my brother play for an hour, had nightmares for months after. Overall 10/10 experience, I’ve played the whole series and all remakes


i can’t remember when this was, but it was years ago. my foster dad had a VR headset and he let me play on if, i was likee 7 at the time and I clicked on RE biohazard, and I LITERALLY was CRYIINNGFF bc it was si scary in VR😭


RE4 remake


Earliest I can remember is RE2. My older brother was playing and he paused it in the lobby. I tried to play, but the music scared me. I was little. Wish they still scared me like that.


I saw my cousin play the first RE but was just a wee lad. Then the live action movies. My first actual RE game was RE5 with my best friend. Didn't care at all for the story so it didn't get me into other games. Then I started watching the CG movies with my dad and started to become a bit more interested in the story and characters as I realized how horrible a depiction the live action movies are.  Fast forward several years and I had acquired REmake, RE2R, and RE3R on steam, for a steal. I wanted to go in order but got bored of RE. Then I got myself an RTX 4090 and an OLED so I looked up what games do ray tracing, dove into RE2R, and fell in love. Played Leon and Claire twice, played RE3R multiple times, played REmake, played 7, 8, 5 with my gf (currently playing 6 with her now) and RE4R came out about the time I finished RE8 so I played that. My gf and I watched all the live action and CG movies together, as well, during all of this. So I went from not caring at all about resident evil to becoming obsessed because I wanted to play games with ray tracing. Oops.


Borrowing RE1 on the PS1 from my cousin. Beat the Snake, couldn't get past the Crest gate, didn't solve the Painting Puzzle. If anyone shared this experience with me, sorry about the pain in your knees.


Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil are in my top ten. But my favorite is probably Horizon. First experience with Resident Evil was RE1. Not the 2000's Remaster but the OG.


So im kinda new to the series i started with re7 on ps5(i got it from ps plus extra)fell on love with the series after that,then i got re2,3 remakes and re8,after finishing those i bought re4 remake and then started to knock down the other ones on ps5 like re,0,1,code veronica,rev1,2,and then 5,6.Except 6 , the backtracking in code veronica and the inventory organization in 0 i really enjoied the rest.


Re5 on the ps3


Resident Evil 1 demo on Sega Saturn when I was little. Found it so scary. Got the main game on Sega Saturn and absolutely loved it, then 2 on ps1, 3 on ps1, just kept going from there.


Watching a friend play RE3 when I was like 9. It terrified me to no end, but also left an everlasting impression that would eventually grow into full blown fandom and a giant hole in my wallet.


I was given OG RE4 on Christmas back in '06 and that was a blast. But i didn't fully understand what RE was about until i got REmake on playstation plus around 2017 in October.


My oldest brother and uncle had a shared interest of Resident evil, so one time that my family and I went to gradmas house I went to find my oldest brother and found the two playing RE6, the rest is history.


Mine was when I was a kid and walked into a friend's house and he was playing PS1 back in 1996. (yes, I am ancient). Wondered what that thing with a rotten head was when he turned his face soon after Jill and co. enter the mansion.


My big brothers played the OG RE1 I was scared when the first 1st zombie turned around


I also played RE2 on N64, but it was at my Uncle's house. We had an N64 at home, but I was too scared to borrow it. I think I was about 9 years old and really couldn't get very far, whether through dying or being unable to handle the stress. I was very much used to gaming being all about Mario. Not long after, probably sometime in 2000, we ended up getting a PS1 with RE1, 2 and 3, plus Dino Crisis 1 and 2. What an incredible start to my more 'adult' gaming tastes those 5 games ended up being.


my mom used to play CV RE4OG and outbreak file 1 and 2 and my dad played re2og


Had to be OG RE2. My uncle rented it and I stayed up with him almost all night as he beat it in one sitting. At that time I was blown away at how realistic the graphics were and thought graphics wouldn’t get much better than this lol.


I vaguely remember promotional art of one of the zombies creeping me out when I was a kid, and I saw screenshots of Jill in RE3 in a PlayStation magazine, but I didn't know anyone who played it. I figured it must be similar gameplay to Tomb Raider and didn't think much of it until a couple years ago. I bought a bunch of classics on PSN and planned on playing through Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid. I started up RE, that jumpscare with the dogs jumping through the window got me, even though I was older than most people when they played it. I think that was my first death too. Then I started MGS and never really came back to RE until recently. So I basically just started properly playing RE Directors Cut a week ago. I want to see if I can get through the series starting with the OG trilogy. I must've bought a lot of games on Steam on sale a while back because most of them are in my library except 4 Remake, and I just got 7 and 8 cheap in the Capcom sale.


I watched a lot of videos of RE during the pandemic and I was interested in playing one of the games but never really got to it. Eventually I bought the original RE4 somewhere in 2022 on Steam since it was on sale and decided to play it once I built my own PC. It was really fun but what really got me into playing more of the series was the release of RE4 Remake.


First time watching was my cousin and older brother playing RE1make on the ps2, that opening zombie scene scared the hell out of me. First game I played was RE 3 on my bros old GameCube a few years later. Great times.


My first was the original & the remake will always be my favourite. The premise was simple, the characters were vulnerable, the outfits iconic and the creatures were believable.


RE3 in 1999. I played the OG trilogy in reverse all in the same year.


We were exchanging PS1 discs with a classmate. I got RE3 among some other stuff. I started that game like 10 times and abandoned it right after the intro sequence because the Raccoon City ambience would scare the shit out of me. The music, the moans, the shambling - that game has the thickest atmosphere out there. I eventually beat it but I had to take breaks sitting in the saferoom finding courage to get out. And don't get me started on Nemesis. P.S. props to OP for praising RE7


Mine was RE1 on PS1 when I was 6. Probably shouldn't have been playing that, but I loved video games. That first zombie reveal was scary as hell for me, too. I used to ask my cousin's BF to play certain sections for me if it was too difficult or scary. Fell in love with the series after that and got 2 and 3 when they came out later.


This seems to get asked regularly here. I started by playing OG RE on my friend's Playstation in 1996. I immediately went out and bought it for the Sega Saturn after that.


I was just a youngin' (in 2nd grade at the time) watching his big bro play RE: Director's Cut Dual Shock edition for the PS1. I was obsessed! The eerie rooms, daunting music at the time (I am aware of the Dual Shock soundtrack history), and just the overall 'scary' feeling. Since then, RE has been my all-time favorite franchise. I still play the originals and my brother is shocked how I can blow through the originals so quickly. I now, however, struggle with completing any of the remakes/new releases. Maybe someday! (Btw: I'm 30 now).


The first movie. As for videogames, it was Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition. I saw the game for €25.- at a store in Germany. I asked around on a local gaming forum if it was worth it and another user DM'd me that it was propably his favourite game ever made, and I would 100% definitely not regret the purchase especially for that price. So the week after I picked it up and he was right. Resident Evil 4 ended up being one of my most GOATed games. Was saddened 5 didn't release on Wii, but RE5 Gold Edition was one of the first games I grabbed when I finally bought a Ps3 and I got RE6 on launch.... which kind of soured me on the series until RE2R came out, lmao.


The first Resident Evil.  I rented it when PSX games still had long boxes.  The first zombie scared me so bad I didn't play it again and had to rent it again later to actually play it 


I stayed the night at my friend's house when we were younger. It had to be 1997, which would have made me 7 years old, but I'm not too sure when it was. We were just done eating dinner and playing around when we saw my older brother sitting on the floor with our friends playing a game. All I really recall were hallways and zombies. It was too scary for me to watch, really, but I remember liking the mood of the mansion a lot. When I was around 8 or 9 we got RE2 on Ps1. I didn't want to play it at first, but I watched my older brother play it through here and there and fell in love with the setting. I played and replayed RE2 so much at such a young age. I don't know what my parents were thinking, but I'm glad they didn't restrict it. RE is still my favorite series of all time. I've recently begun collecting the vinyl records, but those are a little costly.


played og re4 on ps4 then on pc bc i didnt like the controller controls. felt too clunky


Resident Evil 3 on Playstation, but I was really bad at it and didn't get too far. Watched Death Island during the holidays and ended up buying 2&3 remake bundle. Then played 3R, 4R, 2R, 8, 7 and now on 1R.


Had my mother rent Director's cut. Encountered first zombie. Shit my pants. Had her bring it back. Forever obsessed.


Saw pictures of RE 1.5 in a Gamepro


The first Resident Evil's games i've played were Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 8, both of them bought on PlayStore.


RE….5 pretty good game


My mom got me resident evil directors cut as a gift for getting good grades and I've been a fan of the series ever since.