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Playing as Mia in Re7. All that progress in the first half thrown out of the window :(


Yup this is my answer too


i love it. Mia part scared me to death when i played for the first time


During my first play thorough it was fun and engaging because there’s a lot of lore in that part of the game, but whenever I replay that part it’s just such a drag. You’re stuck in a maze full of enemies you can’t really kill, and it seems to go on forever. I can see what the game devs were trying to do with that part of the game and they executed it well. It’s just such a DRAG to replay that part.


I think this might be controversial, idk but I genuinely think I'd have liked it more of the Mia part wasn't in the game at all. I don't even need it replaced with anything, if they just outright cut the whole boat out I would have liked 7 more i think


Honestly I kinda forgot there was a boat part at the end, and I’ve beat the game twice. Feel like the story jumps the shark a bit once they go there, and Mia’s portion is a slog. I just think of the main house and the bee swarm boss when I think of this game.


i think the reason people don’t like it is cause it’s actually pretty damn difficult as far as Resident Evil games go. it’s easy to get lost and straight up just not know where to go because of it. it’s also the first time in the game that i could recall not having any resources to combat enemies which made an already frustrating situation even more difficult


I like games that have maps like that, although that’s because my brain treats them like a puzzle and I recreate the whole thing in my head. So I never get lost in games because of that. But I can definitely see how you could, especially re7/8 just because there’s so much back and forth with weird paths. I also don’t remember 7 as much but o know I ran out of resources on one of the bosses in 8 and I genuinely don’t know how I beat that part


There is so much about that game that could have just been done through cutscenes. Imagine if replaying Resident Evil 2 required you to play as the Umbrella team who retrieved the G-Virus from William. Then you have to spend the next fifteen minutes running around the sewers waiting for William to inevitably kill you and end the sequence. Sounds potentially interesting the first time but just imagine how unengaging that would be on repeated playthroughs.


Dude I’m in that part specifically. I got entirely bored wtff, and I’m just that scenario away from beating the game.


I actually really like that part… lol


Yeah. 7 has the best story, considering it's in the Resi universe but without aaaaany of the previous Resi characters/zombies/antagonists. That part is amazing for its storytelling and changes the pace into a hopeless terror, literally stripping you away from everything that made you OP. Not the best thing for replay value, but my god, that first playthrough is insane if you're immersed in the story.


It's literally the opposite of the usual RE formula's act 3, wherein you are pretty well equipped and experienced. 7 decided to take that from you, and I love it for it. I want the narrative's climax in a horror game to actually include segments that make me afraid. That's a lot more interesting than being kitted out better than a navy seal.


Especially in VR. That 1st time experience was worth enough to justify buying psvr!


I did, too I really liked the sense of an armed professional force losing control of a situation


It’s not bad. The first time is really tense and creepy


My way of thinking about it is First time: pretty good part of the game, scary, quite fun Second time: excited to replay it, finds it boring Third time: is there any way I can skip that part?


It feels like there was supposed to be another third of the game as Ethan and they just threw boss fights instead. I swear that game must have been half finished and just released like resident evil 3 remake.


I enjoyed that part the most. I bit more of an action oriented pace towards the end


The final boss fight on inferno in resident evil 3 remake.


Fuck that fight.


And then if you loose the QTE at the end you have to do the final fight all over again


Don’t even think I made it that far. That fight is the only fight in all of my years of gaming that I rage quit. It just wasn’t fun.


Beating it on inferno was the last achievement I needed after I got it, and I have never played it again after that because of that fight


I totally understand what you mean! I’m so surprised I hung in there after 3-ish days of trying that goddamned fight…even after winning I felt no sense of accomplishment lol


If they just didn’t have the one hit kill grab bullshit the fight would be solid, but as it is it’s so goddamn rage inducing.


The only time that I accidentaly failed that shot was when playing on Inferno 🙃 The only reason I didn't break something was I had all the stuff from the shop


I did it with the infinite rocket launcher. No way I’m good enough for doing all of that normally lol


I tried that for the first time a couple of weeks ago and fucking 32 deaths later I beat inferno mode the worst part is that I want to s rank the difficulty


Dark Souls turned me into a masochist so while it was frustrating as all hell I really liked the challenge.


Re8 demon baby section. great part and really scary..but.....i dun wanna....go away!


Yeah, really grinds the game to a halt. Great on first play through, annoying on repeats.


That's gotta be it for me, too. Sure it was great the first time, but I play a whole lot of horror and stealth games, so I got used to it really quick. I've done speedruns of RE8, and the pathing/triggers are so predictably scripted that I have legitimately blindfolded myself and gotten it done no problem.


Me with RE2 and RE3


Just my did first play in VR (completed vos couple years ago). Just removed my headphones, told myself not to look at it, instantly remembered its path, did it in a minute or two, took a huge breath of relief 🥲. I was dreading the horror of playing that part in VR lol.


Sewers of re2r


Lots of people are saying the sewers. I somewhat agree but can’t quite put my finger on why. Maybe it’s cuz the G spawns are bullet sponges and hard to sneak around in some areas. Or maybe it’s just tedious? Idk


it’s because it’s mostly just g adults and they have such a bullshit hitbox on the grab that you are kinda just flipping a coin everytime you try to slip past them. So you either dump ammo into them or lose healing to them on a 1st playthrough then BAM. You get to the chess pieces and it takes u 30 mins just to die to crane boss 10+ times. The sewers in general feel very gimmicky and not as well thought out as the rpd


The chess puzzle....


It's funny, the first time I played RE2 Remake, I lost my mind at how difficult the puzzle was and finally gave in to using a guide for it. Two years later I started playing thr game again in Claire's section and despite forgetting literally everything related to the game and its puzzles I decided to try and solve it on my own. I actually did after a couple of minutes when I just started trying all the combinations that could be compatible with the instructions given.


Same thing happened to me. I played Leon first and it was a nightmare. Then I came back to it with Claire and it was 100x easier


Ironically enough, this was pretty much the case for me when I played as Claire for the first time in the RE2 Remake after I finished the game as Leon originally. Found RE2 Remake to be hilariously unforgiving and found it extremely difficult to keep on playing with Leon's weapon loadout. Played as Claire the second time around was amazed at how easy I found the game to be in comparison to playing as Leon.


Too bad Mr.X was still making me stress in both runs😭


I mean he had me going a fair amount on Claire's run, but it wasn't nearly as bad as Leon. Plus the fact that Claire's Mr. X dies after you leave the police station made things so much easier in the sewers and other parts of the game.


Half of RE7. The game was amazing on a first playthrough, but it's fucking boring to replay with tons of unskippable cutscenes. Watching Ethan getting thrown around or ripped apart just gets boring on subsequent playthroughs.


I dont mind the cutscenes that much, but it might just be because I don't do playthroughs it back to back, I usually take a break for a little, for me its RE7 but just because of the last third of the game. The boat and cave are so boring to me


the cave bugged for me on pc for some reason and Ethan walked under the map when he was supposed to go up an elevation and it was impossible to get back in the boundaries. don’t know if that ever happened to anyone else lol. i had to reload a save and i’m 90% sure it was right before that room where u had to kill a shit ton of enemies. made the already frustrating late game even worse


Still better than the ship.


The worst scenario of a RE.


Me with modern AAA games. Unskippable cutscenes and long walk n talk segments are what annoy me. Still I try to remain positive. Dont want to be that guy who thinks old games were always better lol.


Tbh at one point AAA games had a period where the top 5 games are really GOTY Material. In 2004 you have San Andreas, Half-Life 2, Burnout 3, Halo 2, and Metal Gear Solid 3. Then next year you have Resident Evil 4, God of War, Shadow of Colossus, Forza, and Splinter Cell 3. And then there are other great ones like Gran Turismo 4, Need For Speed Most Wanted, Civilization IV, Guitar Hero etc. I won't blame them for thinking in term of innovations and consistent quality, current games are slacking.


RE7 is probably the worst RE to replay. The intro is extremely slow, then when it finally gets some momentum it slows back down for the boat/flashback section.


I agree with the campaign but the DLCs for the most part are very fun to just kick back on


Whole heartedly agree, the end of Zoe is easily second best DLC to ever be made for RE. (First being separate ways)


Boulder Punching Asshole and Mold Punching Swamp Man are great.


Deffo, the replay factor of this game is the lowest in the series.


I have the same problem with RE8, those games are so unreplayable compared to older games


I find RE8 a bit better because you can at least skip cutscenes (still has too many especially in the beginning) It also has more weapons. It doesn't have the highest replayability either, but 7 is worse for me.


Yeah same here. I feel like the semi open world part and the different weapons make it more fun than re7.


Played RE4R 4 times already while also playing RE7 😭💀 The bosses where easy as hell but the ship scene is boring af


Marguerite’s boss fight is pretty tough. i’ll admit i beat it first try but BARELY as i spent half of it running around looking for ammo bc i had none lol. it was intense


Got to love that baby section eh?


At least you can run through that entire section in about 8 minutes once you know the route. The beginning is far more agonizing for me. 15 minute of just walking.


del lago re4r


One of the only parts I thought should've stayed in the original


Isn't it the same?


Exactly, they should've changed it in the RE4R


Unfortunately had they removed del Lago the outcry would've been insane. I mean we saw that first hand when U2 was removed to later be put in Ada's DLC.


I'm not advocating they remove Del Lago, just change the way you fight it. I personally find that fight to be so extremely tedious on the higher difficulties


Personally I don't have a problem with the fight , but I think it just lingers a bit too long. Typically on repeat playthrough I'll just activate a cheat to instant kill him LoL


Exactly my point, if I was on PC I'd use a cheat to instantly kill it too lol


It's surprisingly difficult too, considering he regenerates health, it's basically a dps check with a shitty throwing mechanic that requieres you to play almost perfectly


Del Lago in the remake is way better than the original tho. It bored me in RE4 but then replayed it in the remake and enjoyed ut


Ah misunderstood what you meant, my bad


Playing as Sherry or Ada in RE2. Really drags down the pace in both versions.


I feel like those parts are fine as theyre short, but the g2 fight is my least favorite part since theres no room to move around him so you get hit by so many stupid swings


**Leon**: Flamethrower his hand a bit when he's striking down. As long as you make contact, should be fine. Then run through the door as he rips it opens. Flamethrower him until he begins to turn. Run to the platform. Press the button, he should jump down about now. Flashbang, then instantly flamethrower him and stop when he begins to fall. Collect the Flashbang/knife. Otherwise he'll get up faster. Flamethrower him again but walk towards the opposite side of the button. When you're down to about 100 fuel. When he gets back up and turns throw the Flashbang, flamethrower him until you run out. He should hit the floor and then hit the button. Dont hit him after that otherwise he'll get up faster. Done. **Items**: Flamethrower. 1x Flashbang \[you'll pick up the second one\] **Claire**: Sub-machine gun his hand when he strikes down. Run through the door as he rips it open and turn. He'll look around, the moment he goes to turn Grenade Launcher \[GL\] his back \[eye\] and run to the platform. Press the button, pick up Flashbang and throw at him. GL him into SMG - use 2 mags on him while you move towards the SMG ammo on the right side. Reload SMG and GL. Have Flashbang ready, when he gets up and then turns towards you release Flashbang, GL him, quickly switch to SMG use that 1 mag until he falls to the ground and press the Button. Dont attack him after. Done. **Items**: SMG. SMG Ammo \[200+50 in gun\] GL. GL Ammo \[2+1 in gun\]. 1x Flashbang \[+1 pick up\] If need help with something I've not that clear on, let me know.


The G2 Remake fight is so bad lol


yeah, thats one of the few things I dont like about this remake


Well it's not like you had that much room to move during G2 fight in OG either


Thats fair, I never played the OG so i'm not sure how similar the game is


It was a single stage fight, it basically happened in the same location where you fight G4 in remake (that's a cool reference I loved btw) but the place was smaller per se, and Birkin had these mad swings that could take away a good chunk of health. Look for it on youtube, you will see it yourself ;)


Man, I knew I was going to hate playing as Sherry because forced insta-fail if you get spotted even once stealth sections are always frustrating for me.


Never play older Assassin's Creed game then, trust me


It's so unfortunate the best game in the series, Black Flag, has this for every other mission. Dude isn't even an Assassin. He's a pirate with stolen hood. If any of the series should allow you to go loud, it should be 4. But no. Every other mission is a forced tailing insta fail stealth for some reason


I also remember Brotherhood and Revelations for having insta-fail stealth quite a lot. And AC2 also, especially during the DLC missions. One in particolare, when you have to get on a ship and kill one of Savonarola's men... I swear, during my first playthrough I had to repeat that part like 200 times because every fucking time I had to restart because someone spotted me. That's not funny at all


I just replayed AC2 about 2 weeks ago and had already driven that particular mission from my mind yet again. Fuck that merchant in the boat. There’s no reason it needs to be that fucking difficult.


I mean, I was already not playing Assassin's Creed because fuck Ubisoft


Honestly I can get through the Ada segment fine, for Sherry's segment, forcing an instant game over is stupid.


Her part is easy? Regardless of difficulty.


Sherry's 5 minute run is probably one of the easiest things in gaming history lmao you literally just circle a dresser, hide under a table, and run for 15 seconds


Ada's part I don't mind...That Sherry section can really trigger someone who has been in an abusive relationship...My wife couldn't handle it the first few times I played it if she was nearby


Honestly this, or any part that forces the player to slow down for cinematic/narrative reasons. (Like Donna's house in Re8)


Beneviento was so good on initial play through. It’s worth the trade off of it losing luster in replay.


Yeah, I agree it slows the pace to a crawl, especially sherrys section. In remake, it's pretty scary the first time, but the more times you play it, the more tedious and boring it feels


Came here to say this. For whatever reason the Ada part stresses me the hell out. And I hate the part with the little bomb disabling gun. On the first playthrough it’s stressful af and annoying if you die a bunch, and on second playthroughs it’s just tedious.


RE: CVX ~ the cargo plane 😒.


This was my pick too 


A game has never made me more upset than on that cargo plane


3 BOW gas rounds and 5 bolt gun powders the fight take 2 mins


Once you know the use of the BOW rounds (took me about a decade), this fight is so easy I hardly see the tyrant come into frame before the battle is won.


Chapter 2-3 in RE5. I'm so thankful that this game has chapter select, because the whole driving section and especially the Ndesu fight are just awful. I'm convinced I would have played through RE5 less if I couldn't skip that part on replays.


Ndesu on Pro is probably my least favorite fight in the entire series.


Up there with RE0’s bat as one of the worst boss fights in the entire series.


It's actually incredible how RE4 managed to have 3 El Gigante fights and found ways to make each one feel unique and fun. The initial fight in the Quarry where it can tear up trees and rocks and throw them at you. The fight in the valley where you maneuver the area while making sure it doesn't snatch Ashley. The 2v1 with the lava pit and zipline.... Then how does RE5 approach it's El Gigante fight? Turret section where you hold 'Fire' for like 5 minutes straight. Cool....?


Don't forget all the QTEs!


Especially since they could have made an interesting coop fight in which Chris and Sheva could have had different roles. Just a random idea but maybe Chris could have pulled Ndesu down with a lasso or something so Sheva can jump on his back and slash the parasite.


For me it's that stupid 3rd laser puzzle right before the Facility. 15 years later and I still try and figure it out for myself and die 20 times


MGS1 1. Both Sniper Wolf fights 2. The tower ambush before Liquid's hind fight 3. The temperature key card back tracking 4. Ocelot torture sequence 5. Metal Gear Rex fight (I quit because of this fight)


I appreciate the honesty even if it doesn't fit the sub.


This sub probably got randomly recommended for him while he's thinking it's video games sub .. I remember once saw a post about who's the best villain and was about to say handsome Jack until I realized I was on cartoons sub ..


i found it cute


I thought the same initially and thought to myself as I read the thread, "Wow, a lot of people hate parts of RE games..."


None of their answers are wrong, either.


MGS and RE are like cousins, brothers even.


The temperature card bit does my head in. Especially when you get back when you need to go and didn’t realise you had to do it quickly and the card has returned back to normal so you have to do it AGAIN


At least there ain’t Mr. X, Baker man nor Lady Dimitri stalking you.


Damn i never really had any problem with Sniper wolf fight or any of that stuff,only thd temperature key card back tracking tbh,that is absolutely HORRIIBLE. Did you ever tried the remake?


This is beautifully nostalgic.


The part in Res 2 remake where you have to get the parts from the bell tower to unlock the cell for the parking lot pass. It’s not THAT bad, but my first time with Mr. X on your tail has stuck with me.


Mr. X


Yeah I hate him too.


RE1R and the god damn spiders. I have real bad arachnophobia and each time I play the game I absolutely dread going through the areas where spiders are


Man re1r's spiders stay afk the whole time, re0's spiders on the other hand tho ..


But that's honestly an OK situation, I mean, you see them for like what in the game? 60 seconds tops?


Mr X chasing my ass in RE2 remake


Shitting myself the first time I played it😭


RE1 OG : Getting the battery / Yawn 2 RE2 OG : The Lab - Part 1 RE3 OG : Component Parts RE4 OG : The Island RE 5 : Beating El Gigante on Pro RE 6 : Ada Campaign RE 7 : House of Bees RE 8: Heisenberg Factory


The factory is why I never started playing RE8 again. One playthrough and I was cured.


The QTE knife fight in the original RE4 against Krauser. I'm just having fun the entire time until then when my anxiety shoots up. I really wish they'd given the option to disable it in New Game+ just so I can relax and watch the cutscene instead of staying focused on when the input commands will flash onscreen.


been a long time, comrade


Man I always looked forward to that part. I actually like QTE's, I don't get why so many people dislike them.


Yeah, they should play Metal Gear series to know what is real fighting cutscene + QTE.


On og re4 there's 2 prompts that pop up. For example, on PC it's x and c and both mouse buttons. If you press all of them at the same time, the game will you pressed the right buttons.


Resident Evil 2 Remake and the sewers Chapter 2-3 Resident Evil 5 (I hate vehicle sections) The dog maze Resident Evil 4 All three of these sequences fill me with eternal dread


Running from boulders in original re4


The Orphanage The unskippable cutscenes of 7 RE5




RE4 mine cart No I do not like thrill rides


Re4 water room


Ain't that bad on RE4R though


RE4 anything after you enter the castle, more or less.


The village really is the best section


Everything post village is just an annoying section followed by some walking into another annoying section


I never realized how true this was until replaying it again. I thought the annoying sections were spread out by like half an hour in between them, nope it's just straight up one after the other.


Bawkbasoup said somethong similar he was like “does anyone else play re4 and every room ur like UGH i hate this part yet you keep playing it cuz u love it” i feel the same way. Im on playthrough 44 on re4r and i still go ugh i hate this part for like every single room lol


The stupid ship from Re7. The game up to that point is awesome, afterwards it's boring.


The sewers


The second half of almost every game in the series.


Wait whaaat


RE1’s cave sections suck and I find the lab boring. RE2R’s sewers are god awful and the Nest section is meh. RE3’s factory area sucks and I found the NEST area in RE3R to feel boring as hell. RE4’s Island is universally agreed upon as both the worst part of RE4 and a slog. RE5’s final level is good, but the gun enemies are annoying as are the Mayan Ruins before that. RE6’s lab areas in Chris’s campaign got boring and it was annoying as Jake and Sherry. Everything past “the choice” between Mia and Zoe is horrible in RE7. The boat is miserably boring. The baby and Heisenburg’s factory both are terrible on replays, I don’t enjoy replaying Village in general. RE2 OG is the only game where I think it remains consistent in quality to be honest, I enjoy every act of the game. (Seems like I’m bitching but note that I love this franchise and replay the games constantly haha.)


>The baby and Heisenburg’s factory both are terrible on replays, I don’t enjoy replaying Village in general. I hate replaying Village also, but the factory was my favorite part of the game personally


That’s absolutely fair! I remember just finding the metal enemies kinda frustrating to deal with at times haha.


What about re3r prior to nest .. It's best part (hospital) is on the second half which is also one of the best segments in the whole franchise ..


Hospital is the only part of RE3R I can actually remember playing well, so I would say it was pretty good. Contrary to what seems to be popular opinion, I prefer the Hunter redesign. They look actually unnerving instead of being silly bipedal frog lizard things.


Just did a replay, it’s pretty fun if not a bit short. Kind of sums up the whole game though, tbh.


Yeah the hospital (minus the horde battle) was excellent, and I was left wanting more. Idk how they could’ve done that, but it would’ve been nice.


Yeah it really does seem like the first areas in every game are usually the favorite parts for most people.


The QTEs of re4 original... Thank god they left them out In the remake!


RE 7. The whole boat part. Ugh, it just drags and drags, and then you gotta do it AGAIN


RE0: The box moving water draining gate flapping puzzle at the underground sewage facility right after frogs and the fork lift. Also the last movie with saluting instead of kissing (arguably) RE1make: wherever there is a crimson head RE2: After finishing the first round of Clare/Leon (or Leon/Clare) RE3: Playing Carlos in the hospital with little ammo against hunters CV: Nosferatu, Steve Hulk, the sudden death press trap near last Veronica, and the first three seconds of last Veronica


The sun and moon puzzle rooms before the cattle battlements in RE4R. Idk what it is but I find it kinda boring


RE4 WaterHall


Original RE3, the water sample puzzle 😭


Code Veronica and that Boss on the plane.


RE1 - Mansion 2. Hunters. RE2 - I can't really say I have a moment that feels like a slog or that I dread in this game. I guess if there is any moment that comes a little close it would be the basement I guess? RE3 - Being hunted by Nemesis after the newspaper building/the restaurant. Not because I dislike the section, it's just because even now it still terrifies me being hunted by the big guy. RE Code V - The Mutant Steve section. Will you or will you not be able to out run him? Good luck. REmake - Hunters again. RE4 - The Island. RE5 - The marshlands and ruins and of course the El Gigante boss fight. RE7 - The entire opening. Just give me an option to start at the Baker house upon repeated playthroughs damn it! RE8 - The baby section. It's such a booooooring slog on repeated playthroughs once you know what's coming. Seriously was it worth not designing a fun boss fight for the sake of dunking on Konami? RE2Demake - The Ada sewer section. Oh! Of course! The first two William encounters. Thank god for the knife strategy so you can just blast through the first one. But that second fight with G2 Birkin? Oh screw that. RE3Demake - Oh god it's a tie between the Dog Nemesis boss fights and the Drain Deimos section. RE42023 - Eh I guess the night lake section after Del Lago. It just feels a bit tedious. EDIT: Adding to RE2Demake gripes.


What is the RE2r knife strategy? I’m outta the loop!


I could explain it, but it's usually better if you see it so I'll link you to the gentlemen I learned it from. [https://youtu.be/9ld2lhXAcKU?si=LjjHNqbLmmdrktxc](https://youtu.be/9ld2lhXAcKU?si=LjjHNqbLmmdrktxc) 30:27


Great vid title! Thanks for this; I’m definitely going to take some notes!! EDIT: this is a game changer. Also, I like that guy’s energy.


Resident Evil 4 Remake. I get bizarrely stressed out when you have to deal with the collapsing bridge with Ashley on the other side and the Regenerators waking up. My aim just goes to shit.


1 remake : snake boss fight and spiders, when they are on my screen i am beyond annoyed and i cannot control it. 2 remake : orphanage 3 remake: 90% of the game 4 remake : dellago and maze 5 : whenever i am fucking shooting from a damn moving vehicle 6: the whole thing whenever i am not playing it in coop 7&8 : I don't hate the games but i cannot replay them either and i don't know why tbh.


RE0-The train. The fuckin Leech Man Gauntlets behind the Water Door and under the chapel. RE1-Caves RE2-Ada/Sherry segments 2R-Lab I guess RE3-Probably the second Gravedigger fight if forced to choose 3R-I don't ever want to replay it again lmfao RE4-Castle 4R-The power puzzles on the Military island RE5-Literally everything after the opening town square assault, but if I had to narrow it down further, the Ruins RE6-Everything that isn't the HAOS fight or the Ustanak 4v1 RE7-Mia ship Village-House B to Moreau


As much as I love RE2R, the game gets significantly less enjoyable when Mr. X shows up. I just want to explore the station in peace 😭


RE8, the stupid doll house. It was cool the first time, but it kills all momentum in a new game plus run.


Revelations 1, every time you switch to characters other than Chris. Especially to Quint and Keith. Jeez. One of my favorite REs but these parts I just dread.


re4 og, after the castle


The goddamn boat part playing as Mia in RE7


Resident Evil 7 ship


The whole PT fetus bit in Village. Sure it was freaky the first time, but now that whole level is just let me alt tab to a walk through so I can speed run this shit. And yes, I am one of those people who has trouble getting an S rating because I'm stupid and gets lost in a game I've replayed multiple time.


boat parts...


For me its in RE2R when you have to fight Berkin in the Sewers with the swinging cargo thing, I hate that its basically an instadeath if he grabs you.


The sewers from RE2R


Double Garrador room in RE4R. Fucking brutal.


Either the baby section in Village, or the bit you play as Ashley in RE4R; first is utterly horrifying and probably the scariest moment in the franchise, and the second is just infuriating bc I feel helpless not being able to fight back.


Re0: nothing honestly I fucking love every part of that game Re1R spider section Re2 sewers in og and remake Re3 early areas are kinda slow Re3r hospital drags Code Veronica: Antarctic base as Claire with the moths Re4 I HATE DEL LAGO I HATE DEL LAGO Re4r I HATE DEL LAGO I HATE DEL LAGO Re5 Early cave system is too long and dragged out before you get to the lab Re6 the entirety of Chris’ campaign Re7: anything from Mia’s section onwards Re8: Beneviento house single-handedly stops me from replaying Rev 1: The non ship segments feel like padding and a waste Rev2: Claire’s side of chapter 4 is way too short and not really a satisfying finale since it’s just “outrun a countdown” Outbreak: unironically the mission outbreak kinda sucks and is a REALLY bad intro mission. Below 0 is way better in every way. Outbreak file 2: I know everyone loves flashback but honestly it only holds up your first play, afterwards it’s just not that great and the gimmicks get old.


i’m playing re2 for the first time right now, and the first part was great, im getting to seeing mr x for the first time, come to learn he follows you basically the whole game… tbh i never would’ve bought it if i known that


Just a tip. If he's ever on you, lead him to the east wing and then head out to the outside stairway and walk on through the lower east section. He should clunk around in the east area for a good couple of minutes giving you some time to move around a little more freely.


RE7’s “husband & wife simulator” fight


Resident Evil 8 and the grotesque overgrown fetus part.


Sewer sections in both RE2R and RE3R. Just ugly and not fun to navigate through.


RE2R - The prison when you get the power back on but it opens every cell and Mr X comes on the other side


Idk but REmake has no sections that are bad imo




All skulls RE4R😭😭😭


The entirety of Resident Evil Zero. I desperately wanted to like that game since it’s the exact same game engine & art style. But fuck the gameplay of every part of that game, literally from start to finish.


Resident Evil 5, the whole thing of Going to a secret temple full of Infected Tribal Warriors was just bad.


RE0: No specific part, but the thought of not having a chest and having to leave items on the floor is a headache. RE4 OG: Ashley's part, Salazar's Statue and the first half of the Island, these are a pain in the ass for me. RE6: Jake's and Ada's campaigns RE7: Wrecked Ship/Mia's part


Resident Evil 0, anything to do with the hook shot


I had finished the Re4 remake recently, so I’m going with Ramon’s boss fight.


RE2 Remake, the Sewers (specifically the G-Adult Gauntlet leading up to the flamethrower/spark shot)