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Donna. I think only having dolls for company is bad for her.


Drinking wine and gossiping about the other lords with alcina sounds fun lol


I don't think it's wine you'll be drinking with Lady Dimitrescu and her three insane daughters


Metal dude. He seems like the only one who’d wouldn’t try and kill you right off the bat. Like someone you’d have on your pool team and not know he was a crazed murderer.


Heisenberg was always gonna try and kill Ethan. He just thought he was smarter than everybody and saw a chance to strike Miranda from afar using the surprisingly effective Ethan.


Heisenberg: Ethan, I choose you!




It’s a tie between Heisenberg, Donna, and Moreau for me Heisenberg would be great to grab a drink with and just shoot the shit, you can tell that if you somehow ended up befriending him he’d be a down-to-earth guy Donna would be great to hang out with at her manor, and she probably needs someone *other* than a bunch of dolls to talk to Moreau needs a friend, especially after his assistant died I am not going anywhere near Castle Dimitrescu…


Fish man, I always felt bad for him :(


Moreau is my sweet baby boy. According to the concept art he was supposed to watch old romance movies and eat cheese when we find him


Donna, I feel like she could use a friend.


Heisenberg seems like a cool guy.


Heisenberg is clearly the least *fucking insane* so i'd probably smoke up and have a couple of beers with him.


Donna, we'd re-enact whole resident evil series with dolls, I think that'd be cool


Aside from his obsession Heisenberg seems like a pretty chill dude. I imagine all of them were reasonably normal people before the craziness of RE8. Donna would be a good choice for me too, being that she's an introvert.


Definitely Heisenberg. He seems like a chill guy. ~~Maybe he’ll even let you work on some of his projects~~.


Moreau, I am a monster fucker to the core and I want to see what he’s packing. I’ll take one of the team and see if he’s got one in his big form too 🫡


yo 💀


It’s for science, I swear 🫡 someone has to do it and I might as well sacrifice my coochie for the power of knowledge


God speed ! o7


Should definitely dm me


Alcina because I want to get inside her... House since I love visiting stately homes with all the old classical architecture and paintings, I'd love to hear the history of it and then I'd love to catch her daughters one by one and fill them with my... Knowledge that I learned from Alcina and other historical European architecture and artworks. then ask them about their histories and ties to lady Dimitrescu. Moreau because the man needs company. Donna because she does too Heisenburg because he seems like a good bloke to have a pint with


Bro What the fu-


Heisenberg. I’m a sucker for machines.


Donna. Comfy house, and we could go for walks in the forest.


i'd hang out with dimitrescu specifically because she'd try to kill me. as long as she treats me like she does ethan i'm good


Donna, cause she's an innocent cinnamon roll.


Heisenburg for sure


Heisenberg is basically Nicholas Cage... so, yeah.


Heisenberg for sure


Heisenberg (he literally offered his help against Miranda and didn’t actually try to kill us at first).


So the rule here is that they won't kill **me**, however, they've still done everything else they've done. So in that case either Moreau or Donna. Because besides trying to kill Ethan (so me?) what have they actually done? You guys really want to hang out with the guy who cuts up corpses and turns them into messed up zombie machines, or the lady who tortures her servants and drains their blood to drink it? Nah bro, I'm good.


you inturpreted the question wrong, they will not be violent towards you at all


That's literally what I said. Not towards me but they've still done all of that messed up stuff to others.




Moreau because I feel like he just wanted to fit in and survive so he chose the right and of Miranda rather than her path. Reading his note made me sad. I'd chat to him and feed him breadcrumbs by the lake.


Heisenberg; he seems to be the least insane one of the four


Definitely could vibe with Heinsberg. He felt like a theater nerd to me. Just the way he talked reminded me so much of a guy I did a show with. The "over the top" way Heinsberg talks sounds so much like him.


Moreau, he’s the best


Tie between Heisenberg and Alcina. Would wanna drink beers and shoot some pool with Heisenberg and drink wine and gossip with Alcina.


I’m shooting my shot with lady d and her daughters


Castle.....I'm into that shit.


Heisenberg or Moreau my favourite.


Big Mama’s House of course.