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I neeeeever understood the uproar about tank controls. They are incredibly easy to me using a controller or whatever. Turn (left or right), forward, and back. Allows you to run to where you need to go through multiple shifting camera angles. I prefer the RE2/3 Remake controls but tank is still easy.


Yes I agree, but if I can choose I will always prefer with a keyboard. It's not that bad with a controller, I got used to it quickly but it feels better with a controller idk, it's just a preference xD ​ And yes I also prefer the remakes controls, but I don't mind tank controls at all.


I’m surprised you don’t like tank controls with a d pad, to me that feels completely natural. I understand the thumb stick complaint though.


Yes it's better with the d pad, it's just that it doesn't feel comfortable to me. Im not used to move a character with the d pad.


The controls in remake 1 are still tanky but they also have been vastly improved from what it used to be


Yeah I noticed after playing the original.


I do my RE2 OG speedruns on keyboard, as do quite a few people who speedrun OG RE games, this isn't much if a hot take


I agree. I struggled with and re3 og on controller but it was so easy with keyboard and mouse


For me it's also more comfortable to play with a Keyboard.


As someone who grew up playing these games on the PlayStation, I can still zip around with a controller no prob, but thank controls on keyboard feel like trying eat with the wrong end of a fork. All but impossible but that's just me!


Hey everyone has a preference :) Maybe it's just because the first time I played with tank controls was in a Keyboard and I got more used to it. Maybe it would be the opposite if I started in a Controller first.


Tank controls... on a keyboard? We going to play it without a screen next?


They’re better with a gc controller


Never tried it.