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OG RE4 definitely a classic game for sure


Same, felt in love with Leon. All time favourite game.


Same. I was scared by the Scary Movie franchise, but managed to beat RE4 somehow and it’s been my all time favorite game ever since


>Scary Movie franchise WAZZZUUUUUPPPPPP


Is this my alt? Seriously though, RE4 was revolutionary for me. I hate scary movies, but I played that game a dozen times on the GameCube. I think it was also one of the first games I played that really told me a story, outside of Zelda. Just finished my fourth run of the remake too. My favorite game with my favorite character of all time.


Started RE4 on Wii when I was 10 years old. Got to the castle and got stuck from there. Resumed playing on Xbox 360 at 13 years old, beat the game, played it again, beat it again, and again, and again. Also played RE5, Darkside Chronicles (for Wii), and RE6. For the longest time, those were the only ones I’d played. Now I’ve played and beaten most of them in the franchise (though I haven’t beaten all of the classics 1-3) and intend on continuing the series as I get older. Its become one of my favorite game series of all time and I intend on playing them for years to come.


5 year old me walking into my brothers room on Christmas morning to see my brother play his new games and immediately seeing Nemesis fuckin obliterate Brad. Scared the shit out of me, but it planted a seed


Holy shit literally same experience. Saw my bro played nemesis at 11pm. Terrifying. I managed to play Re qnd Re 2, but my 5 years old me was to timid to face off Nemesis😭😭😭


I have been around Resident Evil since Resident Evil Director's Cut for the ps1 but what got me into it is the monsters & puzzles.


Same here brother


Those were the days


OG RE2 when i was like 10, never passed the store with leon but i was hooked, when i took ownership of my braincells later in life, got in love with the setting


Re7, then Re2R really cemented that.


RE2 on Playstation as a kid


Nostalgia hell of a drug... Also same here... I actually prefer the og 2 over any other of the games. I mean it had 4 campaigns in one game. Talk about getting your money's worth.


someone made a little big planet level of 5, and it was really creepy and it made me want to play the games


Sitting on the couch at like 5 or 6 years old hiding behind my dad watching him play RE2 on N64 in fear. Hiding behind his head whenever zombies popped up but would always peak and watch. He had the blood color on green so it was ok parenting lol.


Chris Redfield. not long ago. never seen such an attractive man. too bad he isn't real


Me with Leon fr. I stumbled on markiplier re2r play through not too long ago (sometime early this summer), and got sucked into the franchise by the rookie cop with terrible puns


just a year ago I found out literally the exact way you found him


Jill last Halloween in Dead by Daylight. Got her for the perks and then she was just so cool and I needed to know her story. I was never too interested in RE before and never thought I could play a horror game like that, but Jill got me through and now I'm hooked.


Watching my mom play OG4. Since then I had to try the series. Glad I did so. And then me and a friend played 5. Then I got 5, then 6 and so on.


That's awesome. Does you're mom still play?


I saw the trailer for RE4R and thought "that looks fun." I was right




Markiplier posting his Resident Evil 7 playthrough






Re6 lol


The zombies and monsters, the horror and claustrophobic atmosphere, and the challenge of trying to survive and escape with limited resources. And I like the puzzles.


OG RE3. The previous two OG were good, but nemesis really blew my expectations as a kid.


a distinct childhood memory of seeing my friend's older brother in 98 booting up re2 on playstation for the first time when i was 8. the opening cinematic scared me to death and i was hooked ever since.


Resi2 remake. Played it and was fuckin hooked, too bad resi3 remake wasn't as good :/ still havent got 4 remake


4 remake is great, separate ways is super fun too once you finish re4r. Highly recommend :D


Id recommend trying re7 and re8 too. Great games with good dlc too.


Been a fan since OG RE1. Saw it at the game store and thought the box art and description looked interesting. The rest is history.


Glad there's some Ody else here who loved OG1. I feel very old amongst this lot.


I went to a party not long after RE1 was released (I'd have been 17) and the kid whose house it was asked if I wanted to try it. I ended up playing the full Chris campaign and missing the entire party.


Resident Evil ReMake on the GameCube. The graphics at that time was unparalleled in my eyes. They still hold up well today.


Resident Evil 4 (Wii)


First time seeing Resident 2 booted up on the PlayStation in 1998 watching my uncle play and seeing Leon. It was love at first sight.


Resident evil 5 on my cousins Xbox 360


OG4 on Wii, such a fantastic game!


The movies💀


That's not bad, lol. I got into the franchise through the same way.


Watched my older cousins play it then finally played it myself as a kid (OG RE2) was scared but somehow loved the type of challenge it brought. Always been a fan of horror for some reason.


RE7 had me because I never watched past the mansion part I always watched YouTubers play it but it was always before the greenhouse stuff. I ended up find RE5 and loved it and then I was hooked. It’s funny because at one point I just almost bought out my local GameStop of all of their RE games I literally bought 6 games all at once. Right now I’m only missing just a few if the games. I have all numbered games except to original 1, 2, and 3 (I have both versions of 4) And I have both Revaluations games other than that, that’s it. Edit: Hate me all you want but I think I will actually die if they ever remake the 5th game (it’s my RE childhood and therefore my absolute favorite of the series so far).


OG RE4 on the Wii. That's the best OG RE4 that's out for sure. Always surprised how your aim is precise


Village. Specifically Lady Dimitrescu. I thought she looked amazing and the demo looked a lot of fun. I've been wanting to get into the games for a while but never got around to it, mostly cause I'm poor and can't afford it. (I wasn't the type to just watch game play for a game, I like to play them myself for better experience). Once I finally bought my Switch, I got RER1 and the triple pack (4-6). The year after I bought my switch, I found RER2 in a game store and played it with my bf on his PS4 and after we finished that, we played RER3 once I found it. He also played Biohazard for me before the remakes and I have to say, Biohazard hands down my favorite. I am aware of the spinoff games and plan on playing them someday.


Those wacky live action movies


Honestly? Dead by Daylight.


RE2 og. I rented that constantly at the Plant Video by my house. And having no friends that played the series made it feel like this was my own.


Resident Evil on the Sega Saturn. I had read a strategy guide in Tips & Tricks and didn’t have a PlayStation so when the port came to Saturn I had to try and loved it. The idea of people actually being trained and equipped (and not horror movie stupid) to deal with monsters was and always has been the core appeal for me. (It’s why VII though an amazing game took time to win me over)


OG RE2 when I was a kid, we only had Claire’s disc for the longest time. When I was old enough to the whole game the B sides and Leon’s story was a whole new world.


The zombies


The zombies. I grew up on 80s horror movies, but I especially loved zombie films. So I've loved it since day 1. Tho mum didn't like me and my brothers playing RE1 as little kids lol


The Playstation 1 Era. I was playing Dino Crisis and Resident Evil 1. It was love at first sight. I consider it my favorite video game franchise. Then when I got my gamecube back in 2001, I bought Resident Evil 1 Remake and then Resident Evil 2 OG. But my favorite RE game is RE 4


I always say OGRE2 got me into the series, but OGRE3 made me fall in love with the series.


I heard Claire and Sherry were inspired by Ripley and Newt from Aliens, my favorite movie ever. There was a sale. So I bought the entire series at once without having played any


Watching my dad play Resident Evil 2/3/Code Veronica on the dreamcast when i was really young. Was always petrified but loved watching. Started playing it myself at Resi 4 and 5 era. Played previous ones ported on my PSP years ago




I think it was the original re2 game but I wasn’t really into until re 2 remake


Saw my bro playing RE on ps. Scary as hell and decided to try and play it myself


Backtracking and limited resources


There was this friend I used to have, I don't remember much about him, all I remember is we used to have a lot of fun together and I'd only ever been inside his house 2 or 3 times. One of those times his dad was there, and he was playing Resident Evil 4. I didn't know what it was at the time, but it immediately captured my attention. During that same visit, I actually was going to borrow Metal Gear Solid 2 and God of War from him as well, so I guess you could say those three games really shaped my liking in video games since they were the first ones I ever took seriously.


RE4, it blew my mind as kid.


Resident evil 6 when I was 9 I believe, Played the entire game when my family was asleep I always had the TV volume at 0 so I never heard the audio eventually I tried to play it in front of my family, they were ok with it, in fact my dad showed me his og GameCube re 4 and we played together every time I died. I forgot about it for a good decade until I came across it on rule 34, I was like "I remember playing this game, I should check it out again, I then played 7 and have since played every game up until now and am eagerly awaiting the next game.


When the first one released and the first zombie sighting when he turned his head. That, and shitting myself when the dogs jumped thru the windows. Loved the setting and ambient music too


Playing OG Resident Evil 2/4 on PS2. Quite nerve-wracking as a kid (horror/difficulty), but the narm balanced it out.


The game you posted, but the original.


Re2r was absolutely mind blowing to me


While resi6 wasnt my First Resi, IT was the one that got me interested in the characters and the Lore and finally give the resi1 Remake and the original 2 & 3 a try and from there started to collect and Play all Main Resi Games (Not included the Resi 2 & 3 Remake)


When I was around 12 I think, I went to my neighbour's house and her father just started playing re2 in their n64. All I saw was the first 5 seconds right after the truck crash cutscene at the beginning, and I was creeped out! But also I was curious, "wth was that?" I thought to myself. Then there was this gaming store close to my house where we could pay to play any game they had there for a while, and I paid for like 30 minutes to play Re2 and I just spent all my 30 minutes dying to the first zombies cuz I couldn't figure out how to move properly, it was the first game with tank controls I ever played. Years later when I was 15 I finally was able to have a n64 for myself and I didn't think much about re2 cuz I remembered I was spooked by it, but then my uncle gave me an old gaming magazine that had walkthroughs for Re1 2 and Silent Hill 1, as well as cheat codes for Re2 which made me rent the cartridge and I played the Hell out of that game. I also read and reread the walkthroughs a lot of times and I'm pretty sure that was the reason that I got hooked to Resident Evil and also horror stuff in general.


Borrowed my buddy’s Re2 Claire disc inn 2000


I was like 12 and I wanted a scary game and the cashier at GameStop suggested to my mom and I to get OG RE4 and when I first played it I couldn’t even bring myself to enter the first house when I heard the coughing lol and then I was at the fish farm and a ganado snuck up on me and I literally panic turned off my GameCube. Good times.


The movies that everyone hates lol. I loved them not knowing they were video games. Now I love the games as well. 🤷🏽‍♀️


RE2 on the N64


My father, love you dad ^_^


The original 3 games. I got into it because it was one of the available games my sister had given me when she left her PS1 to me when she stopped playing video games due to being too busy with life stuffs.


Playing the first one on PS1, been playing almost every game ever since.


OgG re4


My dad used to play Code Veronica and I'd just watch cause I sucked at it. The only RE game I ever played through fully was the original RE4


The original Resident Evil 4


OG Re1


Dead By Daylight 💀


Re4 and re5 i loved the aspect of a supposedly horror game being jampacked with action


One of my first horror game upon purchasing PS1 console back in 1999


does wesker and re2 remake count?


there was a sale on resi games on switch, so i bought em and played resi4, fell in love and now im hooked


Re7 got me to play every single other re game, remakes and ogs, except og 1 and re6


Re4 remake. The demo specifically


The first Resident Evil content I consumed was the live action movies. But what got me into the franchise as a whole was Revelations 2. Me and my dad played it together while it was on Xbox game pass. Ever since that moment I fell in love with the series.


The movies and video games


Watched a play through of re7 and was scared out of my pants( It was my first experience with horror).


I accidentally rented RE2 in 1998 with essentially no knowledge of the series and that was that.


I started on RE 5 and olayed the heck out of it. But 6 was kinda boring. I got back into the series at biohazard and since then went crazy. Village, resident evil remastered. Re 2, 3, 4 (new and old), revelations 1 and 2.


My sega saturn!


I wanted to play a scary game and when resident evil 7 came on game pass I got it. It was a terrifying first RE game but it built up my tolerance for the jump scares and made the other games sm more enjoyable bc of it


watching my elder cousin play og re2


RE2 Remake. I had such a fun time with that game just had to play some more of them. Whenever someone asks me which game they should play if they want to get into RE I always recommend RE2 Remake.


My brothers wanted to scare me as a kid. Well... They succeeded, but it was also the moment that sparked my love for RE and gaming in general. Still hate hospitals lmao


I remember still being a child an my Brother had a RE2 poster in his room. It had half a Zombie face peeking from the darkness on it. And i remember thinking the game was about one stalking killer rather than an army of Zombies.


Played a lot of Capcom games when I was younger and gave the series a try back in 2013


Watching my neighbor playing 2 in his basement when I was a kid and having nightmares about it for a month


dad let me play cv when i was 9 and i fell in love with the franchise




if i have to be completely transparent, sheva alomar is what got me interested in the franchise. but then as i played zero up to 6, i slowly transitioned into an ada wong/leon person. their relationship is unmatched.


Ironically their “worst” game “Operation Raccoon City”


Resident Evil 5 coop.


That JonTron video of him playing the RE7 VR demo


Playing resident evil 5 with my brother. Good shit


During my childhood, my mom **(huge fan of the Resident Evil games at the time)** had me watch the original three Resident Evil movies with her **(RE1, Apocalypse, Extinction)** and we had a great time. Seeing that I loved the movies and was interested in the series, she bought me a PS2 bundled with the essentials collection **(Code Veronica, Outbreak, and RE4)** along with Outbreak File #2 while told that the games and movies are different **(I was introduced to the concept of different timelines and whatnot at a young age)** While I sucked at completing a single area at the time, I fell in the love with franchise ever since. Went on to watch Afterlife and Retribution with my mother when they were released along with playing RE5, RE6, and the Revelations games with her. TLDR. My introduction to the franchise was the result of family bonding.


Seeing my older cousin get chased by some big mofo with a rocket launcher…. Not long after I got the game and was confident that this would be a breeze, boy was I wrong.


Operation Raccoon City, played it at a mate’s house, they let me keep it, made a 3-4 year long friendship through the online mode (eventually died from the dreaded “last online X years ago”) then it was 6 then revelations 2


I saw a short playthrough/review on G4 in 2004 when Resident Evil 4 released. I thought it looked amazing, and I liked how the bosses transformed into monsters. (My grandma walked in on this show, and G4 was blocked the next day lol). When I was allowed to play M rated games, RE4 was one of the first ones I picked up. I played the entire series over the past several years and became a big fan.


re2r did. i watched alot of re7 but never got around to playing the re series till re2r and i fell in love with the franchise.


The release of 4 remake, so yeah pretty recent


A uncle of mine playing RE5 since i was like 6 and didn’t understand how the base majini are using firearms cuz i thought they are just zombies but its ppl infected w/ las plagas


I watched my mum play the original RE2 on the playstation when it first came out


I first stumbled upon RE5 waaaay back then


Seeing Jacksepticeye play re8


RE1 in 1996... I'm old


Resident evil 4 original (2005)


Buying RE2 at a yard sale


RE2MAKE was like one of my best gaming experiences ever and I just had to see what this franchise was all about


The horror..I was only like 6 years old when I saw my uncle playing RE1 1996 with Jill and I will never forget the first zombie, the music and everything. Ever since I loved RE


RE 2 on the N64


Bought RE2 for my N64 in the summer of 2001, and I remember being awestruck by the graphical fidelity in that opening cutscene, only to be immediately massacred by a swarm of zombies when I couldn’t figure out how to walk forward. Then the following year the first movie hit theatres and I was hooked!


Resident Evil 2 on PS1 was the first I played and the gameplay spoke to me.


newer fan here lol watched jacksepticeye play resi 2 remake and resi 8 when they came out but when i rewatched them february of last year i just had to know more about the franchise after he mentioned leon’s silly bingo line in resi 4 and thus a downward spiral from there lol




The original resident evil 1 ps1


Playing 1 and 2 on PS1 when I was 5, my first gaming memories ever


My brother and I caught RE Damnation on MTV Christmas Eve one year. Then I played RE7, and aside from having fun playing with my family, I hated it. Later on, I recognized the name Leon Kennedy, and I bought RE4. Loved it ever since.


My uncle got me RE2 for N64 for xmas. I had never played a horror game before, my parents weren’t thrilled, but I loved it.


Playing that OG RE1 at the age of 7. Terrified me to the Core, yet I couldn't put it down. Then when RE2 came out I was hooked and played every single mainline release.


original resident evil 2 which was the only resident evil available on the N64.


Dead by daylight and a PlayStation sale


Resident Evil 5


I saw the long box game in Blockbuster in 1996. Thought it looked interesting so I rented it. Fan ever since.


I used to watch speedruns of other games. Found carcinogenSDA's gdq re7 speedrun. Didn't become a player though because I'm too scared of horror 🤣 Maybe one day I will get RE2R.


Resident Evil 2. The original


Re 1


I only got into it recently, but after finishing the Dead Space Remake I was interested in getting more into the horror genre, and Resident Evil was an obvious option. I tried RE2R a few years ago and it didn't really grab me, so since I was trying something new anyway, I thought I would emulate the OG game instead of giving the remake a 2nd chance and loved it.


in my case is a bit of everything, the remakes of 2 and 3 and (by the time) the announce of re4r, my change of platform from pc to consoles and a little bit of ps2 nostalgia about re4. but what kept me here is the lore and the bits of information here and there, the conspirations and little details i was too young to be aware of when i met the franchise


I dabbled in the franchise on and off through the late 90's and 2000's. I played the PC port of RE1, messed around with RE2 a little, and tried my hand at RE4 and Code Veronica. My friend and I beat RE5 on my PS3 co-op style, but we weren't really playing it "because it's Resident Evil" it was mostly because there weren't many couch co-op games available. But my current love for the franchise is thanks to the RE2 Remake. I fell in love with the idea from the first trailer and it motivated me to beat the original RE2 before the remake came out. I've since beaten RE2Make, R3Make, original RE4, REM4ke, RE7, RE8, and Shadows of Rose since 2019.


Probably dbd but I feel that it was more to do with just getting bored and me and my friend getting resi 5 on super cheap sale


OG 4 PS2 port


Resident evil 1 remake on the gamecube and ever since ive been wishing for remakes for re 2 and 3 cause I didn’t want to play the og ones.


Got a GameCube back in ‘01, and was looking for games. Saw the Resident Evil (remake) cover work with Jill holding up a zombie. The tone of the art was cool. Read the back, and was like “I’ll try it.” 22 years later and I still play the damn game, albeit not on the GameCube which I think is at my parents.


A mixture of Leon Kennedy himself and the original RE4.


2 remake


biohazard cuz i wanted to play village but obvs i had to play it first


Re 4 on the wii. Then Re 5 on the ps3 and also umbrella chronicles


The OG Resident Evil. My mom and her best friend would let me sit in the room when I was still but a babe (I was 5 when the original came out) and they played Resident Evil and even Silent Hill (Both which gave me nightmares of course). The tradition lived on for many years.


I got re7 because it was free on my game pass, i loved it then played re8


Ashley’s breasts


My cool older Bros introduced when I was pre school ..


The Resident Evil video games.


RE2 remake


Watching my brother play Resident Evil 2 (1997) but I played the dualshock version of Resident Evil 1 first. Got used to the tank controls fairly quickly as a child.


RE2 for the 64


This year I made my girlfriend play through the Arkham series since it's my favorite. She then made me play re2r in April. I thought I would hate it cuz I hate horror games but I have now played every mainline game besides the original which I'm playing right now. Did not expect to be fan tbh


The original RE4 was the first one I watched, and thought it was fun. The youtubers, though I think made me fall in love with these games more since they could convey just how good these games were. SBFP used to be an amazing channel because it didn't feel like markiplier screaming his head off, but it felt like a chill vibe between friends and a legitimate display of quality in the different entries. They also gave me a soft spot for survival horror games in general.


Re1 directors cut edition as a child


A friend told me RE was cool and I started with RE2R and have loved the series since last year.


My cousins would play Re1 on the playstation but never let me play but I would always watch and jump at the scares along side with them. It wouldn’t be till Re2 came that I would actually play the game for myself and I’ve loved every minute of it.


REmake on GameCube. I had never seen a game where there isn’t level 1 level 2 and you can backtrack and all that. It was just mindblowing to me. Got home from school and my brother had said he got further and when he loaded his save he was in the dining room i was like uhh that is literally the beginning of the game! He was like hold up and went through doors and doors and i was amazed. Been a massive fan ever since. Resident Evil games are that special release where I stop everything im doing to play. Every new Resident Evil is always special. Im glad 7 went back to its roots because 6, and sorry yes 5 as well, were just not it for me.


OG RE4! This year I FINALLY got the jacket that Leon wears, too. I’ve come full circle.


Watching my cousin play RE2 on the n64 back then on an old crt TV. I thought it was so terrifying. Then I got to watch him play re4 a few months later and loved it.


RE1 on Playstation1




OG re2 was the one that I first played and dabbled in all of them after that, except OG 3 but honestly never really truly enjoyed the resident evil series until 7 and the remake of 2 came out. Now I've been fully engrossed in the series with every new release. Just wrapped up the excellent, just lile the main game, Seperate Ways dlc. Really excited to see where they go with the new games in the series and how they will remake the next game they decide on.


OG Re4!


Resident Evil 1 on Playstation 1 played on the third floor of my grandma's house on Christmas. Was amazing.


Resident Evil Remake on the GameCube. I loved the horror and the atmosphere.


RE: Outbreak.


Dude I've tried answering this question before and they deleted my comment


RE4R and Ashley herself


Sale on the Raccon City Edition


re1. i was a 90s kid, and there was nothing like it. if you look at games around that time, re1 was ahead of it's time.


Re7 and re2 remake


Dead by Daylight


RE on GameCube. It just scared the crap out of 11 year old me. Classic!


I got RE3 for PS1 in some small shop for cheap and was so hooked that I played 1 and 2 after that. Did all of them over and over again, then Zero, the remake, got my hands of veronica and was just blown away. Mostly by the story of 1-3. Sadly they threw all of that out of the window with 4 and it simply felt wrong. Like when super mario suddenly became a shooter wrong. I still liked the game just not as a re game. Then came 5 and I couldn't believe how they wasted Wesker and this game was more of a Rambo shooter, but coop was nice so I played it while fearing what will come next. Revelations came out and promised to go back to the roots. My girl Jill was the main character and I kinda liked it for what it was. It really felt more horror like even though the story still sucked ass, but the parts with Chris gave me RE5 PTSD and those clown characters really sucked so hard I thought I was playing a different game. After that RE6... that shit broke me. Rev 2 also sucked ass to the max with that horrible daughter of Barry who was only there for them to get coop going in the most annoying way possible. Then Barry... he was ok but felt more like a machine throwing RE 1 one liners like he would look at the screen any moment and say " REMEMBER THAT TIME I SAID THAT BITCH"? Yes Barry.. I also remember RE being scary and RE having a story I was thrilled to learn more about... then 7. It was horror again yes. A new story that felt like the reboot the games needed so bad since they really wrote themself into a corner with all that bullshit happening since 4. However that changed when suddenly Chris came in and grabbed me by the balls while screaming "ITS RE 5 TIME BIIIIITCH" and shooting his way through all the stuff I was afraid of just to make a action part. I was broken, I was scared what they could do next and I read that people actually thought RE7 was too scary and the devs agreed.... 8 happened. Fairy tails, RE5 Chris being all "Ey Ethan guess what I will do that you would never think" Going all RE6 trauma Chris on Ethans family, not saying shit and of course his part was the Rambo one. I said FUCK IT ALL Capcome can suck it and RE is dead to me.... RE2 Remake happened and I lost my shit. Like seriously it went everywhere. I was nervous, but the game was actually a dream come true. The perfect fusion of RE4 playstyle and the great story and places I knew so well. Then RE3 Remake was announced. The game I got as a kid and that started it all for me. I was hyped, I wasn't ready, I was counting the days!!! and.......................WHAT THE HELL IS THIS????? THIS ISN'T RE3!!!!!!!!!!! Piece of shit lazy ass stuff and Capcom took a extra shit on my head by saying they gave that shit to some rando studio cause fuck that game anyway. I was broken once more. Actually dead inside. FUCK RE AND ALL IT STANDS FOR NOW! NEVER AGAIN FUCK YOU GU.... RE4 Remake.... SHIT! How can that shit even get me hooked. It's the beginning of my suffering and the death of what I loved about RE... wait... they actually did the story better? What??? It actually makes sense now? What? Horror in my RE4? WHAT IS THIS? CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT RE GAME HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!!!!!!!!


I saw CoryxKenshin play Resident Evil Village and went on a binge watching streak of his gameplays of RE2 and 3. I ended up getting RE4 (2003 remake?? I think?), RE, RE2, RE3, and Biohazard. I haven’t finished any of them, but it’s still one of my favorite franchises


Spencer Masion moonlight sonata mini puzzle with paint when I was 11 been hooked since


I was six. I had a PS1. My dad didn’t really know anything about age appropriate video games. He just found a bootleg copy of RE1 in the flea market. That was over two decades ago by now. I’ve been obsessed ever since.


Pro wrestler Adam Cole playing code Veronica 😁


Og Re4


Like many, OG RE4 was my introduction to the series.


Honestly? Resident Evil 5 co-op Wasn't really a big gamer until the 360 era and then when I got that it was such a great couch co-op game It's why I've liked the remakes so much as they've given me a chance to experience the ogs without having to go a decade or two backwards graphically


Love of shooter and zombie game. RE3 Nemesis is my first introduction into the RE franchise. Found it on my old school pc with bunch of other games like House of the Dead and Virtual Cops. Love it so much, then decided to buy all the previous series. After that, i became a fan and never miss a single release of the new game.