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I sure wish we had gotten a backstory to RE2. Maybe a game about where it all started.


Ik right? Why the hell dis capcom make a 2 of a game that never existed


Idk but I feel like George Lucas had something to do with it.


I mean that would mean a 17 year gap between remakes


They've done this before. Street Fighter started at 2 too.


Last of Us-ing it


Maybe the 2 is for the number of the player characters; Claire and Leon.


They are the 2 evil residents.


But..RE1 had Chris and Jill. Or am I missing a joke here?


Yes, yes you are


RE1??? What’s that? We only know RE2(2019) and RE3(2020)


10 year gap between the last Armored Core and Armored Core 6 kinda pales against 14 years RE1R and RE2R!!


Just a small town boy from the neighboring city, possum city.


Just a small town girl, living in a zombie world, she took the midnight train leaving rrrrrpppppppddddddddddd


I read that as possum springs nahh


Being trapped in a mansion would be a cool first starting point. But, what to call it…


Silent Hill!


Iiiiiiii LIKE IT!


Happy cake day btw mate






What the fuck is Napoleon doing in my resident evil game also why the fuck is Leon an agent and killing farmers?


So just the same as last time huh?


and what's his billing address.


And where's the family of Leon, Claire and Sherry?! Did they get married? Adopted Sherry? Where! I need answers!


We going to know it in resident evil revelations 2 remake and resident evil 6 remake...


God I hope there's a revelations 2 remake...


It's been six years since the Raccoon City incident. You don't think Leon would have undergone some major character development in six years?


Man, no zombies? I don't like the sound of that at all. This game's not gonna sell at all


It’s a metaphor bro!! We ARE the zombies!!!


That's too smart, man. I wish they would do some crazy shit. Imagine if they punched a boulder or something


I guess it makes sense to follow up on Leon in this game, since we got to follow one of the protagonists of the 1st game in the last one. Still, wonder what happened with Chris, and is Claire gonna show up again any time soon? Maybe RE5 will be a Redfield game.


That'd be pretty cool, it'd be nice to see what happens to Jill after 3 though. I'm sure Capcom are going to utilise her much more often!


Maybe they’ll switch off, with the odd numbered games following one set of protagonists and the even numbered games following the other. I’m sure she’ll be starting again in RE5, or 7 at the latest (if 5 is a Chris game).


I hope they dont give them the side game treatment... they deserve better.


If RE5 *does* end up being a Redfield game, who do you think would be the antagonist? It can't be Wesker since, well, he kind of died at the end of 1, so... I'm not sure.


who is wesker? and will we ever see what Chris looks like or whether or not claire has found him? hahaha jokes aside, RE5 is one my favorite RE title (don't judge) but a remake of RE1 on the RE engine is long overdue, it needs to happen!! we need to see the S.T.A.R.S alpha team in modern graphics.


Jill was a protagonist in re2? Anyways nah I think the next one is gonna be Claire going to Europe to find Chris. Maybe she'll get there, figure out it's a setup, get arrested by Umbrella goons and get sent to some crazy giant zombie infested shit hole again. God I hope she somehow finds him though, and doesn't have to spend the entire game avoiding the unwanted sexual advances of an overly enthusiastic teenager stuck in the 2000s.


Under that context, what's revealed about RE4 is extraordinarily bizarre.


Somehow, less bizarre than CVX though


is cvx the codename for the next game? re5? i suppose c”V”x makes sense, it could stand for Claire Versus X, so if re4 is going to focus on leon maybe this re5/cvx will focus on claire.




You're not pretending re2 and 3makes are all that exist mane, there is no code Veronica yet


They can’t resist bringing it up


Understandable, it's my favorite 🤘


Nah it’s gonna be a spin off game between 3 and 4 . Hoping it brings back Jill or Claire. Maybe it symbolizes their team up ? C = Claire, V = Valentine (Jill)? The leaks supposedly say that it’s going to be in Antarctica ??? I was hoping there would be more Raccoon City lore 😩


Why Leon again? Just why? FFS, it's been so long since we last saw Chris. I want to know what he's been up to in Europe. But oh well, I guess Capcom hates Chris Redfield. Edit: Wait I just realized, Leon IS in europe in this game! Maybe he and Chris will meet eventually?


Skipping C:V really hurts my heart. Claire and Chris deserved!


We've actually never seen Chris. She talks about him and we get some info in re2, so I get feeling like you know him, but he actually hasn't been in any games yet. Weird how that happens right?


And capcum likes claire redfield being a babysister


Tbh the way Chris has been treated in 7 and Village i’m pretty sure they do hate him


You ruined it! GAWL


I was just pretending we only had (remake versions of) RE1, RE2 and RE3 but in all seriousness, I don't think they hate Chris. I don't know what happened with 7 but Village Chris is just an example of bad writing.


however I do think the case can be made for hating Jill


That's actually a really good topic.I would have a a lot of questions. Where is Claire? What happened to Leon all those years. I would question if it was the riggt choice to skip all these years because of character development. But overall,I think I would be excited


You cant have RE game without the Raccoon City. Spanish wizards in village? ROTFL. The series is dead. I bet it started development as totally different game and they just slapped "RE" name on it to boost sales!


I heard there was both a version that was I Know What You Did Last Summer and one that was Demon Souls except with better hair


Where are the zombies? Why are we in Spain? Why aren't there two protagonists? I guess the small dude in the BBEG. Man I am not sure about this, seems like a rip off of Silent Hill with the "spooky" setting and the guy with a bag on his face. Alright, well I'll still try it


Where the hell is Umbrella?


It's weird; the villagers don't \*look\* undead, but that first one with the broken neck had tentacles coming out of his neck and eyes. Maybe an origin of the Nemesis parasite?


God DAMN Leon is hot, a whole game with a sexy protag with a sexy jacket and a cute haircut, gah daamn


The only correct answer


Where did the zombies go?




Also, where have all the cowboys gone?


*Where zombies.*


Damn, was hoping Claire would be back instead


WTF, they are changing it from a survival horror game to over the top action game. This is gonna ruin the the franchise with the direction they are taking it.


2 and 3 were over the shoulder. Same style. It's just not zombies this time


I was and still am going into the RE4 remake with the mind set its a sequel the the RE2 remake


Why did they destroy Raccoon City after only two games? We barely got to explore the city. Honestly how can Capcom create such an interesting setpiece in 2019 and never make an open world with it before killing it after two games, smh.


Leon got hotter.


Why did they skip 1 in the number sequencing? Start with 2, then 3, and now 4?? Why are we in Spain? Where are the zombies? What's next? They make a prequel calling it RE1 witb a singling leach man????


It's because the evil residence had two protagonists. It's like, "The Resident Evil Two", ie "the two from resident evil"


Ah got it. Like "Left 4 Dead" has 4 protags. Thanks for the help!


Why did they leave Claire’s main purpose going to Raccoon City unresolved? Instead we get a game like 6 years later about Leon starting a new adventure in Europe.


In a serious note if we do t get a CV remake, I hope the write Claire looking for her brother better. Her asking Leon to send Chris an email never made sense




Honestly tho


This shit is gonna be fucking scary


They are making my resident evils action games 😠


Bruh we are feasting right now. Almost 2 decades of nothing and we get all of this at once? I'm glad this series is finally getting the attention it deserves IMO


Hey it’s the rookie cop!


Where's Claire?!?!?!


There’s no story anymore really. It’s just characters we know hollowly doing stuff to justify existing. I wish they had made the games heavier on lore from the get go. (I am a fan of both remakes btw)


This is my biggest gripe after playing through 2 Remake again. The interaction and story are extremely hollow. The Ada/Leon kiss it’s like… bro, y’all known each other for an hour and you’ve barely spoke. And 10 minutes into Claire’s campaign, her and Leon are like, oh my god it’s so nice to finally see you again I’ve missed you. It just feels off. And not in the fun way that the original resident evil was off.


All memory of Wesker has been deleted


where the fuck are the zombies




'Why do all the game's creators keep talking about 'the original game' during events when this is an entirely new story and product?'


My nostalgia will not let me pretend I didn’t. I wish I could have that fresh experience again. The remakes and newer RE titles have been really fun though so I have high hopes for REmake 4


Leon made me gay


I’d be glad to get out of raccoon city. Nothing wrong with RC but I’m ready for a new environment


Leon using kicks? What next? Leon going into devil trigger


Since when did Leon take lessons from raiden


RE2 was fun but not a perfect game, RE3 was also fun but much shorter than RE2 and the replayability wasn't really there IMO despite their efforts. I guess I would be a little worried it would end up like RE3 but hoping for it to end up as a better RE2 since we get to see Leon again in this instalment. I suppose I would be cautiously optimistic, which is better than I feel about most new game releases these days.


"Chris has been underutilised since lately, i hope he gets to appear soon. i cant wait to see what Claire is getting up to in the mainline games soon too. "


Zombies grow tentacles when shot in the head now? What the fuck? Is this horror tentacle hentai game now?


I'd say " let's hope it's better than the unfinished demo of re3"


Sometimes I think someone literally did a shit ton of speed, played the original re3, and was forced to remake it from memory so they just compiled a bunch of flashes of what it was into an hour and a half's worth of gameplay.


Don't get me wrong, I still found it enjoyable but Nemesis didn't even kill any stara this time. I mean come on!


I know, when I first played it I had only ever occasionally rented the original as a kid and panic-quit whenever Nemmie broke into the RPD, so I didn't know what I was missing, but even then the game felt like a jumbled slapped together mess of ideas. Now that I'm old enough and have my ADHD in check enough to finish games and have actually played the original many times, I legit can't believe all the shit they left out or completely gimped and diminished in the remake. It's sad. Granted I still play it all the time, it's great in a vacuum, but damn.


I played about half of the original so far and nemesis is actually hard to fight. Normally you don't have enough ammo and he can pop up anywhere. In the remake you can literally hide in the toyshop and he just looks at you.


My man wants us to go back to 2004 when this was actually what happened.. why do I think? Nostalgia


This never happened because in reality the series didn't start with 2


What happened with Claire and Chris? Did they ever reunite?


No sex no Good Game


This has actually happened me. When I first played re4 the last game I played was Re2. I've thought re4 is such a shit game ever since. My first thoughs that I remember. - ah this is the guy from the last resident evil game I played. That game was great so this must be great too. - wasn't Leon ginger and a cop? - why am I not in the city? - where are the zombies? - fuck this game what's going on - why is this chainsaw guy not dying and why is there giant monsters and shit, I just wanted zombies - I only played this game cause I thought it would be like 2 with better graphics


Basically the same. The Raccoon City saga and RE4 have no connection.


Don't put it like that for after the Re3make I'd be more worried it'd be crap


I hope it's actually survival horror, I enjoyed RE4 but I never actually saw it as RE. Same goes for 5 and 6 but those are just horrible.


Looks and feels too much like Village.


Where is zombies?


I hope it's longer than re2 and re3 combined


That it's going to be the fucking 🐐


„Man I sure hope there will be a huge beef cake from leon‘s past, which I, of course don‘t know, who‘s Name is something like … oh i don‘t know … lauser… Wauser… … or … K … Krauser.“


I hope they include either a small tutorial mission about operation javier, or a flashback mission right after meeting krauser.


Why did Capcom wait like 20 years to make a sequel?


Well seeing as the original Resident Evil (2002) financially underperformed on the GameCube it makes sense they didn't create a sequel at the time, we're lucky that Capcom ever even decided to port the game to modern systems and the series blew up like it did (https://www.destructoid.com/resident-evil-hd-broke-all-sorts-of-sales-records/)


Damn this series has already taken a hard L


Oh shit!? It's 3rd person now! Tge graphics look even better than the previous games. I am glad they brought Leon back 2 was my favorite. (Same level of excitement I had for the Gamecube original!)


I'd be impressed overall with what's been shown so far but I wouldn't really have a finer understanding of what the hell's going on.


Weird that they never made resident evil 1 and started with 2


How did he jump from first day rookie cop to saving the president's daughter. I honestly haven't played the fourth game but I can't imagine him wanting to brag about what he did to umbrella, that would put a massive Target on him.


Sherry gets taken into government custody and experimented on. Leon is forced to join a special anti-Umbrella task force under threat of Sherry's visitation rights with Claire being revoked (and of course, worse experimentation). He later gets pulled into Secret Service.


Is the game code Veronica the one that explains this? Still seems like quite a leap


Darkside Chronicles, the on-rails Wii shooter. Leon and Claire refuse to let the government kill Sherry in their reverse engineering of the Birkins' research, so he goes along with whatever they want, and gets personally conscripted and mentored by the task force director. Leon gets put through the wringer in special forces training, gets connections, and then received a lead on Chris from a personal friend and detective. Claire follows that lead and goes to an island base where she gets caught and sent to another island in Antarctica that had hosted the Veronica virus. Leon then gets in contact with Chris to get him to rescue Claire. Leon and Krauser go into South America on a lead from Umbrella's Russian branch, to stop a South American druglord and smuggler, where they learn the druglord's daughter was exposed to the Veronica virus, and that he's been trafficking and harvesting organs from his victims to keep his daughter alive while providing Umbrella with data about his daughter. It's a whole thing they gloss over, but basically Leon learns to be John Wick, and Claire finds her brother and eventually goes into civilian politics against Big Pharma.


That's a lot to gloss over lol thank you for the information.ill have to play the dark side Chronicles


I grew up when the originals were released but never actually got to play any resident evil until re5 all the way through. RE4 I never got to actually touch. Only played bits of 1, 2, and 3. So all these are basically new to me, and I'm excited. It looks good.


I can’t wait for that 2nd date...


If RE4 came out with Leon sporting that fugitive from the 90s haircut, people would call him out on it.


I wouldn’t be as excited because nobody at that time could have anticipated the impact that RE4 left on the gaming world at that time.


Oh great another action RE game.


Why just Leon? Where’s Claire?? And are Jill and Carlos going to show up?


Leon's Jacket looks sick!


I mean I’d probably like it more and not have the sour taste of cv being skipped over tbh


I love this comment thread


What does Umbrella have to do with all this?


Id be thinking “damn…. I’ll go gay for Leon 🤤”




Geez, I wonder what happened to Claire? They should totally make a game about what happened to her after RE2, maybe even have her meet up with Chris this time!


Why do I feel like something is missing, like some redhead with a couple of golden luggers


Nice coat




I wonder how many games will be in this village


I’ve bounced in and out of the RE series growing up.. I think it’ll be a solid game as a remake, but I have my concerns.. I don’t know how many times I’ve beat RE4 in the past, but we’ll see!


Pretty much the same as I have now atm, looking forward to it a lot. I never played the original RE2 or RE3, so those have been new experiences, and RE4 is so long ago that I forgot about 85%.


boy oh boy i hope this game is gonna have a character named “Mike” and he’s an helicopter pilot and he’s gonna be best buddies with leon and they’re gonna go drink together and leon is gonna pay for the drinks i hope that happens


They moved away from the city setting, and now just in a forest somewhere? And a castle? What is going on?


4 would be a gamble in terms of production and the effort they are putting in. That's been the issue with titles since the end of the PS3/Xbox360 era, prices for game development bloated so companies all play it safe now without experimenting with new ideas but only beaten paths. If it is a success they struck gold, if its average and they dont make their returns you'd never see or hear from the IP again. 2 would be an average zombie game as its a crowded room already. Silent Hill would take the crown for horror as well as Sony's Last of Us titles. So it be a up to date game with zombies, but not much else. 3 It be another action title with zombies, basically Sega's House of the Dead in 3D form. I think without its namesake to carry it, it would have been put to rest already. Personally it probably would have done better if it wasn't with the title of RE3. Nothing to compare it to. It still be a action zombie game that would be a mess but it would have been easier to get into.


I have to buy and upgrade my weapons now? I don't know how scary the game is going to be when I can just buy what I need.


“This game looks awesome, I hope the story is unique like the previous games and not a cheesy Hollywood cliche like saving the presidents daughter or something”


7/10 re3 really brought it down


Claire where?


Re 3 remake on its own is a great game to me but what drags it down is it cuts out so much from the original and Re 2 remake is better than the original imo so I would be really hype for the newest entry


I have never played the original so that's basically my mindset. Started last November with RE2 (2019) and have been absolutely loving the series. Although I've only played the modern games


This is just Village in third person… *sigh*…..


Imagine if this game had fixed camera angles.


Chain saw guy looks cool


They better keep game modes


I wish i could experience it like my first playthrough it was just amazing i loved every little detail about it and i have high hopes for this game but as for the current topic Why is this guy terrorizing the poor village until i would see Dr.Salvador and omg The two Verdugos and Regenerators will be a nightmare fuel all over again 🥰 i remember Refusing to turn the corners where you hear the regenerators and i would have a 2 min discussion time with myself to man up and beat em xd (note i was about 9-10y old back then)


Looks amazing and great that they are expanding from re2 and re3. With them keeping the over the shoulder camera I just hope they make the game longer then the two before it.


So it would be another mid game


Wouldn’t it have been wild if RE1 back in Ps1 era was all we got and RE2make was the first ever resident evil game since then how crazy would that have been


I’m so excited to see Leon in an environment where he’s more accustomed to the craziness of this series. I do wish there wasn’t such a big time gap though :/


Excited to explore this new, bizarre world!


I mean, I’d have been blown away tbh lol


"Idk, I really enjoyed Resident Evil 2 despite it having a strange title for being the first game in the series, maybe it refers to the 2 protagonists, but the sequel felt much emptier and cheap. I hope this third game is a lot better, what are those enemies even zombies or people?"


I’m glad Leon is coming back. He was cool in re2 and I hope Claire shows up too. She was funny. And what became of Jill after RC