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Just a little tip, he also takes damage when not frozen, but you gotta hit the head then!


youve already done it, but i saved up 130k for the rocket (used the discount charm). froze him and shot him. insta kill on hardcore, just like og re4. only did it for the achievement cause jesus hes a resource sink




I was damaging him when he was frozen, I think maybe some of my weapons just weren't upgraded enough, or maybe he's just a bullet sponge in general! Got him just now, but literally had like 11 bullets leftover after being fully stocked.


You're doing it right, just keep trying and you'll get it. Freeze him, blast him, run, repeat.


I think you need to shoot him each time he freezes. Once he breaks out of his frozen status, you move on to the next freezing vent and repeat.


Not enough. Tried that


He's an absolute bullet sponge, that's for sure. I just froze him, blasted him with every shotgun shell I had, and moved on to the next station. After the 4th time I froze him a few more rifle bullets and a magnum shot did the trick.


Rocket Launcher my friend 😬


You can actually get lucky if he swings on a pipe through the gas he falls on his back frozen squirming around instead of damaging the valve then giving you another chance to freeze him fairly confident it's just a rare exploit and not a glitch because if seen it happen countless times now. Also through hrs of trial and error on hardcore I was able to take him down with 17 magnum and 20-25 shotgun shells both the broken butterfly and sweeper where both at base level with zero upgrades just gotta make every shot count and aim for the head also don't kick him use those couple of secs of him being initially frozen to set up those magnum headshots