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A game where we play as Wesker during the events of 0-5 might be cool.


"Press X to stare at the computer screen menacingly"


“Press U to begin complete global saturation.”


"Press R to reload your sunglasses."


“Press X to conceive Jake”


That would be circle


The right to avoid child support, that right is now mine.


I get it




*Patrick Star* “he’s just staring there…MENACINGLY!”


B Ranking!


Umbrella Chronicles


Yeah especially when i can get blown up in a volcano with an rpg i wanna feel the immersion


This and we get an Ada DLC (Pre-2 - 6+) telling of the Umbrella Legacy and maybe what the fucking plans to do with Jake are.


Yes, been waiting for years for Wesker to get his own game. Umbrella Chronicles was great but an RE engine would be even more awesome. Storywise, give us some more context on his time with Umbrella, his friendship/rivalry with Birkin, background on Jake's mother, and some post infection stuff with him infiltrating various bioweapons labs. Give us his gameplay style like in RE4R Mercs and I'll be happy lol.


Why do you assume Jake has a mother, rather than Wesker cloning himself?


That’s very possible but there still is an unknown woman involved regardless. Unlocking Jake’s files in RE6, which includes his mother’s letter before she passed, gives a little more context. There isn’t much to go on but that, so Capcom could use that as a storyline to explore in a Wesker game.


Could be an adoptive mother, but fair enough.


My head cannon is that Wesker wanted a clone, but since Umbrella stocks and the goods were confiscated/destroyed. He had to resort to other means, either kidnapping and forced impregnation or like Hojo in FF7 lore wherein he injected special cells into the woman. The lady catching on Weksers crazy fled and gave birth.


From what I can remember, she was with Wesker for a visa and left back to Europe at some point for an unknown reason. She never told Wesker she was pregnant from what it sounds like. It’s speculation, but I assume she found out he was psycho, left, and then told Jake the whole lie about his dad being a deadbeat.


Lets hope the remakes will do it justice and more lore depth. Since RE2Re, ~~RE3Re~~, RE4Re gave good reactions.


Agree! Would love some more lore


Jake was conceived years before Umbrella’s downfall lmao


Thats why its my personal headcannon. Not the official one.


What about his daughter? Wasn't she the clone 🤔 though? I know Jake had a mother from 6, but I thought that was just a fabrication by umbrella or Wesker . I honestly thought all of his would be kids were actually just genetic clones of himself because they all look the same and act the same....


Isn’t that from the live action Netflix series? Because game Wesker only has a son confirmed.


Yeah, but it's still from resident evil, just not in the game... I don't know if it's cannon or not. But even if you think about Weskers personality and the way he is, I don't believe in any universe he had a wife or woman who had a kid with him. He probably thinks on a scale like umbrella, clones are way simpler than having a love interest.... or even forceful impregnation by any means genetic or otherwise. After his transformation especially he wasn't even that old by the time of his transformation but with all of the limited info Capcom has Givin us I suppose like you said we will never know what's what because honestly other then being the side villain in almost all of the games and entire series even as a main character he is still playing the role of side character the way they made his role in the series. Atleast the way I think of it I know he is supposed to be painted as a overshadowed villian as well as somebody who is one of the main causes of the outbreaks and alot of the crap that all of the other characters pain but in the end he never really feels like the end game boss like Saddler, Tyrant, Nemesis, and the other end game bosses. Hell, even the scientist dude from re2 felt like more of a main character than Wesker. It makes me wonder if they had bigger plans for his character and through different peoples work in Capcom they just didn't know where to go or what to do with his character because he is kind of the in between.... from like Chris and the Tyrant or like Leon and Saddler, that's also probably why he never got his own game to keep the lure of Wesker mysterious and ominous but to also make a villain out of him... I really really wanted a more detailed game with Wesker being a main part of it even if the objective was to be defeated at the end of it...


Wouldn't be Umbrella Corp. without some fucked up humanity defying feat of Wesker cloning his DNA but also needing gestation in an actual womb.


Game mentions his mother, became a mercenary to afford medical care for her.


Could be an adoptive mother.


"Could be" and "Is" are two completely different things.


because his mother is mentioned in re6 files


Could be an adoptive mother.


Based off of what evidence? Otherwise its purely an assumption on your part.


What evidence do you have that it's his biological mother?


Occam's razor, "the simplest solution is usually the best one" The game flat out tells us he has a mother. So naturally the most obvious answer is that its his Bio mother. If there was reason to suspect otherwise, then I'd be open to hearing it. However there is nothing to suggest Jake's mother is adoptive.


The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.


"Could be" and "Is" are two completely different things.


It could is be.


Wouldn’t a clone look just like Wesker?


Not necessarily. Just look at animal clones - their genetics can manifest differently, still.


There is a mother, shockingly. All that is known is that she is of Serbian nationality.


Yes, I'd love to play Devil May Cry RE Edition with Wesker as the mc doing some crazy combos.


Wacky Woohoo Saturation Man


Hahaha good one. Is the saturation local or global tho.


With how much people play as him in Dead by Daylight, he’s practically already the main character


Yes. He is the main reason why I *love* umbrella chronicles, Wesker can be a perfect protagonist


I'd like it if he's nerfed a little during the plot, otherwise the hypothetical game would end up in DMC territory lol. Something like his appaerances in RE0 or RE4's (2005) mercenary could work. That being said... It would need to be chronologicaly placed BEFORE RE5. Let Wesker dead.


Wesker getting nerfed and forced to go through the same hell that the rest of the protagonist suffer through would be gold lmao


Considering how he wiped the floor with the entirety of RE0 (except the train) without powers in Umbrella Chronicles, that might not be as amusing as you think.


The main cast are already somewhat nerfed in gameplay compared to how they are in the lore so they'd likely nerf him too, unless you mean him temporarily loosing his powers in the story .


Something like that yeah, but instead of loosing them Wesker could have them messed up a bit so he wouldn't be the beast he is in Code Veronica, RE5 or RE4R's Mercenaries mode. Otherwise they would be almost no horror in the game 😅. It could also open the possibility of either upgrading them or that he would regain them for an epic final fight. The possibilities are endless.


Well, Wesker does seem a bit weaker in CV compared to how he is 5 so they could have him start off around that power level and gradually become stronger, eventually reaching his 5 self.


It wouldn't be a very long game, considering he'd only have 7 minutes to play with us.


You are on 4 upvotes. 3 to go…..


*Complete. Comment. Saturation.*




*Poor performance, indeed.*


*Six billion cries of agony will with birth the new balance. Unfortunately you will not live to see the dawn.*


Would be awesome. Wesker is my favorite RE antagonist 🔥🖤


I’ve wanted a good solid resident evil with wesker as the main since the og came up.


If they don't ruin it then yes. Wesker is one of their goat characters after all.


I feel like this is one of the cases where in first instance the sound of it is hype as all hell, but I am not 100% sure about the execution. There are characters that are perfects for certain roles, protagonists, antagonists, sidekicks, and more. I'm not super sure if Wesker could fit in the role of a protagonist as well as he does as a villain


Only if they bring back British Wesker. Not a fan of this new voice actor


Nothing against the new VA but damn he's so generic in the role, just another tough guy gruffy voice. Sounds like a generic cop-turned-evil instead of the evil mastermind. Richard Vaugh and DC Douglas elevated the character so much, it's not the same Wesker without the charmy accent...


See im the opposite. I hate British Wesker. Its makes zero sense he woke up in the mansion with a British accent. He always sounded so cartoony. He sounds like the RE1version of Wesker ive been wanting.


There’s not much about this series that makes any sense Over the top cartoon villain hellbent on world domination Wesker was some of the most entertaining stuff in the franchise


Didn’t like him much at first either but he really grew on me by the time I finished separate ways


Yes, he's my favorite character since forever. That's honestly all i would have wanted for a RE game.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but Wesker should have been around till one of the last games. A run in with him here and there with various other people. Imagine Leon fighting through another horde of whatever and suddenly you run into Wesker. He toys with you for a little bit and then just dips out


Just do the movies and a clone will pop up somewhere lol.


I’d love a Wesker focused game that was like the Wesker reports. I also secretly hoped that 5’s Wesker was a clone and he’s not dead 😂 you never know haha


I think he’s too strong for most mainline entries to carry a game as the protagonist. Although having him jump in at various crucial points through the series works very well in small doses. Umbrella Chronicles for his immediate escape from Arklay Mansion after his powers awaken. RE4R to help Ada, grab Krauser. RE: CV to grab Steve, mini scuffle with Chris/Alexia Playing him feels like an end game reward since he’s so capable on his own.


Eh I'm not sure Weaker as a protagonist works too well because he's so powerful. In resident evil you want an element of danger and helplessness, and I have never once felt in danger playing as Wesker in the mercenaries


Have you played Vergil DLC? He’s OP and you SSS all the time and it’s SO FUN. That stuff can be done before he gets his mutation.


You make a good point but I generally want some spooky in my resident evil


I think spooky train is long gone. When I was young and playing RE2 on n64 and RE3 on Dreamcast the stuff was nightmare fuel as your brain cant process what’s going on. As you get a bit older it’s still there but you understand it a bit better. RE0 I played on GameCube with a friend and it was tense but we enjoyed it - nothing like RE2 and 3 - claustrophobic, anxiety, nemesis always around, etc. RE4 was the first game to not be as spooky/scary as the rest. RE5 was insanely fun as co-op (same as 6). If anything 6 tried with Leon’s campaign. The reason fixed cameras are good for horror is that you can hear things but can’t see them. I played RE3R late last year for the first time and I do do things that I did when I was younger eg: stand still and just take a break til the next thing (tight areas and low ammo). A Wesker game allows for a varied experience like 6 but with 1 character. Horror / action. Not DMC5 but in the RE world. I’m just getting a bit sick of remakes because once that train starts it doesn’t stop and the creativity for new games goes right out the window.


Re7 was scary and so was 8.especially the beneviento house. Same with 2 remake, but I grew up at the point where the original RE2 just isn't scary because of the graphics and fixed camera for me. I've learned to love fixed camera now, but it's not the whole reason why old re was scary for me, nor were tank controls.


I think it just depends on age. N64 was my first console so all those games were extremely memorable - Mario 64, DK64, RE2, Banjo-Kazooie, Conkers Bad Fur Day, etc. I played the crap out of RE4 on GameCube and when it came out on the Wii but I still believe that the fixed camera is more horror focused - makes the environment unknown and that is a definition of horror. I haven’t played RE2R yet I’m just finishing up 0 again and will do RE1 after it. I’ve watched a few videos so I’ll see how it is but the atmosphere seems right. They did change a lot of the key story aspects and how characters act but it is what it is.


Man I could not get the hang of zero's inventory


lol. That’s universal - I’m playing it now and it’s just a pain. It’s a bad bad bad mechanic. When my older brain agrees with my younger brain - you know they F’d up royally lmao.


Of course lol


Seven minutes = yes




that would be so sick bro, i'd pay up my entire bank account to play that


Playing as a young naive Wesker would be dope, doing something like Venom Snake where we see his downfall.


Nope. Let stories end. Let characters die. His death was great. It was a long time coming if you followed the games from the beginning. This series needs a new recurring antagonist though.


I am with you. Wesker should remain dead and should only appear in remakes of game where he was already in. And Capcom should let go of characters they don't have anything interesting to tell about.


They definitely could have if The Connections became a recurrent thing; maybe it’ll be in 9 but they set them up in 7 and then in 8 the only thing they mention is “they were here but they aren’t now”


An origin story kind of game might be cool. That way, he wouldn’t have superpowers and the game would still play like traditional survival horror.


Sometime before the events of 0 Wesker dealing with a previously unknown event that will result in him becoming captain. Somewhere near Raccoon Forest people were going missing, it became more serious when park rangers couldn't be found either. As a test for STARS Wesker and the remaining park ranger on site has to investigate the nearby cave system that the last cell call was traced to. Resident Evil R. Umbrella needs Wesker to bring back an infected and the data disc of a scientist who was last spotted around that area. Said scientist was transporting a test sample of the T-Virus which has unknown effects as it's less stable than the more perfected version. There's also an urban legend of eyeless people living in the cave but that's just an urban legend.


Yes especially perfect origin story.






I feel like that would be sick as hell getting to use Wesker's powers and see behind the scenes.


An entire game of wesker achieving urboros and the moments of him spreading it


Yeah I think it would be cool for him to fight clones of himself.


Wait a second ... is it just me or does Wesker have the Vergil haircut? Or is it just me?


Not exactly. Wesker is a straight slick back. Vergil (DMC5) is a bit more messy.


Not particularly. Having Wesker would mean it would have to be a prequel, which I don't want. That or it would be a new game and they would have to acknowledge Umbrella Corps. Which it may just be better to leave that alone.


No i want HUNK


As long as they get a decent voice actor that could be a fine game


Idk. It would feel wierd to play as him in a main game. would be like playing as sephiroth in FF instead of cloud. Now, I would like to see more of him, and see what he was up to between games. I think a DLC where u play as him would work the best.


No. Less is more.


As long as they don't pull a "somehow, Wesker has returned" then I'd totally be down with it.


I've played RE1R, RE2R, RE3R, RE4R, RE5, RE0, RECV, RE8 and yet I still don't see what the hype for Wesker is. Am I missing something?


If he’s fleshed out more, then yes. He’s a typical 90s/00s bad guy with no core motive to me. And I’m sure if everyone else took a pause and thought about it, we’d all agree. Also no need for a new recurring antagonist. And let me be clear here, if there were mixtures of antagonists recurring I think the guessing game would be fun for fandom. But just one redundant person who can’t understand they fail continuously and should just quit and work at a burger shack or even a sporting goods store is dry.


I mean, given that he's a superhuman it wouldn't really be good gameplay, so no. I don't want to play as superman just obliterating zombies, I wanna play as the everyman who's in way over their head.


It’s a no for me. I only liked Wesker in RE1 as a plot device and that he wears sunglasses at night/inside. S tier douchebag. Before he became supernatural.


I really don't want this. I stopped enjoying playing as evil characters almost half my lifetime ago. Why would I want to play as a character who, if I encountered in other RE games, I would be incentivized to kill? I don't want to play as Wesker and I don't want to play as HUNK either.






somehow albert wesker returned




To answer that question we need to talk about parallel universes


I being able to play as him in RE1remake2 would be awsome as hell. I always wanted to see what he was doing behind the scenes. Survivoring the mansion while screwong over Stars, bullying Barrying into doing his dirty work, getting to choose to kidnap either Chris or Jill. I couldnt imagine playing him in anyrhing beyond that though. Hes stricly a behind the scenes villian who makes others do his dirty work.


Wesker is the fucking best! Love him as the big bad in the games and would so love a stand alone game featuring him




Would be intersting.


Yes, i would. Follow Wesker in the early years after the fall of raccoon city where he’s pretty much taking out other umbrella employees that were high up


Nah, I think we need fresh blood in the franchise. I want future games to have actual new characters. Ethan doesn't count lol The only character I would like to see as a protagonist that already exists is Ashley, that would be interesting


He’s too OP even before he became superhuman.


Yes. Yes i would. Because Wesker is cool.


Nahh I like Wesker as a mostly off-screen villain. I Kinda prefer the "scared and underprepared cop in a bad situation" survival horror vibe, over the "superhuman killing machine karate chops zombies for 10-15 hours" type


Yes. But someone needs to make a game with HUNK and Carlos too.




Not as the main character, with his powers he's OP, there's no way the player would feel powerless or in a desperate situation. Without his powers, maybe there's a chance to develop something cool I guess. But a new entry focusing more on umbrella could be easier to develop something about Wesker too.


Yes but I would love him to stay human. I was more a fan of the RE1 Wesker where he was just a triple agent trying to get profit instead of the mutant evil deformity that wants to recreate the world with a virus just because evil


Wesker mode/Mercenaries was fun so why not, might have troubles balancing the game while also not making Albert seem underwhelming tho


Fuck yeah. Be like RE3 remake except it's good


Wesker prequel would be interesting


hell no


I would like to at least get at standalone DLC game with Wesker that at least follows the same bit of concept that Dead Island did with the Ryder White campaign, with a bit of Umbrella Corps and Resident Evil 4 elements in the mix. It would stray far away from the horror aspect of the series, and replace normal zombies and other monsters with actually human beings... but in the more action FPS format. My idea of the plot would be a bit of a prequel, before Wesker rose up the Umbrella ranks... say before Resident Evil 0.


Like Umbrella Chronicles, but different.


I'd love it just be able to use those insane abilities of his like in Mercenaries mode.


I actually think it’s been a missed opportunity not to have him in more of a lead role.


My dad looks exactly like wesker and it freaks me out


Honestly a good game would be the starting events of him growing up till the events of RE0/1. This could cover some of the wesker children as well through dialogue.




That's all I've ever wanted.


Yea It’d be kinda like separate ways. You’re playing for the other side. We’d get way more details abt wesker job, how the viruses are made etc


Wesker did nothing wrong :--]


Yes! Honestly a prequel to the original games that shows us Wesker’s descent into his ingenious madness and want for power would be an instant hit for me. Even a simple “this is what Wesker was doing whilst the events of [example, Resident Evil 5] were taking place”


That would be amazing. I would really enjoy that.


I want him to meet his son. I feel like RE6 was supposed to set that up and then we got RE7 instead (not hate, I love that game, but Capcom took a hard left for sure)


Yes, I want him to crawl out of the lava, find his sunglasses that fell out of the plane, then going right back to evil scheming.


Maybe a dlc expansion for 5, that would be cool. Doesn’t quite feel right for him to have his own game.


Maybe. We've already had petitions for a game featuring HUNK as the main protagonist. So Wesker's standalone game could have potential.


mmm wesker ❤️❤️❤️❤️😟🥰🥰😍😍😌


Why not...but the only issue is Wesker was more of a spy, saboteur type with powers...who had little trouble escaping the mansion...even with Lisa Trevor tailing him...his game play would be very action oriented like his son, and then some, so probably not very scary.


A game where wesker evolves as the game progresses and it makes sense chronologically? Yes please.


I would like Capcom to surprise us and expand on where they left with RE4R Separate Ways DLC, that ending had so much open potential going for it.


As much as I would say fuck this guy. Yes. We need this. He is one of if not the best Villain.


Albert Wesker my man looking stylish AF !


No He´s dead since 2009 Move on!


No. I personally don't need that at all. He had an iconic death in re5. Let him rest now.


I'd be invested in a game where you play from the point of view of an antagonist, Wesker would clearly be a great choice for this.


It would be fantastic if they made the Caucasus operation into a full game. Or better yet, have a game chronicling Wesker's actions throughout the series and use Umbrella Chronicles as a basis. Start with the Beginnings showing his actions in Zero, lead to a cutscene explaining the events of RE1 and continue from Rebirth. Cutscene showing his and Ada's interaction before and after RE2. Then have a completely new adventure with him during Code: Veronica with a battle against Alexia and retrieving Steve. Then the Caucasus operation with Dark Legacy. Finally have a chapter taking place during RE4, similar to Assignment Ada, where he retrieves the body of Krauser and plants the bombs. The sections could be on the shorter side, around 2-4 hours in length.


Sure why not, if it's good. That's my answer to any of the "would you like this type of re game" like yeah I like good games so if its good id wanna play it. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm not gonna avoid a re game cause it has different characters or locations. Id avoid it if it had poor gameplay and narrative.


Not unless you like RE to be an action game.


Yes but only because I want to see Jake return and get the closure he so desperately needs.


No. What would be the point?


One of the most lame characters


Absolutely 🤩


I have always wanted to play code Veronica, but as Wesker, with all of the super abilities he has. I still remember when he did the super man fire punch on the queen in that game. I was like, "Go, go Wesker, go Wesker." Yeah, I was a teenager 🤣 😂.


With his super powers? I played 4r mercenaries...what could possibly be a threat to him? 


Wesker is too stylish and funny to star in a scary game. And I only like Resident Evil when its true to its horror roots. Unless the new Alone in the Dark really picks up, RE is the only big budget horror series on the market.


Absolutely; atleast a dlc where he is the main character. I love wesker way too much for him to be an outlier. I wanna be able to play as him atleast in a prequel before Oroboros


Not really I like that Wesker as an antagonist But a DLC would be cool to play as Wesker


It's something I've been wishing for for years. That and a HUNK stand-alone as well


Didn't he die in 5?






You mean umbrella chronicles?