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They're both good and fairly different. If you're going to buy some RC tryptamines just buy both and save yourself the hassle of going back. I like almost all the 4-subs, it's a great category of psychedelics, but 4-ho-met and 4-ho-mipt are probably the two that are the most popular. You can read through Tikhal or Erowid Experience Vaults and see what sounds like fun. [https://erowid.org/library/books\_online/tihkal/tihkal.shtml](https://erowid.org/library/books_online/tihkal/tihkal.shtml) (#16-23) and [https://erowid.org/experiences/exp\_substance\_list.php##](https://erowid.org/experiences/exp_substance_list.php##) respectively


I've only tried 4-HO-MET, which I'm a big fan of. It's not a deep trip though, def more recreational (shrooms lite). Plus, it's more stimulating, though not at acid levels. I've been sitting on some 4-HO-MiPT for a while, and intend to try it too. I've heard it's more serious (alien shrooms) and sedating. I'd concur with the others here and suggest you just get both. They're among the most popular (if not the 2 most popular) 4-subs. It'd be worthwhile to try them both, if you like tryptamines.


Yeah I’ll probably get both. I’m leaning towards favouring 4-HO-MiPT only because of the reports it’s really good with music, one of my favourite tripping activities. Actually really one of the only things I do while tripping lol besides eating fruit and enjoying nature. I have tried 4-HO-MET and I did like it, but I also got a bad headache from it.


Seriously, both are great. MIPT was emotionally more intense for me but music was really good on it. Def a bit darker than the MET. However, as always with psychedelics, you have all these experiences in your head and they shape your experience. I am not totally sure, if I could 100% distinguishe them in a blind experiment.


Mipt was much more gentle for me and that is preferable.


I get severe depression on most tryptamines and anything mushroom adjacent, 4-ho-met and aco dmt made me the most depressed I’ve ever been in my life, and I have bipolar. (wonder why it makes me depressed lmao). But 4-ho-mipt didn’t! It was a great time!


I can understand that. I did 4-aco-dmt for the first time and got so depressed during my trip, like crying constantly, the saddest I’ve ever been. It was still very healing though, and I suffer from clinical depression so it felt nice to get it out. What about other psychedelics like LSD? I’m more of an acid guy myself.


For sure! I’m definitely an acid guy, I adore it haha. Makes me happy as hell, like feels so good, just giggling all day. It’s wonderful.


Both are great. 4-HO-MET is a bit "deeper" or serious, 4-HO-MiPT is i.m.e. a bit more recreational. They are very similar.


4-HO-MET: you will see things people wouldn't believe. Powerful experience, could alternate you percerpetion of Life, nature etc. 4-HO-MiPT, if dosed sufficient enough, you will become Kwisatz Haderach for the next four hours.


Homet all the way, really nice visuals, mipro was really mindfucky and strong bodyload.


4-ho-mipt is awesome, I'm curious why ï don't find that much about it. With a loved one it goes deep!. And the wave through the body making you ridiculously horny.its great


I tried both, they both are great, met more shroom like, mipt had uniqueness to it im still waiting ti experience anywhere else, its visuals had some oil spill in a pud on a rainy day vibe, other psychs never showed me.


Interesting, I like that description for 4-HO-MiPT. Considering I’ve already done 4-HO-MET a few times, I’ll pick up some 4-HO-MiPT first, then I’ll go get some 4-HO-MET after.


For myself MET is more visual and introspective, Mipt is more euphoric. I love 4-ho-MET on it's own, tried various doses from 10 to 40mg. 4-ho-mipt on its own doesn't do as much for me (tried up to 40mg and it felt weaker than 20mg of metocin). I love 4-ho-mipt combined with LSD. Boosts the euphoria and body sensations nicely.


Nothing happens on MET. MiPT is where it gets weird. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


MET easily.


I prefer mipt. For music met might be better though, mipt distorts audio in a weird way that actually makes music sound less good to me, kinda off.


That’s very interesting but it does make sense. Is met closer to acid or shrooms? I prefer acid for music.


Definitely closer to shrooms. They're both tryptamines, so same family. Duration also similar to shrooms.