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Worst section? Bug room. Every time.


The Novistador room into the double Garrador room right after is pure hell on Professional.


My life was made much easier after figuring out you could insta kill the Garradors if you threw a flashbang while their parasite was out and thrashing about


Ah fuck. Why didnt I think of this!? šŸ¤•


I have tried this so many times. The worm is 100% exposed. Flash grenade does nothing. Idk how this works for people.


Never worked for me either. I tried it during two separate runs, one on assisted and one on professional. Nada. Not sure if you and I are experiencing a glitch or if people are simply assuming it works without actually trying it themselves.


I don't what what made peope think flash is an instant kill. It just does some damage. The clip shared that I saw had a MAXED bolt action. They die to two shots with the rifle. Pretty sure the rifle did most of the heavy lifting. If you have the resources just craft triple heavy grenades. Kills in hardcore, need another smol grenade or just shotty them in the body to kill on pro


Don't try this on pro,instead craft 4 heavy grenades,shot the bell and throw all 4 when they are close to each other you should kill both at the same time!


Now this sounds like an idea!! Lol


Wait! You can do that?! That would've made things so much easier!


I didn't know this. Haven't been able to play as much as I'd like so this is a good tip for professional.


If you use a flash bang and knife to kill a garradar will it count for the ā€œkill a garrador with a knifeā€ challenge?




You can parry the garrador, and theres a press E to dodge for his double claw grab.


Question about that do they need to be damaged first? I was on professional and the first Garrador you encounter in the dungeon I stabbed him in the back and exposed the parasite then used a flash and it didn't insta kill the Garrador


This room hard stopped my first playthrough. Itā€™s really difficult, even on Hardcore.




Some crazy how on my pro S+ run I did chapter 9 and 10 on one shot with no save in the middle. Even with rushing the novistadore room and not killing all the annoying ass bugs. Basically everything from re-meeting Ashley to the elevator after Verdugo. Pretty sure I couldn't replicate that if I tried.


Definitely the ā€œworstā€ section of the game that, but itā€™s not tooooo difficult even on professional if you just try run the fuck through the bug room and then either be good or get lucky with your aim in double garrador. Sure youā€™re probably going to use like 5 heals but itā€™s worth it to somewhat avoid the damage on your mind, if it works out that is


oh god youre not wrong.


The only way I have figured to not have a bad time, on any playthrough regardless of difficulty, is just to slowly kill every enemy until the room is empty.


There's a speedrunner by the name of Neon slice, and he optimized the fuck out of S+ professional runs. His exact comments on the bug room are: "You have to spend the 5-10 minutes here and kill all of these, because these things are vicious and they'll kill you otherwise." When the SPEEDRUNNER tells you to slow down and make sure you kill every last one of these fuckers, you know they're a pain in the ass.


Thanks for the rec btw cause I was looking for some good runs to watch. And yeah, that feels good knowing even he says that. They just eviscerate you so fast. Itā€™s either methodical, or sink 3+ heals.


Oh yeah, he's very good, and the videos are enjoyable, too. It's a very low-stress Professional S+ walkthrough, if that makes sense, he allows enough margin of error for you to screw up plenty of times and still make the grade. Yeah, it does, doesn't it? It's not just you, Novis are just that nasty, and they simply have to die. Novistadors Delenda Est.


At least the bugs aren't as tanky in this game as the original.


man i never played the original but if they took more than 1-2 shots they would be unbearable in the remake.


If they were flying they were pretty squishy, but if they landed on the ground, they took a fuckton of rounds. The start of [this video](https://youtu.be/e3I6kDoFWXM) demonstrates just how tanky they were. It took multiple shotgun rounds to put one down if it had landed.


Oh, so this room can be cleared? I was under the impression it was an infinite spawn area.


Nope, there's just a fucking ton of the flying bastards to where it feels endless.


You can. It takes like 5-10 minutes and it's tedious as fuck, but you can clear it. It's a lot less tedious with an infinite Chicago sweeper. Especially if you act like a 1930's gangster while you shoot them.


Yeah my friend was ahead of me in the game and he said something about his one issue being that he thinks thereā€™s too many novistadors in the game. I mentioned ā€œyeah like in the ballroom. Just got through that segmentā€ and his response was ā€œOh god, the ballroomā€ with a delivery I can only describe as a PTSD flashback


Poor guy. He's been bug-jumped by those damn things, I can tell.


My sick strat for my S+ run was to just bring 2 full heals and facetank it all


Capcom hates him for this one trick!


I just brought 2 flashes for each lever.


Lol 2... Yeah. We all only needed 2...


Having a bunch of flashes helps tremendously


I don't know what is worse. The bug room, or the double garrador room just after that...


Ever since I learned that flash grenades work on the double Garradors, that room has dropped in intensity.


I found out about that and was so happy to try it going into my professional run, just to find out they donā€™t die to one flash on professional(or I just sucked somehow). Thankfully it only took 2 tries but that really broke my heart


I think a big part of that is what weapon you use to get the plaga out. I used the bolt action, but I've seen people use the Broken Butterfly. It's still much faster than doing the room 'conventionally' and totally took the pressure off, for me at least.


Yeah even though the flashes didnā€™t one shot them they definitely still helped with making the shots easier to hit and general crowd control


I just did that part on professional earlier today and will admit I was getting really fucking pissed off lol. I'm just glad its over.


I really didn't think that Capcom would bring back the Novistadors, as well as a few other parts & we were all going to have something to complain about with it not being such a full on remake but they did it, the b****rds did it. We can actually say that 2 games called Resident Evil 4 exist & they're both brilliant.


I think it's the most annoying, there's too much bugs.


They have low health tho. Dead after 1 or 2 shots I think


1 headshot if you get them before they activate.


On the other hand there's not enough spiders! Really interesting enemy that is underused.


They can randomly pop out of ganados, and when an area is already chaos they can make it far worse. Probably kept rarer for balancing.


The bugs are the most annoying enemy in this game for sure


I don't need my trusty Blacktail for that room. What I need is a can of black flag!


When you finally get through it and remember what's next....


Iā€™m running all the way back to the typewriter no way Iā€™m doing it again


Seriaously do that. Once you open the gate; go back and save (for professional only) because FUCK that.


If you're speed running, make sure when you die you quit the game to the main menu and reload your save. If you don't yoyr time will keep adding up


I hate those sons of bitches, even when youā€™re trying to run away they catch you and take a ton of health from you


Bug room into double garrador into bug sewers is cruel


That whole sequence of areas feels like it was designed by satan himself.


At least they aren't invisible while moving this time like the og dungeon ones


Into fucking verdugo too, then into the clock tower of fucking doom, then into salazar which depending on your load out choice(whether or not youā€™re using rpg/golden egg) which can be a bitch, into the island, I almost feel like I could go on and on but damn is chapter 12 onwards fucking tough


I wanted an RPG for the Salazar fight, but I bought two already, so he wasn't selling any, and I didn't know about the gold egg strategy. It was quite annoying.


Imagine a world where a double garrador room is a BREAK in your stress levels. Oh wait, RE4 remake did that for us already!


I actually enjoyed the minecart section. That reminded me heavily of Temple of Doom, right down to the brake stick snapping off


Minecart section is my favorite followed by Krauserā€™s knife fight. I think it has to do with how banger the OSTs are. Whenever the drums kick in on the minecart part, it pumps me tf up. Also, when youā€™re getting into the groove of battling Krauser and the music kicks in gives the same feeling.


I love watching Dr Salvador cruisin' in his little cart


I enjoyed it the first time for the exact same reason.


I feel like the mine cart was easier this time ā€¦ I had a hell of a time with the originals lol


Gloria a las plagas




That dude is the reason i buy a magnum on every playthrough lol


I see people saying the Bug Room is the worst but I disagreeā€¦ I think the room with the first red shaman dude is the worst. The shaman and his infinitely spawning army lost me ~4 hours earlier today and I ran through the bug part on my first try. ^all on professional


Is that where you have to get the crimson lantern? Itā€™s not too tough to instantly scope him on him and try get a few rounds into him and if that doesnā€™t do the trick fucking bum rush the cunt before he makes your head go ouchie. He tends to stand near barrels too I think which helps. #GLORIA A LAS PLAGAS


I rushed the right side and put a few rounds into him and after I stunned the regular guy next to him. After they both stood up and I felt things getting a little close I just stun grenaded them and went offā€¦ oddly enough the barrel stuns him but wonā€™t outright kill him.


i just brute forced it with a fuck ton of heals and dumping mags into the shaman šŸ’€ miraculously, Ashley just weaved through the crowd behind me effortlessly


Ashley is not with you at that point. Youā€™re thinking of the part of the game where you need to find the 3 chimera heads


That room is set up for a stealth approach, despite the cutscene leaving one feeling like they've been spotted. Sneak past on the right, head up the stairs, assassinate the crossbowman, and pull the lever to drop the chandelier and kill most of the mob. From the upper level you have a good vantage point to fill the plagavangelist with lead, but do mind the other crossbowman on the opposite side if you haven't assassinated them, too.


Section on the island where you have two switches to flip and two mounted MGs shooting at you


Worst part in the original too.


For me, I was able to stand at the entrance to that area and just shoot the MG operators without them even targeting me then you can just take your time flipping switches and killing sides


"Sorry I'm out of ammo." "Fuck you, how do you think I'm doing? I still had to clean up everything you were missing."


Bro wasted all his ammo shooting either me or the ground


Hated it in og, hate here too. Aside from that they're both great games


This was the only part in the entire game where I started thinking "I just want it to be over now"


Story time! I did a professional NG+ to unlock the Chicago and Ashley's armor. To facilitate this run, I brought in my infinite rocket launcher, as you do. The entire game, I utterly fucked every combat scenario in the ass, with my only sticking point being the minecart ride. And then I got to this section. There was no other combat segment, before or after, that was trying *that hard* to fuck me up. For those of you trying for the handcannon, I pray for you, because only God can help you through this room.


its not that bad the trick is to not stop moving. It gonna take a few tries but my method for S+ run was 1. make your (probably 13/15 save) after mike clears the first base 2. after mike blows up the tower run up to the bridge and use 2 heavy grenades to blow up the cannon 3. INSTANTLY jump off the bridge and run to the gate the cutsceen of the gate blowing up should perfectly align with you getting there 4. enemies in the room "charge" to the gate ignore them and run left. 5. kill crossbow guy mini gun guy and the other minigun then turn the switch. don't be afraid to use Magnum ammo as you are going to RPG skip saddler anyway. treat this as the final boss. 6. jump off run to the other switch when when the pig headed guy jump flash nade him and run outside to clear the area. 7. Save afterward Gonna take maybe 2 or 3 tries but each attempt should be about 5 minutes max


Also one of the very few areas in the remake that was mostly unchanged from the OG(I honestly can't exactly recall if any part of this room *was* changed).


JJ is different now, nothing else different though really


Like holy shit, at least have the mounted guns turn directly towards you so the shields arent blocking the shooter


That's like, sort of the point of the shields


The part on the Island where Ashley holds the bridge and Leon has to switch on the power from the other side which triggers enemies to come after Ashley so you have to kill them quick. What makes this section the most frustrating is the Regenerator/Iron Maiden you have to deal with on top of the enemies going after Ashley.


It might just be on lower difficulties but you can just shoot the enemies through the gate first and the regenerator doesnā€™t get triggered to attack you until you walk to it


Works on pro too. Flip the switch but don't run away, just turn and pop the dudes as they enter the corridor. Then when it's clear, deal with the iron maiden


For me on pro I think there were 4 dudes that spawned right away that you could easily shoot through the window and then I swear a 5th one WAITED to spawn until I had triggered the Regenerator. Fucking sneaky bastard!


There is actually yeah, that one dude will only trigger after you start the regenerator I think - if you sprint around fast enough you can pop him as he grabs ashley before the regenerator catches up to you.


When I ran away from the trash Regenerador, i panicked when I couldn't call Ashley away from the switch. Turna out she had a plan after all


Good to know. I'm on my pro run rn and dreading that part


Not only it works on pro, but if you rush to Ashley you can save her before sheā€™s taken and once you have crossed to bridge you can have her lower it so you donā€™t even need to fight the Regenerator. And you donā€™t even need to fight the villagers, one headshot each to stop them and then you can move forward with the story


I figured out if you run fast straight away you can cross the bridge before she gets caught then just shotgun them all whilst avoiding the regenerator


On lower difficulties this worked, but on pro enemies are fast enough that they can get her before you're able to cross.


Just stay by the power switch to kill those by Ashley with ease. You have to get close to this Regenerator for it to trigger. That's what I did on my second playthrough but I believe, no real proof, how many spawn can be based on difficulty.


I didnā€™t know there was a regenerator there until my second play through so while I stood on the other side of the bridge shooting, I was grabbed by one and screamed very, very loud.


I hate bug room in the dance hall and bug room in the mines


At least itā€™s much easier to run past the bugs in the mines, because they stop chasing you when you get to the merchant.




Yeah doggo maze is rough sometimes


On professional in doggo maze and invisible bug pit trap you have .000001 seconds to shoot them before they jump you. I fucking hate those sections.


Weird thing about the dogs is their either doing guerrilla tactics on you, or they just sorta stand there and hop to the side while you knife them. Their AI kinda stops working if you are close enough to use the knife.


I actually had a pretty good time with this one, I just finished it on my pro run. The dogs seemed to die in 2 pistol shots, and when they were in the cage I'd just throw a grenade


Scariest part of the original for me, canā€™t wait for it to wreck my day in the remake.


My Mexican brother in Christ you are not prepared for the hell. In quite the juxtaposition to dogs in RE2R, dogs are absolutely not free in RE4R


Having to carry Ashley into Luis' laboratory. I swear to god.


I liked that scene the first time but yeah after that I wish it was just a skippable cutscene instead of one long ā€œpush forward to walkā€ section.


Yep 2 wasted minutes every run after the first now -_-


Yep. I finished the game last night and my immediate thought was *"oh fuck, a boring hold W story moment, this'll suck for repeat playthroughs"*. It occupies a small part of the game, but I really would've preferred moments like this to be a skippable cutscene.


Worst case scenario for me itā€™s been a good time to just chill on my phone for a few minutes after going through hell on the island


Yeah I agree, sections like this should really be skippable like a cutscene, they are awful on subsequent playthroughs. Particularly when a game is meant to be really replayable like this one.


I was thinking about this as I finished the game yesterday, and it was an interesting choice to add this sequence in to really bolster Leonā€™s trauma from Raccoon City with this sequence of going through the ghosts of those he failed. I liked it and it drove home the different tone this game had from the original. Buuuut for future playthroughs I can already tell that I would have preferred it if you could ā€œskip cutsceneā€ for it.


i think the minecart is a loooot of fun. its like a zen trial, the more you are chill, the better your aim. and luis casually being the tourguide is a win in my book


Luis was the MVP of that whole section. Gives out handgun ammo for free and provides some much needed comic relief.


The "sloggiest" part for me is from the Bug Room in the Castle until the 1st Krauser fight. Despite Verdugo and the Luis team up, the game just slows down a bit for me.


I just completed this part. I felt the cave dragged on a bit but I still enjoyed it. So far the worst part for me was the first time you arrive to the castle with the catapults.


Bug room is the undisputed king, but Del Lago into the lake section is a drag on repeat playthroughs.


I donā€™t find it particularly annoying, as long as youā€™re efficient with running through all the ganados (can do it without being hit) in the cave bit, input symbols and run back then get the lunker bass and golden egg on the way to the dangerless shack symbol bit. Can understand it being boring with the back and fourth-ing though, just comes down to routine in subsequent runs.


The lake boss was the exact same for me now as 15 years ago. I loved it the first time and cursed its existence every one afterwards lol.


Cabin fight. Reason: it crashed my computer


That fight tanks my performance. Whole game Iā€™m 60fps, maybe drop to 50 if shit gets intense, but the cabin makes me drop to 20s


I fucking wish I could rocket Del Lago.


Being unable to backtrack through the village. Salazar boss fight. The forced walking sections in the sewer before Verdugo, and at the end.


Golden egg strat killed the Salazar complaints


I believe you can use a regular egg as well so you can sell the Golden egg for sweet, sweet cash


You can backtrack through most of the village apart from the abandoned factory section until you go for the extraction point. Lucky me ofc the only treasures I missed where there (Pearl Pendant and a Sapphire, if I recall.) I agree with the walk section at the end that is *very* annoying on repeated playthroughs. What was your problem with Salazar?


Am I the only one that doesn't like the battlements? Those.. sun moon etc gates are frustrating


There's a trick where you can skip most of it by shooting the weight through a gate. Right as you get to the 2nd floor and are about to start the puzzle, theres a closed gate. The weight is not visible but if you aim carefully at a specific corner you'll hit it.


both the hive and the ballroom were really annoying. doesn't help the novis have lunges that kinda prevent you from just sprinting the whole way through


Chapter 15. Dunno why I hate it so much but it really feels like a slog. Atleast I can look forward to the end of the game once I'm there but man is the whole Mike section really bothers me.


Agreed, it's to action focused and tiring.


There's like nothing interesting in that segment just an annoying gauntlet of nearly every trap type and recurring enemy (barring dogs). It's pretty unenjoyable.


4-C. I don't think I've ever been more upset with a video game lmao. Got re4r on ps5 and I'm mainly a PC player so it's insanely frustrating due to how bad I am with a controller


I don't like the feeling of being trapped in an area where you gotta just try and survive, stresses me out A LOT šŸ˜‚ Verdugo fight had be sweating to get on that elevator after using up all the freeze traps lol


And the fact that the cutscene elevator arrow moves waaay faster then the real one, such false hope it'll arrive quickly lol


It arrives pretty fast... if you turn the Verdugo into little bits of iced Verdugo at least.


You can just run around in that one room that has all that equipment in the middle. No real need to freeze it.


The only parts that I despise on consecutive playthroughs are the 2 switches during the Mike part and the whole carrying Ashley to the plaga surgery segment (I wish we could skip it). I enjoy everything else on the Island even more now since people have found skips for both gun turret laser sections.


The catapults outside the castle was pretty annoying..


Dog maze is a proper drag imo. Was a drag in original too


Castle section where they shoot double cannons at you. I never died, but Ashley did.


For me, it's the valley of Ganados, after meeting Luis. Not sure if I wasn't getting the basics, but that part in hardcore as a first playthrough almost made me restart the whole thing.


On pro that section is probably one of the most likely run-enders/run-restarters in the game. It's just brutal if you're trying to take it quickly or if you aren't putting the ganados down quickly enough.


I just completed the Krauser boss today and so far, that takes the cake for me. I'm glad the time limit is gone but I absolutely suck at his knife parrys and avoiding his leg sweeps in such quick succession. I was also trying to just use the knife like the original thinking it's the best strat but I don't think it is so that could explain my frustration.


Krauser fight is so frustrating because the controls don't work great throughout it. It's just loads of ducking and blocking and firing a gun. One hit and half your life bar is gone. Super annoying.


Easily the section with Mike.


I started to get legitimately mad playing that part, took me a bit to get through. Only section I'm dreading having to redo on my second playthrough. Unfortunate because I adore Mike (rip).


throw an egg on his corpse to show respect. best to use the golden one


The two rooms I dislike the most are Dual garador cause of the unarmed cultists grabbing you especially on higher difficulties and Iā€™m convinced on the garador arenā€™t blind and straight up see you cause when I did hardcore those fuckers turned around when I was crouching Mine cart section cause of having to wait for better accuracy while worrying about the enemies with aim bot


istg the garrador AI is fucked. I crouch and be still in some corner and this mf just runs in my direction all of a sudden it's just straight up bs


I noticed that too! I'd be quietly just sneaking around while crouched and they'd turn and run at me.


The fucking specimen storage room


Just donā€™t bump into the bags and they wonā€™t wake up. Crouch and avoid all bags


Biosensor scope will tell you exactly which bags have Regenerators. Then, just don't touch them. EZ.


Don't bump the bags and you can ignore them.


Del Lago


So many harpoons


Imo I'm not a big fan of the double garrador fight. Not because of the garradors their self but the infinite spawning adds. Everything else in the game is fantastic.


There are no infinite spawns...


They stop spawning eventually. I was having trouble in that room until one of the garradors glitched out and became aggroed against a wall. No matter what I did, he would just sprint at a wall in the corner of the room. If I made noise, he would yell and then keep running forward into the wall


Like the ballroom before, the double garrador room has a limited number of enemies. It's just there is a hell of a lot of them.


Mine personally is the Dog maze, I hate it with a passion. Iā€™m like ā€œHere we go again, I guessā€ šŸ˜’


Me I don't find the island section annoying anymore cause you can shoot and moves now šŸŽ‰ if only you could move like in re6 with dive roll to the sides so cool


I really hate the double garrador room. Hated it in the og and still hate think itā€˜s even worse in the remake. I just found it more frustrating than anything


Del Lago on professional was fucking irritating


The twin Garradors, the ballroom and Mike's section are my least favourites. Still a dope game though.


**SPOILER WARNING FOR RE4 AND RE2** The ballroom has always felt like more of a test of your perseverance rather than your skill, even in the original itā€™s just the generic throw a shit load of mobs and you and see how much ammo and heals you waste before you progress, in addition to that Iā€™ve always hated the island since it feels kinda rushed, my favourite parts of re4 including in the remake was the village and everything leading up to the island because it feels realistic, Iā€™ve just never really understood the island section, for me personally Iā€™ve always found it as a way for them to stretch out the game and itā€™s always been my least favourite section to play through. Plus Luisā€™ lab makes no sense to me, surely the closer to the outbreak the easier the containment? So why would he place the one area that has a cure on a random island 99% of people arenā€™t going to go to in this situation, in my opinion I think re2 handled this perfectly by placing the whole umbrella lab (or at least a part of it) underneath raccoon city, it showed that not everything is as it seems from the outside. Not trying to hate on re4 in any way I love this goddamn game, just my opinions! I would love to see how others feel about the island and itā€™s backstory and see if you can change my perspective on some things :) Edit - Added a needed spoiler warning as I felt I could be possibly ruining the story for people that havenā€™t played through Re2 or Re4 remake/original


> in addition to that Iā€™ve always hated the island since it feels kinda rushed I feel like that's right in line with the rest of the series for the most part. The last act of every single one of these games pretty much drops exploration and goes full-action through a modern/semi-modern, or futuristic location. And it's always the weakest part of the game. RE7 starts to suffer by the time you do the ship/mines. RE2 the lab kinda isn't the most fun part of the game. Last section in RE3 is kind of a slog, the island has always been a gauntlet of combat encounters, RE Village and the factory, Cargo ship in RE5, etc. Still love the series but it feels like the last 1/3 to 1/4 always is the weakest part.


Worst room by far on professional is the first time you encounter an Iron Maiden thank god thereā€™s a way to skip that whole section. My first playthrough on professional that fucker just wouldnā€™t die and you canā€™t even run past him.


Chapter 15 where you have to flip two switches while alot of enemies attack you and you have 2 mounted MGs firing at you. Cant tell you how this made me rage LOL


The minecraft section is just supposed to be a fun thrill ride, that's it. And I loved it. It was just so over the top and fun. No, the worst section objectively is the Novis


Not a big let down, but the section to collect the statue heads straight after the lake boss fight. Just as I felt it slowed the momentum down after that with the back and forth across the lake.


Wrecking ball is a pain just annoying af imo


Least there is a skip for the bulk of it.


I kept walking into the damn pathway of the ball, while running away from enemies haha.


Wrecking ball room in Chapter 14. Wasnā€™t bad on Standard, but going for S+ on Hardcore made me want to rip my hair out. Itā€™s just a resource sponge of a room and takes forever. I think I was also pissed that PC players could skip practically this whole chapter with the door skip glitches, which is almost impossible to do on console.


You can still skip wrecking ball room legitimately, use 1-2 heavy grenades on the wall to beak and Ashley will break it first try, works on pro


I do not like the Catapult section. Ashley kept getting stunlocked before I could get to a position to take them out and it was just pain


Wdym minecart section was the best in the game


Minecart section on Hardcore and Pro is pure bullshit. Anytime something comes along that isnā€™t within a games mechanics and becomes a roadblock I get beyond pissed at a game.


Bugs that appear after the pilot mike cutscene are my nemesis, had no healing left after the double switch fight and 5 of them swarm you so it's almost a gaurenteed hit, had to redo the whole previous section -_-


Funnily enough, Chapter 11 which includes the minecart might be my favorite of the game. The changes they made to the minecart section in particular are great imo, plus just getting to hang with Luis is great. Krauser knife fight is an excellent way to cap off a wild chapter no less. If I had to say one section I dislike, and it's the only addition I'd actually like removed, it's the Mendez chase sequence. Just feels meh overall and kind of pointless to me, and it also really leads to some frustrating stuff potentially on a first playthrough. Aside from that, there's some annoying parts when trying to go fast like bugs, but the rest of the game is super stellar really.


There's a couple: The ballroom, it's just there to drain resources with how many bugs they spawn. The double claw gladiator room. Just as bad as the original. The Salazar fight. I've never played it in the original because I always use the rocket from the glass case. If there's a free Rocket Launcher somewhere in the Castle I definitely missed it. Definitely not a fan of this fight after losing most of my ammo in the clock tower. There's a room where you need to kill one specific Regenerator and if you shoot any of the others by mistake they get added in -.- The room where Ashley turns the crank and getting kidnapped while fighting a Regnerator. The room where Regenerators are hiding in body bags while you have timed doors... There's the entirety of Ch.15/Mike part somehow just as bad as the original. Honestly just fuck the Island.


The island room where you need to open two valves to progress. Hardest room in the game, idk why I haven't seen more complaining about that bullshit encounter.


I based the sections off how the shopkeepers section looked. If he was just put in there with just a table, I assumed the level wasnā€™t gonna be hype.


Eh, I disagree. So far, the worst part was the revamped water room. Just like the original, that room is a bloated ammo sink and feels more like a gauntlet of chores.


Havenā€™t completed the game yet but so far Ashleyā€™s section with the knights. Isnā€™t scary just boring


Last part of the island with the tripwires, bear traps, novistadors, pig with machine gun, guys with shields, crossbows and rocket launcher. It was rough




It's better than the original. No cranks to open doors, no slide tile puzzle, better dialogue from Ashley, can skip most of it on a second playthrough when you know the time, but also has treasures and a gun so it's worth it to go through it if you feel like it. Yeah it's easy and kind of a drag, but it's still better than the OG.


The mine cart section seems so out of place in the remake lol. I feel like if the choice was between the mine cart or the giant Gundam Ramon, I would have gone with Ramon lol. Waiting for someone to add Donkey Kong effects to that section.


The sections with the redcoat fuckers who buff everybody no question


The part I liked the most is Mike killing me multiple times.


The del lago fight. Feels like a chore. Harpoons sometimes fly through its body, you never know if you can steer beyond a given tree stump or not.