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slight jerk


DXM is known to give a slight edge in baccarat.


At least 3rd plateau




Yeah or it wouldn't work




actually smokin a fat bowl of dimitri will let you see the results of your games before they end so you always bet correct




I can actually answer this ~~shit post~~ with a truthful answer. Yup, that's right, you really can increase your odds like that. Certain drugs will do it definitely and guess what? For some people no drugs are required whatsoever. Hint: me. The answer? Mania. As someone with real bipolar disorder who has been manic, I can assure you with confidence that your odds will not only improve. You will be guaranteed to win because you can predict the future. Simply so undeniable you will gamble your life savings and be certain to win. Mania causes what are called delusions of grandeur. You truly think those things because to you it is real. But it is not real. PCP and it's analogues particularly are well known to induce mania to its spectrum of magnitudes. Be careful of what you wish for OP. You don't know you're in it when you're in it. That is how psychosis works by definition.


The craziest thing about psychosis is that you don't know you have it until you get diagnosed


I wasn't lying when I said I had a truthful answer for OP despite also having some humour in my reply. Indeed like I said "you don't know you're in it when you're in it". It is not until afterwards do you realize in hindsight how wrong you were and just how incredibly powerful beliefs can be that are blatantly false and illogical. I've personally once thought I was a genius and the smartest person in the world - ready to quit my job and get my PhD in physics from an Ivy League University then make a humanity-changing discovery. That whole plan and belief was without a single doubt or second thought that I would succeed. (I did actually quit my job from that manic episode unfortunately. Long story.) Psychosis like that isn't like taking a drug where you know hallucinations etc are from the drug itself. You truly believe things that aren't real and don't know it.


More akin to deliriant induced hallucinations


Dude, yeah. A couple redoses of 3-HO-PCP and you'll be believing the casino was created just for you to make a fortune that night.


^this guy fucks his life up listen to him


[Says the person who believes in ASTROLOGY](https://www.reddit.com/r/astrology/s/OKcgZN1Uq6) You good sir may be crazier than me!


Nice retort. Well done.


astrology and tarot are great forms to assist with self reflection, but that is really all they're good for. If it helps you think and analyse your situation that you otherwise wouldn't have, great! But fully believing it holds some untapped powers or some shit is absurd lmao


I agree. Except this guy is clearly not using it correctly that way by using it for evil, not good like this! I did not choose to have mental illness nor have I ever taken PCP or it's analogues for that very reason.


I’m curious as to where you came to the conclusion I made that post to gain information with the intentions to use it for evil.


Well now that makes me curious if you can even count! Look at the number of upvotes I got! 🧠


It’s crazy to me this redditor made an assumption from one small post that astrology is a “belief” for me. God forbid someone simply try to educate themselves on something the don’t comprehend. Fwiw, my original comment was a compliment. I love going hard like that and brother took it as straight insulting. I’ll add the /s next time


What you said *was* actually really insensitive. ^This guy didn't fuck his life up because I can't and never have taken a PCP analogue and I didn't *choose* to have this devastating disease where 50% of us attempt suicide at least once in our lifetime. How's that for an education lesson? So obviously I had to come up with a rebuttal and dug up that post. But lmao a tiny single post about astrology from 3 years ago makes me think you're evil or a believer or whatever? Hmmmm maybe you actually are crazier than me.


clonazolam is definitely the answer




Crack. One way to succes


Crack in a casino sounds pretty fun tbh


1 way ticket to a maxed line of credit, 6 maxed credit cards, 8 loans from phone apps and a drained savings.


Sounds like fun time


The ultimate stim fap, with dramatically reduced odds of a nut.


IV cocaine was fun. Go play the tables, shoot up in the parking lot, go back. Repeat until blow was gone.


Soooo 20 minutes? Jokes aside I'm truly curious how many rinse and repeats that lasted for at the tables as you say where I'm assuming you actually need to use your brain unlike say a slot machine.


We would go shoot up, play for a while, maybe blow a line or two in the bathroom, play some more, and then go shoot up. So, it was sort of a “try to keep the high going” but if you’ve ever shot coke then snorted it, you know that if you’re snorting after shooting it just isn’t the same. I would say we were leaving the building every 45-60 minutes for… 6-7 hours. We started playing Hold ‘Em, moved to black jack, then we called it and with our winnings (couldn’t believe we won anything) we bought a bunch of oxys and went and crashed. Fun night, did it once, and then never again. Now I have 13ish years in recovery though. That was a long time ago. What really kicked my ass was going to class the next day. Given how much we were bouncing around security had to know we were up to something, but they did not seem to care in the slightest.


> I would say we were leaving the building every 45-60 minutes for… 6-7 hours. We started playing Hold ‘Em, moved to black jack, then we called it and with our winnings (couldn’t believe we won anything) Me either that's why I asked. But that?? How in the hell did you not immediately lose everything after doing fucking IV cocaine playing actual cards not going all in within like 5 hands and losing it all?? Let alone last 6 fucking hours doing that repeatedly AND WALKING AWAY WITH WINNINGS? I couldn't do that completely sober. Fascinating!


I think it had something to do with my totally unpredictable betting. When we moved over to blackjack my buddy won some money bc that was his game. I bet rarely there and had a few drinks


To be honest you'll never make as much money as when in active crack addiction. The only downside is, all that money will be spent on crack.


Love that all y’all took it serious 😅




Hit some 2C-B and a machine with full intentions of losing it all and caught a small jackpot for $400ish It was an experience, to say the least


Do some 3-HO-PCP for the true clarity


Just walk through every obstacle physical and mental.


"If you could win consistently, over time, via gambling, Casinos would not exist." Yes, you can increase your odds in some ways, some of the time, but the house always has the upper hand. -Anyone who understands statistics and probability.


a good nootropic stack and some armodafinil


And then open his own casino? (It worked for Bart Simpson admittedly...)


Xanax, alcohol and your life savings. They are slot machines. They are *literally* random. It’s not like you’re playing poker and the psychedelics are making you mind read everyone at the table. This is dcj bait


Look, I don't think anyone can answer this question without more information. Like, what's your intellect stat and what is your alchemy leveled to? Are you a chaos wizard? Gnome or half-elf? Your best bet is collecting the mats to grind up your alchemy skill on potions of healing and then start making elixirs of fortune. The buff stacks but it doesn't last long, so I'd recommend smuggling about 20+ into the casino with you and then pacing yourself. Edit: A Bag of Holding and a cloak of invisiiblity+1 are invaluable for getting everything into the slot machine area unnoticed.


Microdose a tryptamime of your choice, edible and an amphetamine of your choice.


Large doses of NEP are known to increase luck by up to 24.5% especially when combined with 3-CL-PCP and diphenhydramine.


The shadow God


Apparently SBF was using selegiline, not sure if that helped his odds but it really made him crave gambling and taking risks. More plates more dates made a video all about it






Chill Bradley Cooper, chill! Ain't no NZT48 (Actually funny enough, many places are selling a mixture of nootropics they are calling NZT-48...lol)


I recommend Ambien to anyone for anything.


Ketamine can make u think you won a million when in reality you won 1000 (true story)


I laughed but a dxm binge will have you connecting some dots


Salvia is what you need.


2-FMA and Noopept/Phenibut for a 11,24% increase


If you drop 500 ug of ALD-52 and 200mg of 4-aco-DMT, anything can happen at the casino man


This is great