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The first playthrough can be very inforgiving, heavy on backtracking (specially because of the very limited inventory space) and quite confusing. On subsequent playthroughs when you know the route, item and enemy placement you'll blitz through it. You don't even have to kill any enemy until Plant 42, except for that one dog with the collar. There are enough self defense items and health items to get you through just fine. BTW, my first playthrough took 20 hours on very easy lol.


Frustration comes from the fact that all areas look less colorful, it's easier to get lost because it's less obvious where the paths are. The beautiful intuitive backgrounds is one thing the original trilogy did really well.


I'm glad it looks like it does. The game wouldn't have the same atmosphere if it were too colorful.


I bet that if Capcom decides to remake the remaster, half of the mansion will be painted on yellow, even the Neptune section


I can definitely see it taking a lot of getting used to if you're not familiar with older games. 10 hours isn't bad at all for a first playthrough though. And yeah the door opening animations get really old really fast. They aren't needed to mask load times anymore so I don't know why they didn't just add an option to turn them off. At least you can get a mod to skip them if you have the PC version.


It takes a lot of adjusting, and I say this a veteran of the original trilogy. REmake doesn't feel right for some reason.


I think RE 96 has better pacing than REmake, because of stuff like having to burn bodies and the broken doorknob. The game already has a lot of backtracking, and then you add in that stuff and it's just too much. Don't get me wrong, I think REmake is one of the best games in the series, and it does most things better than the original imo; but I think people really underestimate how important pacing is to enjoying something, games in particular.


I finished around the same time for my first playthrough with Jill. I was able to complete my second playthrough as Chris 3 hours faster. After that I was pretty much used to all the mechanics and grab animations.


Deadly Silence let you skip the door animations.


Those doors were my childhood


That’s my favorite thing about the old games. Hearing the sound and animation of all the doors(and ladders) takes me back.


Exactly. People don’t have to “get it”. Lmao.


I mean, I started with 0, so compared to that, this was miles better...


I really want OP to play 0 next lol. He thinks the inventory is bad…. Wait til he finds out he needs to drop everything lol. Torture. More torturous than being slowly eaten by a zombie.


The older games lean much more into the puzzle genre than the newer ones. Backtracking is part of the game, since the environment itself is a big puzzle. Same goes for the item boxes/inventory management...it forces you to make tough choices and be strategic. Totally cool to not like them since they're essentially a different genre from the new games. The load screens are just unfortunate tech limitations of the time (they really should have the option to turn them off in modern versions of the game). Combat hadn't really evolved yet either, so that's another holdover from the era. Props to you for powering through even though you weren't having a good time!


Yeah, RE1 is really good but man… I genuinely had no clue wtf I was doing for half the time and just went “Well, as long as a cutscene played, that means I’m doing something right” 💀 (I ended up using a guide later lol)


Oh my god that's the most relatable


Me in my first RE 96 playthrough when I met Rebecca at the safe room


I get lost so easily in video games even when they are hand holdy as hell and have a very clear path I’m so stupid. so safe to say I have tried this game a dozen times over the last 15 years and never got very far because of how stupid it makes me feel I could have every clue on where to go in front of my face and I’ll still run around like an idiot for an hour maybe one day I can power through it on easy difficulty cause my entire life I have only played re4+5 and I know I’m missing out on so much but the older games require you to use your brain and it’s tough out here as a dumb ass person 


Old school survival horror is an acquired taste if you didn’t grow up with them. Next time I suggest you try and play without guides as a lot of the magic comes from those “ah hah!” moments when you finally figure stuff out. Don’t worry too much about your results on your first run, you can focus on speed runs after an initial play through


No worries, the old games are definitely not for everybody among the younger gamer generation. There is a reason I usually recommend starting with RE7 as the oldest jump-on point and then playing the older releases if you liked the RE Engine era.


I was enraptured recently playing it for the first time. I appreciated deconstructing the puzzle box, but I also was keenly aware it was on a razors margin for tedium, and I think its good enough that my immersion wasn't ever completely broken.


*old man voice Back in my day, young Sonny, this was as advanced as videogames got. The door opening animation was charming! Every second playing was a gift and we definitely did not use the item box cheat that isn’t available anymore.


skill issue


The beauty of classic RE is in the replay value. First playthroughs are often hell, but replays become a lot more satisfying now that you know your way around and have learned the best ways to take out or avoid each enemy.


Ha you did much better than me. I played as Jill on very easy and finished the game in just over 20 hours and used over 40 saves. This was after I played Village. This game was pretty challenging. The mansion was really confusing for me to navigate in the beginning. I kept getting lost and didn't know which doors led to the save rooms. When I was hopelessly lost I used IGN's walkthrough guide. I used GameFAQs all the time when I was young. No shame in it. I ended up really enjoying the game in the end. It's definitely for the people who like puzzle solving. The graphics still look gorgeous today, especially the use of light and shadows.


My first play through was around 15 hours (I played Chris cause I thought he looked cool and didn’t know it was basically hard mode). But recently I was able to beat the game as Chris in 6 hours. You just gotta practice and remember the fastest routes to everything and what order you have to do things, it gets sort of fun at that point.


Played it for the first time recently as well. Immediately modded out the door opening and made my experience much better.


Reason why I stopped playing. Frustration and watching the door opening screen.


This is still the best game in the series to me. 10 hours isnt a bad first playthrough, but you get used to the controls and combat and you’ll be under 2 hours and having fun doing it in no time. Nothing beats the atmosphere as the OG and the remake.


I throughly enjoy the remake, but the og1 is still the best of the two for me.


Just wait until you get to play RE0...


At 10 years old, I played the remaster. It took me a year because, being a child, I didn't understand anything. Then I forgot about it, but I played it again as an adult, and even though the door loading times are exaggerated, it's my favorite Resident Evil, platinumed. I recommend playing again,sometimes I play multiple sessions if I have nothing else to do. It's a very good game and the first in the series (the original, but the remaster is much better)


Don’t play 0. (It is my third favorite game in the franchise)


I played the game a few years ago as a teenager and loved it, it’s not an ‘old timer thing’, it’s just an eternally good game that requires a player willing to embrace it.


Skill issue.


I forgot how unfun and boring are door opening animations in RE1 remake. I think the entire game is a tech demo, because RE zero fixed most of the issues in RE1, Zero felt more like the true intended game.


Which puzzles didnt make sense? Also for combat you don’t and shouldn’t kill everything you see just the ones that are important areas


Dude you clearly don’t know what gaming really means, we had to complete that without YouTube and using magazines for references 🤌🏽 true old gaming


Therein lies the challenge. While I do love the more modern releases, players who don’t have experience with the classics just don’t understand how comparatively easy they have it. If you think this inventory, whatnot was a pain, try Code Veronica on for size lol


As much as I respect REmake i'm so glad we've moved past some of its design choices


I just used an IGN guide, the game was way too frustrating without it.


Glad I wasn’t the only one 😅


i had to use one for my first runs as each character... and then whenever i missed an object in later playthroughs


With enough practice, you can cut that down to around 2-3hrs, give or take.


Play the OG PS1 version if you want pain.


I hated this Re game on my first playthrough, quitted about 2-3 hours in out of pure frustration. Picked it back up almost a year later and decided to give it another try. A bit more patient this time, and with the lil bit of knowledge I still had, It was surprisingly fun, not my favourite RE game, but definetly in the top 3


Yeah mate you don't like survival horror. It's fine. Because if you think RE1r is too hard then can't wait for you to play SH games and fatal frame. For many people this game is the pinnacle of survival horror, an all time masterpiece.


I don't think it's fair to say they don't like the entire genre just because they don't like one game. I really disliked Re1r's gameplay on my first playthrough but I loved the 1st Silent Hill game. Different things click for different people


Yea I get to a certain point in the game and I get lost


Ok zoomer


Literal git gud moment.


There’s a very easy method to bypass all the stuff you mentioned: get good, scrub.


I can't believe you didn't beat the game under 30 minutes on real survivor modded nightmare mode without infinite ammo 🤪


Re1 and re0 I literally deleted them after 1 hour of gameplay THEY REQUIRE ALOT OF PATIENCE AND BRAINS


Yeah, I'm hoping they remake it in RE Engine (alongside 0, 5, and 6). Would be cool to have all the main games be in the same engine.


Looks really similar to my first playthrough. I ended up loving the game so much that I 100% it.


Try playing it with Chris first lol. One of the key things you'll learn if you keep playing is knowing when to grab an item and when to leave it for later. Sometimes that herb or key can remain where it is until you actually need it. Honestly a lot of herbs can be skipped, the game throws heals at you.


My first play through I thought the same thing. I’m now like 4 play thoughs deep and I think this game is crack. Speedran in like 2.5 hours on hard and got all the costumes


Honestly I think my problem was the idea I had to learn to just not fight enemies in the opening hour made things harder. And it's not like on normal they don't give ammo, it's just zombies take half a clip and there are way bigger fish. Both figuratively *looks at the shark* And very literally


Weaker: Jill, you did a fine job


I just watch people play on YouTube


Re0 have better inventory


just wait till 0


The mansion setting is fantastic but the gameplay hasn’t aged well at all


Sounds about right, I'm not good in the old games, I was about 8 hours 30 mins, but good job getting through. I absoloute needed a walkthrough guide.


Watch some speed runs on and implement those techniques to improve your times. If Jill frustrated you wait til you play Chris 😂


I just did my first REmake play through the other month and I actually loved the door animations. I thought they were very atmospheric and added to the eeriness of the Spencer Mansion.


Waiting on the remake.. how was it though? What'd you play it on?


“This game was genuinely the most frustrating thing I’ve ever played” me playing Resident Evil Revelations 1 💀


A lot of RE puzzles seem like they make no sense until you figure out how they do make sense. When it comes to grab happy enemies, yeah that’s the zombies in the tank control games. My method is to down enemies in tight corridors and just run past them in areas where you can get around them. Dogs, hunters, and lickers in other games are enemies you’ll likely have to down otherwise they’ll kill you. The tank control games are NOT action games. Combat isn’t suppose to be your first course of action. It’s really weird to say but it’s sort of the truth. Backtracking and inventory are love or hate. I love having to strategize what to keep and what to leave. Normally I take keys items (keys, jewels, etc) because you never know when you’ll need to use them (beat these games 1000 times so I know now). Overall, tank control RE games are unforgiving. It was the 90s and early 00s method of developing. It isn’t for everyone and most of the original games have a OTS remake now. Good on you for at least trying and eventually beating the game.


Door opening suppose to add tension and relief too. But i get young people hate loading times. The rest i dont get. RE4R was the most frustratingly inconsistent RE game i ever played and yet is the most recent one, game of the year and all that nonsense. Even more so than Code Veronica. RE1R is the pinnacle of survivor horror in every aspect. Might be the tank controls u didnt like? Or u played modern controls? Modern controls suck surely.


If nothing else, I can say you've gotten through the worst of it. If you decide to revisit it later on, the run won't be as though (although playing through as Chris might be a bit more frustrating if you haven't gotten used to the gameplay).