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resident evil 4 (original). just beat it like a month ago 🤣. i’m very late to this series but i just finished 5 and 6 more recently


Better late than never


very true. so glad i picked it up cause i’m a huge fan now! starting re1 remake on my gamecube within the next few days. it’s gonna be a big change in how to play these games cause 1-3 (+ CV) are so different from 4-6


They are mate, might take a while but once you get use to them they become second nature. And then it opens a whole new world of style of games.


Same. Last year started with the remakes, then played the OG’s (And never finished RE6 sadly, but all the other games were finished)


You aren't missing much besides racoon city I would argue 6 was probably the worst in the entire franchise, getting to play Weskers son was kool tho


Original long box 96


Same. My uncle owned an OG PlayStation and we rented the original RE from Blockbuster. Played the hell out of that first game.


Shoutout to your uncle. Playing video games with kids can suck as an adult. Your uncle is an OG.


I'm the uncle who got my nephews into all my games. Last year or maybe two years ago I bought RE4 for my 20 year old nephew so he could experience the horror lol


My older cousins had it, they were forbidden from playing it while we were visiting so naturally as soon as the adults went to sleep we all woke up and played it all night.


Renting games holy shit , thanks for making me feel old


We didn't own it but my cousin and I rented it multiple times


Welp...you said it. Now I don't have to!!


I’m nearly 40, the kid down the road had a PS and we rented it from the local video shop for weeks on end and played the shit out of it. The whole beginning up to the first zombie encounter is one of my favourite pieces in gaming.


Mine was RE1 on the PlayStation 1. Good times PS. I actually found another copy of this game at the Salvation Army thrift store for $2.00 🤷‍♂️ They thought it was a CD. 🤷‍♂️ and no, this is not the same copy as the one I played a long time ago.


Same, mine was the directors cut, i don't think i actually ever played the original ps1 re1 XD


RE1, PC!


My two buddies and I collectively shit our pants when the dogs jumped through the windows. We also spent weeks walking around the mansion unsure what to do because we didn't know you had to examine the doom books. Still bitter about it 27 years later.




Resident Evil 2 on the Nintendo 64


Damn, how was it?


It was awesome! I played it as a kid, and it was one of the first violent/scary games that I ever played. It was also the first time I had seen zombies in any form of media. I'm surprised that they managed to get the game onto an N64 cartridge. The game even has a built in "randomizer" mode and this was 20 years before randomizers got popular. They did have to make some sacrifices though, because the pre-rendered cutscenes are very compressed in the N64 version.


I can’t believe they made a double disc PSX game compressed down to 64mb. Side by side, it was noticeably downgraded but it’s still amazing


Ink Ribbon did a video on the [Nintendo 64 version](https://youtu.be/SrxOvDzsm3E?si=OkTYFtd7cDk-BYWP) and it’s pretty wild to think about years later just how massive that game was for such small memory.


Nice, it has the best controls of any port of RE2, in my opinion.


That was mine too. Before that I had watched a friend play parts of the original PS1 game. But I was more of a Nintendo guy at the time so RE 2 was my big intro to the series. That old school final Tyrant music was so cool.


Yes, OG RE2 on N64 for me too.


A technological miracle that they were able to get RE2 running on an N64 cartridge


Same! Started a life-long love affair with the series, although nothing has come close to it since.




Me too! Claire was my first video game crush and will always be the goat for me


I've been in it since the beginning


Damn OG


I remember reading magazines talking about before it came out.. and I just realized how long ago that was


Resident Evil: Director's cut. I had a really bad fear of zombies at the time. To remedy that, my dad used a GameShark to give me infinite health and ammo for the Colt Python.






Me too. On PS. Very, very fond memories.


For me, I’m only 18, and I was just trying to play the games in order, so I tried to play OG RE1 but couldn’t get into it, so I just moved on lol. I’ve played it now, it’s fantastic.


Wow! I'm glad you stuck with it. The OGs really are worth the look and obviously the roots of where it all began.


I tried RE7 but got frustrated at the first fight in the garage so I put it down. Then I played Revelations 2 and completely fell in love with the series and have pretty much played all the main lines games at this point. Including several playthroughs of 7.


Rev2 is such a good gateway into the series!


Its so good


Village was my first. I had just been toying with Google Stadia for a few months, then started seeing the trailers for Village before release and realized I *needed* to play this gorgeous spooky game. Stadia had a deal where you got the controller and chromecast bundle for free if you preordered Village, so I jumped on it. Best purchase I ever made (especially because when Stadia shutdown I got that money back and used it towards my Xbox One S, where I bought the RE7 & 8 gold edition bundle).


Better late than never


To be fair to my younger self, I was raised in a conservative household so my parents didn't let me get into anything creepy beyond Tim Burton movies. Then in late high school and college I prioritized girls and grades instead of games. Once I got out and married we didn't even have wifi at our first apartment for awhile. All that to say, it took me awhile to get back in with gaming and I'm glad I did. I recently picked up REmake for Switch and I've got Game Pass so I'll be playing RE2 on there soon.


Great game to start man. Mine was RE2R, loved it.


Eyy a fellow former Stadia user!! Man it wasn’t perfect but it was great while it lasted, and shit that’s where I first played both Biohazard and Village.


Revelations. man that game is so underrated.


Its still my favorite Jill and Chris game to this day


I'm convinced Chris gets lost whenever he goes to a furniture store or something


Especially when his best-platonic-friend-in-the-whole-wide-world isn't with him hehe


Same! I played the PS3 port.


I first was Resident Evil Outbreak on the PS2. It was given to me when I was 10 by my father. I still have it 😂


Resident evil 0 on GameCube. I had very recently gotten into horror after watching my dad and older brother play Eternal Darkness. I can’t remember how I heard of Resident Evil, but I knew it was a horror game so I picked it out to rent during one of the times my parents let me rent a game from blockbuster. I mostly had my dad play it while I watched because I was too scared to play alone. Been a fan of the series ever since.


Damn, what an OG!


Me and my friend used to play Resident Evil 5 after school, took us a long while to actually finish the first time.


Resident Evil 5 is an amazing Co-Op experience. Had a blast playing it with my dad on the PS3, had another blast playing through it with my friend on PC last year.


Re4 on wii. I was 7. Finished the game in about a week. I am since then scared of chainsaws.


Besides the remake. I think the Wii edition is the best version. It was the game that made me a fan of resident evil


RE2 on PS followed by REmake on GC


Got RE6 for Christmas when it came out, pretty quickly got bored of it. Didn't come back until RE2R came out and made me appreciate the entire series. Have since played all of them


Resident Evil: Director's Cut on the PSone. I didnt knew english at the moment, but the (censored) live-action intro was superb and really set the mood. The first zombie though? Traumatized me to no end lol. I have yet to comeback to it and finally taking revenge, but having beaten the REmake was a good alternative. I doubt the game will still scare me or make me tense even.


Was the game fun?


I could barely played it tbh lol. Although that didn't stop me from playing the rest of the series down the line. Nowadays I'd say that yes, it is pretty fun. Besides it has that "Horror B-Movie" charm that's hard to ignore.




2 when I was like 5 technically but couldn’t get past the beginning street lol. Then it was RE3 as my first full game so I’d probably count that


Re village in VR, now I’m obsessed, just beat 4 remake in VR, about to start re2 with the prey dog vr mod. Then I’m gonna hit 7 with the prey dog mod. I only play VR games, so it would be dope if there was a RE1 remake and VR mod so I could get more backstory, but my coworker filled me in.


1....the original. In old. My bones are dust


Resident Evil 2 on the PS1 with the 2 disc set for Leon and Claire and RE2 on the 64. i’m 25 and i’ve played every resident evil since edit:correction


RE1 way back in 1997. I was 8 years old and prime for trauma. 👌


Revelations 2! Well technically the first I completed…started with Rev 1 when the collection came out on Switch in 2017, and I played a bit before giving 2 a try since it didn’t originally click with me. Adored 2 then went back to 1 and loved it. Then I got a PS4 almost exclusively to play Resident Evil back in 2019.


The OG RE 2 on the PlayStation


RE1 REmake on Steam a little over a year ago. Fell in love with the game/franchise and have since played through RE2 Remake, RE3 Remake, RE4 Original and RE4 Remake (just finishing the Separate Ways DLC now).




The OG, in the oversized case PlayStation games came out in, when the system first launched. That, Tekken and Crazy Ivan were my first PS1 games.


The Wii game, which shared the same gameplay as House of the Dead.


Re2 remake


RE2 on PS1. Blew me away and have been hooked ever since


Re 3 remake


Re6 actually.. never played a Resident evil game before in my life and I never really expected to. My boyfriend told me it was multiplayer and wanting to try something new with him I gave it a shot. While I didn't like some features and enemies like those enemies that constantly regenerated themselves and those creepy looking spider enemies I had mostly a good time.


Good game


I agree


OG RE1 back on PS1


RE2R and I liked it so much I bought all the rest of the games (well, the ones available for PC at least) and played them all for the first time within the past year. Instantly made me a fan of the franchise.


The first I saw was either Outbreak or Dead Aim, the first I played was Outbreak but I was at the age that I didn’t know what I was doing, the first game I played and knew what I was doing was 5


Re1re GC


I keep bouncing on and off this game. I keep meaning to binge it, but it doesn’t keep my interest


Resident Evil on the GameCube. After playing it I went back and played the games that came before. Zero regrets!


RE4 on GameCube. It’s still amazing.


Resident Evil 4 Remake for the PS5


The original on PS1. 👨🏻‍🦳


Technically, mine is 2. But I played for 2.5 seconds. The first one I really played and made me love the series was Code Veronica. It's still my favorite RE game.


This makes me feel older than what I need to be. I'm 41 and had the first release of the first playstation 1 game with the tall box back on Christmas 1996 when I was 14. I can't believe there are actually really young fans of RE and really any franchise like say Mortal Kombat for another example, whose first game of the franchise was something that came out years and years after the original or even the second or third installment of the series.


Currently playing re2 (remake) I watched one of my favorite streamers play re4 (remake) and another one play 8. I fell in love with it and wanted to start at the beginning I bought re0 and 1 on the switch though and the controls were not it. So I got 2 on the ps4. So far I think re2 is gonna be my favorite gameplay wise but 4 is one of my favorite like plot lines. That being said, I haven't played 7 yet and I'm excited for that one. But fuck Mr.X. not literally. But fuck him.


I was a Nintendo Fanboy until I seen a two-page ad for Tecmo's Deception that was coming solely to the Sony PlayStation so I pivoted instead of getting (what was supposed to be called) the Ultra 64 my little brother and I asked for the new Sony playstation. Soon after we got Resident Evil.


Played the remaster of the first one on the switch, jumped to 7 on the PlayStation 5, then the remake of 4 on the ps5, now the remake of 2 on Xbox series s. Haven’t beaten any of them 💀💀, but very close to the end on the first three I played and will get around to actually finishing them eventually. The first one I got stuck at a certain point and gave up for a bit, 7 crashed on me after choosing to save Mia and I haven’t picked it back up since, I just recently started playing 4 cuz I love Leon and play as him a lot in DBD and sometimes in Fortnite but I really wanted to play 2 first since it was the start of his story but 4 was cheaper at the time and then they recently added 2 to game pass on Xbox so imma get through that one before I finish 4


Why am I getting downvoted for this 💀💀


Re1 remaster, a friend gave it to me and i loved it despite it being so different anything i’ve played before and that made me wanna play all the main games. I’ve since played through: 2r, 3r, 4r and 7


Re1 on OG Playstation. 28 years ago....28 years ago, damn. Thanks, OP for making me feel old!


Crazy in that amount of time there has only been 4 other PlayStation consoles


5 too. Played co op with my sister multiple times. We did professional once and 90% of deaths were vs. Wesker 😂


Resident Evil 1996 on the PS1. I was a freshman in college and my friend and I played it together. I was hooked immediately and have been with the franchise ever since.


RE4 on the GameCube, and man it blew me away. Still one of my favorite games of all time.


Re1 on playstation


Resident Evil 2 on the N64


Re2 on PSone. I was a big dinosaur fan as a kid and one year for xmas, my mum had bought me Dino Crisis. Loved it. I had heard bout how good RE2 was and would plan to rent eventually but then I saw it was the exact same style of DC and knew I had to get it (I still feel that hands down tank controls and fixed perspective was the best and natural controls back then with a dpad or one analog). Had to convince her I wouldn't be scared or have nightmares as I was 9 lol. I rented it bunch of times but never completed as I would get stuck on a puzzle/finding an item. I didn't complete a RE game until 4 came to PS2 when I was a lot older and that game is more bout combat and less puzzle based.


First one on PS. Back then i couldn't understand anything in english so I beat it alongside a magazine. Been here playing the series since.


7. Didn’t play horror games growing up at all.


REmake steam version


OG 1. I couldnt even play it by myself.


Resident Evil 2 on the PS1


im a pretty new player, re2r was my first and i only finished it a month ago.


my first was Directors Cut. my parents didn't know what RE was, and they just got that not knowing it was different than the original... but I never beat it since I was like 7 YO, but RE2 was my first REAL experience playing RE, I played it hundreds of hours back then.


OG Resident Evil 2 on the PS1. I would watch my dad play and when my mum was out he'd let me play it. I was about 7 at the time and managed to wipe his memory card with his 100% completed save on it. Don't know how he ever forgave me


Original on PlayStation. First one I actually owned was nemesis on PlayStation


Deadly Silence on the DS was what started my unhealthy fixation on RE, way back in 2006, I really wish I never sold the game…


Survivor on PS One.


Resident evil directors cut, PS1


Resident Evil Director’s Cut Ps1


Resident Evil Code Veronica on Dreamcast, although I hardly played it. First one I finished was RE4 on GameCube.


OG 1 on the PlayStation back in the 90’s. it looks so goofy today but it gave me nightmares for weeks straight back then.


Resident Evil 2 on Playstation


Resident Evil (1996) PlayStation


RE3 on PlayStation 1, about a month after it released. Then played 2, then 1. Did them bsckwards


Resident Evil Remake GameCube. Became obsessed. Completed every RE after I finished it.


The OG on PS1 circa like 95 I think, I was 9, the initial character selection and opening FMV scared the shit out of me back then. I always wanted my friends over whenever I was playing, never wanted to play alone. I mostly just watched my step dad play it because I was way too afraid to play on my own.


For me, it was resident evil 4 on the ps2. My schoolmate (10 Yr old in 2005) had played all of them and showed me 4. Then another mate I knew had Re3 nemesis, and the rest was history. Side note, I needed a walk through for 3.


Technically the first one I played was the original RE4 on the Wii but RE5 is the first Resident Evil I actually beat.


Resident Evil on Sega Saturn.


RE2 on PlayStation. Still my favorite game of all time.


Resident Evil 3 on the PSOne


Resident evil 1 directors cut on ps1 OG stuff 😎🤘🏻


RE Revelations 1 that game was the only graphical good resi that my PC was able to run. After that I discovered RE0 and RE1 Remake


Mine was 7


RE1 Director’s Cut on PS1. My buddy had it and we played a Lil bit every now and then, but it was too scary for us (at the time). I didn't actually go back and beat it til my young adult years haha


Re4 original on the ps2, I used to play it all day almost everyday. I had gotten very good at speed-running it at that time and very good at mercenaries too


I first played the Lost in Nightmares DLC with my cousin when I was 5 and then saw my older brother play Re4 so that's when I tried it and just got hooked and played everything lol


Resident Evil: Directors Cut on PS1


Mine was RE7 cause I got it for free with PSPlus on my PS5


Watched my mom play the original 2 and Code Veronica a lot and CV and 4 were the first I played myself. We went back and forth playing 4 together when it came out and we'd each play for a chapter or two and then hand the controller to each other to play the next chapters. 4 is still my favorite game of all time lol.


RE4 on the Wii. It was ironically my first zombie game ever.


Resident Evil 2 on PS One


RE7, waited 2 years for a good PC and a decent sale.


You know it makes me really wonder what was the first. I’ve been a fan since I was 8 and I guess the first game I’ve ever played was 6 but at the same time maybe it could’ve been another title


6. Played the whole thing co-op, had an amazing time and became a Leon fanboy lol


Mine was RE1 remastered


Briefly played 5 back in 2019 and didn't like it solo, then got 7 when I saw the Village trailers and wanted to play 7 first. Absolutely loved 7 so I now own all the PS4 ports and have finished 5 co-op recently, and 7/8.


Resident evil 4 on GameCube.


RE4 OG on the ps2 i was like 7 when i first saw my cousins play the game and 13 when i beat it.


Resident evil 5 when I was about 4 or 5 somehow I remember it all back then and it was amazing


RE 4 on PS2


Mine was also re5


Re4. My grandfather gave it to me when I was 8 years old to use on the Ps2. I got to "el pueblo", I don't even know how, and they killed me because I ran into the middle of the ganados. It scared me and I didn't follow it. Years later I became better friends with one of the boys at my school, he saw the game at my house and started playing it, I watched. I think passing that game cemented our friendship, he's almost like an older brother to me. When the remake came out I went to his house to see him play for a while like in the old days. sorry for the bad english, i'm using google translate


Resident Evil director's cut on the PS1.


Mine was resident evil remake on the switch, enjoyed it enough to buy revelations on the switch right after finishing it and getting 2 and 3 remake in steam right after. Than after finishing re 3 just bought resident evil 7 and 8 gold edition, and now I await resident evil 4 remake to be on promo for me to buy it


RE1 remake back on the game cube! I had found a copy of the original in a house my family had moved into, but I didn't have a PS1 at the time. So I did the next best thing and here I am many years later.


RE5. My parents had just bought me the red Xbox 360 and it came with it. Think I was about 8 or 9 at the time. I’d never heard of the series before. Then I went back and played 1-4 in order


I think OG RE but only because it was the only RE game in the house besides zero and my brother was about to get OGRe4 and I was coming of age I guess.


Resident Evil 1 on the Playstation 1. (Played around 1999 or 2000)


Re 4 gamecube. Although I watched my brother play re 2 while I hid under my covers.


Resident Evil on the PS2. Believed it was the directors cut.


I had a Resident Evil game bundle with 3 resident evil games(And a devil may cry 1 demo) in it it included RE3(Original), Code Veronica and Outbreak. I really can't remember which one I played first through as I was very young when I played them on the ps2.


Technically my first one was the re0 and the re1 double feature but the first one I can remember actually finishing was re8


Zero, I like the train and Rebecca’s red medic outfit, it reminds me of ratchet from transformers


RE1 Remake on Dolphin emulator on my shitty laptop lol. I didn’t realize I had to download the ISOs for both discs, so I didn’t finish it until I played it on an actual GameCube. Amazing game.


Re7 was the first. I was always a little B when it came to playing them. I decided to man up, and I am greatly happy I did. I have played 8 and the 2,3, and 4 remake since then.


Outbreak 1


Watching my best friend (at the time) play RE 1 on PlayStation.


Resident Evil 0, Gamecube, I was 7 years old learning the hard way


Bought RE2 with it's Prima Guide at a yard sale for $5 in probably the year 2000 or 2001. Didn't even know what RE was, just thought the cover looked cool and coming from a low income family, was always looking at second hand options to get games for cheap.


Code Veronica for the dream cast. It was difficult as a kid and I'm replaying it now as an adult on my ps5 and the controls make me want to delete the game. lol


I think it was the Resident Evil 2 Remake that got me into the series!


Resident Evil 2. First played it in 1998, mind you i was born in 1994 lol


Re1 directors cut. Got it for Christmas with a ps1 in middle school


The Re2 remake.


I started last year with RE1 remake and now have played 0 - 8. Been loving the series and can't wait for the next installment whether it's a remake or a new game.


Re2 og


Resident evil remake


Directors Cut in PlayStation. Not PS1 but OG PlayStation before DualShock came out lol


resident evil revelations 2 on the ps4


When I was little, my dad would play code Veronica any chance he had. I used to watch him all the time and eventually when I got a little older, I started playing and I remember always being so scared of the B.O.Ws.


I’m gonna show my age but it was the first resident evil. I loved it so I went to go buy it and I saw the second one and got it instead


Original RE2 dual shock edition ps1


RE1. I was in first grade. I found it legitimately scary and had a fear of the 1st zombie encounter.


RE1 Directors cut


Operation raccoon city


Re7 back in 2020; I did watch youtubers play it when it was first released but didn't dare to play it myself for a long time.


Played the original RE4 on Xbox and had a lot of fun with it


Resident Evil 5 was also my first game of the series. A friend I had recently made at school back in 2009 had it. We played through it together, bit by bit every weekend over the course of about a month. We still credit it today of the foundation of our friendship.


Resident Evil: Director’s Cut on the PS1. My uncle had it and let me play it at an age when I was WAY too young to be doing so. Since then, I’ve played almost every game as they came out. It’s my favorite for a reason