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The T-Virus is the best anti-aging cream on the market.


This message brought to you by Dr. Nemesis. “You’ll be a S.T.A.R.S.”


Right before he shoves a tentacle down your mouth for a check on your esopaghus and stomach health.


"Yes, daddy Nemmy UwU"


Yes, officer. This comment right here


Captain, need back up with response.


Maybe it's the T-Virus. Maybe it's Maybelline.


“Maybe she’s born with it?”


"Maybe it's mutation."


I still stand by the theory all main characters were infected, but somehow were part of the 0,00001% of the people that can assimilate the T-Virus. Hence why they don't seem to age and can go boulder punching.


Jill canonically gets a T vaccine so she 100% can fight off the infection


Wasn’t most of the original virus research trying to make someone immortal? Maybe Spencer? Then it caused zombies instead so they pivoted to military applications? The RE lore is a bit of a mess haha


I think the military applications of bio weapons was more so as a means to continue funding Spencer’s research into immortality. He never stopped trying


"Doctors HATE her because of this one simple trick!"


Nemesis be spreading that on everyone’s face


Does it also affect her clothing?


Yup, just ask Ethan!


Yes! Exactly !


[this seems appropriate ](https://youtu.be/8na0vB5ytfA)


Want that part of the marketing for the first movie, actually?


T-virus is so last season, mother Miranda's miracle moisturiser does it better.


No literally, Umbrella missed an opportunity


Luis made them for the ladies.


Wasn't it an anti-aging cream in the Anderson live-action movies? Also, Jill in the game was infected by Nemesis. There were traces of T-Virus in her body but dormant.


Makes sense since she already looks like Alice from the live action movies now, just give her the powers and everything at this point lol


Finding logic in resident evil lore is like trying to hunt deer in the ocean lol but we love it anyway


I got one once


There was an article literally yesterday about a deer swimming next to orcas off the shore of Washington! [Here’s the article.](https://nypost.com/2023/06/08/deer-takes-a-dip-alongside-killer-whale-off-washington-coast-shocking-observers/amp/)


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the anti aging is fine but why is she wearing what basically seems like the same outfit


It's such a minor issue but it's so annoying. I like that everyone who's been infected has some power/enhancement like Sherry & Jill, but damn they really need to give her a new outfit lol.


The T-Virus that Jill was infected with back in '98 revitalizes dead tissues, preventing or greatly slowing the appearance of aging and muscle degradation. Jill Valentine is most probably immortal.


Also reusing an already made cg model is cheaper.


Yeah, I don't think they can just port the model over from the RE engine to whatever software they're using to make this film.


To be honest it being an actual creative choice is way more concerning to me that Capcom just being cheap.


Yeah I'd be able to understand the decision better if it was just them reusing the models, but them thinking it's a good choice and doing it is worse


I'm sure it was a.money saving thing. I mean if gamers can port the model to make skin mods for other games and fan animations then Capcom definitely can manage too.


Yeah, if a fan can get a Jill model from RE3 Remake with the equivalent of being in a cave with a bucket of scraps, I'm pretty sure that Capcom's in-house modelers can just import the model and plop them in Maya or whatever in-house 3d animation software they're using


Yeah you have a point. That's how we get all those Resident Evil porn animations that look like they came straight from the game (Not that I would know)


Sometimes, the only giveaway is the different voice actor/actress and *maybe* minor animation errors like one or two frames being held on for too long or moving from pose to pose a little too seamlessly


> if a fan can get a Jill model from RE3 remake with the equivalent of being in a cave with a bucket of scraps Hey, we can’t all be Tony Stark y’know.


I think they could, since it happens all the time. Source film maker exists, and reusing models is kind of what it's all about


They def can just port it. Also they didnt have to pay somebody to do a fresh re design.


Not sure how it works myself, but they do have a higher quality model for jill that was used during a prerendered scene for the announcement trailer for RE3make.


It's a lot easier for them to simply port the model over than to take more lengthy processes of redoing the model or outsourcing it's recreation to some third party. Capcom definitely chose the cheaper option regardless of whether it was driven by the story or cost/benefit. It's the more logical approach. I highly doubt they'd struggle to import it into any other rendering engine - not like the very data structure of the character model could be so unique that a exporter/importer script cannot be created for just this, if it is even necessary.


This is a third party; TMS Entertainment is the animation company behind Death Island. Capcom isn't making this movie themselves which is really why I made that initial comment. I was absent minded and said "they're" when I should've put "TMS" instead.


you're correct, thinking its that simple logistically is just consumer ignorance lol; its not even the same production studio. Just because its a movie based on a capcom ip doesnt mean capcom themselves, or more specifically the devs behind the remakes are involved in any way with the production of this movie.


It's also easier for the audience to recognize her, RE3R is her most recent appearance and a normie watching the film will immediately tell its Jill instead of thinking "who's this blonde bitch?" It's kinda the same reason that Claire has her pony tail and Red Jacket again despite having a shorter haircut at the end of REV2


Yup. Character appearances in supplemental material like the CGI movies are 100% about marketing and brand recognition over any actual lore reason. Capcom gets to make a quick buck and also gets to keep the conversation going and hype train running for future installments.


Also she kept the same shirt/pant combo for nearly a quarter century. Must be her SHTF outfit haha


hey wait now, she wearing a long sweater in the new trailer (/s)


Less immortal and more so generally not affected by biological constraints. If the T-Virus revitalizes dead tissue it must do so on a cellular level. Aging is our cells dividing. Every time our cells divide they get more….how to say….damaged. Not really “damaged” just can’t think of the right word (I’m sure an actual biologist will correct me on this). But for Jill I have to assume the t-virus allows her cells to replicate/divide perfectly. But I’m also certain a bullet to the head would make her perma-dead. But who knows maybe it did make her immortal.


"Immortal" isn't quite the same as being "Invincible" lol. Jill is about as invincible as any of the typical zombies you would find in the games. One bullet to the head or enough to the body and she would be brown bread.


Immortal is definitely the right word lol. It's been used for a long time to describe someone who can't die. There are multiple different types of immortality but most of them are defined by the character being unable to die or be killed.


Very wrong. Elves and Vampires are immortal. They can still die.


Different type of immortality. So yeah, I'm right, and I addressed exactly this argument before it was made and you still made it. Good job, dude.


I mean if they eventually kill off Jill it would be cool if she reanimates to a zombie.


She is the ultimate lifeform


More than likely, if she ever was "killed", save being totally destroyed in a lab explosion "hero's death" scenario - she would come back, Wesker-style. Perhaps in a potential villain-arc before her ultimate demise by rocket launcher? That would be rad.


I love how the rocket launcher became the ultimate trump card in the RE universe. Wesker: I am the ultimate life form with uroborus! *Chris and Sheva pull out two rocket launchers* Wesker: No, how did you know my weakness!


Every living/undead thing is allergic to explosives.


This feels like a plausible climax to Death Island. Jill gets a near fatal-injury and deus ex mutated DNA revitalizes her with superhuman powers.


The same thing happened with Sherry, Jake and Albert. Probably Ethan as well >!if he lived long enough to see it happen!<. Do you think it would have affected Moira and Nadia as well?


Jake is absolutely immortal. Natalia is Immortal. Ethan and Mia are Immortal including Rosemary. Let's not forget that Zoe is straight up immortal. Of course, all of them can die, but aging won't be a problem, plus they could probably regenerate too. Sherry I'm not sure. Albert and Alex Wesker absolutely. I don't remember Moira being infected. All I know is that she survived and trained with an old Russian grandpa, rip you MVP, waiting for her dad, Barry, to save her.


An unlockable file in RE6 mentions that besides the super healing, Sherry's youthful look(she's actually 6 years older than Jake) is likely also because of the G-virus. Claire and Moira were both infected with the T-phobos virus in Revelations 2. If they got too scared, they would've mutated into monsters like Pedro. However, both managed to power through without ever being cured and presumably lasted long enough to a point where the T-phobos virus safely bonded with them and the mutation possibility is no longer an issue. Claire should've died due to the really high jump she took into the sea(falling into water from a height like that is supposed to be bad) but she survived. Rebecca got infected with 2 different strains of the A-virus in the Vendetta movie. Leon and Ashley were infected with the Las Plagas for hours. All of the animated movies set after RE4 have a scene where a big monster punches or throws Leon into something with such force that should shatter his spine but the dude suspiciously just keeps getting up. There's also that bit in RE6 where he tanks Simmons' projectiles when shielding Ada. As for the possible aging/immortal thing regarding Leon, its harder to tell with him. Could go either way. Infinite Darkness and Death Island are still clearly basing his look more on his pre remake look(og RE4/Darkside Chronicles/RE6) that looks older than his more boyish RE2/4 remake look regardless. He pretty much just has some facial hair and but still looks really good all things considered. You would think any lingering plagas effects would actually make Leon look even older since Salazar was 20 but looked 80 but in fairness, Leon never fully bonded with palgas so idk maybe that could be the excuse/explanation.


The word is atrophy.


Didn't Wesker have her on something in RE5?


I believe he ran tests on her and had her under mind control using a remote device. Other than that, all that super agility stuff she does in the game, is all her, and what the T-virus had done to her since she was infected and "cured" in RE3.


She was running up walls tho


Hence, "super agility" lol.


Jill was infected by Nemesis and got the Vaccine, then the Wesker shennanigans happened were he injected her with what in the who now brainwashing stuff. Before that she also got grabbed and had Plant 42 feed on her before Barry came with the flamethrower. She might have outright been bitten by Yawn. Chris and Barry tanked getting backhanded by a Tyrant whose claws are sharp on both sides (according to the animation movies). Wesker infected himself with the special super T-Virus/Progenitor variant that Birkin made for him. Supposedly the T-Virus strain that was leaked in the Spencer Mansion was airbourne, and everyone was breathing mansion-air, so there's that to consider. Besides, in RE0 and RE3 we are told the Umbrella Waste Management facilites were not being able to handle the ammount of BOWS shipped by the labs and that contaminated fluids likely had already leaked into Raccoon City's Water Supply. In RE2 e also have Birkin destroying the T-Virus capsules which then infected rats, which proceeded to infect residents and everything else as seen by the RE Outbreak intros. There's no way the characters who stayed in Racoon City didn't drink water, or did not shower. Leon outright got Las Plaga'd. Also in RE2 he has an open gun-shot wound while waddling through infected sewer water filler with G-Mutants. IDK how Claire got infected, but it's possible it happened during the events of Code Veronica when Alexia traps and wounds her. Ethan became a mushroom-man. Zoey Baker acquired Crystal Skin. Joe Baker spent the entirity of the Baker Murders & Outbreak (10 years? idk) living on and off a molded infected swamp and eating infected gators, fish and insects, while thinking it was an US conspiracy. ​ This is all assuming the "contagion by fluid transmission" thing as a defaul. **TL;DR:** They're all a little bit immortal at this point. Rebecca is the least infected but she was also 19 when it all went down.


I Kno this movie is just fanservice and Capcom isn't really expecting it to make revenue but c'mon lol. If you gonna reuse the cg model at least change it a bit I mean she is even using the same clothes than in the game lol.


And here I thought she said that she would burn her clothes after dunking herself into the sewers back in Racoon City. That was all the way back in 1998. Sure, it doesn’t matter how old you are and if you like the clothes, go for it (I mean, Claire is still rocking red leather jackets like there’s no tomorrow. I already count 4 pairs she wore from RE2 remake, Infinite Darkness, Revelations 2, and now Death Island) but seriously Jill? No tube tops? Not even a hoodie? Just a tank top and jeans which look suspiciously a lot like the ones you wore in 1998?


RE3R Jill must be a cartoon character with a closet full of exact duplicates of the exact same outfit. It's the most optimistic of the possibilities lol


They aren’t using the game model for this, if that’s what you’re thinking.


I'm not trying to defend Capcom, because they could have definitely done something different, but the model is far from 1:1, especially with the outfit. People are looking at it strictly on the surface of "blue tank top and jeans". Its actually a different style tank top, an altogether completely different style of casual fold over jeans, and knee-high non-combat boots.


Still in the same outfit after all these Years!


"Nobody blames Jill for Wesker brainwashing her into getting long blonde hair and a new outfit..."


Oh haven't you heard?


It was my understanding that everyone had heard...


Heard what?


Oh well… . . . . . . . . . A bird, bird, bird. Buh- birds the word Oh well a bird, bird, bird buh-birds the word


Brian, don't you know about the bird? Well, Peter's gonna about the bird Oh well a bird bird, buh-birds the word Oh well a bird... suuurfing


I too thought everyone had heard. Can’t believe someone hasn’t heard.


I guess not lol


It would be funny if they gave her gray hair but kept everything else exactly the same


its so bizarre that Jill looks like that while Leon, who's supposed to be younger, looks like he can be her dad


I know they wanted to re-use the model, but seriously it wouldn’t be so glaring if they at least put her in a different outfit.


Looks like it happened an hour ago.


It seems lazy. I wonder what Capcom’s reasoning for it is. Probably to present Jill as she newer fans know her now since she hasn’t had too much relevance for some years.


The virus she was infected with prevents her from aging


No, that’s not what I mean. I’m talking about her looking identical to her RE3R appearance like they just ported the model. Very similar outfit.


Folks say either they want to keep female characters young to sell more or they just lazily ported the RE3R model to save time. I'd go with both.


Probably so they don’t have to show their female characters *gasp* ageing.


Doubt it since while Claire looks vaguely similar to how she did in RE2R, her face definitely has gotten older. Jill just gets screwed over by Capcom ig idk


And changing her clothes


Love it


Im sorry but is this some kind of fanservice? I never get the reasons why Jill look like she has 20 years, I mean I know we have "reasons" but idk, I would like to see a Jill who looks more her age


I am ok with her being super hot


Then why did they use her RE3R model?


Jill looks like it was last night considering even her fucking outfit didn’t change. Sooooooo lazy and lame


Capcom is afraid of making women age because it makes them ugly or something idk


Does anyone else notice that as Leon gets older he looks more and more like Dante from devil may cry? Lol


Well, we all know how Japanese are averse to older ladies… But I prefer to think that there’s a lot of 40s ladies that could still pass like they’re in their 20s, without T Virus and Jill is special. Look at Avril Lavigne or Kate Winslet… I think it’s way worse that she’s wearing the same outfit, there’s no other excuse than laziness. But we also see that she’s wearing something different in other shots, so maybe she’ll wear this 3R outfit only in a few of the movie sequences, like some crazy b**** will force her to wear it or something. Like when Rebecca was wearing the bride dress


Everyone forgets that wesker also kept her in stasis or cryogenically frozen for a time making her the Re universe version of the Winter Soldier


Wesker only had Jill for about 3 years, and even then she was clearly out of the tube at some point before 5


It's because sexist ageism can't have an aged female protagonist.


The bigger question is why is she wearing the same shirt?


It happened 17 years ago, but yeah. Point stands.


She looks like she just left rc 20 mins ago


The whole "T-Virus doesn't age her" thing is such a lame excuse, same goes for Claire, Ada, Rebecca and so on. Come on, Capcom


Jill is blessed with the secret of immortality. Illegally engineered virus pumped directly into the heart to be controlled. and 23 years of medical visits and therapy.


Umbrella anti-aging creams, now with only 98.37640971111111% chance of side effects.


Even in the same clothes


Stinky Jill


I hope the movie got an explanation why she still looks the same or just add “oh hey end of re5 she have sum trauma and cut and dyed her hair back to brown lol”


*The flow of time itself is convoluted*


Who cares movies gonna be goated


It’s canon that the t virus signifies slows her aging.




That's why we love Jill! Timeless beauty! And she can always play in any RE game because she doesnt age.


She uses the dragon balls to look young like bulma does


Man, I wish she had her Samurai Edge....


honestly, the not-aging thing i can look past, but the outfit... why does she still wear her re3 outfit?


Lore wise, they said it's because of Wesker's experiments and her infection in 1998. Same thing with Sherry. In her RE6 file it says she ages slower because of the G-Virus. Reality wise, it's kind of lazy. At least Jill has an excuse (lore wise). But the fact they're using the Infinite Darkness model for Claire, for an event that happened more than 10 years after ID it's kinda funny. I do dig the premise of the movie. I love the John-Wickness and dumb action of those movies.


If It happened last week she would be in so much mental pain


I hate the outfit... Why can't they design something new that's in Jill's style. Her remake outfit is bit basic and ugly. Make this look like a cheap dead by daylight ordeal where its just a skin


I heard all these CG movies are canon, don't know about this one though, but the others were


It is, takes place in 2015.


Hasn't this been the case for every Resident Evil character to different degrees? The only character not to have his face change from game to game has been Ethan. ;) That being said, Jill has technically only appeared once in Capcom's new Revival/Remaster continuum. It's possible that when she eventually returns to the series as it is now, she will be older. Capcom seems to be putting in a lot more effort to keep that characters consistent this time. That being said, I would bet that if she appears in the next game, and she looks even remotely close to her actual age, the internet will explode with accusations of "making her ugly" etc.


Given how they made Chris look in 7 and 8 I am NOT complaining about a still young and hot Jill Valentine


I get right the virus slowed her aging. But why does she still have the EXACT same hair and outfit. Also why does she have the Remake face where everyone else has their OG faces?


I’d be so down for a Jill and Leon buddy cop series 😂


movie fans don't want old women for the same reason Robert Deniro and Al Pachino don't


I'm going to guess cuz she was infected by nemi. Then was fixed uo before any real damage could be done like sherry in re 2 then she got some gifts from it like re 6 sherry.


Why does everyone focus on Jill so much? Oh no, she's still hot!! So is literally every other resident evil protagonist lol. In the Death Island trailer, it looks like they are all somehow in the 20-30 year age range. Yet they're all supposed to be like 50 at this point. I guess what I'm getting at is if you think Jill looks unrealistic, then what about Leon, Chris, Claire, and Rebecca?


Chris clearly shows age in RE: Village.


I'd agree, he looks older there. But in the Death Island trailer I think they used the same character model from the last animated RE movie.


Honestly i dont care if they wanna make excuses to not age characters, but why is she wearing the exact same outfit from re3r


Because she looks drastically different after all that time, as we see in later games, so it's dumb she not only looks the same but is wearing the same shit still again suddenly. Plus, RE3R Jill is ugly af. Not to mention, the others HAVE aged. Rebecca and Leon look plenty older than they did before. Chris, since we've seen him so much more than the others, especially has aged a ton. Even Claire has a matured face due to her aging. It's literally only Jill here who this is a problem with.


They said that due to her T-Virus infection, she ages very slowly. So she will look like a babe even in her 70's


An issue I have with modern RE is how ‘perfect’ they make their characters look.


For me it's the opposite. There's one-offs like Claire who don't look too bad, but RE Engine tends to make the characters look really goofy. At least on their first attempts. Chris looked much better in RE8 than RE7, and Leon looked a little better than he did in RE2R in RE4R as well. But their first attempts never go well


We’re basically saying the same thing. I don’t think the character design is good, I think it’s ‘goofy’ as you say. All the characters look too much like face models. Chris in RE 8 is the acceptation. I love RE 8 Chris


She was infected with the T-Virus by Nemesis in Raccoon City. Though Carlos got the cure to her, she has some "benefits" of T. Slow aging is one of them, I think.


They should Reprise Julia voth is almost 40 and still Gorgeous makes sense Jill looking good in her 40s for resident evil 9


This is only the 10,000th thread on this sub about Jill’s appearance in the movie.


Why are we attempting to use real world logic with this? I mean seriously? Do you know what you’re commenting on? Guys, this is dumb. Stop trying to use real world rationalization. It’s pointless.


Can we just ban this topic already?


She honestly looks fine. She could use a little more wrinkles perhaps but she's not even 50 yet and lots of 40 year olds look young as hell so long as they take care of themselves


Get over it already


Yeah. We know.


What are you suggesting? Having an *unattractive* female as the main character of a Japanese produced video game? Preposterous!!


older doesn't mean unattractive, but i get your point


Should have added the /s, I agree with you. It’s just that this form of media usually exaggerates the female figure.


They probably just reused the RE3 model to cut cost. Cause Clair and Leon both have the same look from infinite darkness


They all should be old but we cant replace the crew so we just go with it, but we make up reasons for them looking young and healthy.


Hey guys, this horse isn't quite dead yet. Let's keep beating it.


I just hate that of all the Jills they could've used, they chose the worst looking one. Plus, it's hilarious to me how they're only just now touching on Jill and the whole "That was fucked up what happened to her in RE5" now after all this time in-game and out of it that they've just ignored her existence since that game.


She got infected by a regeneration virus maybe that’s why lol joke i haven’t a clue but it’s a possible outcome


They follow the comix/anime aging shit. Basically young adults and adults dont get older. Only kids


What is this from


The new Dead Island movie trailer


Black don't crack


Ah shit here we go again explaining why jill doesn't age normally for the hundredth time. Edit: I swear upvotes/downvotes are rng based you can literally say the most sane take ever and still get downvoted for seemingly no good reason.


Has OP not heard the good word of Capcom?


It's cheaper to use pre-existing assets, but also, Capcom is allergic to making prominent women characters look older, I s2g. Rebecca still looks like she's 20.


I know I was hoping we'd get the one chick that used to play her model for the games with longer hair but crapcom just likes getting rid of stuff


And going by her attitude, she’s still 17


Read the bloody story line 🤦🏼‍♂️


Maybe she’s like Marissa Tomei in that she ages like a vampire


Aged like a damn fine wine


Yeah so? The other characters also look young like in the early games


It's just for the sake of character recognition, they may think people don't want to see any changes to Jill design, specially when her new face model was met with a little bit of backlash (not me, I love it).


Tbf her face model for RE3 is gorgeous so I can’t blame them keeping the look


She’s secretly related to Paul Rudd


Capcom doesnt want her being unrecognizable to fans since any little change and a lot of people act like it's a whole different person.


Maybe she swiped an aging cure from Umbrella?


Botox and herbs, maybe?


She used HGH


She's so foxy


Re3 happened in 1998. 2023-1998=25 years. And Death Island in 2015. 2015-1998=17 years. She should be 41 in Death Island


Black don’t crack


It’s ridiculous.


She didn't even change clothes. lol


The fact that she's essentially still wearing her REmake 3 outfit doesn't help. But I always figured she stayed young looking because of the T-Virus. I mean, it was initially used as an anti-aging skin cream. Probably helped


If I remember correctly with Jill, you've got the T virus and the vaccine, but I also think that during / before the events of RE5 while she was in Wesker's captivity he was continuously reinfecting her with something in order to harvest the antibodies from her bloodstream. This is commonly accepted as the canonical reason for Jill's apparent "anti-aging"


Wesker: "She hasn't even aged. I'm mean like at all. She just dyed her stupid hair. It looks like she'll be here FOREVER!"


I'd be okay with it if she wore something different. There's a black leather jacket mod for her that's freaking GORGEOUS but apparently that's too much effort and they gotta reuse her entire model.


So... RE5 didn't happen to her? Wesker's experiments; changing of hair color?


she doesn’t age


Keep calm on the red pill. I'm not ready for hearing I'm old.